private void InitiateXsdDateTime(Parser parser) { this.dt = new DateTime(parser.year, parser.month,, parser.hour, parser.minute, parser.second); if (parser.fraction != 0) { this.dt = this.dt.AddTicks((long) parser.fraction); } this.extra = (uint) ((((((int) parser.typeCode) << 0x18) | (((int) parser.kind) << 0x10)) | (parser.zoneHour << 8)) | parser.zoneMinute); }
public XsdDateTime(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { this = new XsdDateTime(); Parser parser = new Parser(); if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { throw new FormatException(Res.GetString("XmlConvert_BadFormat", new object[] { text, kinds })); } this.InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
internal static bool TryParse(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds, out XsdDateTime result) { Parser parser = new Parser(); if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { result = new XsdDateTime(); return false; } result = new XsdDateTime(parser); return true; }
private void ValidateElement() { elementName.Init(reader.LocalName, XmlSchemaDatatype.XdrCanonizeUri(reader.NamespaceURI, NameTable, SchemaNames)); ValidateChildElement(); if (SchemaNames.IsXDRRoot(elementName.Name, elementName.Namespace) && reader.Depth > 0) { inlineSchemaParser = new Parser(SchemaType.XDR, NameTable, SchemaNames, EventHandler); inlineSchemaParser.StartParsing(reader, null); inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode(); } else { ProcessElement(); } }
private void LoadSchemaFromLocation(string uri) { // is x-schema if (!XdrBuilder.IsXdrSchema(uri)) { return; } string url = uri.Substring(x_schema.Length); XmlReader reader = null; SchemaInfo xdrSchema = null; try { Uri ruri = this.XmlResolver.ResolveUri(BaseUri, url); Stream stm = (Stream)this.XmlResolver.GetEntity(ruri,null,null); reader = new XmlTextReader(ruri.ToString(), stm, NameTable); ((XmlTextReader)reader).XmlResolver = this.XmlResolver; Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.XDR, NameTable, SchemaNames, EventHandler); parser.XmlResolver = this.XmlResolver; parser.Parse(reader, uri); while(reader.Read());// wellformness check xdrSchema = parser.XdrSchema; } catch(XmlSchemaException e) { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] {uri, e.Message}, XmlSeverityType.Error); } catch(Exception e) { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] {uri, e.Message}, XmlSeverityType.Warning); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } if (xdrSchema != null && xdrSchema.ErrorCount == 0) { schemaInfo.Add(xdrSchema, EventHandler); SchemaCollection.Add(uri, xdrSchema, null, false); } }
private void ProcessInlineSchema() { if (!inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode()) { // Done inlineSchemaParser.FinishParsing(); SchemaInfo xdrSchema = inlineSchemaParser.XdrSchema; if (xdrSchema != null && xdrSchema.ErrorCount == 0) { foreach(string inlineNS in xdrSchema.TargetNamespaces.Keys) { if (!this.schemaInfo.HasSchema(inlineNS)) { schemaInfo.Add(xdrSchema, EventHandler); SchemaCollection.Add(inlineNS, xdrSchema, null, false); break; } } } inlineSchemaParser = null; } }
private XsdDateTime(Parser parser) { this = new XsdDateTime(); this.InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
private void InitiateXsdDateTime(Parser parser) { dt = new DateTime(parser.year, parser.month,, parser.hour, parser.minute, parser.second); if (parser.fraction != 0) { dt = dt.AddTicks(parser.fraction); } extra = (uint)(((int)parser.typeCode << TypeShift) | ((int)parser.kind << KindShift) | (parser.zoneHour << ZoneHourShift) | parser.zoneMinute); }
private void ProcessInlineSchema() { Debug.Assert(inlineSchemaParser != null); if (coreReader.Read()) { if (coreReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { attributeCount = coreReaderAttributeCount = coreReader.AttributeCount; } else { //Clear attributes info if nodeType is not element ClearAttributesInfo(); } if (!inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode()) { inlineSchemaParser.FinishParsing(); XmlSchema schema = inlineSchemaParser.XmlSchema; validator.AddSchema(schema); inlineSchemaParser = null; validationState = ValidatingReaderState.Read; } } }
private bool LoadSchema(string uri) { if (_xmlResolver == null) { return false; } uri = _NameTable.Add(uri); if (_SchemaInfo.TargetNamespaces.ContainsKey(uri)) { return false; } SchemaInfo schemaInfo = null; Uri _baseUri = _xmlResolver.ResolveUri(null, _reader.BaseURI); XmlReader reader = null; try { Uri ruri = _xmlResolver.ResolveUri(_baseUri, uri.Substring(x_schema.Length)); Stream stm = (Stream)_xmlResolver.GetEntity(ruri, null, null); reader = new XmlTextReader(ruri.ToString(), stm, _NameTable); schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo(); Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.XDR, _NameTable, _SchemaNames, _validationEventHandler); parser.XmlResolver = _xmlResolver; parser.Parse(reader, uri); schemaInfo = parser.XdrSchema; } catch (XmlException e) { SendValidationEvent(SR.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] { uri, e.Message }, XmlSeverityType.Warning); schemaInfo = null; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } if (schemaInfo != null && schemaInfo.ErrorCount == 0) { _SchemaInfo.Add(schemaInfo, _validationEventHandler); return true; } return false; }
private void LoadExternals(XmlSchema schema) { if (schema.IsProcessing) { return; } schema.IsProcessing = true; for (int i = 0; i < schema.Includes.Count; ++i) { Uri includeLocation = null; //CASE 1: If the Schema object of the include has been set XmlSchemaExternal include = (XmlSchemaExternal)schema.Includes[i]; XmlSchema includedSchema = include.Schema; if (includedSchema != null) { // already loaded includeLocation = includedSchema.BaseUri; if (includeLocation != null && schemaLocations[includeLocation] == null) { schemaLocations.Add(includeLocation, includedSchema); } LoadExternals(includedSchema); continue; } //CASE 2: Try & Parse schema from the provided location string schemaLocation = include.SchemaLocation; Uri ruri = null; Exception innerException = null; if (schemaLocation != null) { try { ruri = ResolveSchemaLocationUri(schema, schemaLocation); } catch(Exception e) { ruri = null; innerException = e; } } if (include.Compositor == Compositor.Import) { XmlSchemaImport import = include as XmlSchemaImport; Debug.Assert(import != null); string importNS = import.Namespace != null ? import.Namespace : string.Empty; if (!schema.ImportedNamespaces.Contains(importNS)) { schema.ImportedNamespaces.Add(importNS); } //CASE 2.1: If the imported namespace is the XML namespace, // If the parent schemaSet already has schema for XML ns loaded, use that // Else if the location is null use the built-in one // else go through regular processing of parsing from location if (importNS == XmlReservedNs.NsXml) { if (ruri == null) { //Resolved location is null, hence get the built-in one include.Schema = Preprocessor.GetBuildInSchema(); continue; } } } //CASE 3: Parse schema from the provided location if (ruri == null) { if (schemaLocation != null) { SendValidationEvent(new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_InvalidIncludeLocation, null, innerException, include.SourceUri, include.LineNumber, include.LinePosition, include), XmlSeverityType.Warning); } continue; } if (schemaLocations[ruri] == null) { // Only if location already not processed object obj = null; try { obj = GetSchemaEntity(ruri); } catch(Exception eInner) { innerException = eInner; obj = null; } if (obj != null) { include.BaseUri = ruri; Type returnType = obj.GetType(); if (typeof(XmlSchema).IsAssignableFrom(returnType)) { //To handle XmlSchema and all its derived types include.Schema = (XmlSchema)obj; schemaLocations.Add(ruri, include.Schema); LoadExternals(include.Schema); } else { XmlReader reader = null; if (returnType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Stream)) ) { readerSettings.CloseInput = true; readerSettings.XmlResolver = xmlResolver; reader = XmlReader.Create((Stream)obj, readerSettings, ruri.ToString() ); } else if (returnType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(XmlReader)) ) { reader = (XmlReader)obj; } else if (returnType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TextReader))) { readerSettings.CloseInput = true; readerSettings.XmlResolver = xmlResolver; reader = XmlReader.Create((TextReader)obj, readerSettings, ruri.ToString() ); } if (reader == null) { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_InvalidIncludeLocation, include, XmlSeverityType.Warning); continue; } try { Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, NameTable, SchemaNames, EventHandler); parser.Parse(reader, null); while(reader.Read());// wellformness check includedSchema = parser.XmlSchema; include.Schema = includedSchema; schemaLocations.Add(ruri, includedSchema); LoadExternals(includedSchema); } catch(XmlSchemaException e) { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_CannotLoadSchemaLocation, schemaLocation, e.Message, e.SourceUri, e.LineNumber, e.LinePosition); } catch(Exception eInner) { SendValidationEvent(new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_InvalidIncludeLocation, null, eInner, include.SourceUri, include.LineNumber, include.LinePosition, include), XmlSeverityType.Warning); } finally { reader.Close(); } } } else { SendValidationEvent(new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_InvalidIncludeLocation, null, innerException, include.SourceUri, include.LineNumber, include.LinePosition, include), XmlSeverityType.Warning); } } else { //Location already in table and now seeing duplicate import / include include.Schema = (XmlSchema)schemaLocations[ruri]; //Set schema object even for duplicates } } }
private void ProcessElementEvent() { if ((this.processInlineSchema && this.IsXSDRoot(this.coreReader.LocalName, this.coreReader.NamespaceURI)) && (this.coreReader.Depth > 0)) { this.xmlSchemaInfo.Clear(); this.attributeCount = this.coreReaderAttributeCount = this.coreReader.AttributeCount; if (!this.coreReader.IsEmptyElement) { this.inlineSchemaParser = new System.Xml.Schema.Parser(SchemaType.XSD, this.coreReaderNameTable, this.validator.SchemaSet.GetSchemaNames(this.coreReaderNameTable), this.validationEvent); this.inlineSchemaParser.StartParsing(this.coreReader, null); this.inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode(); this.validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ParseInlineSchema; } else { this.validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes; } } else { this.atomicValue = null; this.originalAtomicValueString = null; this.xmlSchemaInfo.Clear(); if (this.manageNamespaces) { this.nsManager.PushScope(); } string xsiSchemaLocation = null; string xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation = null; string xsiNil = null; string xsiType = null; if (this.coreReader.MoveToFirstAttribute()) { do { string namespaceURI = this.coreReader.NamespaceURI; string localName = this.coreReader.LocalName; if (Ref.Equal(namespaceURI, this.NsXsi)) { if (Ref.Equal(localName, this.XsiSchemaLocation)) { xsiSchemaLocation = this.coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(localName, this.XsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation)) { xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation = this.coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(localName, this.XsiType)) { xsiType = this.coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(localName, this.XsiNil)) { xsiNil = this.coreReader.Value; } } if (this.manageNamespaces && Ref.Equal(this.coreReader.NamespaceURI, this.NsXmlNs)) { this.nsManager.AddNamespace((this.coreReader.Prefix.Length == 0) ? string.Empty : this.coreReader.LocalName, this.coreReader.Value); } } while (this.coreReader.MoveToNextAttribute()); this.coreReader.MoveToElement(); } this.validator.ValidateElement(this.coreReader.LocalName, this.coreReader.NamespaceURI, this.xmlSchemaInfo, xsiType, xsiNil, xsiSchemaLocation, xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation); this.ValidateAttributes(); this.validator.ValidateEndOfAttributes(this.xmlSchemaInfo); if (this.coreReader.IsEmptyElement) { this.ProcessEndElementEvent(); } this.validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes; } }
private void LoadSchemaFromLocation(string uri, string url) { XmlReader reader = null; SchemaInfo schemaInfo = null; try { Uri ruri = this.XmlResolver.ResolveUri(BaseUri, url); Stream stm = (Stream)this.XmlResolver.GetEntity(ruri, null, null); reader = new XmlTextReader(ruri.ToString(), stm, NameTable); //XmlSchema schema = SchemaCollection.Add(uri, reader, this.XmlResolver); Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, NameTable, SchemaNames, EventHandler); parser.XmlResolver = this.XmlResolver; SchemaType schemaType = parser.Parse(reader, uri); schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo(); schemaInfo.SchemaType = schemaType; if (schemaType == SchemaType.XSD) { if (SchemaCollection.EventHandler == null) { SchemaCollection.EventHandler = this.EventHandler; } SchemaCollection.Add(uri, schemaInfo, parser.XmlSchema, true); } //Add to validator's SchemaInfo SchemaInfo.Add(schemaInfo, EventHandler); while (reader.Read()) ;// wellformness check } catch (XmlSchemaException e) { schemaInfo = null; SendValidationEvent(SR.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] { uri, e.Message }, XmlSeverityType.Error); } catch (Exception e) { schemaInfo = null; SendValidationEvent(SR.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] { uri, e.Message }, XmlSeverityType.Warning); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } }
private void ValidateElement() { elementName.Init(reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI); object particle = ValidateChildElement(); if (IsXSDRoot(elementName.Name, elementName.Namespace) && reader.Depth > 0) { _inlineSchemaParser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, NameTable, SchemaNames, EventHandler); _inlineSchemaParser.StartParsing(reader, null); ProcessInlineSchema(); } else { ProcessElement(particle); } }
private void ProcessInlineSchema() { if (!_inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode()) { // Done _inlineSchemaParser.FinishParsing(); XmlSchema schema = _inlineSchemaParser.XmlSchema; string inlineNS = null; if (schema != null && schema.ErrorCount == 0) { try { SchemaInfo inlineSchemaInfo = new SchemaInfo(); inlineSchemaInfo.SchemaType = SchemaType.XSD; inlineNS = schema.TargetNamespace == null ? string.Empty : schema.TargetNamespace; if (!SchemaInfo.TargetNamespaces.ContainsKey(inlineNS)) { if (SchemaCollection.Add(inlineNS, inlineSchemaInfo, schema, true) != null) { //If no errors on compile //Add to validator's SchemaInfo SchemaInfo.Add(inlineSchemaInfo, EventHandler); } } } catch (XmlSchemaException e) { SendValidationEvent(SR.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] { BaseUri.AbsoluteUri, e.Message }, XmlSeverityType.Error); } } _inlineSchemaParser = null; } }
/// <include file='doc\XmlSchema.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlSchema.Read2"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>[To be supplied.]</para> /// </devdoc> public static XmlSchema Read(XmlReader reader, ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler) { XmlNameTable nameTable = reader.NameTable; Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, nameTable, new SchemaNames(nameTable), validationEventHandler); try { parser.Parse(reader, null); } catch(XmlSchemaException e) { if (validationEventHandler != null) { validationEventHandler(null, new ValidationEventArgs(e)); } else { throw e; } return null; } return parser.XmlSchema; }
/// <include file='doc\XmlSchemaCollection.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="XmlSchemaCollection.Add1"]/*' /> /// <devdoc> /// <para>Add the given schema into the schema collection. /// If the given schema references other namespaces, the schemas for those /// other namespaces are NOT automatically loaded.</para> /// </devdoc> public XmlSchema Add(String ns, XmlReader reader, XmlResolver resolver) { if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); XmlNameTable readerNameTable = reader.NameTable; SchemaInfo schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo(); Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.None, readerNameTable, GetSchemaNames(readerNameTable), validationEventHandler); parser.XmlResolver = resolver; SchemaType schemaType; try { schemaType = parser.Parse(reader, ns); } catch (XmlSchemaException e) { SendValidationEvent(e); return null; } if (schemaType == SchemaType.XSD) { schemaInfo.SchemaType = SchemaType.XSD; return Add(ns, schemaInfo, parser.XmlSchema, true, resolver); } else { SchemaInfo xdrSchema = parser.XdrSchema; return Add(ns, parser.XdrSchema, null, true, resolver); } }
private void ProcessInlineSchema() { if (this.coreReader.Read()) { if (this.coreReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { this.attributeCount = this.coreReaderAttributeCount = this.coreReader.AttributeCount; } else { this.ClearAttributesInfo(); } if (!this.inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode()) { this.inlineSchemaParser.FinishParsing(); XmlSchema xmlSchema = this.inlineSchemaParser.XmlSchema; this.validator.AddSchema(xmlSchema); this.inlineSchemaParser = null; this.validationState = ValidatingReaderState.Read; } } }
private XsdDateTime(Parser parser) : this() { InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
internal XmlSchema ParseSchema(string targetNamespace, XmlReader reader) { XmlNameTable readerNameTable = reader.NameTable; SchemaNames schemaNames = GetSchemaNames(readerNameTable); Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, readerNameTable, schemaNames, eventHandler); parser.XmlResolver = readerSettings.GetXmlResolver(); SchemaType schemaType; try { schemaType = parser.Parse(reader, targetNamespace); } catch(XmlSchemaException e) { SendValidationEvent(e, XmlSeverityType.Error); return null; } return parser.XmlSchema; }
private void ProcessElementEvent() { if (this.processInlineSchema && IsXSDRoot(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.NamespaceURI) && coreReader.Depth > 0) { xmlSchemaInfo.Clear(); attributeCount = coreReaderAttributeCount = coreReader.AttributeCount; if (!coreReader.IsEmptyElement) { //If its not empty schema, then parse else ignore inlineSchemaParser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, coreReaderNameTable, validator.SchemaSet.GetSchemaNames(coreReaderNameTable), validationEvent); inlineSchemaParser.StartParsing(coreReader, null); inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode(); validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ParseInlineSchema; } else { validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes; } } else { //Validate element //Clear previous data atomicValue = null; originalAtomicValueString = null; xmlSchemaInfo.Clear(); if (manageNamespaces) { nsManager.PushScope(); } //Find Xsi attributes that need to be processed before validating the element string xsiSchemaLocation = null; string xsiNoNamespaceSL = null; string xsiNil = null; string xsiType = null; if (coreReader.MoveToFirstAttribute()) { do { string objectNs = coreReader.NamespaceURI; string objectName = coreReader.LocalName; if (Ref.Equal(objectNs, NsXsi)) { if (Ref.Equal(objectName, XsiSchemaLocation)) { xsiSchemaLocation = coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, XsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation)) { xsiNoNamespaceSL = coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, XsiType)) { xsiType = coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, XsiNil)) { xsiNil = coreReader.Value; } } if (manageNamespaces && Ref.Equal(coreReader.NamespaceURI, NsXmlNs)) { nsManager.AddNamespace(coreReader.Prefix.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.Value); } } while (coreReader.MoveToNextAttribute()); coreReader.MoveToElement(); } validator.ValidateElement(coreReader.LocalName, coreReader.NamespaceURI, xmlSchemaInfo, xsiType, xsiNil, xsiSchemaLocation, xsiNoNamespaceSL); ValidateAttributes(); validator.ValidateEndOfAttributes(xmlSchemaInfo); if (coreReader.IsEmptyElement) { ProcessEndElementEvent(); } validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes; } }
private void LoadExternals(XmlSchema schema, XmlSchemaCollection xsc) { if (schema.IsProcessing) { return; } schema.IsProcessing = true; for (int i = 0; i < schema.Includes.Count; ++i) { XmlSchemaExternal include = (XmlSchemaExternal)schema.Includes[i]; Uri includeLocation = null; //CASE 1: If the Schema object of the include has been set if (include.Schema != null) { // already loaded if (include is XmlSchemaImport && ((XmlSchemaImport)include).Namespace == XmlReservedNs.NsXml) { buildinIncluded = true; } else { includeLocation = include.BaseUri; if (includeLocation != null && schemaLocations[includeLocation] == null) { schemaLocations.Add(includeLocation, includeLocation); } LoadExternals(include.Schema, xsc); } continue; } //CASE 2: If the include has been already added to the schema collection directly if (xsc != null && include is XmlSchemaImport) { //Added for SchemaCollection compatibility XmlSchemaImport import = (XmlSchemaImport)include; string importNS = import.Namespace != null ? import.Namespace : string.Empty; include.Schema = xsc[importNS]; //Fetch it from the collection if (include.Schema != null) { include.Schema = include.Schema.Clone(); if (include.Schema.BaseUri != null && schemaLocations[include.Schema.BaseUri] == null) { schemaLocations.Add(include.Schema.BaseUri, include.Schema.BaseUri); } //To avoid re-including components that were already included through a different path Uri subUri = null; for (int j = 0; j < include.Schema.Includes.Count; ++j) { XmlSchemaExternal subInc = (XmlSchemaExternal)include.Schema.Includes[j]; if (subInc is XmlSchemaImport) { XmlSchemaImport subImp = (XmlSchemaImport)subInc; subUri = subImp.BaseUri != null ? subImp.BaseUri : (subImp.Schema != null && subImp.Schema.BaseUri != null ? subImp.Schema.BaseUri : null); if (subUri != null) { if(schemaLocations[subUri] != null) { subImp.Schema = null; //So that the components are not included again } else { //if its not there already, add it schemaLocations.Add(subUri, subUri); //The schema for that location is available } } } } continue; } } //CASE 3: If the imported namespace is the XML namespace, load built-in schema if (include is XmlSchemaImport && ((XmlSchemaImport)include).Namespace == XmlReservedNs.NsXml) { if (!buildinIncluded) { buildinIncluded = true; include.Schema = Preprocessor.GetBuildInSchema(); } continue; } //CASE4: Parse schema from the provided location string schemaLocation = include.SchemaLocation; if (schemaLocation == null) { continue; } Uri ruri = ResolveSchemaLocationUri(schema, schemaLocation); if (ruri != null && schemaLocations[ruri] == null) { Stream stream = GetSchemaEntity(ruri); if (stream != null) { include.BaseUri = ruri; schemaLocations.Add(ruri, ruri); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(ruri.ToString(), stream, NameTable); reader.XmlResolver = xmlResolver; try { Parser parser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, NameTable, SchemaNames, EventHandler); parser.Parse(reader, null); while(reader.Read());// wellformness check include.Schema = parser.XmlSchema; LoadExternals(include.Schema, xsc); } catch(XmlSchemaException e) { SendValidationEventNoThrow(new XmlSchemaException(Res.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] {schemaLocation, e.Message}, e.SourceUri, e.LineNumber, e.LinePosition), XmlSeverityType.Error); } catch(Exception) { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_InvalidIncludeLocation, include, XmlSeverityType.Warning); } finally { reader.Close(); } } else { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_InvalidIncludeLocation, include, XmlSeverityType.Warning); } } } schema.IsProcessing = false; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an XsdDateTime from a string using specific format. /// </summary> public XsdDateTime(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) : this() { Parser parser = new Parser(); if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.XmlConvert_BadFormat, text, kinds)); } InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
internal void Validate() { if (inlineSchemaParser != null) { if (!inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode()) { // Done XmlSchema schema = inlineSchemaParser.FinishParsing(); bool add = true; if (schema != null) { inlineNs = schema.TargetNamespace == null ? string.Empty : schema.TargetNamespace; if (!SchemaInfo.HasSchema(inlineNs) && schema.ErrorCount == 0) { schema.Compile(schemaCollection, nameTable, schemaNames, validationEventHandler, null, inlineSchemaInfo, true); add = schema.ErrorCount == 0; } else { add = false; } } else { inlineNs = inlineSchemaInfo.CurrentSchemaNamespace; add = !SchemaInfo.HasSchema(inlineNs); } if (add) { SchemaInfo.Add(inlineNs, inlineSchemaInfo, validationEventHandler); schemaCollection.Add(inlineNs, inlineSchemaInfo, schema, false); } inlineSchemaParser = null; inlineSchemaInfo = null; inlineNs = null; } } else { = QualifiedName(reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI); if (HasSchema) { if (context != null) { while (context != null && reader.Depth <= context.Depth) { EndChildren(); } ValidateElementContent(reader.NodeType); } if (reader.Depth == 0 && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && SchemaInfo.SchemaType == SchemaType.DTD) { if (!SchemaInfo.DocTypeName.Equals( { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_RootMatchDocType); } } } if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (schemaNames.IsSchemaRoot( && !SkipProcess( == schemaNames.QnXsdSchema ? SchemaType.XSD : SchemaType.XDR) && IsCorrectSchemaType( == schemaNames.QnXsdSchema ? SchemaType.XSD : SchemaType.XDR)) { inlineSchemaInfo = new SchemaInfo(schemaNames); inlineSchemaParser = new Parser(schemaCollection, nameTable, schemaNames, validationEventHandler); inlineSchemaParser.StartParsing(reader, null, inlineSchemaInfo); inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode(); } else { ProcessElement(); } } } }
// SxS: This function calls ValidateElement on XmlSchemaValidator which is annotated with ResourceExposure attribute. // Since the resource names (namespace location) are not provided directly by the user (they are read from the source // document) and the function does not expose any resources it is fine to suppress the SxS warning. private async Task ProcessElementEventAsync() { if (_processInlineSchema && IsXSDRoot(_coreReader.LocalName, _coreReader.NamespaceURI) && _coreReader.Depth > 0) { _xmlSchemaInfo.Clear(); _attributeCount = _coreReaderAttributeCount = _coreReader.AttributeCount; if (!_coreReader.IsEmptyElement) { //If its not empty schema, then parse else ignore _inlineSchemaParser = new Parser(SchemaType.XSD, _coreReaderNameTable, _validator.SchemaSet.GetSchemaNames(_coreReaderNameTable), _validationEvent); await _inlineSchemaParser.StartParsingAsync(_coreReader, null).ConfigureAwait(false); _inlineSchemaParser.ParseReaderNode(); _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ParseInlineSchema; } else { _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes; } } else { //Validate element //Clear previous data _atomicValue = null; _originalAtomicValueString = null; _xmlSchemaInfo.Clear(); if (_manageNamespaces) { _nsManager.PushScope(); } //Find Xsi attributes that need to be processed before validating the element string xsiSchemaLocation = null; string xsiNoNamespaceSL = null; string xsiNil = null; string xsiType = null; if (_coreReader.MoveToFirstAttribute()) { do { string objectNs = _coreReader.NamespaceURI; string objectName = _coreReader.LocalName; if (Ref.Equal(objectNs, _nsXsi)) { if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiSchemaLocation)) { xsiSchemaLocation = _coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation)) { xsiNoNamespaceSL = _coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiType)) { xsiType = _coreReader.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiNil)) { xsiNil = _coreReader.Value; } } if (_manageNamespaces && Ref.Equal(_coreReader.NamespaceURI, _nsXmlNs)) { _nsManager.AddNamespace(_coreReader.Prefix.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : _coreReader.LocalName, _coreReader.Value); } } while (_coreReader.MoveToNextAttribute()); _coreReader.MoveToElement(); } _validator.ValidateElement(_coreReader.LocalName, _coreReader.NamespaceURI, _xmlSchemaInfo, xsiType, xsiNil, xsiSchemaLocation, xsiNoNamespaceSL); ValidateAttributes(); _validator.ValidateEndOfAttributes(_xmlSchemaInfo); if (_coreReader.IsEmptyElement) { await ProcessEndElementEventAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } _validationState = ValidatingReaderState.ClearAttributes; } }
private bool LoadSchema(string uri, string url) { bool expectXdr = false; uri = nameTable.Add(uri); if (SchemaInfo.HasSchema(uri)) { return false; } SchemaInfo schemaInfo = null; if (schemaCollection != null) schemaInfo = schemaCollection.GetSchemaInfo(uri); if (schemaInfo != null) { /* if (SkipProcess(schemaInfo.SchemaType)) return false; */ if (!IsCorrectSchemaType(schemaInfo.SchemaType)) { throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_MultipleValidaitonTypes, string.Empty, this.positionInfo.LineNumber, this.positionInfo.LinePosition); } SchemaInfo.Add(uri, schemaInfo, validationEventHandler); return true; } if (this.xmlResolver == null) return false; if (url == null && IsXdrSchema(uri)) { /* */ if (ValidationFlag != ValidationType.XDR && ValidationFlag != ValidationType.Auto) { return false; } url = uri.Substring(x_schema.Length); expectXdr = true; } if (url == null) { return false; } XmlSchema schema = null; XmlReader reader = null; try { Uri ruri = this.xmlResolver.ResolveUri(baseUri, url); Stream stm = (Stream)this.xmlResolver.GetEntity(ruri,null,null); reader = new XmlTextReader(ruri.ToString(), stm, nameTable); schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo(schemaNames); Parser sparser = new Parser(schemaCollection, nameTable, schemaNames, validationEventHandler); schema = sparser.Parse(reader, uri, schemaInfo); while(reader.Read());// wellformness check } catch(XmlSchemaException e) { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] {uri, e.Message}, XmlSeverityType.Error); schemaInfo = null; } catch(Exception e) { SendValidationEvent(Res.Sch_CannotLoadSchema, new string[] {uri, e.Message}, XmlSeverityType.Warning); schemaInfo = null; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } if (schemaInfo != null) { int errorCount = 0; if (schema != null) { if (expectXdr) { throw new XmlException(Res.Sch_XSCHEMA, string.Empty, this.positionInfo.LineNumber, this.positionInfo.LinePosition); } if (schema.ErrorCount == 0) { schema.Compile(schemaCollection, nameTable, schemaNames, validationEventHandler, uri, schemaInfo, true); } errorCount += schema.ErrorCount; } else { errorCount += schemaInfo.ErrorCount; } if (errorCount == 0) { if (SkipProcess(schemaInfo.SchemaType)) return false; if (!IsCorrectSchemaType(schemaInfo.SchemaType)) { throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_MultipleValidaitonTypes, string.Empty, this.positionInfo.LineNumber, this.positionInfo.LinePosition); } SchemaInfo.Add(uri, schemaInfo, validationEventHandler); schemaCollection.Add(uri, schemaInfo, schema, false); return true; } } return false; }