Esempio n. 1
        // Token: 0x06002083 RID: 8323 RVA: 0x0009646C File Offset: 0x0009466C
        internal override void Copy(BamlRecord record)
            BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord bamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord = (BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord)record;

            bamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord._serializerTypeId = this._serializerTypeId;
            bamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord._serializerType   = this._serializerType;
Esempio n. 2
        // Token: 0x06001EC5 RID: 7877 RVA: 0x00093A70 File Offset: 0x00091C70
        internal BamlRecord ReadNextRecord(BinaryReader bamlBinaryReader, long bytesAvailable, BamlRecordType recordType)
            BamlRecord bamlRecord;

            switch (recordType)
            case BamlRecordType.AssemblyInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlAssemblyInfoRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.TypeInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlTypeInfoRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.TypeSerializerInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.AttributeInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlAttributeInfoRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.StringInfo:
                bamlRecord = new BamlStringInfoRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyString:
                bamlRecord = new BamlDefAttributeKeyStringRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.DefAttributeKeyType:
                bamlRecord = new BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord();
                goto IL_A6;

            case BamlRecordType.KeyElementStart:
                bamlRecord = new BamlKeyElementStartRecord();
                goto IL_A6;
            bamlRecord = this._readCache[(int)recordType];
            if (bamlRecord == null || bamlRecord.IsPinned)
                bamlRecord = (this._readCache[(int)recordType] = this.AllocateRecord(recordType));
            bamlRecord.Next = null;
            if (bamlRecord != null)
                if (bamlRecord.LoadRecordSize(bamlBinaryReader, bytesAvailable) && bytesAvailable >= (long)bamlRecord.RecordSize)
                    bamlRecord = null;
Esempio n. 3
        // Return a type info record for a type identified by the passed ID.  If the 
        // ID is negative, then this is a known type, so manufacture a BamlTypeInfoRecord
        // for it.
        internal BamlTypeInfoRecord GetTypeInfoFromId(short id)
            // If the id is less than 0, it is a known type that lives in the
            // known assembly, so manufacture a type info record for it. 
            if (id < 0) 
                // For some types, we create a TypeInfo record with serializer information.  For 
                // all other types, we create a regular TypeInfo record.
                // NOTE: When serializers are publically extensible, then this should be
                //       reflected for as part of the KnownElementsInitializer.
                BamlTypeInfoRecord info; 
                if (-id == (short)KnownElements.Style)
                    info = new BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord(); 
                    ((BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord)info).SerializerTypeId =
                                          -(int) KnownElements.XamlStyleSerializer; 
                    ((BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord)info).SerializerType =
                    info.AssemblyId = -1;
                else if (-id == (short)KnownElements.ControlTemplate ||
                         -id == (short)KnownElements.DataTemplate || 
                         -id == (short)KnownElements.HierarchicalDataTemplate || 
                         -id == (short)KnownElements.ItemsPanelTemplate)
                    info = new BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord();
                    ((BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord)info).SerializerTypeId =
                                          -(int) KnownElements.XamlTemplateSerializer;
                    ((BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord)info).SerializerType = 
                    info.AssemblyId = -1; 
                    // Search the Assembly table to see if this type has a match.  If not, then
                    // we know that it is a known assembly for an Avalon known type.  We have to do
                    // this since some of the known types are not avalon types, such as Bool, Object,
                    // Double, and others... 
                    info = new BamlTypeInfoRecord();
                    info.AssemblyId = GetAssemblyIdForType(KnownTypes.Types[-id]); 

                info.TypeId = id; 
                info.Type = KnownTypes.Types[-id];
                info.TypeFullName = info.Type.FullName;
                return info;
                return (BamlTypeInfoRecord) TypeIdMap[id]; 
Esempio n. 4
        // Return the Type ID for the passed typeFullName by creating a new record and adding
        // it to the type info hashtable.  A BamlTypeInfoRecord is created if there is no serializer
        // for this type, and a BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord is created if there is a serializer. 
        internal short AddTypeInfoMap(BinaryWriter binaryWriter,
                                      string assemblyFullName, 
                                      string typeFullName, 
                                      Type   elementType,
                                      string serializerAssemblyFullName, 
                                      string serializerTypeFullName)
            TypeInfoKey key = GetTypeInfoKey(assemblyFullName, typeFullName);
            BamlTypeInfoRecord bamlTypeInfoRecord; 

            // Create either a normal TypeInfo record, or a TypeInfoWithSerializer record, depending 
            // on whether or not there is a serializer for this type. 
            if (serializerTypeFullName == string.Empty)
                bamlTypeInfoRecord = new BamlTypeInfoRecord();
                bamlTypeInfoRecord = new BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord();
                short serializerTypeId; 
                // If we do not already have a type record for the serializer associated with 
                // this type, then recurse and write out the serializer assembly and type first.
                if (!GetTypeInfoId(binaryWriter, serializerAssemblyFullName, serializerTypeFullName, out serializerTypeId)) 
                    serializerTypeId = AddTypeInfoMap(binaryWriter, serializerAssemblyFullName,
                                                      serializerTypeFullName, null,
                                                      string.Empty, string.Empty); 
                ((BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord)bamlTypeInfoRecord).SerializerTypeId = serializerTypeId; 

            bamlTypeInfoRecord.TypeFullName = typeFullName; 

            // get id for assembly
            BamlAssemblyInfoRecord bamlAssemblyInfoRecord = AddAssemblyMap(binaryWriter, assemblyFullName);
            bamlTypeInfoRecord.AssemblyId = bamlAssemblyInfoRecord.AssemblyId; 

            bamlTypeInfoRecord.IsInternalType = (elementType != null && ReflectionHelper.IsInternalType(elementType)); 
            // review, could be a race condition here.
            bamlTypeInfoRecord.TypeId = (short) TypeIdMap.Add(bamlTypeInfoRecord); 

            // add to the hash
            // Write to BAML
            return bamlTypeInfoRecord.TypeId;
Esempio n. 5
        // Create a serializer, given a type info record with serializer information.
        private XamlSerializer CreateSerializer(
            BamlTypeInfoWithSerializerRecord typeWithSerializerInfo)
            // ID less than 0 means a known serializer in PresentationFramework.
            if (typeWithSerializerInfo.SerializerTypeId < 0)
                return (XamlSerializer)MapTable.CreateKnownTypeFromId(
                // If the serializer type hasn't been determined yet, do it now. 
                if (typeWithSerializerInfo.SerializerType == null) 
                    typeWithSerializerInfo.SerializerType = MapTable.GetTypeFromId( 
                return (XamlSerializer)CreateInstanceFromType(