Esempio n. 1
        public void LayoutDynamicRenderExceptionTypeTest()
            // Arrange
            Layout <Type> layout        = "${exception:format=type:norawvalue=true}";
            var           exception     = new System.ApplicationException("Test");
            var           stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Act
            var logevent      = LogEventInfo.Create(LogLevel.Info, null, exception, null, "");
            var exceptionType = layout.RenderTypedValue(logevent, stringBuilder, null);

            stringBuilder.Length = 0;

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(exception.GetType(), exceptionType);
            Assert.Same(exceptionType, layout.RenderTypedValue(logevent, stringBuilder, null));
 public void AfterThrowing(ApplicationException aex)
Esempio n. 3
        public void ProcessExceptionTest()
            Type[] exceptionTypes = new Type[]

            // At-End is currently always true, because the IQueryable caching
            // doesn't give us a good point to fail before content is written out.
            CombinatorialEngine engine = CombinatorialEngine.FromDimensions(
                new Dimension(CustomDataContext.ExceptionTypeArgument, exceptionTypes),
                new Dimension(CustomDataContext.ExceptionAtEndArgument, new object[] { true }),
                new Dimension("Format", SerializationFormatData.Values),
                new Dimension("WebServerLocation", new object[] { WebServerLocation.InProcess, WebServerLocation.Local }));

            TestUtil.RunCombinatorialEngineFail(engine, delegate(Hashtable values)
                Type exceptionType = (Type)values[CustomDataContext.ExceptionTypeArgument];
                bool exceptionAtEnd = (bool)values[CustomDataContext.ExceptionAtEndArgument];
                SerializationFormatData format = (SerializationFormatData)values["Format"];
                WebServerLocation location = (WebServerLocation)values["WebServerLocation"];

                // The local web server doesn't handle OOF gracefully - skip that case.
                if (exceptionType == typeof(OutOfMemoryException) &&
                    location == WebServerLocation.Local)

                // No binary properties in the model.
                if (format.Name == "Binary") return;

                // We need at least 1024 bytes to be written out for the default
                // StreamWriter used by the XmlTextWriter to flush out (at which point
                // we can assume that throwing at the end of the stream caused
                // a "partial send").
                // However the implementation ends up using an XmlUtf8RawTextWriterIndent
                // object, with a BUFSIZE of 0x1800 as declared on XmlUtf8RawTextWriter.
                // (0x1800 / "Customer 1".Length) + 1 is ideal, but we can make do with much less.
                int customerCount = (0xA0 / "Customer 1".Length) + 1;
                values[CustomDataContext.CustomerCountArgument] = customerCount;

                using (TestWebRequest request = TestWebRequest.CreateForLocation(location))
                    request.DataServiceType = typeof(CustomDataContext);
                    request.TestArguments = values;
                    request.Accept = format.MimeTypes[0];
                    request.RequestUriString =
                        (format.Name == "Text") ? "/Customers(" + customerCount + ")/ID/$value" : "/Customers";

                    Trace.WriteLine("Requesting " + request.RequestUriString);
                    Stream response = new MemoryStream();
                    Exception thrownException = null;
                        thrownException = new ApplicationException("No exception actually thrown.");
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        thrownException = exception;

                    // InProcess always throws WebException. Look in the inner exception for the right exception type.
                    if (location == WebServerLocation.InProcess && !format.IsPrimitive && exceptionType != typeof(OutOfMemoryException))
                        Assert.AreEqual(typeof(WebException), thrownException.GetType(), "InProcess should always throw WebException - Look in TestServiceHost.ProcessException");
                        thrownException = thrownException.InnerException;

                    // Exception may be wrapped by TargetInvocationException.
                    if (thrownException is TargetInvocationException)
                        thrownException = thrownException.InnerException;

                    TestUtil.CopyStream(request.GetResponseStream(), response);

                    response.Position = 0;
                    if (exceptionAtEnd && !format.IsPrimitive)
                        // for inprocess, there will be no exception in the payload
                        if (location == WebServerLocation.InProcess)
                            // Verify the exception type
                            Assert.AreEqual(exceptionType, thrownException.GetType(), "Exception type did not match");

                        Assert.IsTrue(HasContent(response), "HasContent(response)");
                        Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(request.Accept, TestUtil.GetMediaType(request.ResponseContentType), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                        if (exceptionType != typeof(OutOfMemoryException))
                            string responseText = new StreamReader(response).ReadToEnd();
                            TestUtil.AssertContains(responseText, "error");
                            TestUtil.AssertContains(responseText, "message");

                        Assert.IsTrue(thrownException is ApplicationException, "No exception thrown.");
                        if (exceptionType == typeof(OutOfMemoryException))
                            if (location == WebServerLocation.InProcess)
                                Assert.IsTrue(thrownException is OutOfMemoryException, "thrownException is OutOfMemoryException");
                                Assert.IsTrue(exceptionAtEnd || !HasContent(response), "exceptionAtEnd || !HasContent(response)");
                                Assert.IsTrue(thrownException is WebException, "thrownException is WebException");
                            Assert.IsTrue(thrownException is WebException, "thrownException is WebException");
                            Assert.IsTrue(HasContent(response), "HasContent(response)");
                            string expected =
                                (location == WebServerLocation.InProcess) ? "text/plain" : "application/xml";
                            Assert.AreEqual(expected, TestUtil.GetMediaType(request.ResponseContentType));