public PLDateSelection()
     this._Types = SelectionTypes.All;
     this._ReturnType = TimeType.Date;
Esempio n. 2
 public ExchangeItem(string location, string quantity, Unit unit, TimeType timetype)
     Location = location;
     Quantity = quantity;
     this.Unit = unit;
     this.timeType = timeType;
Esempio n. 3
 public SearchDescription(RouteDescription routing, PreferKey preferKey, DateTime time, TimeType type)
     this._route = routing;
     this.PreferKey = preferKey;
     this.Time = time;
     this.TimeType = type;
Esempio n. 4
        public static string Get(this DateTime time, TimeType type, string splitter = "")
            switch (type)
            case TimeType.ByYear:
                return(string.Format("{0:yy}", time));

            case TimeType.ByMonth:
                return(time.ToString(string.Format("yy{0}MM", splitter)));

            case TimeType.ByDay:
                return(time.ToString(string.Format("yy{0}MM{1}dd", splitter, splitter)));

            case TimeType.ByHour:
                return(time.ToString(string.Format("yy{0}MM{1}dd{2}HH", splitter, splitter, splitter)));

            case TimeType.ByMinute:
                return(time.ToString(string.Format("yy{0}MM{1}dd{2}HH{3}mm", splitter, splitter, splitter, splitter)));

            case TimeType.BySecond:
                return(time.ToString(string.Format("yy{0}MM{1}dd{2}HH{3}mm{4}ss", splitter, splitter, splitter, splitter, splitter)));

            case TimeType.ByMillisecond:
                return(time.ToString(string.Format("yy{0}MM{1}dd{2}HH{3}mm{4}ss{5}fff", splitter, splitter, splitter, splitter, splitter, splitter)));

                return(string.Format("{0:yyMMddHHmmss}", time));
Esempio n. 5
        public static DataTable GetTimesOfDay(TimeType type)
            DataTable timeTable = new DataTable("TimeOfDay");
            timeTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TimeType"));
            timeTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Time"));
            if (type == TimeType.Hour)
                for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                    DataRow row = timeTable.NewRow();
                    row["TimeType"] = type.ToString();
                    row["Time"] = i.ToString("d2");

            if (type == TimeType.Minute)
                for (int i = 0; i < 60; i += 15)
                    DataRow row = timeTable.NewRow();
                    row["TimeType"] = type.ToString();
                    row["Time"] = i.ToString("d2");

            if (type == TimeType.Second)
                for (int i = 0; i < 60; i += 15)
                    DataRow row = timeTable.NewRow();
                    row["TimeType"] = type.ToString();
                    row["Time"] = i.ToString("d2");

            if (type == TimeType.All)
                for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 60; j += 15)
                        DataRow row = timeTable.NewRow();
                        row["TimeType"] = type.ToString();
                        row["Time"] = i.ToString("d2") + ":" + j.ToString("d2") + ":00";

            return timeTable;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Takes a start and end points and query for possible transit routes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">Start location.</param>
 /// <param name="end">End location.</param>
 /// <param name="time">A time or date that relates to the route query.</param>
 /// <param name="timeType">The TimeType of the dateTime parameter.</param>
 public static Task<BingMapsQueryResult> GetTransitRoute(GeoCoordinate start, GeoCoordinate end, DateTime time, TimeType timeType)
     string rqp = new TransitQueryParameters(start.AsBingMapsPoint(), end.AsBingMapsPoint(), time, timeType)
                          MaxSolutions = 5,
                          RoutePathOutput = RoutePathOutput.Points
     var queryUri = ConstructQueryUri("Routes/Transit", rqp);
     return ExecuteQuery(queryUri);
Esempio n. 7
 public ExchangeItem()
     Location = null;
     Quantity = null;
     Description = null;
     Unit = null;
     timeType = TimeType.TimeStamp;
     IsInput = true;
     IsOutput = true;
 public PLDateSelection(SelectionTypes SelectionTypes, SelectionTypes Default, TimeType ReturnType)
     this._Types = SelectionTypes.All;
     this._ReturnType = TimeType.Date;
     this._Types = SelectionTypes;
     this._Default = Default;
     this._ReturnType = ReturnType;
Esempio n. 9
 public static void addTime(int add, TimeType TimeType, TextBox TimeFormat)
     if (TimeType == TimeType.Countdown)
         TimeFormat.Text = (int.Parse(TimeFormat.Text) + add).ToString();
         double NewTime = ((InterpretTime(TimeFormat.Text) / 60000) + add);
         TimeSpan timeTo = new TimeSpan((int)(NewTime / 60), (int)(NewTime % 60) + 1, 0); // This +1 is a confusing. When removed, the time seems to sometimes add 8 or 9 instead of 10. This might not be a fix!
         DateTime NewDateTime = DateTime.Now + timeTo;
         TimeFormat.Text = (NewDateTime).ToShortTimeString();
Esempio n. 10
        public void AddTime(TimeType tipo, bool isAdding)
            switch (tipo)
                case TimeType.Hours:
                    MaxHours = GetNextValue(MaxHours, isAdding);
                case TimeType.Minutes:
                    MaxMinutes = GetNextValue(MaxMinutes, isAdding);
                case TimeType.Seconds:
                    MaxSeconds = GetNextValue(MaxSeconds, isAdding);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the time struct to a given time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hour">The hour in the day.</param>
        /// <param name="minute">The minute in the hour.</param>
        /// <param name="second">The second in the minute.</param>
        /// <param name="isAm">True if time is AM and false if time is PM, if TimeType is digit, then isAm will be calculated.</param>
        /// <param name="timeType">Enum describing if AM/PM should be used instead of 24 hours in a day.</param>
        private Time(byte hour, byte minute, byte second, bool isAm, TimeType timeType)
            : this()
            // validation...
            if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) throw new Exception("When using 24 hours a day, legal hour values range from 0 to 23. Given hour value is: " + hour);
            if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) throw new Exception("Legal minute values range from 0 to 59. Given hour value is: " + minute);
            if (second < 0 || second > 59) throw new Exception("Legal minute values range from 0 to 59. Given hour value is: " + minute);
            if (timeType == TimeType.UseAmPm && hour > 12) hour = (byte)(hour - 12);
            {	// Applies only if TimeType is digit.
                if (hour >= 12) isAm = false;
                else isAm = true;

            this.hour = hour;
            this.minute = minute;
            this.second = second;
            IsAm = isAm;
            TimeType = timeType;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh the text displayed in the text box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Status of update.
        /// </returns>
        private bool ValidateAndUpdateValue()
            NhsTime result;
            bool status = true;
            bool containedPM = this.ISPMContained();
            this.recentSelectionStart = this.txtInput.SelectionStart;
            this.recentSelectionLength = this.txtInput.SelectionLength;

            // for null index nothing to be done as index is updated while setting.
            if (this.EditingTimeType != TimeType.NullIndex)
                if (NhsTime.IsAddValid(this.txtInput.Text))
                    return status;
                else if (NhsTime.TryParseExact(this.txtInput.Text, out result, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                    // Handles an exception case, TryParse always returns the text in am no matter
                    // input contains am or pm.
                    if (containedPM && result.TimeValue.Hour < 12)
                        result.TimeValue = result.TimeValue.AddHours(12);

                    this.Value = result;
                    this.invalidFormat = false;
                    this.SetInvalid(ref status);

            this.allowTimeTypeChange = true;
            this.currentValue = this.Value;
            this.EditingTimeType = this.TimeType;
            this.currentMode = InputMode.Simple;
            this.txtInput.SelectionStart = this.txtInput.TextLength;
            this.txtInput.SelectionLength = 0;
            return status;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the appropriate null string in the control
        /// </summary>
        private void DisplayNullString()
            if (this.IsNullEnabled())
                if (this.NullIndex < 0 || this.NullIndex >= this.NullStrings.Length)
                    this.NullIndex = 0;

                if (this.TimeType == TimeType.NullIndex)
                    this.NullIndex = (this.NullIndex + 1) % this.NullStrings.Length;
                    this.TimeType = TimeType.NullIndex;

                this.EditingTimeType = TimeType.NullIndex;
                // this is to ensure that once user is in NullIndex mode then he can only switch to other
                // mode when the control gets focus next time. This is to match the functionality in web
                // counterpart.
                this.allowTimeTypeChange = false;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the format of string in txtInput.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Cut/Paste can change the pattern of input string, however, TimeType remains same. This
        /// function is called to validate the string format in txtInput for specified TimeType. 
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>True if pattern is correct, else false.</returns>
        private bool IsCorrectFormat()
            this.txtInput.Text = this.txtInput.Text.Trim();

            // Simple functionality
            if (this.Functionality == TimeFunctionality.Simple)
                return this.IsCorrectFormatForExactTime();

            // Complex functionality 
                int index;               

                index = this.GetNullIndexExact(this.txtInput.Text);
                if (index >= 0)
                    this.NullIndex = index;
                    this.EditingTimeType = TimeType.NullIndex;
                    this.allowTimeTypeChange = false;
                    this.TimeType = TimeType.NullIndex;
                    this.currentMode = InputMode.Simple;
                    return true;

                if (this.IsArithmeticModeFormat())
                    this.currentMode = InputMode.Arithmetic;
                    return true;

                if (this.IsCorrectFormatForExactTime())
                    this.EditingTimeType = this.chkApprox.Checked ? TimeType.Approximate : TimeType.Exact;
                    return true;

                return false;
Esempio n. 15
        private static TimeZoneInfo ParseTZBuffer(string id, byte [] buffer, int length)
            //Reading the header. 4 bytes for magic, 16 are reserved
            int ttisgmtcnt = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 20);
            int ttisstdcnt = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 24);
            int leapcnt    = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 28);
            int timecnt    = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 32);
            int typecnt    = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 36);
            int charcnt    = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 40);

            if (length < 44 + timecnt * 5 + typecnt * 6 + charcnt + leapcnt * 8 + ttisstdcnt + ttisgmtcnt)
                throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();

            Dictionary <int, string>   abbreviations = ParseAbbreviations(buffer, 44 + 4 * timecnt + timecnt + 6 * typecnt, charcnt);
            Dictionary <int, TimeType> time_types    = ParseTimesTypes(buffer, 44 + 4 * timecnt + timecnt, typecnt, abbreviations);
            List <KeyValuePair <DateTime, TimeType> > transitions = ParseTransitions(buffer, 44, timecnt, time_types);

            if (time_types.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();

            if (time_types.Count == 1 && ((TimeType)time_types[0]).IsDst)
                throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();

            TimeSpan baseUtcOffset                = new TimeSpan(0);
            TimeSpan dstDelta                     = new TimeSpan(0);
            string   standardDisplayName          = null;
            string   daylightDisplayName          = null;
            bool     dst_observed                 = false;
            DateTime dst_start                    = DateTime.MinValue;
            List <AdjustmentRule> adjustmentRules = new List <AdjustmentRule> ();

            for (int i = 0; i < transitions.Count; i++)
                var      pair  = transitions [i];
                DateTime ttime = pair.Key;
                TimeType ttype = pair.Value;
                if (!ttype.IsDst)
                    if (standardDisplayName != ttype.Name || baseUtcOffset.TotalSeconds != ttype.Offset)
                        standardDisplayName = ttype.Name;
                        daylightDisplayName = null;
                        baseUtcOffset       = new TimeSpan(0, 0, ttype.Offset);
                        adjustmentRules     = new List <AdjustmentRule> ();
                        dst_observed        = false;
                    if (dst_observed)
                        //FIXME: check additional fields for this:
                        //most of the transitions are expressed in GMT
                        dst_start += baseUtcOffset;
                        DateTime dst_end = ttime + baseUtcOffset + dstDelta;

                        //some weird timezone (America/Phoenix) have end dates on Jan 1st
                        if (dst_end.Date == new DateTime(dst_end.Year, 1, 1) && dst_end.Year > dst_start.Year)
                            dst_end -= new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);

                        DateTime dateStart, dateEnd;
                        if (dst_start.Month < 7)
                            dateStart = new DateTime(dst_start.Year, 1, 1);
                            dateStart = new DateTime(dst_start.Year, 7, 1);

                        if (dst_end.Month >= 7)
                            dateEnd = new DateTime(dst_end.Year, 12, 31);
                            dateEnd = new DateTime(dst_end.Year, 6, 30);

                        TransitionTime transition_start = TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(new DateTime(1, 1, 1) + dst_start.TimeOfDay, dst_start.Month, dst_start.Day);
                        TransitionTime transition_end   = TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(new DateTime(1, 1, 1) + dst_end.TimeOfDay, dst_end.Month, dst_end.Day);
                        if (transition_start != transition_end)                          //y, that happened in Argentina in 1943-1946
                            adjustmentRules.Add(AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule(dateStart, dateEnd, dstDelta, transition_start, transition_end));
                    dst_observed = false;
                    if (daylightDisplayName != ttype.Name || dstDelta.TotalSeconds != ttype.Offset - baseUtcOffset.TotalSeconds)
                        daylightDisplayName = ttype.Name;
                        dstDelta            = new TimeSpan(0, 0, ttype.Offset) - baseUtcOffset;
                    dst_start    = ttime;
                    dst_observed = true;

            if (adjustmentRules.Count == 0)
                TimeType t = (TimeType)time_types [0];
                if (standardDisplayName == null)
                    standardDisplayName = t.Name;
                    baseUtcOffset       = new TimeSpan(0, 0, t.Offset);
                return(CreateCustomTimeZone(id, baseUtcOffset, id, standardDisplayName));
                return(CreateCustomTimeZone(id, baseUtcOffset, id, standardDisplayName, daylightDisplayName, ValidateRules(adjustmentRules).ToArray()));
Esempio n. 16
 static SideStep(DimensionType dim, JointType jnt, StatType stat, TimeType tm, FeatureType ftr)
Esempio n. 17
 static Kick(DimensionType dim, JointType jnt, StatType stat, TimeType tm, FeatureType ftr)
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a CuiTime object, initializes the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Cui.Controls.Common.DateAndTime.CuiTime.TimeValue">TimeValue</see> to the 
 /// given value and sets <see cref="P:Microsoft.Cui.Controls.Common.DateAndTime.CuiTime.TimeType">TimeType</see> to Exact. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time">The given time value. </param>
 public CuiTime(DateTime time)
     this.timeValue = time;
     this.timeType = TimeType.Exact;
Esempio n. 19
        private static TimeZoneInfo ParseTZBuffer(string id, byte[] buffer, int length)
            int num  = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 20);
            int num2 = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 24);
            int num3 = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 28);
            int num4 = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 32);
            int num5 = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 36);
            int num6 = ReadBigEndianInt32(buffer, 40);

            if (length < 44 + num4 * 5 + num5 * 6 + num6 + num3 * 8 + num2 + num)
                throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();
            Dictionary <int, string>   abbreviations       = ParseAbbreviations(buffer, 44 + 4 * num4 + num4 + 6 * num5, num6);
            Dictionary <int, TimeType> dictionary          = ParseTimesTypes(buffer, 44 + 4 * num4 + num4, num5, abbreviations);
            List <KeyValuePair <DateTime, TimeType> > list = ParseTransitions(buffer, 44, num4, dictionary);

            if (dictionary.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();
            if (dictionary.Count == 1)
                TimeType timeType = dictionary[0];
                if (timeType.IsDst)
                    throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();
            TimeSpan timeSpan           = new TimeSpan(0L);
            TimeSpan timeSpan2          = new TimeSpan(0L);
            string   text               = null;
            string   a                  = null;
            bool     flag               = false;
            DateTime d                  = DateTime.MinValue;
            List <AdjustmentRule> list2 = new List <AdjustmentRule>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                KeyValuePair <DateTime, TimeType> keyValuePair = list[i];
                DateTime key   = keyValuePair.Key;
                TimeType value = keyValuePair.Value;
                if (!value.IsDst)
                    if (text != value.Name || timeSpan.TotalSeconds != (double)value.Offset)
                        text     = value.Name;
                        a        = null;
                        timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, value.Offset);
                        list2    = new List <AdjustmentRule>();
                        flag     = false;
                    if (flag)
                        d += timeSpan;
                        DateTime d2 = key + timeSpan + timeSpan2;
                        if (d2.Date == new DateTime(d2.Year, 1, 1) && d2.Year > d.Year)
                            d2 -= new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);
                        DateTime       dateStart       = (d.Month < 7) ? new DateTime(d.Year, 1, 1) : new DateTime(d.Year, 7, 1);
                        DateTime       dateEnd         = (d2.Month >= 7) ? new DateTime(d2.Year, 12, 31) : new DateTime(d2.Year, 6, 30);
                        TransitionTime transitionTime  = TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(new DateTime(1, 1, 1) + d.TimeOfDay, d.Month, d.Day);
                        TransitionTime transitionTime2 = TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(new DateTime(1, 1, 1) + d2.TimeOfDay, d2.Month, d2.Day);
                        if (transitionTime != transitionTime2)
                            list2.Add(AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule(dateStart, dateEnd, timeSpan2, transitionTime, transitionTime2));
                    flag = false;
                    if (a != value.Name || timeSpan2.TotalSeconds != (double)value.Offset - timeSpan.TotalSeconds)
                        a         = value.Name;
                        timeSpan2 = new TimeSpan(0, 0, value.Offset) - timeSpan;
                    d    = key;
                    flag = true;
            if (list2.Count == 0)
                TimeType timeType2 = dictionary[0];
                if (text == null)
                    text     = timeType2.Name;
                    timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, timeType2.Offset);
                return(CreateCustomTimeZone(id, timeSpan, id, text));
            return(CreateCustomTimeZone(id, timeSpan, id, text, a, ValidateRules(list2).ToArray()));
Esempio n. 20
 public CuiTime(string time, bool parseAll)
     CuiTime newTime = CuiTime.ParseExact(time, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
     this.timeValue = newTime.timeValue;
     this.timeType = newTime.timeType;
     this.nullIndex = newTime.nullIndex;
Esempio n. 21
 public Hltb_Rule( Hltb_Rule other ) {
     Name = other.Name;
     MinHours = other.MinHours;
     MaxHours = other.MaxHours;
     TimeType = other.TimeType;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the text changed event of the child textbox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object calling the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.selectedPaste)
                this.selectedPaste = false;

            if (this.inlineEditing)

            if (this.txtInput.TextLength == 0)
                this.currentMode = InputMode.Simple;
                this.invalidFormat = false;
                this.editingTimeType = TimeType.Null;

            if (this.acceptedKey)
                this.acceptedKey = false;

            if (!this.IsCorrectFormat())
                this.invalidFormat = true;              
                this.invalidFormat = false;
                if (this.editingTimeType == TimeType.Exact || this.editingTimeType == TimeType.Approximate)
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets the control's state fields to their default value.
 /// </summary>
 private void ResetFields()
     this.currentField = Field.Hours;
     this.currentMode = InputMode.Simple;
     this.allowTimeTypeChange = true;
     this.currentValue = this.Value;
     this.EditingTimeType = this.TimeType;
     this.invalidFormat = false;
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a CuiTime object. 
 /// </summary>
 public CuiTime()
     this.timeValue = DateTime.Now;
     this.timeType = TimeType.Exact;
Esempio n. 25
 public TransitQueryParameters(Point start, Point end, DateTime dateTime, TimeType timeType)
     : base(start, end)
     this.DateTime = dateTime;
     this.TimeType = timeType;
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the key press in txt input when allow time change is true.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Key Press Event Argument</param>
        /// <returns>True if the event is handled, else false.</returns>
        private bool HandleAllowTimeChange(KeyPressEventArgs e)
            int temp;
            int selectionStart = this.txtInput.SelectionStart;           
            temp = this.GetNullIndex(this.txtInput.Text.Substring(0, this.txtInput.SelectionStart) + e.KeyChar.ToString());
            if (temp >= 0 && this.IsNullEnabled())
                this.TimeType = TimeType.NullIndex;
                this.NullIndex = temp;
                this.EditingTimeType = TimeType.NullIndex;
                this.allowTimeTypeChange = false;
                if (this.GetNullIndex(this.txtInput.Text.Substring(0, this.txtInput.SelectionStart) + e.KeyChar.ToString(), temp + 1) >= 0)
                    this.SelectToEnd(selectionStart + 1);
                    this.txtInput.SelectionStart = this.txtInput.TextLength;
                e.Handled = true;
                return true;

            return false;            
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the enter event of the child textbox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object calling the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void TextBox1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.validated = false;
            this.hasFocus = true;
            if (this.focusAfterSpin)
                this.focusAfterSpin = false;


            if (this.EditingTimeType == TimeType.Null && this.IsCorrectFormatForExactTime())
                this.EditingTimeType = TimeType.Exact;

            if (this.editingTimeType == TimeType.Exact || this.editingTimeType == TimeType.Approximate)
            this.txtInput.SelectionStart = 0;
            this.txtInput.SelectionLength = this.txtInput.TextLength;            
Esempio n. 28
 public static string Get(TimeType type, string splitter = "")
     return(DateTime.Now.Get(type, splitter));
Esempio n. 29
        private void TextBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
           this.inlineEditing = true;
           if (Array.IndexOf(this.allowedSpecialKeys, (int)e.KeyChar) >= 0)
               if ((int)e.KeyChar == 22 && this.txtInput.SelectedText.Length > 0)
                   this.selectedPaste = true;

               this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, false);

           if (e.KeyChar == '\r' || e.KeyChar == '\n')
               // Implement lost focus on enter key
               this.TopLevelControl.SelectNextControl(this, true, true, true, true);
               // this.ValidateAndUpdateValue();

               this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, true);
           // If editing time type is null let the user enter values.
           if ((!this.Enabled || this.invalidFormat) && this.editingTimeType != TimeType.Null)
               this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, true);

            // Backspace key
           if ((int)e.KeyChar == (int)Keys.Back)
               if (this.currentMode == InputMode.Simple)
                   this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, true);                              

               // Arithmetic mode
                   this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, false);
                   this.acceptedKey = true;


            // Case to handle Null Index Values
            if (e.KeyChar == ' ')
                this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, true);

            // case to check whether current input belongs to arithmetic mode
            if (this.IsArithmeticMode(e))
                this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, false);

            // case to check whether the entered key leds to some special type.
            // applies to all time type provided time type change is allowed.
            if (this.Functionality == TimeFunctionality.Complex)
                if (this.HandleAllowTimeChange(e))
                    this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, false);

            // Current editing format is number.            
            if (this.editingTimeType == TimeType.Exact ||
                this.editingTimeType == TimeType.Approximate)
                this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, true);

            // editing time type is null or null index.
                // we can change the time type. If a digit is pressed accept it and change editingTimeType
                if (this.allowTimeTypeChange)
                    // Case for normal digit.
                   if (char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar))
                            this.SetDisplayText(e.KeyChar.ToString() + "0", "00", "00");
                            this.EditingTimeType = this.chkApprox.Checked ? TimeType.Approximate : TimeType.Exact;
                            this.invalidFormat = false;
                            this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, true);

                // editing time type is null index. we can't change it just check if entered character 
                // matches some null string.                
                    int tmp = this.GetNullIndex(this.txtInput.Text.Substring(0, this.txtInput.SelectionStart) + e.KeyChar.ToString());                    
                    if (tmp >= 0)
                        this.NullIndex = tmp;

                this.ExitKeyPressEvent(e, true);           
        private void primary_timing(TsipPacket tp)
            Debug.Print(":0x8F.AB (Primary Timing)");

            UInt32 pri_tow = tp.GetNextDWord();
            UInt16 pri_gps_week = tp.GetNextWord();
            Int16 pri_utc_offset = (short)tp.GetNextWord();
            byte time_flags = tp.GetNextByte();
            byte pri_seconds = tp.GetNextByte();
            byte pri_minutes = tp.GetNextByte();
            byte pri_hours = tp.GetNextByte();
            byte pri_day = tp.GetNextByte();
            byte pri_month = tp.GetNextByte();
            UInt16 pri_year = tp.GetNextWord();
                // if this fires an execption, just skip the bad packet
                current_time = new DateTime(pri_year, pri_month, pri_day, pri_hours, pri_minutes, pri_seconds);

                tow = pri_tow;
                utc_offset = pri_utc_offset;
                gps_week = pri_gps_week;

                if ((time_flags & 0x04) == 0x04)
                    time_value = TimeType.NoTimeAvailable;
                else if ((time_flags & 0x08) == 0x08)
                    time_value = TimeType.NoUTCOffset;
                else if ((time_flags & 0x10) == 0x10)
                    time_value = TimeType.UserSetTime;
                else if ((time_flags & 0x01) == 0x01)
                    time_value = TimeType.UTCTimeOk;
                    time_value = TimeType.GPSTimeOk;

                // Set the time on the netduino to the current time on the Thunderbolt.

                if ((last_current_time != current_time) && (TimeChanged != null))
                    TimeChanged(this, new EventArgs());

                last_current_time = current_time;
            catch (Exception e)
                current_time = last_current_time;
                Debug.Print("Exception:" + e.Message);
Esempio n. 31
 public Hltb_Rule( string name, float minHours, float maxHours, TimeType timeType ) {
     Name = name;
     MinHours = minHours;
     MaxHours = maxHours;
     TimeType = timeType;
Esempio n. 32
 public static TIME AsTIME(this TimeSpan span, TZID tzid, TimeType format = TimeType.NONE)
     if (tzid != null)
         if (format == TimeType.Utc) throw new ArgumentException();
         return format == TimeType.LocalAndTimeZone 
             ? new TIME((uint)span.Hours, (uint)span.Minutes, (uint)span.Seconds, format, tzid) 
             : new TIME((uint)span.Hours, (uint)span.Minutes, (uint)span.Seconds);
     return format == TimeType.Utc 
         ? new TIME((uint)span.Hours, (uint)span.Minutes, (uint)span.Seconds, format) 
         : new TIME((uint)span.Hours, (uint)span.Minutes, (uint)span.Seconds);
Esempio n. 33
        public static IGraph SetTimeType(this IGraph myIGraph, TimeType myTimeType)
            if (myIGraph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("myIGraph must not be null!");

            myIGraph.TimeType = myTimeType;

            return myIGraph;
Esempio n. 34
        public Time GetTime(TimeType type)
            #region Require

                throw new ObjectDisposedException("OutputStream");


            Time t = new Time();

            t.type = (int)type;

                int result = midiStreamPosition(Handle, ref t, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Time)));

                if(result != MidiDeviceException.MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
                    throw new OutputDeviceException(result);

            return t;