internal XmlCharCheckingWriter(XmlWriter baseWriter, bool checkValues, bool checkNames, bool replaceNewLines, string newLineChars) : base(baseWriter) { this.checkValues = checkValues; this.checkNames = checkNames; this.replaceNewLines = replaceNewLines; this.newLineChars = newLineChars; if (checkValues) { this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; } }
internal XmlCharCheckingReader(XmlReader reader, bool checkCharacters, bool ignoreWhitespace, bool ignoreComments, bool ignorePis, DtdProcessing dtdProcessing) : base(reader) { this.state = State.Initial; this.checkCharacters = checkCharacters; this.ignoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace; this.ignoreComments = ignoreComments; this.ignorePis = ignorePis; this.dtdProcessing = dtdProcessing; this.lastNodeType = XmlNodeType.None; if (checkCharacters) { this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; } }
// // Constructor // internal XmlCharCheckingWriter(XmlWriter baseWriter, bool checkValues, bool checkNames, bool replaceNewLines, string newLineChars) : base(baseWriter) { Debug.Assert(checkValues || replaceNewLines); _checkValues = checkValues; _checkNames = checkNames; _replaceNewLines = replaceNewLines; _newLineChars = newLineChars; if (checkValues) { _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; } }
internal XmlTextWriter() { this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; this.namespaces = true; this.formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.None; this.indentation = 2; this.indentChar = ' '; this.nsStack = new Namespace[8]; this.nsTop = -1; this.stack = new TagInfo[10]; = 0; this.stack[].Init(-1); this.quoteChar = '"'; this.stateTable = stateTableDefault; this.currentState = State.Start; this.lastToken = Token.Empty; }
// // Constructor // internal XmlCharCheckingReader( XmlReader reader, bool checkCharacters, bool ignoreWhitespace, bool ignoreComments, bool ignorePis, DtdProcessing dtdProcessing ) : base( reader ) { Debug.Assert( checkCharacters || ignoreWhitespace || ignoreComments || ignorePis || (int)dtdProcessing != -1 ); state = State.Initial; this.checkCharacters = checkCharacters; this.ignoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace; this.ignoreComments = ignoreComments; this.ignorePis = ignorePis; this.dtdProcessing = dtdProcessing; lastNodeType = XmlNodeType.None; if ( checkCharacters ) { xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; } }
protected XmlEncodedRawTextWriter(XmlWriterSettings settings) { this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; this.bufPos = 1; this.textPos = 1; this.bufLen = 0x1800; this.newLineHandling = settings.NewLineHandling; this.omitXmlDeclaration = settings.OmitXmlDeclaration; this.newLineChars = settings.NewLineChars; this.checkCharacters = settings.CheckCharacters; this.closeOutput = settings.CloseOutput; this.standalone = settings.Standalone; this.outputMethod = settings.OutputMethod; this.mergeCDataSections = settings.MergeCDataSections; if (this.checkCharacters && (this.newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace)) { this.ValidateContentChars(this.newLineChars, "NewLineChars", false); } }
internal XsdValidatingReader(XmlReader reader, XmlResolver xmlResolver, XmlReaderSettings readerSettings, XmlSchemaObject partialValidationType) { this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; this.coreReader = reader; this.coreReaderNSResolver = reader as IXmlNamespaceResolver; this.lineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo; this.coreReaderNameTable = this.coreReader.NameTable; if (this.coreReaderNSResolver == null) { this.nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(this.coreReaderNameTable); this.manageNamespaces = true; } this.thisNSResolver = this; this.xmlResolver = xmlResolver; this.processInlineSchema = (readerSettings.ValidationFlags & XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema) != XmlSchemaValidationFlags.None; this.Init(); this.SetupValidator(readerSettings, reader, partialValidationType); this.validationEvent = readerSettings.GetEventHandler(); }
// // Constructor // internal XmlCharCheckingReader( XmlReader reader, bool checkCharacters, bool ignoreWhitespace, bool ignoreComments, bool ignorePis, bool prohibitDtd ) : base( reader ) { Debug.Assert( checkCharacters || ignoreWhitespace || ignoreComments || ignorePis || prohibitDtd ); state = State.Initial; this.checkCharacters = checkCharacters; this.ignoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace; this.ignoreComments = ignoreComments; this.ignorePis = ignorePis; this.prohibitDtd = prohibitDtd; lastNodeType = XmlNodeType.None; if ( checkCharacters ) { xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; } }
internal static void VerifyCharData(char[] data, int offset, int len, ExceptionType exceptionType) { if (data == null || len == 0) { return; } int i = offset; int endPos = offset + len; for (; ;) { while (i < endPos && s_xmlCharType.IsCharData(data[i])) { i++; } if (i == endPos) { return; } char ch = data[i]; if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 == endPos) { throw CreateException(SR.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar, exceptionType, 0, offset - i + 1); } ch = data[i + 1]; if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { i += 2; continue; } else { throw CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(data[i + 1], data[i], exceptionType, 0, offset - i + 1); } } throw CreateInvalidCharException(data, len, i, exceptionType); } }
internal static void VerifyCharData(string data, ExceptionType invCharExceptionType, ExceptionType invSurrogateExceptionType) { if (data == null || data.Length == 0) { return; } int i = 0; int len = data.Length; for (; ;) { while (i < len && s_xmlCharType.IsCharData(data[i])) { i++; } if (i == len) { return; } char ch = data[i]; if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 == len) { throw CreateException(SR.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar, invSurrogateExceptionType, 0, i + 1); } ch = data[i + 1]; if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { i += 2; continue; } else { throw CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(data[i + 1], data[i], invSurrogateExceptionType, 0, i + 1); } } throw CreateInvalidCharException(data, i, invCharExceptionType); } }
public static unsafe void VerifyCharData(string data, ExceptionType invCharExceptionType, ExceptionType invSurrogateExceptionType) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { return; } int i = 0; int len = data.Length; for (; ;) { while (i < len && (xmlCharType.charProperties[data[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData) != 0) { i++; } if (i == len) { return; } char ch = data[i]; if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 == len) { throw CreateException(SR.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar, invSurrogateExceptionType, 0, i + 1); } ch = data[i + 1]; if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { i += 2; continue; } else { throw CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(data[i + 1], data[i], invSurrogateExceptionType, 0, i + 1); } } throw CreateInvalidCharException(data, i, invCharExceptionType); } }
internal unsafe void EncodeChar(ref char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd, ref byte *pDst) { int ch = (int)pSrc; if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += (IntPtr)4; } else if ((ch <= 0x7f) || (ch >= 0xfffe)) { pDst = this.InvalidXmlChar(ch, pDst, false); pSrc += (IntPtr)2; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc += (IntPtr)2; } }
internal void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar) { if (!XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar) || !XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(highChar)) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(lowChar, highChar); } int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowChar, highChar); if (_cacheAttrValue) { Debug.Assert(_attrValue != null); _attrValue.Append(highChar); _attrValue.Append(lowChar); } _textWriter.Write("&#x"); _textWriter.Write(surrogateChar.ToString("X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); _textWriter.Write(';'); }
// // Constructor // internal XmlCharCheckingReader(XmlReader reader, bool checkCharacters, bool ignoreWhitespace, bool ignoreComments, bool ignorePis, DtdProcessing dtdProcessing) : base(reader) { Debug.Assert(checkCharacters || ignoreWhitespace || ignoreComments || ignorePis || (int)dtdProcessing != -1); _state = State.Initial; _checkCharacters = checkCharacters; _ignoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace; _ignoreComments = ignoreComments; _ignorePis = ignorePis; _dtdProcessing = dtdProcessing; _lastNodeType = XmlNodeType.None; if (checkCharacters) { _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; } }
internal static string[] BuildCharExceptionArgs(char invChar, char nextChar) { string[] strArray = new string[2]; if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(invChar) && (nextChar != '\0')) { int num = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(nextChar, invChar); strArray[0] = new string(new char[] { invChar, nextChar }); strArray[1] = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0x{0:X2}", new object[] { num }); return(strArray); } if (invChar == '\0') { strArray[0] = "."; } else { strArray[0] = invChar.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } strArray[1] = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "0x{0:X2}", new object[] { (int)invChar }); return(strArray); }
public override void WriteWhitespace(string?ws) { ws ??= string.Empty; // "checkNames" is intentional here; if false, the whitespace is checked in XmlWellformedWriter if (_checkNames) { int i; if ((i = XmlCharType.IsOnlyWhitespaceWithPos(ws)) != -1) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Xml_InvalidWhitespaceCharacter, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs(ws, i))); } } if (_replaceNewLines) { ws = ReplaceNewLines(ws); } writer.WriteWhitespace(ws); }
internal static unsafe void CharToUTF8(ref char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd, ref byte *pDst) { int ch = (int)pSrc; if (ch <= 0x7f) { pDst = (byte *)((byte)ch); pDst += (IntPtr)1; pSrc += (IntPtr)2; } else if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch)) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate(pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst); pSrc += (IntPtr)4; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8(ch, pDst); pSrc += (IntPtr)2; } }
//----------------------------------------------- // Nmtoken parsing (no XML namespaces support) //----------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Attempts to parse the input string as an Nmtoken (see the XML spec production [7]) without taking /// into account the XML Namespaces spec. What it means is that the ':' character is allowed at any /// position and any number of times in the token. /// Quits parsing when an invalid Nmtoken char is reached or the end of string is reached. /// Returns the number of valid Nmtoken chars that were parsed. /// </summary> internal static int ParseNmtokenNoNamespaces(string s, int offset) { Debug.Assert(s != null && offset <= s.Length); // Keep parsing until the end of string or an invalid Name character is reached int i = offset; while (i < s.Length) { if (XmlCharType.IsNameSingleChar(s[i]) || s[i] == ':') { i++; } else { break; } } return(i - offset); }
internal static Exception GetInvalidNameException(string s, int offsetStartChar, int offsetBadChar) { // If the name is empty, throw an exception if (offsetStartChar >= s.Length) { return(new XmlException(SR.Xml_EmptyName, string.Empty)); } Debug.Assert(offsetBadChar < s.Length); if (XmlCharType.IsNCNameSingleChar(s[offsetBadChar]) && !XmlCharType.IsStartNCNameSingleChar(s[offsetBadChar])) { // The error character is a valid name character, but is not a valid start name character return(new XmlException(SR.Xml_BadStartNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs(s, offsetBadChar))); } else { // The error character is an invalid name character return(new XmlException(SR.Xml_BadNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs(s, offsetBadChar))); } }
/// <include file='doc\XmlReader.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlReader.IsNameToken"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public static bool IsNameToken(string str) { if (str == String.Empty) { return(false); } int i = str.Length - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (XmlCharType.IsNameChar(str[i])) { i--; } else { return(false); } } return(true); }
internal int IsOnlyCharData(string str) { if (str != null) { for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { if ((charProperties[str[i]] & fCharData) == 0) { if (i + 1 >= str.Length || !(XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(str[i]) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(str[i + 1]))) { return(i); } else { i++; } } } } return(-1); }
internal override int GetFullChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex) { uint code; int i, j; byteCount += byteIndex; for (i = byteIndex, j = charIndex; i + 3 < byteCount;) { code = BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt32LittleEndian(bytes.AsSpan(i)); if (code > 0x10FFFF) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Enc_InvalidByteInEncoding, new object[1] { i }), (string?)null); } else if (code > 0xFFFF) { Ucs4ToUTF16(code, chars, j); j++; } else { if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate((int)code)) { throw new XmlException(SR.Xml_InvalidCharInThisEncoding, string.Empty); } else { chars[j] = (char)code; } } j++; i += 4; } return(j - charIndex); }
internal override int GetFullChars(byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int byteCount, char[] chars, int charIndex) { uint code; int i, j; byteCount += byteIndex; for (i = byteIndex, j = charIndex; i + 3 < byteCount;) { code = (uint)((bytes[i + 2] << 24) | (bytes[i + 3] << 16) | (bytes[i] << 8) | bytes[i + 1]); if (code > 0x10FFFF) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Enc_InvalidByteInEncoding, new object[1] { i }), (string?)null); } else if (code > 0xFFFF) { Ucs4ToUTF16(code, chars, j); j++; } else { if (XmlCharType.IsSurrogate((int)code)) { throw new XmlException(SR.Xml_InvalidCharInThisEncoding, string.Empty); } else { chars[j] = (char)code; } } j++; i += 4; } return(j - charIndex); }
public override Task WriteDocTypeAsync(string name, string?pubid, string?sysid, string?subset) { if (_checkNames) { ValidateQName(name); } if (_checkValues) { if (pubid != null) { int i; if ((i = XmlCharType.IsPublicId(pubid)) >= 0) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidCharException(pubid, i); } } if (sysid != null) { CheckCharacters(sysid); } if (subset != null) { CheckCharacters(subset); } } if (_replaceNewLines) { sysid = ReplaceNewLines(sysid); pubid = ReplaceNewLines(pubid); subset = ReplaceNewLines(subset); } return(writer.WriteDocTypeAsync(name, pubid, sysid, subset)); }
//----------------------------------------------- // NCName parsing //----------------------------------------------- // <summary> // Attempts to parse the input string as an NCName (see the XML Namespace spec). // Quits parsing when an invalid NCName char is reached or the end of string is reached. // Returns the number of valid NCName chars that were parsed. // </summary> public static unsafe int ParseNCName(string s, int offset) { int offsetStart = offset; XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; Debug.Assert(s != null && offset <= s.Length); // Quit if the first character is not a valid NCName starting character if (offset < s.Length && (s[offset] > XmlCharType.MaxAsciiChar || (xmlCharType.charProperties[s[offset]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartName) != 0)) { // xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameChar(s[offset])) { // Keep parsing until the end of string or an invalid NCName character is reached for (offset++; offset < s.Length; offset++) { if (!(s[offset] > XmlCharType.MaxAsciiChar || (xmlCharType.charProperties[s[offset]] & XmlCharType.fNCName) != 0)) // if (!xmlCharType.IsNCNameChar(s[offset])) { break; } } } return(offset - offsetStart); }
internal static string VerifyNMTOKEN(string name) { if (name == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); } if (name == string.Empty) { throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidNmToken, name); } int nameLength = name.Length; int position = 0; while (position < nameLength) { if (!XmlCharType.IsNameChar(name[position])) { throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_BadNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionStr(name[position])); } position++; } return(name); }
/// <include file='doc\XmlConvert.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlConvert.VerifyNCName"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static string VerifyNCName(string name) { if (name == null || name == string.Empty) { throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); } if (!XmlCharType.IsStartNCNameChar(name[0])) { throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_BadStartNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionStr(name[0])); } int nameLength = name.Length; int position = 1; while (position < nameLength) { if (!XmlCharType.IsNCNameChar(name[position])) { throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_BadNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionStr(name[position])); } position++; } return(name); }
// Replaces \r\n, \n, \r and \t with single space (0x20) and then removes spaces // at the beggining and the end of the string and replaces sequences of spaces // with a single space. public static string NonCDataNormalize(string value) { int len = value.Length; if (len <= 0) { return(string.Empty); } int startPos = 0; StringBuilder?norValue = null; while (XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(value[startPos])) { startPos++; if (startPos == len) { return(" "); } } int i = startPos; while (i < len) { if (!XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(value[i])) { i++; continue; } int j = i + 1; while (j < len && XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(value[j])) { j++; } if (j == len) { if (norValue == null) { return(value.Substring(startPos, i - startPos)); } else { norValue.Append(value, startPos, i - startPos); return(norValue.ToString()); } } if (j > i + 1 || value[i] != 0x20) { if (norValue == null) { norValue = new StringBuilder(len); } norValue.Append(value, startPos, i - startPos); norValue.Append((char)0x20); startPos = j; i = j; } else { i++; } } if (norValue != null) { if (startPos < i) { norValue.Append(value, startPos, i - startPos); } return(norValue.ToString()); } else { if (startPos > 0) { return(value.Substring(startPos, len - startPos)); } else { return(value); } } }
// // Constructor // internal XmlTextEncoder(TextWriter textWriter) { _textWriter = textWriter; _quoteChar = '"'; _xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; }
internal void Write(string text) { if (text == null) { return; } if (_cacheAttrValue) { _attrValue.Append(text); } // scan through the string to see if there are any characters to be escaped int len = text.Length; int i = 0; int startPos = 0; char ch = (char)0; while (true) { while (i < len && _xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar(ch = text[i])) { i++; } if (i == len) { // reached the end of the string -> write it whole out _textWriter.Write(text); return; } if (_inAttribute) { if (ch == 0x9) { i++; continue; } } else { if (ch == 0x9 || ch == 0xA || ch == 0xD || ch == '"' || ch == '\'') { i++; continue; } } // some character that needs to be escaped is found: break; } char[] helperBuffer = new char[256]; while (true) { if (startPos < i) { WriteStringFragment(text, startPos, i - startPos, helperBuffer); } if (i == len) { break; } switch (ch) { case (char)0x9: _textWriter.Write(ch); break; case (char)0xA: case (char)0xD: if (_inAttribute) { WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } else { _textWriter.Write(ch); } break; case '<': WriteEntityRefImpl("lt"); break; case '>': WriteEntityRefImpl("gt"); break; case '&': WriteEntityRefImpl("amp"); break; case '\'': if (_inAttribute && _quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("apos"); } else { _textWriter.Write('\''); } break; case '"': if (_inAttribute && _quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("quot"); } else { _textWriter.Write('"'); } break; default: if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 < len) { WriteSurrogateChar(text[++i], ch); } else { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException(text[i], ch); } } else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException(ch); } else { Debug.Assert((ch < 0x20 && !_xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) || (ch > 0xFFFD)); WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } break; } i++; startPos = i; while (i < len && _xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar(ch = text[i])) { i++; } } }
internal void Write(char[] array, int offset, int count) { if (null == array) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array)); } if (0 > offset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(offset)); } if (0 > count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count)); } if (count > array.Length - offset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count)); } if (_cacheAttrValue) { _attrValue.Append(array, offset, count); } int endPos = offset + count; int i = offset; char ch = (char)0; while (true) { int startPos = i; while (i < endPos && _xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar(ch = array[i])) { i++; } if (startPos < i) { _textWriter.Write(array, startPos, i - startPos); } if (i == endPos) { break; } switch (ch) { case (char)0x9: _textWriter.Write(ch); break; case (char)0xA: case (char)0xD: if (_inAttribute) { WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } else { _textWriter.Write(ch); } break; case '<': WriteEntityRefImpl("lt"); break; case '>': WriteEntityRefImpl("gt"); break; case '&': WriteEntityRefImpl("amp"); break; case '\'': if (_inAttribute && _quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("apos"); } else { _textWriter.Write('\''); } break; case '"': if (_inAttribute && _quoteChar == ch) { WriteEntityRefImpl("quot"); } else { _textWriter.Write('"'); } break; default: if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { if (i + 1 < endPos) { WriteSurrogateChar(array[++i], ch); } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xml_SurrogatePairSplit); } } else if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(ch)) { throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException(ch); } else { Debug.Assert((ch < 0x20 && !_xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) || (ch > 0xFFFD)); WriteCharEntityImpl(ch); } break; } i++; } }
// // Constructor // internal XmlTextEncoder(TextWriter textWriter) { this.textWriter = textWriter; this.quoteChar = '"'; this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; }
internal int DecodeBinHex(char[] inArray, int offset, int inLength, byte[] outArray, int offsetOut, int countOut, bool flush) { String msg; if (0 > offset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); } if (0 > offsetOut) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offsetOut"); } int len = (null == inArray) ? 0 : inArray.Length; if (len < inLength) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inLength"); } // make sure that countOut + offsetOut are okay int outArrayLen = outArray.Length; if (outArrayLen < (countOut + offsetOut)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offsetOut"); } int inBufferCount = inLength - offset; if (flush) { _charBuffer.Refresh(); } if (inBufferCount > 0) { _charBuffer.Append(inArray, offset, inLength); } if ((_charBuffer.Length == 0) || (countOut == 0)) { return(0); } // let's just make sure countOut > 0 and countOut < outArray.Length countOut += offsetOut; byte lowHalfByte; // walk hex digits pairing them up and shoving the value of each pair into a byte int internalBufferLength = _charBuffer.Length; int offsetOutCur = offsetOut; char ch; int internalBufferOffset = 0; do { ch = _charBuffer[internalBufferOffset++]; if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { lowHalfByte = (byte)(10 + ch - 'a'); } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { lowHalfByte = (byte)(10 + ch - 'A'); } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { lowHalfByte = (byte)(ch - '0'); } else if (XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) { continue; // skip whitespace } else { msg = new String(_charBuffer.CurrentBuffer, _charBuffer.CurrentBufferOffset, (_charBuffer.CurrentBuffer == null) ? 0:(_charBuffer.CurrentBufferLength - _charBuffer.CurrentBufferOffset)); throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidBinHexValue, msg); } if (_HighNibblePresent) { outArray[offsetOutCur++] = (byte)((_highHalfByte << 4) + lowHalfByte); _HighNibblePresent = false; if (offsetOutCur == countOut) { break; } } else { // shift nibble into top half of byte _highHalfByte = lowHalfByte; _HighNibblePresent = true; } }while (internalBufferOffset < internalBufferLength); _charBuffer.CleanUp(internalBufferOffset); return(offsetOutCur - offsetOut); }
// // Constructor // internal XmlTextEncoder( TextWriter textWriter ) { this.textWriter = textWriter; this.quoteChar = '"'; this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; }
public static string NonCDataNormalize(string value) { int length = value.Length; if (length <= 0) { return(string.Empty); } int startIndex = 0; StringBuilder builder = null; XmlCharType instance = XmlCharType.Instance; while (instance.IsWhiteSpace(value[startIndex])) { startIndex++; if (startIndex == length) { return(" "); } } int num3 = startIndex; while (num3 < length) { if (!instance.IsWhiteSpace(value[num3])) { num3++; } else { int num4 = num3 + 1; while ((num4 < length) && instance.IsWhiteSpace(value[num4])) { num4++; } if (num4 == length) { if (builder == null) { return(value.Substring(startIndex, num3 - startIndex)); } builder.Append(value, startIndex, num3 - startIndex); return(builder.ToString()); } if ((num4 > (num3 + 1)) || (value[num3] != ' ')) { if (builder == null) { builder = new StringBuilder(length); } builder.Append(value, startIndex, num3 - startIndex); builder.Append(' '); startIndex = num4; num3 = num4; continue; } num3++; } } if (builder != null) { if (startIndex < num3) { builder.Append(value, startIndex, num3 - startIndex); } return(builder.ToString()); } if (startIndex > 0) { return(value.Substring(startIndex, length - startIndex)); } return(value); }
private int SurrogateCharToUtf32(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate) { return(XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowSurrogate, highSurrogate)); }
// This method trims whitespace from the beginning and the end of the string and cached writer events internal void Trim() { // if only one string value -> trim the write spaces directly if (_singleStringValue != null) { _singleStringValue = XmlConvert.TrimString(_singleStringValue); return; } // trim the string in StringBuilder string valBefore = _stringValue.ToString(); string valAfter = XmlConvert.TrimString(valBefore); if (valBefore != valAfter) { _stringValue = new StringBuilder(valAfter); } // trim the beginning of the recorded writer events XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; int i = _firstItem; while (i == _firstItem && i <= _lastItem) { Item item = _items[i]; switch (item.type) { case ItemType.Whitespace: _firstItem++; break; case ItemType.String: case ItemType.Raw: case ItemType.ValueString: = XmlConvert.TrimStringStart((string); if (((string) == 0) { // no characters left -> move the firstItem index to exclude it from the Replay _firstItem++; } break; case ItemType.StringChars: case ItemType.RawChars: BufferChunk bufChunk = (BufferChunk); int endIndex = bufChunk.index + bufChunk.count; while (bufChunk.index < endIndex && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(bufChunk.buffer[bufChunk.index])) { bufChunk.index++; bufChunk.count--; } if (bufChunk.index == endIndex) { // no characters left -> move the firstItem index to exclude it from the Replay _firstItem++; } break; } i++; } // trim the end of the recorded writer events i = _lastItem; while (i == _lastItem && i >= _firstItem) { Item item = _items[i]; switch (item.type) { case ItemType.Whitespace: _lastItem--; break; case ItemType.String: case ItemType.Raw: case ItemType.ValueString: = XmlConvert.TrimStringEnd((string); if (((string) == 0) { // no characters left -> move the lastItem index to exclude it from the Replay _lastItem--; } break; case ItemType.StringChars: case ItemType.RawChars: BufferChunk bufChunk = (BufferChunk); while (bufChunk.count > 0 && xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(bufChunk.buffer[bufChunk.index + bufChunk.count - 1])) { bufChunk.count--; } if (bufChunk.count == 0) { // no characters left -> move the lastItem index to exclude it from the Replay _lastItem--; } break; } i--; } }
public override async Task <bool> ReadAsync() { switch (_state) { case State.Initial: _state = State.Interactive; if (base.reader.ReadState == ReadState.Initial) { goto case State.Interactive; } break; case State.Error: return(false); case State.InReadBinary: _state = State.Interactive; if (_readBinaryHelper != null) { await _readBinaryHelper.FinishAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } _state = State.Interactive; goto case State.Interactive; case State.Interactive: if (!await base.reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) { return(false); } break; default: Debug.Fail($"Unexpected state {_state}"); return(false); } XmlNodeType nodeType = base.reader.NodeType; if (!_checkCharacters) { switch (nodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Comment: if (_ignoreComments) { return(await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if (_ignoreWhitespace) { return(await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: if (_ignorePis) { return(await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } break; case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: if (_dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit) { Throw(SR.Xml_DtdIsProhibitedEx, string.Empty); } else if (_dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Ignore) { return(await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } break; } return(true); } else { switch (nodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: if (_checkCharacters) { // check element name ValidateQName(base.reader.Prefix, base.reader.LocalName); // check values of attributes if (base.reader.MoveToFirstAttribute()) { do { ValidateQName(base.reader.Prefix, base.reader.LocalName); CheckCharacters(base.reader.Value); } while (base.reader.MoveToNextAttribute()); base.reader.MoveToElement(); } } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: if (_checkCharacters) { CheckCharacters(await base.reader.GetValueAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } break; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: if (_checkCharacters) { // check name ValidateQName(base.reader.Name); } break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: if (_ignorePis) { return(await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } if (_checkCharacters) { ValidateQName(base.reader.Name); CheckCharacters(base.reader.Value); } break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: if (_ignoreComments) { return(await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } if (_checkCharacters) { CheckCharacters(base.reader.Value); } break; case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: if (_dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit) { Throw(SR.Xml_DtdIsProhibitedEx, string.Empty); } else if (_dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Ignore) { return(await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } if (_checkCharacters) { ValidateQName(base.reader.Name); CheckCharacters(base.reader.Value); string?str = base.reader.GetAttribute("SYSTEM"); if (str != null) { CheckCharacters(str); } str = base.reader.GetAttribute("PUBLIC"); if (str != null) { int i; if ((i = XmlCharType.IsPublicId(str)) >= 0) { Throw(SR.Xml_InvalidCharacter, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs(str, i)); } } } break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if (_ignoreWhitespace) { return(await ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } if (_checkCharacters) { CheckWhitespace(await base.reader.GetValueAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: if (_checkCharacters) { CheckWhitespace(await base.reader.GetValueAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: if (_checkCharacters) { ValidateQName(base.reader.Prefix, base.reader.LocalName); } break; default: break; } _lastNodeType = nodeType; return(true); } }
private bool IsValidXmlVersion(string ver) { return(ver.Length >= 3 && ver[0] == '1' && ver[1] == '.' && XmlCharType.IsOnlyDigits(ver, 2, ver.Length - 2)); }
public XmlSqlBinaryReader(System.IO.Stream stream, byte[] data, int len, string baseUri, bool closeInput, XmlReaderSettings settings) { unicode = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode; xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; this.xnt = settings.NameTable; if (this.xnt == null) { this.xnt = new NameTable(); this.xntFromSettings = false; } else { this.xntFromSettings = true; } this.xml = this.xnt.Add("xml"); this.xmlns = this.xnt.Add("xmlns"); this.nsxmlns = this.xnt.Add(XmlReservedNs.NsXmlNs); this.baseUri = baseUri; this.state = ScanState.Init; this.nodetype = XmlNodeType.None; this.token = BinXmlToken.Error; this.elementStack = new ElemInfo[16]; //this.elemDepth = 0; this.attributes = new AttrInfo[8]; this.attrHashTbl = new int[8]; //this.attrCount = 0; //this.attrIndex = 0; this.symbolTables.Init(); this.qnameOther.Clear(); this.qnameElement.Clear(); this.xmlspacePreserve = false; this.hasher = new SecureStringHasher(); this.namespaces = new Dictionary<String, NamespaceDecl>(hasher); AddInitNamespace(String.Empty, String.Empty); AddInitNamespace(this.xml, this.xnt.Add(XmlReservedNs.NsXml)); AddInitNamespace(this.xmlns, this.nsxmlns); this.valueType = TypeOfString; // init buffer position, etc this.inStrm = stream; if (data != null) { Debug.Assert(len >= 2 && (data[0] == 0xdf && data[1] == 0xff)); = data; this.end = len; this.pos = 2; this.sniffed = true; } else { = new byte[XmlReader.DefaultBufferSize]; this.end = stream.Read(, 0, XmlReader.DefaultBufferSize); this.pos = 0; this.sniffed = false; } this.mark = -1; this.eof = (0 == this.end); this.offset = 0; this.closeInput = closeInput; switch (settings.ConformanceLevel) { case ConformanceLevel.Auto: this.docState = 0; break; case ConformanceLevel.Fragment: this.docState = 9; break; case ConformanceLevel.Document: this.docState = 1; break; } this.checkCharacters = settings.CheckCharacters; this.dtdProcessing = settings.DtdProcessing; this.ignoreWhitespace = settings.IgnoreWhitespace; this.ignorePIs = settings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions; this.ignoreComments = settings.IgnoreComments; if (TokenTypeMap == null) GenerateTokenTypeMap(); }