{ //getposition works only in main thread ??? protected override void OnUpdate() { //look for all entities that have the enemymovement and translation so we know they are enemies EnemySpawnManager manager = EnemySpawnManager.GetManager(); Entities.ForEach((Entity e, ref Translation transform, ref EnemyMoveData moveData, ref EnemyAttack attack) => { Entity entityToDestroy = e; int damage = attack.damage; Vector3 targetPos = PathFollowManager.instance.followPoints[moveData.targetIndex].position; Vector3 currentPos = transform.Value; //move them accordingly through the followpoints Vector3 posDifference = (targetPos - currentPos); if (posDifference.magnitude < 0.3f) //did the enemy reach the point? { moveData.targetIndex++; moveData.targetIndex %= PathFollowManager.instance.followPoints.Count; if (moveData.targetIndex == 0) //if the enemy wants to go back to the start, it reached the end { EnemySpawnManager.instance.spawnManager.DestroyEntity(entityToDestroy); Player.GetPlayer().TakeDamage(damage); //update player hp } } posDifference = posDifference.normalized * moveData.enemySpeed; //move enemy accordingly transform.Value.x += posDifference.x; transform.Value.y += posDifference.y; transform.Value.z += posDifference.z; }); }
{ //drawmesh works only in main thread ??? protected override void OnUpdate() { Entities.ForEach((ref Translation transform) => { //look for all entities which have the translate and show the cubes on their position EnemySpawnManager manager = EnemySpawnManager.GetManager(); Graphics.DrawMesh( manager.enemyMesh, transform.Value, Quaternion.identity, manager.enemyMaterial, 0 ); }); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; }