public virtual bool PassesValidation(System.Xml.Linq.XObject node, out string details) { if (null == node) { throw new ArgumentNullException("node"); } string value; if (node is XAttribute) { value = (node as XAttribute).Value; } else if (node is XElement) { value = (node as XElement).Value; } else { throw new NotImplementedException("The node type" + node.GetType() + " was not expected"); } return(this.PassesValidation(value, out details)); }
public override bool PassesValidation(System.Xml.Linq.XObject input, out string details) { details = null; if (null == input) { throw new ArgumentNullException("input"); } string value; if (input is XElement) { value = (input as XElement).Value; } else if (input is XAttribute) { value = (input as XAttribute).Value; } else { throw new ArgumentException("The input parameter type " + input.GetType().FullName + " was not expected", "input"); } int count; IEnumerable <XElement> same; switch (this.UniqueAcross) { case UniqueAcrossTypes.Document: if (null == input.Document) { throw new ArgumentException("The XElement must be associated with an XDocument", "input"); } same = input.Document.XPathSelectElements(this.XPathSelector, this.NamespaceManager) .Where(xe => xe.Value == value); count = same.Count(); if (count == 1) { return(true); } else { details = String.Format ( "There are {0} element{2} with the identifier {1} (on line{2} ", count, value, count == 1 ? String.Empty : "s" ); bool firstItem = true; foreach (System.Xml.Linq.XElement xe in same) { if (false == (xe is IXmlLineInfo)) { continue; } if (firstItem == false) { details += ", "; } else { firstItem = false; }; details += (xe as IXmlLineInfo).LineNumber.ToString(); } details += ")"; return(false); } case UniqueAcrossTypes.Context: if (null == input.Document) { throw new ArgumentException("The XElement must be associated with an XDocument", "input"); } XNode root = input.Document; // Is this an identifier inside a provider inside a venue? Because we need to handle it differently if it is... var isIdentifierInsideProvider = ( (input.Parent.Name.LocalName == "provider") && (input.Parent.Name.NamespaceName == "") ); if ( isIdentifierInsideProvider && (input.Parent.Parent.Name.LocalName == "venue") && (input.Parent.Parent.Name.NamespaceName == "") ) { // For providers inside venue, only worry about the id being unique within this presentation root = XDocument.Parse(input.Parent.Parent.Parent.OuterXml()); // To the presentation! } // If this is a qualification then the identifier must be unique within the course if ( (input.Parent.Name.LocalName == "qualification") && (input.Parent.Name.NamespaceName == "") ) { root = XDocument.Parse(input.Parent.Parent.OuterXml()); } same = root.XPathSelectElements(this.XPathSelector, this.NamespaceManager) .Where(xe => xe.Value == value) .Where(xe => xe.Parent.Name.LocalName == input.Parent.Name.LocalName) .Where(xe => xe.Parent.Name.NamespaceName == input.Parent.Name.NamespaceName); if ( isIdentifierInsideProvider && !((input.Parent.Parent.Name.LocalName == "venue") && (input.Parent.Parent.Name.NamespaceName == "")) ) { // For providers outside venue, ignore matches that exist within venues! same = same .Where(xe => xe.Parent.Parent.Name.LocalName != "venue") .Where(xe => xe.Parent.Parent.Name.NamespaceName == ""); } count = same.Count(); if (count == 1) { return(true); } else { details = String.Format ( "There are {0} element{2} with the identifier {1} (on line{2} ", count, value, count == 1 ? String.Empty : "s" ); bool firstItem = true; foreach (System.Xml.Linq.XElement xe in same) { if (false == (xe is IXmlLineInfo)) { continue; } if (firstItem == false) { details += ", "; } else { firstItem = false; }; details += (xe as IXmlLineInfo).LineNumber.ToString(); } details += ")"; return(false); } default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override bool PassesValidation(System.Xml.Linq.XObject input, out string details) { details = null; if (null == input) { throw new ArgumentNullException("input"); } string value; if (input is XElement) { value = (input as XElement).Value; } else { throw new ArgumentException("The input parameter type " + input.GetType().FullName + " was not expected", "input"); } switch (this.EnforcementType) { case EnforcementTypes.ForceEmpty: if (false == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { details = String.Format ( "Element has a value of '{0}'", value ); return(false); } if ((input as XElement).DescendantNodes().Count() > 0) { details = String.Format ( "Element has {0} children (none allowed)", (input as XElement).DescendantNodes().Count() ); return(false); } return(true); case EnforcementTypes.ForceNotEmpty: if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { details = "Element has no value when one was expected"; return(false); } if ((input as XElement).DescendantNodes().Count() == 0) { details = String.Format ( "Element has 0 child nodes when they were expected", (input as XElement).DescendantNodes().Count() ); return(false); } return(true); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override bool PassesValidation(System.Xml.Linq.XObject node, out string details) { if ( null == this.ValidCaptions || null == this.ValidIdentifiers ) { this.Setup(); } if (false == (node is XElement)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The xobject must be an xelement"); } details = null; var element = node as XElement; if (false == this.PassesXsiTypeFilter(element)) { return(true); } if (null != element.Attribute("identifier")) { var identifier = element.Attribute("identifier").Value; if (false == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(identifier)) { if (false == this.IsValidIdentifier(identifier)) { details = String.Format ( "The value {0} was not a valid identifier value", identifier ); return(false); } } else { if (false == this.AllowBlankIdentifier) { details = "Blank identifiers are not allowed"; return(false); } } } var value = element.Value; if (false == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { if (false == this.IsValidElementValue(value)) { details = String.Format ( "The value {0} was not a valid element value", value ); return(false); } } else { if (false == this.AllowBlankCaption) { details = "Blank values are not allowed"; return(false); } } return(true); }
public static object GetDetachedObject(XObject child) { return(child.Owner != null?Clone(child) : child); }
public override bool PassesValidation(System.Xml.Linq.XObject node, out string details) { if (null == node) { throw new ArgumentNullException("node"); } if (false == (node is XElement)) { throw new NotImplementedException("The node type" + node.GetType() + " was not expected"); } details = null; node = node as XElement; var languageCounts = this.GetLanguageCounts ( ((node as XElement).XPathEvaluate(this.ChildElementSelector, this.NamespaceManager) as System.Collections.IEnumerable).Cast <XObject>() ); var languageCountsBelowMinimum = languageCounts.Where((k) => { if (this.Minimum.HasValue) { return(k.Value < this.Minimum.Value); } return(false); }); var languageCountsAboveMaximum = languageCounts.Where((k) => { if (this.Maximum.HasValue) { return(k.Value > this.Maximum.Value); } return(false); }); // None below min or above max? if ( 0 == languageCountsBelowMinimum.Count() && 0 == languageCountsAboveMaximum.Count() ) { return(true); } details = String.Format ( "The '{0}' element contained some invalid children:{1}", (node as XElement).Name, System.Environment.NewLine ); foreach (var kvp in languageCountsBelowMinimum) { details += String.Format ( "There were {0} elements with the language {1}, which was below the minimum expected of {2}.{3}", kvp.Value, kvp.Key, this.Minimum.Value, System.Environment.NewLine ); } foreach (var kvp in languageCountsAboveMaximum) { details += String.Format ( "There were {0} elements with the language {1}, which was above the maximum expected of {2}.{3}", kvp.Value, kvp.Key, this.Maximum.Value, System.Environment.NewLine ); } return(false); }