private static Attribute[] GetAppliedAttributes(Type memberType, Attribute[] attributes)
            if (!memberType.IsCollection())
                return attributes;

            PerKeyAttribute perKey = null;
            PerValueAttribute perValue = null;

            var isDictionary = memberType.IsImplementerOfRawGeneric(typeof(IDictionary<,>));

            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
                var attr = attributes[i];
                var perItem = attr as PerItemAttribute;
                if (perItem != null)
                    if (isDictionary)
                        Debug.LogError("PerItem should be applied on lists or arrays, not dictionaries!");
                        return null;

                    if (perItem.ExplicitAttributes == null)
                        return null;

                    return attributes.Where(x => !perItem.ExplicitAttributes.Contains(x.GetType().Name.Replace("Attribute", ""))).ToArray();

                if (!isDictionary)

                if (perKey != null && perValue != null)

                if (perKey == null)
                    perKey = attr as PerKeyAttribute;

                if (perValue == null)
                    perValue = attr as PerValueAttribute;

            if (perKey == null && perValue == null)
                return attributes;

            if (perKey != null && perValue != null &&
                (perKey.ExplicitAttributes == null || perValue.ExplicitAttributes == null))
                Debug.LogError("Confusion: If you use both PerKey and PerValue, then you should explictly mention which attributes are applied per key and which per value! (Info: MemberType ({0}) Attributes({1})".FormatWith(memberType.GetNiceName(), string.Join(", ", attributes.Select(x=>x.GetType().Name).ToArray())));
                return null;

            if (perKey != null)
                if (perKey.ExplicitAttributes != null)
                    attributes = attributes.Where(x => !perKey.ExplicitAttributes.Contains(x.GetType().Name.Replace("Attribute", ""))).ToArray();
                    attributes = new Attribute[] { perKey };

            if (perValue != null)
                if (perValue.ExplicitAttributes != null)
                    attributes = attributes.Where(x => !perValue.ExplicitAttributes.Contains(x.GetType().Name.Replace("Attribute", ""))).ToArray();
                    attributes = new Attribute[] { perValue };

            return attributes;