private void _DrawFolderTopPlaceholders(TreeNode hoveredNode)
                var treeView = hoveredNode.TreeView;

                Contract.Assert(treeView != null, "Node must belong to a TreeView");

                var g          = treeView.CreateGraphics();
                var nodeImage  = hoveredNode.GetImage();
                var imageWidth = nodeImage == null ? 0 : nodeImage.Size.Width + 8;

                var leftPos  = hoveredNode.Bounds.Left - imageWidth;
                var rightPos = treeView.Width - 4;

                var leftTriangle = new[] {
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top - 4),
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top + 4),
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos + 4, hoveredNode.Bounds.Y),
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos + 4, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top - 1),
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top - 5)

                var rightTriangle = new[] {
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top - 4),
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top + 4),
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos - 4, hoveredNode.Bounds.Y),
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos - 4, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top - 1),
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top - 5)

                g.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, leftTriangle);
                g.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, rightTriangle);
                g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 2), new Drawing.Point(leftPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top), new Drawing.Point(rightPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Top));
            private void _DrawLeafBottomPlaceholders(TreeNode hoveredNode, TreeNode parentNodeDragDrop)
                var treeView = hoveredNode.TreeView;

                Contract.Assert(treeView != null, "Node must belong to a TreeView");

                var g = treeView.CreateGraphics();

                var nodeImage  = hoveredNode.GetImage();
                var imageWidth = nodeImage == null ? 0 : nodeImage.Size.Width + 8;
                // Once again, we are not dragging to node over, draw the placeholder using the ParentDragDrop bounds
                int leftPos, rightPos;

                if (parentNodeDragDrop != null)
                    leftPos = parentNodeDragDrop.Bounds.Left - (parentNodeDragDrop.GetImage().Size.Width + 8);
                    leftPos = hoveredNode.Bounds.Left - imageWidth;
                rightPos = treeView.Width - 4;

                var leftTriangle = new[] {
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom - 4),
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom + 4),
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos + 4, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom),
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos + 4, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom - 1),
                    new Drawing.Point(leftPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom - 5)

                var rightTriangle = new[] {
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom - 4),
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom + 4),
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos - 4, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom),
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos - 4, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom - 1),
                    new Drawing.Point(rightPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom - 5)

                g.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, leftTriangle);
                g.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, rightTriangle);
                g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 2), new Drawing.Point(leftPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom), new Drawing.Point(rightPos, hoveredNode.Bounds.Bottom));
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets called when the mouse moves with a dragged item.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sender"></param>
            /// <param name="e"></param>
            private void _DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
                var treeView = sender as TreeView;

                if (treeView == null || treeView != this._treeView)

                var currentScreenPoint = new Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y);

                // Compute drag position and move image
                var form = treeView.FindForm();

                if (form == null)
                    var tvP   = treeView.GetLocationOnForm();
                    var formP = form.PointToClient(currentScreenPoint);
                    formP.Offset(-tvP.X, -tvP.Y);
                    DragHelper.ImageList_DragMove(formP.X, formP.Y);

                var hoveredNode = treeView.GetNodeAt(treeView.PointToClient(currentScreenPoint));

                if (hoveredNode == null)

                var draggedNode = this._draggedNode;

                #region If hoveredNode is a child of the dragged node then cancel
                if (hoveredNode.IsChildOf(draggedNode))
                    this.NodeMap = string.Empty;

                // A bit long, but to summarize, process the following code only if the nodeover is null
                // and either the nodeover is not the same thing as nodemoving UNLESSS nodeover happens
                // to be the last node in the branch (so we can allow drag & drop below a parent branch)
                if (hoveredNode == draggedNode && (hoveredNode.Parent == null || hoveredNode.Index != (hoveredNode.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1)))

                var offsetY = treeView.PointToClient(Cursor.Position).Y - hoveredNode.Bounds.Top;


                if (!this._IsFolderNode(hoveredNode))
                    #region Standard Node

                    if (offsetY < (hoveredNode.Bounds.Height / 2))
                        //this.lblDebug.Text = "top";

                        #region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string

                        this.SetNewNodeMap(hoveredNode, false);
                        if (this.SetMapsEqual())


                        this._SetAndDraw(PlaceHolderType.LeafTop, hoveredNode);
                        //this.lblDebug.Text = "bottom";

                        #region Allow drag drop to parent branches

                        TreeNode ParentDragDrop = null;
                        // If the node the mouse is over is the last node of the branch we should allow
                        // the ability to drop the "nodemoving" node BELOW the parent node
                        if (hoveredNode.Parent != null && hoveredNode.Index == (hoveredNode.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1))
                            var XPos = treeView.PointToClient(Cursor.Position).X;
                            if (XPos < hoveredNode.Bounds.Left)
                                ParentDragDrop = hoveredNode.Parent;

                                var image = ParentDragDrop.GetImage();
                                if (XPos < (ParentDragDrop.Bounds.Left - (image?.Size.Width ?? 0)))
                                    if (ParentDragDrop.Parent != null)
                                        ParentDragDrop = ParentDragDrop.Parent;


                        #region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string

                        // Since we are in a special case here, use the ParentDragDrop node as the current "nodeover"
                        this.SetNewNodeMap(ParentDragDrop ?? hoveredNode, true);
                        if (this.SetMapsEqual())


                        this._SetAndDraw(PlaceHolderType.LeafBottom, hoveredNode, ParentDragDrop);

                    #region Folder Node

                    if (offsetY < (hoveredNode.Bounds.Height / 3))
                        //this.lblDebug.Text = "folder top";

                        #region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string

                        this.SetNewNodeMap(hoveredNode, false);
                        if (this.SetMapsEqual())

                        this._SetAndDraw(PlaceHolderType.FolderTop, hoveredNode);
                    else if ((hoveredNode.Parent != null && hoveredNode.Index == 0) && (offsetY > (hoveredNode.Bounds.Height - (hoveredNode.Bounds.Height / 3))))
                        //this.lblDebug.Text = "folder bottom";

                        #region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string

                        this.SetNewNodeMap(hoveredNode, true);
                        if (this.SetMapsEqual())


                        this._SetAndDraw(PlaceHolderType.FolderTop, hoveredNode);
                        //this.lblDebug.Text = "folder over";

                        if (hoveredNode.Nodes.Count > 0)

                            this._SetAndDraw(PlaceHolderType.AddToFolder, hoveredNode);
                            #region Prevent the node from being dragged onto itself

                            if (draggedNode == hoveredNode)


                            #region If hoveredNode is a child then cancel
                            if (hoveredNode.IsChildOf(draggedNode))
                                this.NodeMap = string.Empty;

                            #region Store the placeholder info into a pipe delimited string

                            this.SetNewNodeMap(hoveredNode, false);
                            this.NewNodeMap = this.NewNodeMap.Insert(this.NewNodeMap.Length, _NODEMAP_DELIMITER + "0");

                            if (this.SetMapsEqual())


                            this._SetAndDraw(PlaceHolderType.AddToFolder, hoveredNode);
