Esempio n. 1
 protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e)
     if (Ribbon != null)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the WndProc for a form with a Ribbbon. Returns true if message has been handled
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">Message to process</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if message has been handled. <c>false</c> otherwise</returns>
        public virtual bool WndProc(ref Message m)
            if (DesignMode)

            bool handled = false;

            if (WinApi.IsVista)
                #region Checks if DWM processes the message
                IntPtr result;
                int    dwmHandled = WinApi.DwmDefWindowProc(m.HWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, out result);

                if (dwmHandled == 1)
                    m.Result = result;
                    handled  = true;

            //if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCLBUTTONUP)
            //    UpdateRibbonConditions();

            if (!handled)
                if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCCALCSIZE && (int)m.WParam == 1) //0x83
                    #region Catch the margins of what the client area would be
                    WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS nccsp = (WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.LParam, typeof(WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS));

                    if (!MarginsChecked)
                        //Set what client area would be for passing to DwmExtendIntoClientArea
                        SetMargins(new Padding(
                                       nccsp.rect2.Left - nccsp.rect1.Left,
                                       nccsp.rect2.Top - nccsp.rect1.Top,
                                       nccsp.rect1.Right - nccsp.rect2.Right,
                                       nccsp.rect1.Bottom - nccsp.rect2.Bottom));

                        MarginsChecked = true;

                    #region Hack to get rid of the black caption bar when form is maximized on multi-monitor setups with DWM enabled
                    // toATwork: on multi-monitor setups the caption bar when the form is maximized the caption bar is black instead of glass
                    //             * set handled to false and let the base implementation handle it, will work but then the default caption bar
                    //               is also visible - not desired
                    //             * setting the client area to some other value, e.g. descrease the size of the client area by one pixel will
                    //               cause windows to render the caption bar a glass - not correct but the lesser of the two evils
                    if (Screen.AllScreens.Length > 1 && WinApi.IsGlassEnabled)
                        nccsp.rect0.Bottom -= 1;

                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(nccsp, m.LParam, false);

                    m.Result = IntPtr.Zero;
                    handled  = true;
                else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCACTIVATE && Ribbon != null && Ribbon.ActualBorderMode == RibbonWindowMode.NonClientAreaCustomDrawn)
                    Ribbon.Invalidate(); handled = true;
                    if (m.WParam == IntPtr.Zero)  // if could be removed because result is ignored if WParam is TRUE
                        m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
                else if ((m.Msg == WinApi.WM_ACTIVATE || m.Msg == WinApi.WM_PAINT) && WinApi.IsVista) //0x06 - 0x000F
                    m.Result = (IntPtr)1; handled = false;
                else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST && (int)m.Result == 0) //0x84
                    m.Result = new IntPtr(Convert.ToInt32(NonClientHitTest(new Point(WinApi.LoWord((int)m.LParam), WinApi.HiWord((int)m.LParam)))));
                    handled  = true;
                else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_SYSCOMMAND)
                    uint param = IntPtr.Size == 4 ? (uint)m.WParam.ToInt32() : (uint)m.WParam.ToInt64();
                    if ((param & 0xFFF0) == WinApi.SC_RESTORE)
                        Form.Size = _storeSize;
                    else if (Form.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
                        _storeSize = Form.Size;
                else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING || m.Msg == WinApi.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED)  // needed to update the title of MDI parent (at least)
                    if (Ribbon != null)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the WndProc for a form with a Ribbbon. Returns true if message has been handled
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">Message to process</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if message has been handled. <c>false</c> otherwise</returns>
        public virtual bool WndProc(ref Message m)
            if (DesignMode)

            bool handled = false;

            if (WinApi.IsVista)
                #region Checks if DWM processes the message
                IntPtr result;
                int    dwmHandled = WinApi.DwmDefWindowProc(m.HWnd, m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam, out result);

                if (dwmHandled == 1)
                    m.Result = result;
                    handled  = true;

            //if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCLBUTTONUP)
            //    UpdateRibbonConditions();

            if (!handled)
                if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCCALCSIZE && (int)m.WParam == 1)                 //0x83
                    #region Catch the margins of what the client area would be
                    WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS nccsp = (WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.LParam, typeof(WinApi.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS));

                    if (!MarginsChecked)
                        //Set what client area would be for passing to DwmExtendIntoClientArea
                        SetMargins(new Padding(
                                       nccsp.rect2.Left - nccsp.rect1.Left,
                                       nccsp.rect2.Top - nccsp.rect1.Top,
                                       nccsp.rect1.Right - nccsp.rect2.Right,
                                       nccsp.rect1.Bottom - nccsp.rect2.Bottom));

                        MarginsChecked = true;

                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(nccsp, m.LParam, false);

                    m.Result = IntPtr.Zero;
                    handled  = true;
                else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCACTIVATE && Ribbon != null && Ribbon.ActualBorderMode == RibbonWindowMode.NonClientAreaCustomDrawn)
                    Ribbon.Invalidate(); handled = true;
                    if (m.WParam == IntPtr.Zero)                      // if could be removed because result is ignored if WParam is TRUE
                        m.Result = (IntPtr)1;
                else if ((m.Msg == WinApi.WM_ACTIVATE || m.Msg == WinApi.WM_PAINT) && WinApi.IsVista)                 //0x06 - 0x000F
                    m.Result = (IntPtr)1; handled = false;
                else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCHITTEST && (int)m.Result == 0)                 //0x84
                    #region Check the Non-client area hit test

                    m.Result = new IntPtr(Convert.ToInt32(NonClientHitTest(new Point(WinApi.LoWord((int)m.LParam), WinApi.HiWord((int)m.LParam)))));
                    handled  = true;

                    if (Ribbon != null && Ribbon.ActualBorderMode == RibbonWindowMode.NonClientAreaCustomDrawn)
                        //Kevin Carbis - this refresh call caused severe cpu usage while moving the mouse over the
                        //caption bar.  I have been trying to find a way to make a less demanding call to paint.
                    //Console.WriteLine("Msg " + m.Msg.ToString() + " " + m.Msg.ToString("X"));
                else if (
                    (Ribbon != null && Ribbon.ActualBorderMode != RibbonWindowMode.NonClientAreaCustomDrawn) &&
                    (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_SYSCOMMAND || m.Msg == WinApi.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING || m.Msg == WinApi.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED))
                else if (m.Msg == WinApi.WM_NCMOUSELEAVE)