Esempio n. 1
        public MainWindow()

            renderer = new Renderer(320, 240);
            renderTargetSource = new WriteableBitmap(320, 240, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Rgb24, null);
            this.RenderTarget.Source = renderTargetSource;

            this.updateTimer = new Timer(1.0 / 30.0);
            this.updateTimer.Elapsed += updateTimer_Elapsed;
Esempio n. 2
        public Field(Canvas canvas, int cols, int rows, int yOffset = 0, int wallThickness = 0, int dispWallThickness = 0)
            this.canvas = canvas;
            this.COLS = cols;
            this.ROWS = rows;
            this.yOffset = yOffset;
            this.wallThickness = wallThickness;

            cells = new PcColor[COLS + wallThickness * 2, yOffset + ROWS + wallThickness];
            if (0 < wallThickness) { setWalls(); }

            this.renderer = new Renderer(this, dispWallThickness);
            isDelibleRow = new bool[yOffset + ROWS];
        void quietInterval_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            if (SourceArea == null || DrawArea == null) { return; }

            // here is where we could generate the diagram...
            String txt = "";
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                txt = SourceArea.Text;

            // here's where we would produce the diagram...
            // now invoke the WPF thread to draw it...
            var diagram = Parser.Parse(new Tokenizer(txt));
            var renderer = new Renderer(DrawArea, diagram);

            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                SrcErrorState = diagram.HasErrors;
        public void OnInsertionCompleted()
            // anchors must be created in OnInsertionCompleted because they should move only
            // due to user insertions, not due to insertions of other snippet parts
            start = context.Document.CreateAnchor(startOffset);
            start.MovementType = AnchorMovementType.BeforeInsertion;
            end = context.Document.CreateAnchor(endOffset);
            end.MovementType = AnchorMovementType.AfterInsertion;
            start.Deleted += AnchorDeleted;
            end.Deleted += AnchorDeleted;

            // Be careful with references from the document to the editing/snippet layer - use weak events
            // to prevent memory leaks when the text area control gets dropped from the UI while the snippet is active.
            // The InsertionContext will keep us alive as long as the snippet is in interactive mode.
            TextDocumentWeakEventManager.TextChanged.AddListener(context.Document, this);

            background = new Renderer { Layer = KnownLayer.Background, element = this };
            foreground = new Renderer { Layer = KnownLayer.Text, element = this };
            context.TextArea.Caret.PositionChanged += Caret_PositionChanged;
            Caret_PositionChanged(null, null);

            this.Text = GetText();
Esempio n. 5
 public MainWindow()
     _vm = (Renderer)DataContext;