Esempio n. 1
        private void InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked", m_optionPxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArgs.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;

            if (nodeInfo == null)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                m_context.Runtime.TradeName, m_optionPxMode, eventArgs.Point.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            nodeInfo.Qty       = m_qty;
            nodeInfo.ClickTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Передаю событие в PositionsManager дополнив его инфой о количестве лотов
            posMan.InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
        internal static void FillNodeInfo(InteractivePointActive ip,
                                          double f, double dT, IOptionStrikePair sInfo,
                                          StrikeType optionType, OptionPxMode optPxMode,
                                          double optSigma, bool returnPct, bool isVisiblePoints, double scaleMult, double riskfreeRatePct)
            if (optionType == StrikeType.Any)
                throw new ArgumentException("Option type 'Any' is not supported.", "optionType");

            bool   isCall = (optionType == StrikeType.Call);
            double optPx  = FinMath.GetOptionPrice(f, sInfo.Strike, dT, optSigma, 0, isCall);

            // Сразу переводим котировку из баксов в битки
            optPx /= scaleMult;

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = new SmileNodeInfo();

            nodeInfo.F            = f;
            nodeInfo.dT           = dT;
            nodeInfo.RiskFreeRate = riskfreeRatePct;
            nodeInfo.Sigma        = returnPct ? optSigma * Constants.PctMult : optSigma;
            nodeInfo.OptPx        = optPx;
            nodeInfo.Strike       = sInfo.Strike;
            // Сюда мы приходим когда хотим торговать, поэтому обращение к Security уместно
            nodeInfo.Security   = (optionType == StrikeType.Put) ? sInfo.Put.Security : sInfo.Call.Security;
            nodeInfo.PxMode     = optPxMode;
            nodeInfo.OptionType = optionType;
            nodeInfo.Pair       = sInfo;
            //nodeInfo.ScriptTime = optTime;
            nodeInfo.CalendarTime = DateTime.Now;

            nodeInfo.Symbol   = nodeInfo.Security.Symbol;
            nodeInfo.DSName   = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.DSName;
            nodeInfo.Expired  = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.Expired;
            nodeInfo.FullName = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.FullName;

            ip.Tag = nodeInfo;
            //ip.Color = Colors.Yellow;
            ip.IsActive     = isVisiblePoints;
            ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Ellipse;
            ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
            //ip.Value = new System.Windows.Point(sInfo.Strike, nodeInfo.Sigma);
            // Поскольку цены скорее всего расчетные, показываю на 1 знак болььше, чем объявлена точность в инструменте
            int    decim    = Math.Max(0, nodeInfo.Security.Decimals + 1);
            string optPxStr = optPx.ToString("N" + decim, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                       " K: {0}; IV: {1:#0.00}%\r\n   {2} px {3}",
                                       sInfo.Strike, optSigma * Constants.PctMult, optionType, optPx);
Esempio n. 3
        protected static void FillNodeInfo(InteractivePointLight ip,
                                           double f, double dT, IOptionStrikePair sInfo,
                                           StrikeType optionType, OptionPxMode optPxMode,
                                           double optSigma, bool returnPct, double pctRate)
            if (optionType == StrikeType.Any)
                throw new ArgumentException("Option type 'Any' is not supported.", "optionType");

            bool   isCall = (optionType == StrikeType.Call);
            double optPx  = FinMath.GetOptionPrice(f, sInfo.Strike, dT, optSigma, pctRate, isCall);

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = new SmileNodeInfo();

            nodeInfo.F            = f;
            nodeInfo.dT           = dT;
            nodeInfo.RiskFreeRate = pctRate;
            nodeInfo.Sigma        = returnPct ? optSigma * Constants.PctMult : optSigma;
            nodeInfo.OptPx        = optPx;
            nodeInfo.Strike       = sInfo.Strike;
            nodeInfo.Security     = (optionType == StrikeType.Put) ? sInfo.Put.Security : sInfo.Call.Security;
            nodeInfo.PxMode       = optPxMode;
            nodeInfo.OptionType   = optionType;
            nodeInfo.Pair         = sInfo;
            //nodeInfo.ScriptTime = optTime;
            nodeInfo.CalendarTime = DateTime.Now;

            nodeInfo.Symbol   = nodeInfo.Security.Symbol;
            nodeInfo.DSName   = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.DSName;
            nodeInfo.FullName = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.FullName;
            nodeInfo.Expired  = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.Expired;

            ip.Tag   = nodeInfo;
            ip.Value = new Point(sInfo.Strike, nodeInfo.Sigma);

            if (ip is InteractivePointActive)
                InteractivePointActive ipa = (InteractivePointActive)ip;
                ipa.Tooltip = String.Format("K:{0}; IV:{1:#0.00}%\r\n{2} {3} @ {4}",
                                            sInfo.Strike, optSigma * Constants.PctMult, optionType, optPx, DefaultOptQty);
Esempio n. 4
        protected static void FillNodeInfo(InteractivePointActive ip,
                                           double f, double dT, IOptionStrikePair sInfo,
                                           StrikeType optionType, OptionPxMode optPxMode,
                                           double optSigma, bool returnPct, bool isVisiblePoints)
            if (optionType == StrikeType.Any)
                throw new ArgumentException("Option type 'Any' is not supported.", "optionType");

            bool   isCall = (optionType == StrikeType.Call);
            double optPx  = FinMath.GetOptionPrice(f, sInfo.Strike, dT, optSigma, 0, isCall);

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = new SmileNodeInfo();

            nodeInfo.F          = f;
            nodeInfo.dT         = dT;
            nodeInfo.Sigma      = returnPct ? optSigma * Constants.PctMult : optSigma;
            nodeInfo.OptPx      = optPx;
            nodeInfo.Strike     = sInfo.Strike;
            nodeInfo.Security   = (optionType == StrikeType.Put) ? sInfo.Put.Security : sInfo.Call.Security;
            nodeInfo.PxMode     = optPxMode;
            nodeInfo.OptionType = optionType;
            nodeInfo.Pair       = sInfo;
            //nodeInfo.ScriptTime = optTime;
            nodeInfo.CalendarTime = DateTime.Now;

            nodeInfo.Symbol  = nodeInfo.Security.Symbol;
            nodeInfo.Expired = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.Expired;

            ip.Tag          = nodeInfo;
            ip.Color        = AlphaColors.Yellow;
            ip.IsActive     = isVisiblePoints;
            ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Ellipse;
            ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
            //ip.Value = new System.Windows.Point(sInfo.Strike, nodeInfo.Sigma);
            ip.Tooltip = String.Format("F:{0}; K:{1}; IV:{2:#0.00}%\r\n{3} {4} @ {5}",
                                       f, sInfo.Strike, optSigma * Constants.PctMult, optionType, optPx, DefaultOptQty);
Esempio n. 5
        private void InteractiveSplineOnQuoteIvEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            OptionPxMode pxMode = (m_qty > 0) ? OptionPxMode.Ask : OptionPxMode.Bid;

            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked", pxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            InteractivePointActive tmp = eventArgs.Point;

            if ((tmp == null) || (tmp.IsActive == null) || (!tmp.IsActive.Value) ||
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Unable to get direction of the order. Qty:{1}", pxMode, m_qty);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.UndefinedOrderDirection", pxMode, m_qty);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = tmp.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;

            if (nodeInfo == null)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}", pxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                m_context.Runtime.TradeName, pxMode, eventArgs.Point.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] Strike: {1}", GetType().Name, tmp.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

            nodeInfo.OptPx      = m_shiftIv;
            nodeInfo.ShiftOptPx = m_shiftPriceStep;
            nodeInfo.ClickTime  = DateTime.Now;
            nodeInfo.PxMode     = pxMode;

            // [2015-10-02] Подписка на данный инструмент, чтобы он появился в коллекции Context.Runtime.Securities
            var candids = (from s in Context.Runtime.Securities
                           where s.SecurityDescription.Name.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                           select s).ToList();

            candids = (from s in candids
                       where s.SecurityDescription.DSName.Equals(nodeInfo.DSName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                       select s).ToList();
            ISecurity testSec = (from s in candids
                                 let secDesc = s.SecurityDescription
                                               where secDesc.FullName.Equals(nodeInfo.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                               select s).SingleOrDefault();

            if ((testSec == null) && (nodeInfo.Security != null))
                ISecurity sec = nodeInfo.Security;
                int       bc  = sec.Bars.Count;
                string    msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is security DsName: {1}; Symbol: {2}; Security: {3} with {4} bars available.",
                                              pxMode, nodeInfo.DSName, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.FullName, bc);
                Context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = Math.Abs(m_qty * sec.LotTick); // Модуль, потому что тут направление передается через PxMode
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
            else if ((nodeInfo.Pair != null) && (nodeInfo.Pair.Put != null))
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = Math.Abs(m_qty * nodeInfo.Pair.Put.LotTick); // Модуль, потому что тут направление передается через PxMode
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Не могу пересчитать целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента!
                //double actQty = Math.Abs(m_qty * nodeInfo.Pair.Put.LotTick);
                nodeInfo.Qty = Math.Abs(m_qty); // Модуль, потому что тут направление передается через PxMode

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] LotTick will be set to 1.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

            // Не страшно, если сюда пойдет null - posMan потом сам найдет нужный опцион
            nodeInfo.Security = testSec;

            // Передаю событие в PositionsManager
            //posMan.InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
            posMan.InteractiveSplineOnQuoteIvEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод под флаг TemplateTypes.INTERACTIVESPLINE
        /// </summary>
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, double scaleMult, int barNum)
            if ((smile == null) || (optSer == null))

            int barsCount = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if ((oldInfo == null) || (oldInfo.ContinuousFunction == null))

            double futPx = oldInfo.F;
            double dT    = oldInfo.dT;

            if (m_executeCommand)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}.StartButton] Strike: {1}", GetType().Name, m_strike);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

            #region 1. Список страйков
            HashSet <string> serList = StrikeList;

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs;
            if (Double.IsNaN(m_strikeStep) || (m_strikeStep <= Double.Epsilon))
                pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
                // Выделяем страйки, которые нацело делятся на StrikeStep
                pairs = (from p in optSer.GetStrikePairs()
                         let test = m_strikeStep * Math.Round(p.Strike / m_strikeStep)
                                    where DoubleUtil.AreClose(p.Strike, test)
                                    select p).ToArray();

                // [2015-12-24] Если шаг страйков по ошибке задан совершенно неправильно,
                // то в коллекцию ставим все имеющиеся страйки.
                // Пользователь потом разберется
                if (pairs.Length <= 0)
                    pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            //if (pairs.Length < 2)
            //    return Constants.EmptyListDouble;

            foreach (IOptionStrikePair pair in pairs)
                double k = pair.Strike;
                serList.Add(k.ToString(StrikeFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            #endregion 1. Список страйков

            InteractiveSeries        res           = Constants.EmptySeries;
            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            #region 2. Формируем улыбку просто для отображения текущего положения потенциальной котировки
            // При нулевом рабочем объёме не утруждаемся рисованием лишних линий
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(m_qty))
                for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                    var    pair  = pairs[j];
                    double sigma = oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.Value(pair.Strike) + m_shiftIv;
                    if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(sigma))
                        //string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] Invalid sigma:{1} for strike:{2}", GetType().Name, sigma, nodeInfo.Strike);
                        //m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                    //bool isCall = (futPx <= pair.Strike);
                    bool isCall;
                    if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Call)
                        isCall = true;
                    else if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Put)
                        isCall = false;
                        isCall = (futPx <= pair.Strike);

                    StrikeType optionType = isCall ? StrikeType.Call : StrikeType.Put;
                    Contract.Assert(pair.Tick < 1, $"#1 На тестовом контуре Дерибит присылает неправильный шаг цены! Tick:{pair.Tick}; Decimals:{pair.Put.Security.Decimals}");
                    double theorOptPxDollars = FinMath.GetOptionPrice(futPx, pair.Strike, dT, sigma, oldInfo.RiskFreeRate, isCall);
                    // Сразу(!!!) переводим котировку из баксов в битки
                    double theorOptPxBitcoins = theorOptPxDollars / scaleMult;

                    // Сдвигаем цену в долларах (с учетом ш.ц. в баксах)
                    theorOptPxDollars += m_shiftPriceStep * pair.Tick * scaleMult;
                    theorOptPxDollars  = Math.Round(theorOptPxDollars / (pair.Tick * scaleMult)) * (pair.Tick * scaleMult);

                    // Сдвигаем цену в биткойнах (с учетом ш.ц. в битках)
                    theorOptPxBitcoins += m_shiftPriceStep * pair.Tick;
                    theorOptPxBitcoins  = Math.Round(theorOptPxBitcoins / pair.Tick) * pair.Tick;
                    if ((!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(theorOptPxBitcoins)) || (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(theorOptPxDollars)))
                        //string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] Invalid theorOptPx:{1} for strike:{2}", GetType().Name, theorOptPx, nodeInfo.Strike);
                        //m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                    // Пересчитываем сигму обратно, ЕСЛИ мы применили сдвиг цены в абсолютном выражении
                    if (m_shiftPriceStep != 0)
                        // Обратный пересчет в волатильность
                        sigma = FinMath.GetOptionSigma(futPx, pair.Strike, dT, theorOptPxDollars, oldInfo.RiskFreeRate, isCall);
                        if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(sigma))
                            //string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] Invalid sigma:{1} for strike:{2}", GetType().Name, sigma, nodeInfo.Strike);
                            //m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                    // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                    SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = new SmileNodeInfo();
                    var           secDesc  = isCall ? pair.CallFinInfo.Security : pair.PutFinInfo.Security;
                    nodeInfo.F            = oldInfo.F;
                    nodeInfo.dT           = oldInfo.dT;
                    nodeInfo.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;
                    nodeInfo.Strike       = pair.Strike;
                    nodeInfo.Sigma        = sigma;
                    nodeInfo.OptPx        = theorOptPxBitcoins;
                    nodeInfo.OptionType   = isCall ? StrikeType.Call : StrikeType.Put;
                    nodeInfo.Pair         = pair;

                    nodeInfo.Symbol   = secDesc.Name;
                    nodeInfo.DSName   = secDesc.DSName;
                    nodeInfo.Expired  = secDesc.Expired;
                    nodeInfo.FullName = secDesc.FullName;

                    // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                    InteractivePointActive tmp = new InteractivePointActive();

                    tmp.IsActive     = true;
                    tmp.ValueX       = pair.Strike;
                    tmp.ValueY       = sigma;
                    tmp.DragableMode = DragableMode.Yonly;
                    tmp.Tooltip      = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                     " F: {0}\r\n K: {1}; IV: {2:P2}\r\n {3} px {4}",
                                                     futPx, pair.Strike, sigma, optionType, theorOptPxBitcoins);

                    tmp.Tag = nodeInfo;

                    //tmp.Color = Colors.White;
                    if (m_qty > 0)
                        tmp.Geometry = Geometries.Triangle;
                    else if (m_qty < 0)
                        tmp.Geometry = Geometries.TriangleDown;
                        tmp.Geometry = Geometries.None;

                    InteractiveObject obj = new InteractiveObject();
                    obj.Anchor = tmp;


                // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку
                res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

                // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                SmileInfo sInfo = new SmileInfo();
                sInfo.F            = futPx;
                sInfo.dT           = dT;
                sInfo.Expiry       = oldInfo.Expiry;
                sInfo.ScriptTime   = oldInfo.ScriptTime;
                sInfo.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;
                sInfo.BaseTicker   = oldInfo.BaseTicker;

                res.Tag = sInfo;

                if (controlPoints.Count > 0)
                    res.ClickEvent -= InteractiveSplineOnQuoteIvEvent;
                    res.ClickEvent += InteractiveSplineOnQuoteIvEvent;

                    m_clickableSeries = res;
            #endregion 2. Формируем улыбку просто для отображения текущего положения потенциальной котировки

            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);
            if (m_cancelAllLong)
            if (m_cancelAllShort)

            #region 4. Котирование
                var longTargets  = posMan.GetIvTargets(true);
                var shortTargets = posMan.GetIvTargets(false);
                var ivTargets    = longTargets.Union(shortTargets).ToList();
                for (int j = 0; j < ivTargets.Count; j++)
                    var ivTarget = ivTargets[j];

                    // PROD-6102 - Требуется точное совпадение опционной серии
                    if (optSer.ExpirationDate.Date != ivTarget.SecInfo.Expiry.Date)
                        // Вывести предупреждение???

                    IOptionStrikePair pair;
                    double            k = ivTarget.SecInfo.Strike;
                    if (!optSer.TryGetStrikePair(k, out pair))
                        // Вывести предупреждение???

                    double      sigma;
                    QuoteIvMode quoteMode = ivTarget.QuoteMode;
                    if (quoteMode == QuoteIvMode.Absolute)
                        sigma = ivTarget.EntryIv;
                        sigma = oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.Value(k) + ivTarget.EntryIv;
                        if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(sigma))
                            //string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] Invalid sigma:{1} for strike:{2}", GetType().Name, sigma, nodeInfo.Strike);
                            //m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                    //bool isCall = (futPx <= pair.Strike);
                    // Определяю тип опциона на основании информации в Задаче
                    StrikeType taskOptionType = StrikeType.Any;
                    if (ivTarget.SecInfo.StrikeType.HasValue)
                        taskOptionType = ivTarget.SecInfo.StrikeType.Value;

                    bool isCall;
                    if (taskOptionType == StrikeType.Call)
                        isCall = true;
                    else if (taskOptionType == StrikeType.Put)
                        isCall = false;
                        isCall = (futPx <= pair.Strike); // Это аварийная ситуация?
                    StrikeType optionType = isCall ? StrikeType.Call : StrikeType.Put;
                    Contract.Assert(pair.Tick < 1, $"#3 На тестовом контуре Дерибит присылает неправильный шаг цены! Tick:{pair.Tick}; Decimals:{pair.Put.Security.Decimals}");
                    double theorOptPxDollars = FinMath.GetOptionPrice(futPx, pair.Strike, dT, sigma, oldInfo.RiskFreeRate, isCall);
                    // Сразу(!!!) переводим котировку из баксов в битки
                    double theorOptPxBitcoins = theorOptPxDollars / scaleMult;

                    // Сдвигаем цену в долларах (с учетом ш.ц. в баксах)
                    theorOptPxDollars += ivTarget.EntryShiftPrice * pair.Tick * scaleMult;
                    theorOptPxDollars  = Math.Round(theorOptPxDollars / (pair.Tick * scaleMult)) * (pair.Tick * scaleMult);

                    // Сдвигаем цену в биткойнах (с учетом ш.ц. в битках)
                    theorOptPxBitcoins += ivTarget.EntryShiftPrice * pair.Tick;
                    theorOptPxBitcoins  = Math.Round(theorOptPxBitcoins / pair.Tick) * pair.Tick;
                    if ((!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(theorOptPxBitcoins)) || (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(theorOptPxDollars)))
                        //string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] Invalid theorOptPx:{1} for strike:{2}", GetType().Name, theorOptPx, nodeInfo.Strike);
                        //m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                    IOptionStrike optStrike = isCall ? pair.Call : pair.Put;
                    ISecurity     sec       = optStrike.Security;
                    double        totalQty  = posMan.GetTotalQty(sec, m_context.BarsCount, TotalProfitAlgo.AllPositions, ivTarget.IsLong);
                    // Поскольку котирование страйка по волатильности -- это вопрос набора нужного количества СТРЕДДЛОВ,
                    // то учитывать надо суммарный объём опционов как в колах, так и в путах.
                    // Как быть?
                    //double totalQty = posMan.GetTotalQty(pair.Put.Security, m_context.BarsCount, TotalProfitAlgo.AllPositions, ivTarget.IsLong);
                    //totalQty += posMan.GetTotalQty(pair.Call.Security, m_context.BarsCount, TotalProfitAlgo.AllPositions, ivTarget.IsLong);
                    double targetQty = Math.Abs(ivTarget.TargetShares) - totalQty;
                    // Если имеется дробный LotTick (как в Дерибит к примеру), то надо предварительно округлить
                    targetQty = sec.RoundShares(targetQty);
                    if (targetQty > 0)
                        string note = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                    "{0}; ActQty:{1}; Px:{2}; IV:{3:P2}",
                                                    ivTarget.EntryNotes, targetQty, theorOptPxBitcoins, sigma);
                        if (ivTarget.IsLong)
                            posMan.BuyAtPrice(m_context, sec, targetQty, theorOptPxBitcoins, ivTarget.EntrySignalName, note);
                            posMan.SellAtPrice(m_context, sec, targetQty, theorOptPxBitcoins, ivTarget.EntrySignalName, note);
                        string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                   "IvTarget cancelled. SignalName:{0}; Notes:{1}", ivTarget.EntrySignalName, ivTarget.EntryNotes);
                        posMan.CancelVolatility(m_context, ivTarget, msg);

                        // TODO: потом убрать из ГЛ
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true, new Dictionary <string, object> {
                            { "VOLATILITY_ORDER_CANCELLED", msg }
            #endregion 4. Котирование

            #region 5. Торговля
            if (m_executeCommand && (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(m_qty)))
                double k;
                if ((!Double.TryParse(m_strike, out k)) &&
                    (!Double.TryParse(m_strike, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out k)))

                var pair = (from p in pairs where DoubleUtil.AreClose(k, p.Strike) select p).SingleOrDefault();
                if (pair == null)

                InteractiveObject obj = (from o in controlPoints where DoubleUtil.AreClose(k, o.Anchor.ValueX) select o).SingleOrDefault();
                if (obj == null)

                // TODO: для режима котирования в абсолютных числах сделать отдельную ветку
                //double iv = obj.Anchor.ValueY;
                const QuoteIvMode QuoteMode = QuoteIvMode.Relative;
                if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                    string msg = String.Format(RM.GetString("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked"),
                                               m_context.Runtime.TradeName + ":QuoteIv");
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                // Выбираю тип инструмента пут или колл?
                bool isCall;
                if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Call)
                    isCall = true;
                else if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Put)
                    isCall = false;
                    isCall = (futPx <= k);

                double iv     = m_shiftIv;
                int    shift  = m_shiftPriceStep;
                var    option = isCall ? pair.Call : pair.Put;
                if (m_qty > 0)
                    // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                    double actQty  = m_qty * option.LotTick;
                    string sigName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                   "Qty:{0}; IV:{1:P2}+{2}; dT:{3}; Mode:{4}", actQty, iv, shift, dT, QuoteMode);
                    posMan.BuyVolatility(m_context, option, Math.Abs(actQty), QuoteMode, iv, shift, "BuyVola", sigName);

                    m_context.Log(sigName, MessageType.Info, false);
                else if (m_qty < 0)
                    // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                    double actQty  = m_qty * option.LotTick;
                    string sigName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                   "Qty:{0}; IV:{1:P2}+{2}; dT:{3}; Mode:{4}", actQty, iv, shift, dT, QuoteMode);
                    posMan.SellVolatility(m_context, option, Math.Abs(actQty), QuoteMode, iv, shift, "SellVola", sigName);

                    m_context.Log(sigName, MessageType.Info, false);
            #endregion 5. Торговля

Esempio n. 7
        private void InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", MsgId);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked", MsgId);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            if (m_qty == 0)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked for zero quantity. Qty: {1}", MsgId, qty);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlockedForZeroQty", MsgId, m_qty);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
            else if (m_qty < 0)
                // GLSP-252 - Запрет на совершение сделок при отрицательном Qty
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked for negative quantity. Qty: {1}", MsgId, qty);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlockedForNegativeQty", MsgId, m_qty);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArgs.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;

            if (nodeInfo == null)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Base asset price: {1}", MsgId);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.CurrentFutPx.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                MsgId, eventArgs.Point.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            nodeInfo.ClickTime = DateTime.Now;

            // [2015-10-02] Подписка на данный инструмент, чтобы он появился в коллекции Context.Runtime.Securities
            ISecurity testSec = (from s in m_context.Runtime.Securities
                                 let secDesc = s.SecurityDescription
                                               where secDesc.FullName.Equals(nodeInfo.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                               secDesc.DSName.Equals(nodeInfo.DSName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                               secDesc.Name.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                               select s).SingleOrDefault();

            if (testSec == null)
                ISecurity sec = nodeInfo.Security;
                int       bc  = sec.Bars.Count;
                string    msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is security DsName: {1}; Symbol: {2}; Security: {3} with {4} bars available.",
                                              nodeInfo.PxMode, nodeInfo.DSName, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.FullName, bc);
                Context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = m_qty * sec.LotTick; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
            else if ((nodeInfo.Security != null) && (nodeInfo.Security != null))
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = m_qty * nodeInfo.Security.LotTick; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Не могу пересчитать целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента!
                nodeInfo.Qty = m_qty; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] LotTick is set to 1.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

            // Передаю событие в PositionsManager дополнив его инфой о количестве лотов
            posMan.InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
Esempio n. 8
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double price, ISecurity sec, int barNum)
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries();
            int barsCount         = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            res.ClickEvent -= InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent;
            res.ClickEvent += InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent;

            m_clickableSeries = res;

            double f = price;

            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive(f, m_sigmaLow);
                ip.IsActive     = true;
                ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Ellipse;
                ip.Color        = AlphaColors.BlueViolet;
                ip.Tooltip      = String.Format("F:{0}; Y:{1:0.00}%", f, m_sigmaLow * Constants.PctMult);

                SmileNodeInfo node = new SmileNodeInfo();
                node.OptPx    = f;
                node.Security = sec;
                node.PxMode   = OptionPxMode.Bid;

                node.Symbol   = node.Security.Symbol;
                node.DSName   = node.Security.SecurityDescription.DSName;
                node.Expired  = node.Security.SecurityDescription.Expired;
                node.FullName = node.Security.SecurityDescription.FullName;

                ip.Tag = node;

                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));

                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive(f, m_sigmaHigh);
                ip.IsActive     = true;
                ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Triangle;
                ip.Color        = AlphaColors.Green;
                ip.Tooltip      = String.Format("F:{0}; Y:{1:0.00}%", f, m_sigmaHigh * Constants.PctMult);

                SmileNodeInfo node = new SmileNodeInfo();
                node.OptPx    = f;
                node.Security = sec;
                node.PxMode   = OptionPxMode.Ask;

                node.Symbol   = node.Security.Symbol;
                node.DSName   = node.Security.SecurityDescription.DSName;
                node.Expired  = node.Security.SecurityDescription.Expired;
                node.FullName = node.Security.SecurityDescription.FullName;

                ip.Tag = node;

                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

Esempio n. 9
        private void InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            // [2016-03-01] PROD-2452: Запрещаю торговлю по узлу, если нет "подсветки"
                InteractiveObject obj = eventArgs.InteractiveObject;
                if ((obj == null) || (obj.Anchor == null) || (obj.ControlPoint1 == null) ||
                    (!(obj.Anchor is InteractivePointActive)) || (!(obj.ControlPoint1 is InteractivePointActive)))
                    string msg = String.Format("[{0}.ClickEvent] Denied #1", GetType().Name);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

                var cp1 = (InteractivePointActive)obj.ControlPoint1;
                // PROD-4967 - Необязательно проверять активность якоря.
                // Потому что эта настройка делается на более позднем этапе в момент создания графического объекта
                // методом smilePanePane.AddList("SmilePane_pane_TradeAsks_chart", <...>)
                //var anchor = (InteractivePointActive)obj.Anchor;
                //if ((anchor.IsActive == null) || (!anchor.IsActive.Value) ||
                if ((cp1.IsActive == null) || (!cp1.IsActive.Value))
                    string msg = String.Format("[{0}.ClickEvent] Denied #3 (ControlPoint1 is not active)", GetType().Name);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = String.Format(RM.GetString("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked"), m_optionPxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            // Здесь нет проверки знака m_qty, потому что в данном кубике мы действительно можем и продавать и покупать

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArgs.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;

            if (nodeInfo == null)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}",
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                m_context.Runtime.TradeName, m_optionPxMode, eventArgs.Point.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] Strike: {1}; Security: {2}",
                                           GetType().Name, eventArgs.Point.ValueX, nodeInfo.FullName);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

            nodeInfo.ClickTime = DateTime.Now;

            // [2015-10-02] Подписка на данный инструмент, чтобы он появился в коллекции Context.Runtime.Securities
            ISecurity testSec = (from s in Context.Runtime.Securities
                                 let secDesc = s.SecurityDescription
                                               where secDesc.FullName.Equals(nodeInfo.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                               secDesc.DSName.Equals(nodeInfo.DSName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                               secDesc.Name.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                               select s).SingleOrDefault();

            if (testSec == null)
                ISecurity sec = nodeInfo.Security;
                int       bc  = sec.Bars.Count;
                string    msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is security DsName: {1}; Symbol: {2}; Security: {3} with {4} bars available.",
                                              m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.DSName, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.FullName, bc);
                Context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = m_qty * sec.LotTick; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
            else if ((nodeInfo.Pair != null) && (nodeInfo.Pair.Put != null))
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = m_qty * nodeInfo.Pair.Put.LotTick; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Не могу пересчитать целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента!
                //double actQty = Math.Abs(m_qty * nodeInfo.Pair.Put.LotTick);
                nodeInfo.Qty = m_qty; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] LotTick is set to 1.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

            // Передаю событие в PositionsManager дополнив его инфой о количестве лотов
            posMan.InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод под флаг TemplateTypes.INTERACTIVESPLINE
        /// </summary>
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(InteractiveSeries quotes, InteractiveSeries smile, int barNum)
            if ((quotes == null) || (smile == null))

            int barsCount = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if ((oldInfo == null) || (oldInfo.ContinuousFunction == null))

            InteractiveSeries res   = quotes;
            double            futPx = oldInfo.F;
            double            dT    = oldInfo.dT;

            foreach (InteractiveObject obj in res.ControlPoints)
                SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = obj.Anchor.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;
                if (nodeInfo == null)

                double realOptPx = nodeInfo.OptPx;
                bool   isCall    = (nodeInfo.OptionType == StrikeType.Call);

                double sigma = oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.Value(nodeInfo.Strike);
                if (Double.IsNaN(sigma) || (sigma < Double.Epsilon))
                    //string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] Invalid sigma:{1} for strike:{2}", GetType().Name, sigma, nodeInfo.Strike);
                    //m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                double theorOptPx = FinMath.GetOptionPrice(futPx, nodeInfo.Strike, dT, sigma, oldInfo.RiskFreeRate, isCall);
                if (Double.IsNaN(theorOptPx) || (theorOptPx < Double.Epsilon))
                    //string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] Invalid theorOptPx:{1} for strike:{2}", GetType().Name, theorOptPx, nodeInfo.Strike);
                    //m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                if (nodeInfo.PxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask)
                    double doLevel = theorOptPx - m_widthPx * nodeInfo.Pair.Tick;
                    if (realOptPx <= doLevel)
                        var anchor = (InteractivePointActive)obj.Anchor;

                        // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                        var tmp = new InteractivePointActive();

                        tmp.IsActive = true;
                        tmp.Tag      = anchor.Tag;
                        tmp.Tooltip  = null; // anchor.Tooltip;
                        int    decimals = (nodeInfo.Security != null) ? nodeInfo.Security.Decimals : 0;
                        string pot      = Math.Abs(theorOptPx - realOptPx).ToString("N" + decimals, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        tmp.Label        = anchor.Tooltip + " (" + pot + ")";
                        tmp.ValueX       = anchor.ValueX;
                        tmp.ValueY       = anchor.ValueY + m_outlet;
                        tmp.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                        tmp.Size         = m_outletSize;

                        //tmp.Color = Colors.White;
                        //tmp.Geometry = m_outletGeometry; // Geometries.Ellipse;

                        obj.ControlPoint1 = tmp;

                if (nodeInfo.PxMode == OptionPxMode.Bid)
                    double upLevel = theorOptPx + m_widthPx * nodeInfo.Pair.Tick;
                    if (realOptPx >= upLevel)
                        var anchor = (InteractivePointActive)obj.Anchor;

                        // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                        var tmp = new InteractivePointActive();

                        tmp.IsActive = true;
                        tmp.Tag      = anchor.Tag;
                        tmp.Tooltip  = null; // anchor.Tooltip;
                        int    decimals = (nodeInfo.Security != null) ? nodeInfo.Security.Decimals : 0;
                        string pot      = Math.Abs(theorOptPx - realOptPx).ToString("N" + decimals, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        tmp.Label        = anchor.Tooltip + " (" + pot + ")";
                        tmp.ValueX       = anchor.ValueX;
                        tmp.ValueY       = anchor.ValueY - m_outlet;
                        tmp.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                        tmp.Size         = m_outletSize;

                        //tmp.Color = Colors.White;
                        //tmp.Geometry = m_outletGeometry; // Geometries.Ellipse;

                        obj.ControlPoint1 = tmp;

            res.ClickEvent -= InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent;
            res.ClickEvent += InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent;

            m_clickableSeries = res;

Esempio n. 11
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double price, InteractiveSeries line, ISecurity sec, int barNum)
            int barsCount = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку

            res.ClickEvent += InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent;

            m_clickableSeries = res;

            double    f        = price;
            double?   sigmaAtm = null;
            SmileInfo sInfo    = line.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if ((sInfo != null) && (sInfo.ContinuousFunction != null))
                double tmp;
                if (sInfo.ContinuousFunction.TryGetValue(f, out tmp))
                    if (!Double.IsNaN(tmp))
                        sigmaAtm = tmp;

            if (sigmaAtm == null)

            double h = Math.Max(m_minHeight, sigmaAtm.Value * m_offset);

            // Теперь определяем максимальный размах по вертикали
            if (line.ControlPoints.Count > 1)
                var    cps = line.ControlPoints;
                double min = Double.MaxValue, max = Double.MinValue;
                for (int j = 0; j < cps.Count; j++)
                    var    anchor = cps[j].Anchor;
                    double y      = anchor.ValueY;
                    if (y <= min)
                        min = y;
                    if (max <= y)
                        max = y;

                if ((min < max) && (!Double.IsInfinity(max - min)))
                    h = Math.Max(h, (max - min) * m_offset);

            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive();
                ip.IsActive     = true;
                ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Ellipse; // Geometries.TriangleDown;
                ip.Color        = AlphaColors.Magenta;
                double y = (sigmaAtm.Value - h);
                ip.Value = new Point(f, y);
                string yStr = y.ToString(m_tooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                // По умолчанию формат 'P2' -- то есть отображение с точностью 2знака,
                // со знаком процента и с автоматическим умножением на 100.
                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "F:{0}; Y:{1}", f, yStr);

                SmileNodeInfo node = new SmileNodeInfo();
                node.OptPx    = f;
                node.Security = sec;
                node.PxMode   = OptionPxMode.Bid;

                node.Symbol   = node.Security.Symbol;
                node.DSName   = node.Security.SecurityDescription.DSName;
                node.Expired  = node.Security.SecurityDescription.Expired;
                node.FullName = node.Security.SecurityDescription.FullName;

                ip.Tag = node;

                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));

                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive();
                ip.IsActive     = true;
                ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Triangle;
                ip.Color        = AlphaColors.GreenYellow;
                double y = (sigmaAtm.Value + h);
                ip.Value = new Point(f, y);
                string yStr = y.ToString(m_tooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                // По умолчанию формат 'P2' -- то есть отображение с точностью 2знака,
                // со знаком процента и с автоматическим умножением на 100.
                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "F:{0}; Y:{1}", f, yStr);

                SmileNodeInfo node = new SmileNodeInfo();
                node.OptPx    = f;
                node.Security = sec;
                node.PxMode   = OptionPxMode.Ask;

                node.Symbol   = node.Security.Symbol;
                node.DSName   = node.Security.SecurityDescription.DSName;
                node.Expired  = node.Security.SecurityDescription.Expired;
                node.FullName = node.Security.SecurityDescription.FullName;

                ip.Tag = node;

                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

Esempio n. 12
        private void RouteOnClickEvents(List <InteractiveActionEventArgs> eventArgs)
            if (eventArgs == null)

            int argLen = eventArgs.Count;
            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading && (argLen > 0))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] ERROR! Trading is blocked. Should NOT be here. All events were removed.", m_optionPxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            bool recalc = false;

            for (int j = argLen - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArg = eventArgs[j];

                    SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArg.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;
                    if (nodeInfo == null)
                        //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}", m_optionPxMode);
                        string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                        m_context.Runtime.TradeName, m_optionPxMode, eventArg.Point.ValueX);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    if ((!posMan.UseVirtualPositions) && nodeInfo.Expired)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Security {1} is already expired. Expiry: {2}",
                                                   m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.ExpirationDate);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    ISecurity sec = (from s in m_context.Runtime.Securities
                                     where (s.Symbol.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) &&
                                     (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeInfo.DSName) || (s.SecurityDescription.DSName == nodeInfo.DSName)) &&
                                     (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeInfo.FullName) || (s.SecurityDescription.FullName == nodeInfo.FullName))
                                     select s).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (sec == null)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no security. Symbol: {1}", m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    double actualPx = nodeInfo.OptPx;
                    if (m_optionType != StrikeType.Any)
                        // Заменяю инструмент в соответствии с настройками кубика
                        switch (m_optionType)
                        case StrikeType.Put:
                            if (sec.SecurityDescription.ActiveType != DataSource.ActiveType.OptionPut)
                                var oldCall = sec;
                                sec = nodeInfo.Pair.Put.Security;
                                // Теперь еще нужно заменить ЦЕНУ. Проще всего это сделать через паритет.
                                // C - P = F - K ==> P = C + K - F
                                double putPx = nodeInfo.OptPx + nodeInfo.Strike - nodeInfo.F;
                                // Но не меньше 1 ш.ц.!
                                actualPx = Math.Max(putPx, sec.Tick);
                                string txt = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           "[{0}] Symbol '{1}' has been replaced to '{2}' and changed price from {3} to {4}",
                                                           m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol, sec.Symbol, nodeInfo.OptPx, actualPx);
                                m_context.Log(txt, MessageType.Warning, true);

                        case StrikeType.Call:
                            if (sec.SecurityDescription.ActiveType != DataSource.ActiveType.OptionCall)
                                var oldPut = sec;
                                sec = nodeInfo.Pair.Call.Security;
                                // Теперь еще нужно заменить ЦЕНУ. Проще всего это сделать через паритет.
                                // C - P = F - K ==> C = P + F - K
                                double callPx = nodeInfo.OptPx + nodeInfo.F - nodeInfo.Strike;
                                // Но не меньше 1 ш.ц.!
                                actualPx = Math.Max(callPx, sec.Tick);
                                string txt = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           "[{0}] Symbol '{1}' has been replaced to '{2}' and changed price from {3} to {4}",
                                                           m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol, sec.Symbol, nodeInfo.OptPx, actualPx);
                                m_context.Log(txt, MessageType.Warning, true);

                    int len = sec.Bars.Count;
                    // Валидирую наличие правильной котировки
                    if (sec.FinInfo != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("AskPx: " + sec.FinInfo.Ask);
                        Debug.WriteLine("BidPx: " + sec.FinInfo.Bid);

                    recalc = true;
                    if ((m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) && (m_qty > 0) ||
                        (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Bid) && (m_qty < 0))
                        string signalName = "\r\nLeft-Click BUY \r\n" + eventArg.Point.Tooltip + "\r\n";
                        posMan.BuyAtPrice(m_context, sec, Math.Abs(m_qty), actualPx, signalName, null);
                    else if ((m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Bid) && (m_qty > 0) ||
                             (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) && (m_qty < 0))
                        string signalName = "\r\nLeft-Click SELL \r\n" + eventArg.Point.Tooltip + "\r\n";
                        posMan.SellAtPrice(m_context, sec, Math.Abs(m_qty), actualPx, signalName, null);
                    else if (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Mid)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] OptionPxMode.Mid is not implemented.", m_optionPxMode);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
                    else if (m_qty == 0)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Qty: {1}. Trading is blocked.", m_optionPxMode, m_qty);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = String.Format("[{0}] {1} in RouteOnClickEvents. Message: {2}\r\n{3}",
                                               m_optionPxMode, ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message, ex);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            if (recalc)
                m_context.Recalc(RecalcReasons.ChartTrading, null);
Esempio n. 13
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(InteractiveSeries smile, int barNum)
            if (m_transformation == SmileTransformation.None)
                if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(m_shiftIv))

            int barsCount = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            // Пустая улыбка останется пустой. Что с ней делать непонятно.
            if (smile.ControlPoints.Count <= 1)

            SmileInfo sInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (sInfo == null)
                throw new ScriptException("ArgumentException: smile.Tag must be filled with SmileInfo object.");

            var cps = smile.ControlPoints;
            int len = cps.Count;

            IFunction         symmetrizedFunc   = null;
            IFunction         symmetrizedFuncD1 = null;
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries();
            List <double>     xs  = new List <double>();
            List <double>     ys  = new List <double>();

            if (m_transformation == SmileTransformation.Simmetrise)
                #region Simmetrise
                double f    = sInfo.F;
                double minX = cps[0].Anchor.ValueX;
                double maxX = cps[len - 1].Anchor.ValueX;

                double width = Math.Min(maxX - f, f - minX);
                if (width < 0)
                    throw new ScriptException("ArgumentException: current price is outside of the smile.");

                // TODO: сократить вычисления вдвое, учитывая явное требование симметричности результирующей улыбки
                double step = 2.0 * width / (len - 1);
                List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();
                for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    double kLeft  = (f - width) + j * step;
                    double ivLeft = sInfo.ContinuousFunction.Value(kLeft);

                    double kRight  = (f + width) - j * step;
                    double ivRight = sInfo.ContinuousFunction.Value(kRight);

                    double iv = 0.5 * (ivLeft + ivRight) + m_shiftIv;

                    InteractiveObject oldObj = cps[j];

                    if (oldObj.Anchor is InteractivePointActive)
                        InteractivePointActive ip = (InteractivePointActive)oldObj.Anchor.Clone();

                        ip.Color        = (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? AlphaColors.DarkOrange : AlphaColors.DarkCyan;
                        ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                        ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Rect;
                        // (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Geometries.Rect : Geometries.Rect;
                        ip.IsActive = (m_optionPxMode != OptionPxMode.Mid);

                        ip.Value   = new Point(kLeft, iv);
                        ip.Tooltip = String.Format("K:{0}; IV:{1:0.00}", kLeft, iv * Constants.PctMult);

                        InteractiveObject newObj = new InteractiveObject(ip);
                    else if (oldObj.Anchor is InteractivePointLight)
                        InteractivePointLight ip = (InteractivePointLight)oldObj.Anchor.Clone();
                        ip.Value = new Point(kLeft, iv);
                        InteractiveObject newObj = new InteractiveObject(ip);
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Point of type '{1}' is not supported.",
                                                   GetType().Name, oldObj.Anchor.GetType().Name);
                        throw new ScriptException(msg);


                res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);
                #endregion Simmetrise
            else if (m_transformation == SmileTransformation.LogSimmetrise)
                #region Log Simmetrise
                double f = sInfo.F;

                LogSimmetrizeFunc lsf = new LogSimmetrizeFunc(sInfo.ContinuousFunction, f, m_simmWeight);
                symmetrizedFunc   = lsf;
                symmetrizedFuncD1 = new LogSimmetrizeFunc(sInfo.ContinuousFunctionD1, f, m_simmWeight);
                List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();
                foreach (var oldObj in smile.ControlPoints)
                    double k = oldObj.Anchor.ValueX;
                    double iv;
                    if (lsf.TryGetValue(k, out iv))
                        iv += m_shiftIv;

                        if (oldObj.Anchor is InteractivePointActive)
                            InteractivePointActive ip = (InteractivePointActive)oldObj.Anchor.Clone();

                            ip.Color        = (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? AlphaColors.DarkOrange : AlphaColors.DarkCyan;
                            ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                            ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Rect;
                            // (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Geometries.Rect : Geometries.Rect;
                            ip.IsActive = (m_optionPxMode != OptionPxMode.Mid);

                            ip.Value   = new Point(k, iv);
                            ip.Tooltip = String.Format("K:{0}; IV:{1:0.00}", k, iv * Constants.PctMult);

                            InteractiveObject newObj = new InteractiveObject(ip);
                        else if (oldObj.Anchor is InteractivePointLight)
                            InteractivePointLight ip = (InteractivePointLight)oldObj.Anchor.Clone();
                            ip.Value = new Point(k, iv);
                            InteractiveObject newObj = new InteractiveObject(ip);
                            string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Point of type '{1}' is not supported.",
                                                       GetType().Name, oldObj.Anchor.GetType().Name);
                            throw new ScriptException(msg);


                res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);
                #endregion Log Simmetrise
            else if (m_transformation == SmileTransformation.None)
                #region None (only vertical shift)
                double f    = sInfo.F;
                double dT   = sInfo.dT;
                double rate = sInfo.RiskFreeRate;
                List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();
                for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    InteractiveObject oldObj   = cps[j];
                    SmileNodeInfo     nodeInfo = oldObj.Anchor.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;
                    // Обязательно нужна полная информация об узле улыбки, чтобы потом можно было торговать
                    if (nodeInfo == null)

                    double k  = oldObj.Anchor.Value.X;
                    double iv = oldObj.Anchor.Value.Y + m_shiftIv;

                    if (oldObj.Anchor is InteractivePointActive)
                        InteractivePointActive ip = (InteractivePointActive)oldObj.Anchor.Clone();

                        ip.Color        = (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? AlphaColors.DarkOrange : AlphaColors.DarkCyan;
                        ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                        ip.Geometry     = Geometries.Rect;
                        // (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Geometries.Rect : Geometries.Rect;
                        ip.IsActive = (m_optionPxMode != OptionPxMode.Mid);

                        //ip.Value = new Point(oldObj.Anchor.Value.X, iv);
                        //ip.Tooltip = String.Format("K:{0}; IV:{1:0.00}", k, iv * PctMult);

                        InteractiveObject newObj = new InteractiveObject(ip);

                        if (k <= f) // Puts
                            FillNodeInfo(ip, f, dT, nodeInfo.Pair, StrikeType.Put, m_optionPxMode, iv, false, rate);
                        else // Calls
                            FillNodeInfo(ip, f, dT, nodeInfo.Pair, StrikeType.Call, m_optionPxMode, iv, false, rate);

                    else if (oldObj.Anchor is InteractivePointLight)
                        InteractivePointLight ip = (InteractivePointLight)oldObj.Anchor.Clone();
                        ip.Value = new Point(k, iv);
                        InteractiveObject newObj = new InteractiveObject(ip);

                        if (k <= f) // Puts
                            FillNodeInfo(ip, f, dT, nodeInfo.Pair, StrikeType.Put, m_optionPxMode, iv, false, rate);
                        else // Calls
                            FillNodeInfo(ip, f, dT, nodeInfo.Pair, StrikeType.Call, m_optionPxMode, iv, false, rate);

                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Point of type '{1}' is not supported.",
                                                   GetType().Name, oldObj.Anchor.GetType().Name);
                        throw new ScriptException(msg);


                res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);
                #endregion None (only vertical shift)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Transformation: " + m_transformation);

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();
            info.F            = sInfo.F;
            info.dT           = sInfo.dT;
            info.Expiry       = sInfo.Expiry;
            info.ScriptTime   = sInfo.ScriptTime;
            info.RiskFreeRate = sInfo.RiskFreeRate;
            info.BaseTicker   = sInfo.BaseTicker;

                if (symmetrizedFunc == null)
                    NotAKnotCubicSpline spline = new NotAKnotCubicSpline(xs, ys);

                    info.ContinuousFunction   = spline;
                    info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = spline.DeriveD1();
                    // По факту эта ветка обслуживает только алгоритм LogSimm
                    info.ContinuousFunction   = symmetrizedFunc;
                    info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = symmetrizedFuncD1;
                res.Tag = info;
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_context.Log(ex.ToString(), MessageType.Error, true);

Esempio n. 14
        private void RouteOnClickEvents(List <InteractiveActionEventArgs> eventArgs)
            if (eventArgs == null)

            int argLen = eventArgs.Count;
            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading && (argLen > 0))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] ERROR! Trading is blocked. Should NOT be here. All events were removed.", m_optionPxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            bool recalc = false;

            for (int j = argLen - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArg = eventArgs[j];

                    SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArg.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;
                    if (nodeInfo == null)
                        //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}", m_optionPxMode);
                        string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                        m_context.Runtime.TradeName, m_optionPxMode, eventArg.Point.ValueX);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    if ((!posMan.UseVirtualPositions) && nodeInfo.Expired)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Security {1} is already expired. Expiry: {2}",
                                                   m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.ExpirationDate);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    ISecurity sec = (from s in m_context.Runtime.Securities
                                     where (s.Symbol.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) &&
                                     (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeInfo.DSName) || (s.SecurityDescription.DSName == nodeInfo.DSName)) &&
                                     (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeInfo.FullName) || (s.SecurityDescription.FullName == nodeInfo.FullName))
                                     select s).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (sec == null)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no security. Symbol: {1}", m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    int len = sec.Bars.Count;
                    // Валидирую наличие правильной котировки
                    if (sec.FinInfo != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("AskPx: " + sec.FinInfo.Ask);
                        Debug.WriteLine("BidPx: " + sec.FinInfo.Bid);

                    recalc = true;
                    if ((m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) && (m_qty > 0) ||
                        (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Bid) && (m_qty < 0))
                        string signalName = "\r\nLeft-Click BUY \r\n" + eventArg.Point.Tooltip + "\r\n";
                        posMan.BuyAtPrice(m_context, sec, Math.Abs(m_qty), nodeInfo.OptPx, signalName, null);
                    else if ((m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Bid) && (m_qty > 0) ||
                             (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) && (m_qty < 0))
                        string signalName = "\r\nLeft-Click SELL \r\n" + eventArg.Point.Tooltip + "\r\n";
                        posMan.SellAtPrice(m_context, sec, Math.Abs(m_qty), nodeInfo.OptPx, signalName, null);
                    else if (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Mid)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] OptionPxMode.Mid is not implemented.", m_optionPxMode);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Alert, true);
                    else if (m_qty == 0)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Qty: {1}. Trading is blocked.", m_optionPxMode, m_qty);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = String.Format("[{0}] {1} in RouteOnClickEvents. Message: {2}\r\n{3}",
                                               m_optionPxMode, ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message, ex);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Alert, true);

            if (recalc)
Esempio n. 15
        internal static void FillNodeInfo(InteractivePointActive ip,
                                          double f, double dT, IOptionStrikePair sInfo,
                                          StrikeType optionType, OptionPxMode optPxMode,
                                          double optPx, double optQty, double optSigma, DateTime optTime, bool returnPct, double riskfreeRatePct)
            if (optionType == StrikeType.Any)
                throw new ArgumentException("Option type 'Any' is not supported.", "optionType");

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = new SmileNodeInfo();

            nodeInfo.F            = f;
            nodeInfo.dT           = dT;
            nodeInfo.RiskFreeRate = riskfreeRatePct;
            nodeInfo.Sigma        = returnPct ? optSigma * Constants.PctMult : optSigma;
            nodeInfo.OptPx        = optPx;
            nodeInfo.Strike       = sInfo.Strike;
            // Сюда мы приходим когда хотим торговать, поэтому обращение к Security уместно
            nodeInfo.Security     = (optionType == StrikeType.Put) ? sInfo.Put.Security : sInfo.Call.Security;
            nodeInfo.PxMode       = optPxMode;
            nodeInfo.OptionType   = optionType;
            nodeInfo.Pair         = sInfo;
            nodeInfo.ScriptTime   = optTime;
            nodeInfo.CalendarTime = DateTime.Now;

            nodeInfo.Symbol   = nodeInfo.Security.Symbol;
            nodeInfo.DSName   = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.DSName;
            nodeInfo.Expired  = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.Expired;
            nodeInfo.FullName = nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.FullName;

            ip.Tag          = nodeInfo;
            ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
            ip.Value        = new Point(sInfo.Strike, nodeInfo.Sigma);
            // [2015-08-26] Алексей дал инструкцию убрать дату из тултипа.
            bool tooltipWithTime = false;

            tooltipWithTime = true;
            // [2015-12-07] В режиме отладки возвращаю.
            // Потому что иначе вообще непонятно что происходит и с какими данными скрипт работает.
            if (optQty > 0)
                if (tooltipWithTime)
                    ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "K:{0}; IV:{1:#0.00}%\r\n{2} px {3} @ {4}\r\nDate: {5}",
                                               sInfo.Strike, optSigma * Constants.PctMult, optionType, optPx, optQty,
                                               optTime.ToString(DateTimeFormatWithMs, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "K:{0}; IV:{1:#0.00}%\r\n{2} px {3} @ {4}",
                                               sInfo.Strike, optSigma * Constants.PctMult, optionType, optPx, optQty);
                if (tooltipWithTime)
                    ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "K:{0}; IV:{1:#0.00}%\r\n{2} px {3}\r\nDate: {4}",
                                               sInfo.Strike, optSigma * Constants.PctMult, optionType, optPx,
                                               optTime.ToString(DateTimeFormatWithMs, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "K:{0}; IV:{1:#0.00}%\r\n{2} px {3}",
                                               sInfo.Strike, optSigma * Constants.PctMult, optionType, optPx);