internal RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport(
            InputMode mode,
            int timestamp,
            PresentationSource inputSource,
            PenContext penContext,
            int tabletId,
            int stylusDeviceId,
            SystemGesture systemGesture,
            int gestureX,
            int gestureY,
            int buttonState)
            : base(mode, timestamp, inputSource,
                   penContext, RawStylusActions.SystemGesture,
                   tabletId, stylusDeviceId, new int[] {})
            if (!RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.IsValidSystemGesture(systemGesture, true, true))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Enum_Invalid, "systemGesture"));

            _id          = systemGesture;
            _gestureX    = gestureX;
            _gestureY    = gestureY;
            _buttonState = buttonState;
        private void OnSystemGesture(RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport stylusInputReport)
            switch (_currentState)
            case State.TwoFingersDown:
                switch (stylusInputReport.SystemGesture)
                case SystemGesture.Drag:
                case SystemGesture.RightDrag:
                case SystemGesture.Flick:
                    // One of the two fingers made a Wisptis detected gesture
                    // that prevents TwoFingerTap or Rollover.
                    _currentState = State.TwoFingersInWisptisGesture;

            case State.OneFingerInStaticGesture:
            case State.OneFingerDown:
                switch (stylusInputReport.SystemGesture)
                case SystemGesture.Drag:
                case SystemGesture.RightDrag:
                case SystemGesture.Flick:
                    // A finger made a Wisptis detected gesture
                    // that prevents TwoFingerTap or Rollover.
                    _currentState = State.OneFingerInWisptisGesture;
Esempio n. 3
        private void Initialize(SystemGesture systemGesture, int gestureX, int gestureY, int buttonState)
            if (!RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.IsValidSystemGesture(systemGesture, true, true))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Enum_Invalid, nameof(systemGesture)));

            _id          = systemGesture;
            _gestureX    = gestureX;
            _gestureY    = gestureY;
            _buttonState = buttonState;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the StylusSystemGestureEventArgs class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stylusDevice">
        ///     The logical Stylus device associated with this event.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">
        ///     The time when the input occured.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="systemGesture">
        ///     The type of system gesture.
        /// </param>
        public StylusSystemGestureEventArgs(
            StylusDevice stylusDevice, int timestamp,
            SystemGesture systemGesture) :
            base(stylusDevice, timestamp)
            if (!RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.IsValidSystemGesture(systemGesture, false, false))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Enum_Invalid, "systemGesture"));

            _id = systemGesture;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the StylusSystemGestureEventArgs class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stylusDevice">
        ///     The logical Stylus device associated with this event.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">
        ///     The time when the input occured.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="systemGesture">
        ///     The type of system gesture.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="gestureX">
        ///     The X location reported with this system gesture.  In tablet
        ///     device coordinates.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="gestureY">
        ///     The Y location reported with this system gesture.  In tablet
        ///     device coordinates.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="buttonState">
        ///     The button state at the time of the system gesture.
        ///     Note: A flick gesture will pass the flick data in the parameter.
        /// </param>
        internal StylusSystemGestureEventArgs(
            StylusDevice stylusDevice,
            int timestamp,
            SystemGesture systemGesture,
            int gestureX,
            int gestureY,
            int buttonState) :
            base(stylusDevice, timestamp)
            if (!RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.IsValidSystemGesture(systemGesture, true, false))
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Enum_Invalid, "systemGesture"));

            _id          = systemGesture;
            _buttonState = buttonState;
            _gestureX    = gestureX;
            _gestureY    = gestureY;
        private void OnSystemGesture(RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport stylusInputReport)
            switch (_currentState) 
                case State.TwoFingersDown: 
                    switch (stylusInputReport.SystemGesture)
                        case SystemGesture.Drag:
                        case SystemGesture.RightDrag: 
                        case SystemGesture.Flick:
                            // One of the two fingers made a Wisptis detected gesture 
                            // that prevents TwoFingerTap or Rollover. 
                            _currentState = State.TwoFingersInWisptisGesture;

                case State.OneFingerInStaticGesture: 
                case State.OneFingerDown:
                    switch (stylusInputReport.SystemGesture) 
                        case SystemGesture.Drag:
                        case SystemGesture.RightDrag: 
                        case SystemGesture.Flick:
                            // A finger made a Wisptis detected gesture
                            // that prevents TwoFingerTap or Rollover.
                            _currentState = State.OneFingerInWisptisGesture; 
        private void UpdateStateForSystemGesture(SystemGesture gesture, RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport report)
            switch (gesture)
                case SystemGesture.Tap:
                case SystemGesture.Drag:
                    // request the next mouse move to become LeftButtonDown
                    _fLeftButtonDownTrigger = true;
                    _fGestureWasFired = true;
                case SystemGesture.RightTap:
                case SystemGesture.RightDrag:
                    // request the next mouse move to become RightButtonDown
                    _fLeftButtonDownTrigger = false;
                    _fGestureWasFired = true;
                case SystemGesture.HoldEnter:
                    // press & hold animation started..
                    _seenHoldEnterGesture = true;
                case SystemGesture.Flick:
                    // We don't do any mouse promotion for a flick!
                    _fGestureWasFired = true;

                    // Update the stylus location info just for flick gestures.  This is because
                    // we want to fire the flick event not from the last stylus location
                    // (end of flick gesture) but from the beginning of the flick gesture
                    // (stylus down point) since this is the element that we query whether they
                    // allow flicks and since scrolling is targetted we need to scroll the
                    // element you really flicked on.

                    // Only route the flick if we have data we can send.
                    if (report != null && report.InputSource != null && _eventStylusPoints != null && _eventStylusPoints.Count > 0)
                        StylusPoint stylusPoint = _eventStylusPoints[_eventStylusPoints.Count - 1];

                        stylusPoint.X = report.GestureX;
                        stylusPoint.Y = report.GestureY;

                        // Update the current point with this data.
                        _eventStylusPoints = new StylusPointCollection(stylusPoint.Description,

                        PresentationSource inputSource = DetermineValidSource(report.InputSource, _eventStylusPoints, report.PenContext.Contexts);

                        if (inputSource != null)
                            // See if we need to remap the stylus data X and Y values to different presentation source.
                            if (inputSource != report.InputSource)
                                Point newWindowLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(new Point(0, 0), inputSource);
                                newWindowLocation = _stylusLogic.MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(newWindowLocation);
                                Point oldWindowLocation = _stylusLogic.MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(report.PenContext.Contexts.DestroyedLocation);

                                // Create translate matrix transform to shift coords to map points to new window location.
                                MatrixTransform additionalTransform = new MatrixTransform(new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,
                                                                            oldWindowLocation.X - newWindowLocation.X,
                                                                            oldWindowLocation.Y - newWindowLocation.Y));
                                _eventStylusPoints = _eventStylusPoints.Reformat(report.StylusPointDescription, additionalTransform);

                            _rawPosition = _eventStylusPoints[_eventStylusPoints.Count - 1];
                            _inputSource = new SecurityCriticalDataClass<PresentationSource>(inputSource);
                            Point pt = _stylusLogic.DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits((Point)_rawPosition);
                            _lastScreenLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(pt, inputSource);

 internal void UpdateStateForSystemGesture(RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport report)
     UpdateStateForSystemGesture(report.SystemGesture, report);
Esempio n. 9
        private void GenerateGesture(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport, SystemGesture gesture) 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice; 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null); 

            RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport inputReport = new RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport( 
                                                        0, // Gesture X location (only used for flicks)
                                                        0, // Gesture Y location (only used for flicks) 
                                                        0); // ButtonState (only used for flicks)
            inputReport.StylusDevice = stylusDevice;
            InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, inputReport);
            // Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get
            // to the user before the StylusUp and MouseUp event. 
Esempio n. 10
        internal void ProcessSystemEvent(PenContext penContext,
                                                  int tabletDeviceId, 
                                                  int stylusDeviceId, 
                                                  int timestamp,
                                                  SystemGesture systemGesture, 
                                                  int gestureX,
                                                  int gestureY,
                                                  int buttonState,
                                                  PresentationSource inputSource) 
            // We only want to process the system events we expose in the public enum 
            // for SystemSystemGesture.  There are a bunch of other system gestures that 
            // can come through.
            if (systemGesture == SystemGesture.Tap || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.RightTap ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.Drag ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.RightDrag ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoldEnter || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoldLeave ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoverEnter || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoverLeave || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick ||
                systemGesture == RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.InternalSystemGestureDoubleTap || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.None)
                Debug.Assert(systemGesture != SystemGesture.None);  // We should ever see this as input.
                RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport inputReport = 
                            new RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport(
                                   gestureX, // location of system gesture in tablet device coordinates 
                                   buttonState); // flicks passes the flickinfo in this param 
                // actions: RawStylusActions.StylusSystemEvent