Esempio n. 1
 public void FromXml(XElement x) {
     if (x == null) return;
     Type = (PaletteType) Enum.Parse(typeof (PaletteType), x.GetString("Type", "Gradient"));
     var stps = x.Elements();
     Stops = new List<PaletteStop>();
     foreach (var s in stps)
         var ps = new PaletteStop();
Esempio n. 2
 public override void FromXml(XElement element, string directoryName)
     Description      = element.GetString("Description");
     CanEdit          = element.GetBool("CanEdit");
     CanCreate        = element.GetBool("CanCreate");
     SyncDelay        = element.GetInt("SyncDelay", 500);
     ShareOnline      = element.GetBool("ShareOnline");
     TabBarVisible    = element.GetBool("TabBarVisible", true);
     MinResolution    = element.GetDouble("MinResolution");
     MaxResolution    = element.GetDouble("MaxResolution", -1.0);
     FilterLocation   = element.GetBool("FilterLocation");
     SelectionMode    = (SelectionMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(SelectionMode), element.GetString("SelectionMode", "None"));
     ShowTimeline     = element.GetBool("ShowTimeline", false);
     ShowAnalysis     = element.GetBool("ShowAnalysis", false);
     SublayersVisible = element.GetBool("SublayersVisible", true);
     OpenTab          = element.GetBool("OpenTab", false);
     Icon             = element.GetString("Icon", "");
     LayerOrder       = element.GetString("LayerOrder", "");
     AutoStart        = element.GetBool("AutoStart", false);
     BackupInterval   = element.GetInt("BackupInterval", 0);
     var xLabels      = element.Element("Labels");
     if (xLabels == null) return;
     foreach (var l in xLabels.Elements())
         Labels.Add(l.Name.LocalName, l.Value);
Esempio n. 3
        public override void FromXml(XElement element, string directoryName)
            Id = element.GetGuid("id");
            Name = element.GetString("name", string.Empty);
            Layer = element.GetString("layer", string.Empty);
            ConnectionStringFull = element.GetString("connection", string.Empty);
            ConnectionStringReference = element.GetString("connectionReference", string.Empty);
            Query = (string)element.GetElement("Query");
            PoiTypeId = element.GetString("poiTypeId", string.Empty);
            IsEnabled = element.GetBool("isEnabled");
            UpdateType = (UpdateTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(UpdateTypes), element.GetString("updateType", string.Empty));

            var options = element.GetElement("Options");
            if (options != null)
                var relationShip = options.GetString("relationship", string.Empty);
                Options = new SqlQueryOptions
                    ControlInputParameterIndex = options.GetInt("controlInputParameterIndex"),
                    DesiredResultFormula = options.GetString("desiredResultFormula"),
                    DesiredResultLabel = options.GetString("desiredResultLabel"),
                    DesiredAccuracyInputParameterIndex = options.GetInt("desiredAccuracyInputParameterIndex"),
                    MaxTriesInputParameterIndex = options.GetInt("maxTriesInputParameterIndex", 5),
                    ActualResultOutputParameterIndex = options.GetInt("actualResultOutputParameterIndex"),
                    Relationship = string.IsNullOrEmpty(relationShip) ? SqlInputOutputRelationship.Linear : (SqlInputOutputRelationship)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlInputOutputRelationship), relationShip)
            var inputs = element.Element("Inputs");
            if (inputs != null)
                foreach (var input in inputs.Elements())
                    InputParameters.Add(new SqlInputParameter
                        LabelName = input.GetString("labelName", string.Empty),
                        Type = (SqlParameterTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlParameterTypes), input.GetString("type", string.Empty))
            var outputs = element.Element("Outputs");
            if (outputs == null) return;
            foreach (var output in outputs.Elements())
                OutputParameters.Add(new SqlOutputParameter
                    Name = output.GetString("name", string.Empty),
                    OutputType = (SqlOutputType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlOutputType), output.GetString("type", string.Empty))
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shreds an XML element into a Status object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status">XML element with info</param>
        /// <returns>Newly populated status object</returns>
        public static Status CreateStatus(XElement status)
            if (status == null)
                return null;

            var createdAtDate =
                status.Element("created_at") == null ||
                status.Element("created_at").Value == string.Empty
                    ? DateTime.MinValue
                    : DateTime.ParseExact(
                        "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss %zzzz yyyy",
                        DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal);

            var favorite =
                    status.Element("favorited") == null ||
                    status.Element("favorited").Value == string.Empty ?
                         "false" :

            var user = status.Element("user");
            var retweet = status.Element("retweeted_status");

            var retweetCount =
                status.Element("retweet_count") == null ||
                status.Element("retweet_count").Value == string.Empty ?
                    0 :

            var retweeted =
                status.Element("retweeted") == null || status.Element("retweeted").Value == string.Empty ?
                    false :

            var retweetDate = retweet == null
                              ? null
                              : retweet.Element("created_at").Value;

            var retweetedAtDate = String.IsNullOrEmpty(retweetDate)
                                ? DateTime.MinValue
                                : DateTime.ParseExact(
                                        "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss %zzzz yyyy",
                                        DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal);

            List<Contributor> contributors = null;

            XElement contributorElement = status.Element("contributors");

            if (contributorElement != null)
                if (contributorElement.Elements("user").Count() > 0)
                    contributors =
                        (from contr in contributorElement.Elements("user")
                         select new Contributor
                             ID = contr.Element("id").Value,
                             ScreenName = contr.Element("screen_name").Value
                    contributors =
                            (from id in contributorElement.Elements("user_id")
                             select new Contributor
                                 ID = id.Value,
                                 ScreenName = string.Empty

            XNamespace geoRss = "";

            var geoStr =
               status.Element("geo") != null &&
               status.Element("geo").Element(geoRss + "point") != null ?
                   status.Element("geo").Element(geoRss + "point").Value :

            Geo geo = new Geo();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(geoStr))
                var coordArr = geoStr.Split(' ');

                double tempLatitude = 0;
                double tempLongitide = 0;

                if (double.TryParse(coordArr[Coordinate.LatitudePos], out tempLatitude) &&
                    double.TryParse(coordArr[Coordinate.LongitudePos], out tempLongitide))
                    geo =
                        new Geo
                            Latitude = tempLatitude,
                            Longitude = tempLongitide

            var coordStr =
                status.Element("coordinates") != null &&
                status.Element("coordinates").Element(geoRss + "point") != null ?
                    status.Element("coordinates").Element(geoRss + "point").Value :

            Coordinate coord = new Coordinate();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(coordStr))
                var coordArr = coordStr.Split(' ');

                double tempLatitude = 0;
                double tempLongitide = 0;

                if (double.TryParse(coordArr[Coordinate.LatitudePos], out tempLatitude) &&
                    double.TryParse(coordArr[Coordinate.LongitudePos], out tempLongitide))
                    coord =
                        new Coordinate
                            Latitude = tempLatitude,
                            Longitude = tempLongitide

            var place = Place.CreatePlace(status.Element("place"));
            var annotation = Annotation.CreateAnnotation(status.Element("annotation"));
            var entities = Entities.CreateEntities(status.Element("entities"));

            var newStatus = new Status
                CreatedAt = createdAtDate,
                Favorited = bool.Parse(favorite),
                StatusID = status.GetString("id"),
                InReplyToStatusID = status.GetString("in_reply_to_status_id"),
                InReplyToUserID = status.GetString("in_reply_to_user_id"),
                Source = status.GetString("source"),
                Text = status.GetString("text"),
                Truncated = status.GetBool("truncated"),
                InReplyToScreenName = status.GetString("in_reply_to_screen_name"),
                Contributors = contributors,
                Geo = geo,
                Coordinates = coord,
                Place = place,
                Annotation = annotation,
                User = User.CreateUser(user),
                Entities = entities,
                Retweeted = retweeted,
                RetweetCount = retweetCount,
                Retweet =
                    retweet == null ?
                        null :
                        new Retweet
                            ID = retweet.GetString("id"),
                            CreatedAt = retweetedAtDate,
                            Favorited = retweet.GetBool("favorited"),
                            InReplyToScreenName = retweet.GetString("in_reply_to_screen_name"),
                            InReplyToStatusID = retweet.GetString("in_reply_to_status_id"),
                            InReplyToUserID = retweet.GetString("in_reply_to_user_id"),
                            Source = retweet.GetString("source"),
                            Text = retweet.GetString("text"),
                            Retweeted = retweet.GetBool("retweeted"),
                            RetweetCount =
                                retweet.Element("retweet_count") == null ||
                                retweet.Element("retweet_count").Value == string.Empty ?
                                    0 :
                            Truncated = retweet.GetBool("truncated", true),
                            RetweetingUser = User.CreateUser(retweet.Element("user"))

            return newStatus;
Esempio n. 5
        public void FromXml(XElement el)
            Type = el.GetString("Type");
            Id = el.GetString("Id");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id)) Id = Type;

            var xp = el.Element("InputParameters");
            if (xp == null) return;
            Parameters = new List<ModelParameter>();
            foreach (var l in xp.Elements())
                Parameters.Add(new ModelParameter
                    Direction = ModelParameterDirection.input,
                    Name = l.Name.LocalName,
                    Value = l.Value,
                    Source = (ModelParameterSource) Enum.Parse(typeof(ModelParameterSource), l.GetString("source",
Esempio n. 6
        public virtual void FromXml(XElement hx)
                // TODO Should we set the property or the backing field?
                Title = hx.GetString("Title");
                UsesMultipleCriteria = hx.GetBool("usesMultipleCriteria");
                ShowInGui = hx.GetBool("ShowInGui", true);
                IsActive = hx.GetBool("IsActive");
                IsDynamic = hx.GetBool("IsDynamic");
                HighlighterType = (HighlighterTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(HighlighterTypes), hx.GetString("HighlighterType", "Highlight"));
                VisualType = (VisualTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(VisualTypes), hx.GetString("VisualType", "StrokeColor"));
                ValueType = (ValueTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ValueTypes), hx.GetString("ValueType", "String"));
                MinValue = hx.GetDouble("MinValue");
                MaxValue = hx.GetDouble("MaxValue");
                ThresholdType = (ThresholdTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ThresholdTypes), hx.GetString("ThresholdType", "Equal"));
                SelectionCriteria = hx.GetString("SelectionCriteria", string.Empty);
                SelectionType = (SelectionTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(SelectionTypes), hx.GetString("SelectionType", "Label"));
                ThresHoldValue = hx.GetDouble("ThresHoldValue", 0.0);
                StringValue = hx.GetString("StringValue", string.Empty);
                StringFormat = hx.GetString("StringFormat", string.Empty);
                PoiType = hx.GetString("PoiType", string.Empty);
                var px = hx.Element("Palette");
                Category = hx.GetString("Category", DefaultCategory);
                if (px == null) return;
                Palette = new Palette();

                if (!usesMultipleCriteria) return;
                var crit = hx.GetString("criteria").Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (var c in crit)
                    var criterion = c.Split(new[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (criterion.Length < 3) continue;
                    var st = (SelectionTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(SelectionTypes), criterion[0], true);
                    double result;
                    if (double.TryParse(criterion[2], NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out result))
                        criteria.Add(new PoiProperty { Name = criterion[1], Type = st, Weight = result });
                inMcaMode = hx.GetBool("inMcaMode");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log("AnalysisMetaInfo", "Error parsing xml", e.Message, Logger.Level.Error);
Esempio n. 7
        public void FromXmlBase(ref XElement res, string directoryName)
            //var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof (PoI));
            //var p = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(res.CreateReader());
                Id = res.GetGuid("Id");
                if (Id == Guid.Empty) Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                var n = res.GetString("Name");
                ContentId = res.GetString("PoiId", "");
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentId)) ContentId = n;
                Priority = res.GetInt("Priority", 2);
                UserId = res.GetString("UserId");
                DateLong = res.GetLong("Date", DateTime.Now.ToEpoch());
                UpdatedLong = res.GetLong("Updated", DateTime.Now.ToEpoch());
                Layer = res.GetString("Layer");
                MaxItems = res.GetNullInt("MaxItems");
                var xMid = res.Element("MetaInfoData");
                PoiTypeId = res.GetString("PoiTypeId", "");
                IsVisibleInMenu = res.GetBool("IsVisibleInMenu", true);
                Orientation = res.GetDouble("Orientation", 0.0);
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PoiTypeId))

                if (xMid != null)
                    var metaInfo = new MetaInfoCollection();
                    foreach (var xMi in xMid.Elements())
                        var mi = new MetaInfo();
                    MetaInfo = metaInfo;

                if (res.Element("WKT") != null)
                    var xElement = res.Element("WKT");
                    if (xElement != null) WktText = xElement.Value;

                var xlabels = res.Element("Labels");
                if (xlabels != null)
                    Labels = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    foreach (var xk in xlabels.Elements())
                        var k = xk.Name.LocalName;
                        // Restore keys starting with numbers or having % or '.
                        k = k.Replace(LabelPercentSubst, "%");
                        k = k.Replace(LabelQuoteSubst, "'");
                        if (k.StartsWith(LabelNumPrefix))
                            k = k.Substring(LabelNumPrefix.Length);

                        var s = xk.InnerXml();
                        Labels[k] = s.RestoreInvalidCharacters();
                        Labels[k] = Labels[k].Replace("&lt;", "<").Replace("&gt;", ">");

                var xkeywords = res.Element("Keywords");
                if (xkeywords != null)
                    Keywords = new WordHistogram();

                if (res.Element("Style") != null)
                        var newStyle = new PoIStyle();
                        newStyle.FromXml(res.Element("Style"), directoryName, false); //, Service.Settings); // TODO REVIEW: Settings were ignored.
                        Style = newStyle;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // OK, keep the old style.

                var media = res.Element("AllMedia");
                if (media != null)
                    AllMedia = new BindableCollection<Media>();
                    foreach (var m in media.Elements())
                        var me = new Media { Content = this };
                var xpos = res.Element("Position");
                if (xpos != null)
                    Position = new Position(xpos.GetDouble(Position.LONG_LABEL), xpos.GetDouble(Position.LAT_LABEL), xpos.GetDouble(Position.ALT_LABEL)); // TODO Remember other Position attributes.

                var px = res.Element("Points");

                var mo = res.Element("Models");
                if (mo != null)
                    Models = new List<Model>();
                    foreach (var xm in mo.Elements())
                        var m = new Model();

                if (px == null) return;
                var pp = px.Value;
                Points = new ObservableCollection<Point>();
                var ppo = pp.Split(' ');
                foreach (var poss in ppo)
                    var split = poss.Split(',');
                    var pt = new Point(
                        Double.Parse(split[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Double.Parse(split[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            catch (SystemException e)
                Logger.Log("DataServer.BaseContent", "Error reading XML " + res + " from " + directoryName, e.Message, Logger.Level.Error, true);
Esempio n. 8
        public override void FromXml(XElement res, string directoryName)
            FromXmlBase(ref res,directoryName);
            var n = res.GetString("Name");
            ContentId = res.GetString("EventId");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentId)) ContentId = n;
            PoiTypeId = res.GetString("EventTypeId");
            Icon = res.GetString("Icon");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n)) Name = n;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentId)) Name = ContentId;
Esempio n. 9
        public void FromXml(XElement res, string directoryName, bool catchException) {
            try {
                Folder                                     = directoryName;
                BaseStyle                                  = res.GetString("BaseStyle");
                FillColor                                  = res.GetNullColor("FillColor");
                StrokeColor                                = res.GetNullColor("StrokeColor");
                var dm                                     = res.GetString("DrawingMode");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dm)) DrawingMode = (DrawingModes) Enum.Parse(typeof (DrawingModes), dm);
                strokeWidth                                = res.GetNullDouble("StrokeWidth");
                IconWidth                                  = res.GetNullDouble("IconWidth");
                IconHeight                                 = res.GetNullDouble("IconHeight");
                Icon                                       = res.GetString("IconUri");
                Category                                   = res.GetString("Category");
                CallOutFillColor                           = res.GetNullColor("CallOutFillColor");
                CallOutForeground                          = res.GetNullColor("CallOutForeground");
                var tm                                     = res.GetString("TapMode");
                if (tm!=null) TapMode                      = (TapMode) Enum.Parse(typeof (TapMode), tm);
                var ttm                                    = res.GetString("TitleMode");
                if (ttm != null) TitleMode                 = (TitleModes) Enum.Parse(typeof (TitleModes), ttm);
                MinResolution                              = res.GetNullDouble("MinResolution");
                MaxResolution                              = res.GetNullDouble("MaxResolution");
                NameLabel                                  = res.GetString("NameLabel");
                AutoCallOutLabels                          = res.GetNullBool("AutoCallOutLabels");
                StrokeOpacity                              = res.GetNullDouble("StrokeOpacity");
                FillOpacity                                = res.GetNullDouble("FillOpacity");
                Visible                                    = res.GetNullBool("Visible");
                Name                                       = res.GetString("Name");
                CanRotate                                  = res.GetNullBool("CanRotate");
                CanMove                                    = res.GetNullBool("CanMove");
                CanEdit                                    = res.GetNullBool("CanEdit");
                CanDelete                                  = res.GetNullBool("CanDelete");
                CallOutTimeOut                             = res.GetNullInt("CallOutTimeOut");
                ShowOnTimeline                             = res.GetString("ShowOnTimeline");
                MaxTitleResolution                         = res.GetNullDouble("MaxTitleResolution");
                CallOutMaxWidth                            = res.GetNullDouble("CallOutMaxWidth");
                CallOutMinHeight                           = res.GetNullDouble("CallOutMinHeight");
                InnerTextLabel                             = res.GetString("InnerTextLabel");
                InnerTextColor                             = res.GetNullColor("InnerTextColor");
                Cluster                                    = res.GetBool("Cluster");
                ScalePoi                                   = res.GetNullBool("ScalePoi");
                ScaleStartResolution                       = res.GetNullDouble("ScaleStartResolution");
                ScaleUnits                                 = res.GetNullDouble("ScaleUnits");
                MaxScale                                   = res.GetNullDouble("MaxScale");
                SubTitles = res.GetString("SubTitles");
                var am                                     = res.GetString("AddMode");
                if (am!=null) AddMode                      = (AddModes) Enum.Parse(typeof (AddModes), am);

                var coo = res.GetString("CallOutOrientation");
                if (coo!=null) CallOutOrientation = (CallOutOrientation)Enum.Parse(typeof (CallOutOrientation),coo);

                var tb =  res.GetString("TimelineBehaviour");
                if (tb != null) TimelineBehaviour = (TimelineBehaviours) Enum.Parse(typeof (TimelineBehaviours), tb);
                var ami = res.Element("AnalysisMetaInfo");
                if (ami == null) return;
                Analysis = new AnalysisMetaInfo();
                var hlx = ami.Element("Highlights");
                if (hlx == null) return;
                Analysis.Highlights = new List<Highlight>();
                foreach (var hx in hlx.Elements())
                    var h = new Highlight();
                    h.Style = this;
            catch (Exception e) {
                if (!catchException)
                    throw e;
                Logger.Log("Poi Parser", "Error parsing style", e.Message, Logger.Level.Warning);
Esempio n. 10
 public override void FromXml(XElement res, string directoryName)
     FromXmlBase(ref res,directoryName);
     Title = res.GetString("Title");
     TaskId = res.GetString("TaskId");
     ContentId = TaskId;
     State = (TaskState)Enum.Parse(typeof(TaskState), res.GetString("State"));
     Description = res.Element("Description") == null 
         ? string.Empty 
         : res.Element("Description").Value;
Esempio n. 11
 public void FromXml(XElement element) {
     Id = element.GetString("Id");
     Title = element.GetString("Title");
     Type = (MediaType) Enum.Parse(typeof (MediaType), element.GetString("Type"));
     PublicUrl = element.GetString("PublicUrl");
Esempio n. 12
 public void FromXml(XElement element)
     _language = element.GetString("Language");
     XElement xhistogram = element.Element("Histogram");
     foreach (XElement xhelement in xhistogram.Elements())
         string key = xhelement.GetString("Word");
         int value = xhelement.GetInt("Count");
         _frequencies[key] = value;