public static int Main(string[] args) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; MyDelegateType del = new MyDelegateType(MyMath.AttachToDelegate); //multi-cast delegate, attaching multiple methods del += new MyDelegateType(MyMath.GetMonth); //delegates and anonymous methods, use the delegate keyword del += delegate { Console.WriteLine("anonymous method called"); }; del.Invoke(dt); Console.WriteLine("hello world!"); var result = from i in args select i; foreach (var item in result) Console.WriteLine(item); double x = 10, y = 20, temp; Console.WriteLine("x: {0}, y:{1}", x, y); temp = y; y = x; x = temp; Console.WriteLine("x: {0}, y:{1}", x, y); Display<double>.DisplayStrings(x, y); Console.WriteLine("Sum: {0:C}", MyMath.Add(10.345, 344.67, 89, 234.900, -20)); try { throw new MyCustomExceptionHandlingMechanism(); } catch (MyCustomExceptionHandlingMechanism e) { e.ShowExceptionDetails(); } DevelopmentEnvironment devEnv = new DevelopmentEnvironment(); devEnv.ShowMyEnvironment(); TestClass crossLanguage = new TestClass(); crossLanguage.MyFunc(); MyMath myObj = new MyMath(); myObj.InternalInstanceMethod(); Console.WriteLine("name {0}, value {1}",, Convert.ToInt32(System.Enum.Parse(,"red"))); Console.ReadLine(); return System.Environment.ExitCode = 0; }