Esempio n. 1
        private void OnTransferCommand(UInt160 tokenHash, UInt160 to, decimal amount, UInt160 from = null, string data = null, UInt160[] signersAccounts = null)
            var snapshot = NeoSystem.StoreView;
            var asset    = new AssetDescriptor(snapshot, NeoSystem.Settings, tokenHash);
            var value    = new BigDecimal(amount, asset.Decimals);

            if (NoWallet())

            Transaction tx;

                tx = CurrentWallet.MakeTransaction(snapshot, new[]
                    new TransferOutput
                        AssetId    = tokenHash,
                        Value      = value,
                        ScriptHash = to,
                        Data       = data
                }, from: from, cosigners: signersAccounts?.Select(p => new Signer
                    // default access for transfers should be valid only for first invocation
                    Scopes  = WitnessScope.CalledByEntry,
                    Account = p
                                                   .ToArray() ?? Array.Empty <Signer>());
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
            if (!ReadUserInput("Relay tx(no|yes)").IsYes())
            SignAndSendTx(snapshot, tx);
Esempio n. 2
        private static Block CreateDummyBlock(StoreView snapshot)
            var currentBlock = snapshot.Blocks[snapshot.CurrentBlockHash];

            return(new Block
                Version = 0,
                PrevHash = snapshot.CurrentBlockHash,
                MerkleRoot = new UInt256(),
                Timestamp = currentBlock.Timestamp + Blockchain.MillisecondsPerBlock,
                Index = snapshot.Height + 1,
                NextConsensus = currentBlock.NextConsensus,
                Witness = new Witness
                    InvocationScript = Array.Empty <byte>(),
                    VerificationScript = Array.Empty <byte>()
                ConsensusData = new ConsensusData(),
                Transactions = new Transaction[0]
Esempio n. 3
 private static bool GetLinqExpressionsBuiltWithIsInterpretingOnly()
     return(!(bool)typeof(LambdaExpression).GetMethod("get_CanCompileToIL").Invoke(null, Array.Empty <object>()));
Esempio n. 4
 public Assembly[] ReflectionOnlyGetAssemblies() => Array.Empty <Assembly>();
Esempio n. 5
 public ZINTERSTORE(Key destination, IReadOnlyList <Key> keys, Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.Sum)
     : this(destination, keys, Array.Empty <double>(), aggregation)
Esempio n. 6
        private static List <string> GetResultColumns(HbmReturnProperty returnPropertySchema)
            List <string> allResultColumns = new List <string>();
            String        column           = Unquote(returnPropertySchema.column);

            if (column != null)

            foreach (HbmReturnColumn returnColumnSchema in returnPropertySchema.returncolumn ?? Array.Empty <HbmReturnColumn>())

Esempio n. 7
        private IDictionary <string, string[]> BindPropertyResults(string alias, HbmReturnDiscriminator discriminatorSchema,
                                                                   HbmReturnProperty[] returnProperties, PersistentClass pc)
            Dictionary <string, string[]> propertyresults = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();

            // maybe a concrete SQLpropertyresult type, but Map is exactly what is required at the moment

            if (discriminatorSchema != null)
                propertyresults["class"] = GetResultColumns(discriminatorSchema).ToArray();

            List <HbmReturnProperty> properties    = new List <HbmReturnProperty>();
            List <string>            propertyNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (HbmReturnProperty returnPropertySchema in returnProperties ?? Array.Empty <HbmReturnProperty>())
                string name =;
                if (pc == null || name.IndexOf('.') == -1)
                    //if dotted and not load-collection nor return-join
                    //regular property
                    // Reorder properties
                    // 1. get the parent property
                    // 2. list all the properties following the expected one in the parent property
                    // 3. calculate the lowest index and insert the property

                    int    dotIndex    = name.LastIndexOf('.');
                    string reducedName = name.Substring(0, dotIndex);
                    IValue value       = pc.GetRecursiveProperty(reducedName).Value;
                    IEnumerable <Mapping.Property> parentPropIter;
                    if (value is Component)
                        Component comp = (Component)value;
                        parentPropIter = comp.PropertyIterator;
                    else if (value is ToOne)
                        ToOne           toOne        = (ToOne)value;
                        PersistentClass referencedPc = mappings.GetClass(toOne.ReferencedEntityName);
                        if (toOne.ReferencedPropertyName != null)
                                parentPropIter =
                            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                                throw new MappingException("dotted notation reference neither a component nor a many/one to one", e);
                                parentPropIter = ((Component)referencedPc.IdentifierProperty.Value).PropertyIterator;
                            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                                throw new MappingException("dotted notation reference neither a component nor a many/one to one", e);
                        throw new MappingException("dotted notation reference neither a component nor a many/one to one");
                    bool          hasFollowers = false;
                    List <string> followers    = new List <string>();
                    foreach (Mapping.Property prop in parentPropIter)
                        string currentPropertyName = prop.Name;
                        string currentName         = reducedName + '.' + currentPropertyName;
                        if (hasFollowers)
                        if (name.Equals(currentName))
                            hasFollowers = true;

                    int index         = propertyNames.Count;
                    int followersSize = followers.Count;
                    for (int loop = 0; loop < followersSize; loop++)
                        string follower     = followers[loop];
                        int    currentIndex = GetIndexOfFirstMatchingProperty(propertyNames, follower);
                        index = currentIndex != -1 && currentIndex < index ? currentIndex : index;
                    propertyNames.Insert(index, name);
                    properties.Insert(index, returnPropertySchema);

            var uniqueReturnProperty = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (HbmReturnProperty returnPropertySchema in properties)
                string name =;
                if ("class".Equals(name))
                    throw new MappingException(
                              "class is not a valid property name to use in a <return-property>, use <return-discriminator> instead"
                //TODO: validate existing of property with the chosen name. (secondpass )
                List <string> allResultColumns = GetResultColumns(returnPropertySchema);

                if (allResultColumns.Count == 0)
                    throw new MappingException(
                              "return-property for alias " + alias +
                              " must specify at least one column or return-column name"
                if (uniqueReturnProperty.Contains(name))
                    throw new MappingException(
                              "duplicate return-property for property " + name +
                              " on alias " + alias

                // the issue here is that for <return-join/> representing an entity collection,
                // the collection element values (the property values of the associated entity)
                // are represented as 'element.{propertyname}'.  Thus the StringHelper.root()
                // here puts everything under 'element' (which additionally has significant
                // meaning).  Probably what we need to do is to something like this instead:
                //      String root = StringHelper.root( name );
                //      String key = root; // by default
                //      if ( !root.equals( name ) ) {
                //	        // we had a dot
                //          if ( !root.equals( alias ) {
                //              // the root does not apply to the specific alias
                //              if ( "elements".equals( root ) {
                //                  // we specifically have a <return-join/> representing an entity collection
                //                  // and this <return-property/> is one of that entity's properties
                //                  key = name;
                //              }
                //          }
                //      }
                // but I am not clear enough on the intended purpose of this code block, especially
                // in relation to the "Reorder properties" code block above...
                //			String key = StringHelper.root( name );
                string   key = name;
                string[] intermediateResults;
                if (!propertyresults.TryGetValue(key, out intermediateResults))
                    propertyresults[key] = allResultColumns.ToArray();
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                    // 2013-02-24: In 89994bc113e1bb35bf6bcd0b7408d08340bfbccd, 2008-05-29, the intermediateResults
                    // variable was changed from ArrayList to string[]. The following code line was there before.
                    // Since an array cannot be modified, it seems this code line has never been hit since then.
                    // While working on NH-3345, I'm adding an ambigous overload for AddAll(), and I don't want to
                    // try to understand this code right now, so comment it out instead. /Oskar
                    //ArrayHelper.AddAll(intermediateResults, allResultColumns); // TODO: intermediateResults not used after this

            Dictionary <string, string[]> newPropertyResults = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string[]> entry in propertyresults)
                newPropertyResults[entry.Key] = entry.Value;
            return(newPropertyResults.Count == 0 ? (IDictionary <string, string[]>)CollectionHelper.EmptyDictionary <string, string[]>() : newPropertyResults);