Esempio n. 1
        private void FishAction()
            // get location
            int location = _gameSurvivor.IslandLocationID;
            // get fish in that location, if any
            List <SurvivorObject> fishesInLocation  = new List <SurvivorObject>();
            List <GameObject>     objectsInLocation = _gameUniverse.GetGameObjectsByIslandLocationId(location);

            foreach (GameObject gameObject in objectsInLocation)
                if (gameObject is SurvivorObject)
                    SurvivorObject survivorObject = gameObject as SurvivorObject;
                    if (survivorObject.Type == SurvivorObjectType.Fish)
            // randomly chose a fish
            if (fishesInLocation.Count() != 0)
                int numOfFishes = fishesInLocation.Count();
                int fishId;

                if (numOfFishes > 1)
                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    fishId = rnd.Next(1, numOfFishes);
                    fishId = 0;

                SurvivorObject caughtFish = _gameUniverse.GetGameObjectById(fishesInLocation[fishId].Id) as SurvivorObject;

                // note: survivor object is added to list and the island location is set to 0
                caughtFish.IslandLocationId = 0;

                // update experience points, health, and lives
                _gameSurvivor.ExperiencePoints += caughtFish.ExperiencePoints;
                _gameSurvivor.Health           += caughtFish.HealthPoints;
                _gameSurvivor.Lives            += caughtFish.Lives;

                // display confirmation message
            else if (fishesInLocation.Count() == 0)
Esempio n. 2
        public int DisplayGetGameObjectToLookAt()
            int  gameObjectId      = 0;
            bool validGameObjectId = false;

            // get a list of game onjects in the current space-time location
            List <GameObject> gameObjectsInIslandLocation = _gameUniverse.GetGameObjectsByIslandLocationId(_gameSurvivor.IslandLocationID);

            if (gameObjectsInIslandLocation.Count > 0)
                DisplayGamePlayScreen("Look at a Object", Text.GameObjectsChooseList(gameObjectsInIslandLocation), ActionMenu.ObjectMenu, "");

                while (!validGameObjectId)
                    // get an integer from the player
                    GetInteger($"Enter the Id number of the object you wish to look at: ", 0, 0, out gameObjectId);

                    // validate integer as a valid game object id and in current location
                    if (_gameUniverse.IsValidGameObjectByLocationId(gameObjectId, _gameSurvivor.IslandLocationID))
                        validGameObjectId = true;
                        DisplayInputErrorMessage("It appears you entered an invalid game object id. Please try again.");
                DisplayGamePlayScreen("Look at a Object", "It appears there are no game objects here.", ActionMenu.ObjectMenu, "");
