Esempio n. 1
        public void PrintTokens(List<TokenPrint> tokens, Form parentDialog, string PrinterName, bool showPrintPreview)
            _tokensToPrint = tokens;
            _pageCounter = 0;
            //bool showPrintPreview = true;
            PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
            PrintDocument pd1 = new PrintDocument();

            pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = paperSize;
            pd.PrintPage += printDoc_PrintPage;
            pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = PrinterName;

            //ToDo: can remove preview in the actual production.
            if (showPrintPreview)
                var ppDlg = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                ppDlg.SetBounds(30, 30, 1024, 500);
                ppDlg.PrintPreviewControl.AutoZoom = true;
                ppDlg.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 0.75;
                ppDlg.Document = pd;
                var dr = ppDlg.ShowDialog(parentDialog);
Esempio n. 2
 private void printPreviewToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (PrintDocument doc = grid.CreatePrintDocument())
         using (PrintPreviewDialog ppd = new PrintPreviewDialog())
             ppd.SetBounds(200, 200, 1024, 768);
             ppd.Document = doc;
             ppd.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1d;
        private void button2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PrintPreviewDialog previewDialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
            PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();

            pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.pd_Stampaj);

            previewDialog.Document = pd;
            previewDialog.SetBounds(50, -550, 200, 200);
Esempio n. 4
 private void _toolStripButtonPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
     pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.PrintDocumentOnPrintPage);
     pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = false;
     PrintPreviewDialog dlg = new PrintPreviewDialog();
     dlg.Width = 100;
     dlg.MinimumSize = new Size(375, 250);
     dlg.SetBounds(100, -550, 800, 800);
     dlg.Document = pd;
     DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog();
Esempio n. 5
        private void printReviewToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PrintPreviewDialog ppd = new PrintPreviewDialog()
                Document = new PrintDocument()

            ppd.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1d;

            Rectangle screenSize = Screen.FromControl(this).WorkingArea;
            ppd.SetBounds(50, 50, screenSize.Width / 2, screenSize.Height - 100);

        private void unesi_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                DAO dao = new DAO("", "ooadtim6", "ooadtim6", "ooadtim6");
               // slika = new Bitmap(defaultpic);
                if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    if (ime.Text.Length < 1 || email.Text.Length < 1 || adresa.Text.Length < 1 || prezime.Text.Length < 1 || jmbg.Text.Length < 1 || telefon.Text.Length < 1)
                        toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Popunite sva polja";

                    else if ((IspravnaLicna(licna.Text)) && ime.Text.Length < 45 && email.Text.Length < 50 && adresa.Text.Length < 45 && provjeriJMBG(jmbg.Text) && prezime.Text.Length < 45 && IspravanIndeks(index.Text))
                        Uposlenik u = new Uposlenik(licna.Text, ime.Text, prezime.Text, adresa.Text, email.Text, telefon.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(datum.Text), jmbg.Text, tipUposlenika.Text);
                        u.Slika = (Bitmap)naslovnaStrana.Image;

                        PrintPreviewDialog previewDialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                        PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
                        pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.pd_Stampaj);

                        previewDialog.Document = pd;
                        previewDialog.SetBounds(50, -550, 200, 200);

                        toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "";
                        ime.Text = prezime.Text = licna.Text = jmbg.Text = adresa.Text = email.Text = index.Text = telefon.Text= "";
                        faks.SelectedIndex = 1;
                        clanarina.SelectedIndex = 1;
                        tipUposlenika.SelectedIndex = 1;
                        naslovnaStrana.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.Misc_User_icon));
                        //   ));
                        toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Korisnik dodan";

                    else toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Unesite ispravne podatke, korisnik nije dodan!";

                if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    if (ime.Text.Length < 1 || email.Text.Length < 1 || adresa.Text.Length < 1 || index.Text.Length < 1 || prezime.Text.Length < 1)
                        toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Popunite sva polja";
                    else if ((IspravnaLicna(licna.Text)) && ime.Text.Length < 45 && email.Text.Length < 50 && adresa.Text.Length < 45 && index.Text.Length < 11 && prezime.Text.Length < 45)
                        Student s = new Student(licna.Text, ime.Text, prezime.Text, adresa.Text, email.Text, telefon.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(datum.Text), Convert.ToInt16(index.Text), faks.Text, Convert.ToInt32(clanarina.Text));
                        s.Slika = (Bitmap)naslovnaStrana.Image;

                        if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 1) student = true;

                        if (tabControl2.SelectedIndex == 5)
                            Image camera = Image.FromFile("capture.png");
                            slika = new Bitmap(camera);


                        PrintPreviewDialog previewDialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                        PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
                        pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.pd_Stampaj);

                        previewDialog.Document = pd;
                        previewDialog.SetBounds(50, -550, 200, 200);

                        ime.Text = prezime.Text = licna.Text = jmbg.Text = adresa.Text = email.Text = index.Text = telefon.Text ="";
                        faks.SelectedIndex = 1;
                        clanarina.SelectedIndex = 1;
                        tipUposlenika.SelectedIndex = 1;
                        naslovnaStrana.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.Misc_User_icon));
                        toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Korisnik dodan";

                    else toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Unesite ispravne podatke, korisnik nije dodan!";

            catch (Exception izuzetak)
        private void PrintTokens2(List<VIPPrasadam> tokens)
            _tokensToPrint = tokens;
            _pageCounter = 0;

            PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
            PrintDocument pd1 = new PrintDocument();

            pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = paperSize;
            pd.PrintPage += printDoc_PrintPage;
            pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = App.AppMainForm.GetTokenPrinter();

            //ToDo: can remove preview in the actual production.
            if (App.AppMainForm.IsPrintPreviewEnabled)
                var ppDlg = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                ppDlg.SetBounds(30, 30, 1024, 500);
                ppDlg.PrintPreviewControl.AutoZoom = true;
                ppDlg.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 0.75;
                ppDlg.Document = pd;
                var dr = ppDlg.ShowDialog(this);
Esempio n. 8
        private void toolStripPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PrintDocument print_doc = new PrintDocument();

            PageSetupDialog page_setup = new PageSetupDialog();
            page_setup.Document = print_doc;
            page_setup.PageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("A4", 825, 1165);
            page_setup.PageSettings.Landscape = true;
            page_setup.PageSettings.Margins = new Margins(20, 20, 10, 25);

            PrintOutputSelection print_out = new PrintOutputSelection();
            if (print_out.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                int row_num = 0;
                int page_num = 0;
                int x = 0;

                print_doc.BeginPrint += delegate(object s, PrintEventArgs pe)
                    row_num = 0;
                    page_num = 0;

                print_doc.PrintPage += delegate(object s, PrintPageEventArgs pe)
                    int x_pos = pe.MarginBounds.Left;
                    int y_pos = pe.MarginBounds.Top;

                    #region declare column width & cell padding
                    int cell_padding = 3;

                    int col1 = 30; // seq.
                    int col2 = 55; // start_time
                    int col3 = 55; // end_time
                    int col4 = 55; // duration
                    int col5 = 80; // S/N
                    int col6 = 90; // name
                    int col7 = 30; // map drive
                    int col8 = 30; // ins./up
                    int col9 = 30; // error
                    int col10 = 30; // ins. fonts
                    int col11 = 30; // printer
                    int col12 = 30; // training
                    int col13 = 30; // stock
                    int col14 = 30; // form
                    int col15 = 30; // report -> excel
                    int col16 = 30; // balance sheet/statement
                    int col17 = 30; // assets
                    int col18 = 30; // secure
                    int col19 = 30; // year end
                    int col20 = 30; // period
                    int col21 = 30; // mail/wait
                    int col22 = 30; // transfer -> mkt.
                    int col23 = 280; // other/remark
                    #endregion declare column width

                    bool is_new_page = true;

                    if (is_new_page) // print report header
                        #region Print report header
                        StringFormat str_format_center = new StringFormat()
                            //FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap,
                            //Trimming = StringTrimming.None,
                            Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
                            LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center

                        StringFormat str_format_right = new StringFormat()
                            //FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap,
                            //Trimming = StringTrimming.None,
                            Alignment = StringAlignment.Far,
                            LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center

                        StringFormat str_format_left = new StringFormat()
                            //FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap,
                            //Trimming = StringTrimming.None,
                            Alignment = StringAlignment.Near,
                            LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center

                        // Report header
                        using (Font font = new Font("tahoma", 15f))
                            using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                                SizeF box_size = pe.Graphics.MeasureString("บันทึกการปฏิบัติงาน", font);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("บันทึกการปฏิบัติงาน", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + pe.MarginBounds.Right - x_pos, box_size.Height), str_format_center);
                        using (Font font = new Font("tahoma", 12f))
                            using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                                SizeF box_date = pe.Graphics.MeasureString("วันที่ " + this.dtWorkDate.Texts, font);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่ " + this.dtWorkDate.Texts, font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, box_date.Width, box_date.Height));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), x_pos + pe.Graphics.MeasureString("วันที่ ", font).Width, y_pos + box_date.Height, x_pos + box_date.Width, y_pos + box_date.Height);

                                SizeF box_user = pe.Graphics.MeasureString("รหัสพนักงาน : " + ((Users)((ComboboxItem)this.cbUsersCode.SelectedItem).Tag).username, font);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("รหัสพนักงาน : " + ((Users)((ComboboxItem)this.cbUsersCode.SelectedItem).Tag).username, font, brush, new RectangleF(pe.MarginBounds.Right - box_user.Width, y_pos, box_user.Width, box_user.Height));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), (pe.MarginBounds.Right - box_user.Width) + pe.Graphics.MeasureString("รหัสพนักงาน : ", font).Width, y_pos + box_user.Height, pe.MarginBounds.Right, y_pos + box_user.Height);

                        y_pos += 30;
                        using (Font font = new Font("tahoma", 8f))
                            using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                                SizeF box_size = pe.Graphics.MeasureString("หน้า " + page_num.ToString(), font);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("หน้า " + page_num.ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(pe.MarginBounds.Right - box_size.Width, y_pos, box_size.Width, box_size.Height));

                        y_pos += 20;
                        // Column header
                        using (SolidBrush brush_bg = new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue))
                            int column_header_height = 35;
                            pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush_bg, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, pe.MarginBounds.Right - x_pos, column_header_height));

                            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.DarkGray))
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos, pe.MarginBounds.Right, y_pos); // horizontal upper line

                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col1, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col2, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col3, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col4, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col5, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col6, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col7, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col8, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col9, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col10, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col11, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col12, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col13, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col14, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col15, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col16, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col17, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col18, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col19, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col20, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col21, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col22, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos += col23, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height);

                                x_pos = pe.MarginBounds.Left;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos + column_header_height, pe.MarginBounds.Right, y_pos + column_header_height); // horizontal lower line

                                using (Font font = new Font("tahoma", 6f))
                                    using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("ลำดับ", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, col1, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("รับสาย", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col1, y_pos, col2, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("วางสาย", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col2, y_pos, col3, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("ระยะเวลา", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col3, y_pos, col4, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("S/N", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col4, y_pos, col5, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("ชื่อลูกค้า", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col5, y_pos, col6, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Map Drive", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col6, y_pos, col7, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Ins./ Up", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col7, y_pos, col8, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Error", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col8, y_pos, col9, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Ins. Fonts", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col9, y_pos, col10, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Print", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col10, y_pos, col11, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("อบรม", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col11, y_pos, col12, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("สินค้า", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col12, y_pos, col13, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Form/Rep.", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col13, y_pos, col14, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Report ->XLS", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col14, y_pos, col15, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("สร้างงบฯ", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col15, y_pos, col16, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("ท/ส ค่าเสื่อม", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col16, y_pos, col17, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Secure", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col17, y_pos, col18, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Year End", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col18, y_pos, col19, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่ไม่อยู่ในงวด", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col19, y_pos, col20, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Mail/รอสาย", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col20, y_pos, col21, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("โอนฝ่ายขาย", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col21, y_pos, col22, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("ปัญหาอื่น ๆ", font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos += col22, y_pos, col23, column_header_height), str_format_center);
                        y_pos += 15;
                        #endregion Print report header
                    #region Print data row
                    using (StringFormat str_center = new StringFormat()
                        FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap,
                        Trimming = StringTrimming.None,
                        Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
                        LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center,
                        using (StringFormat str_left = new StringFormat(){
                            FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap,
                            Trimming = StringTrimming.None,
                            Alignment = StringAlignment.Near,
                            LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                            using (StringFormat str_right = new StringFormat(){
                                FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.LineLimit | StringFormatFlags.NoWrap,
                                Trimming = StringTrimming.None,
                                Alignment = StringAlignment.Far,
                                LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                                int line_height = 20;
                                for (int i = row_num; i < this.dgvNote.Rows.Count; i++)
                                    DataGridViewRow row = this.dgvNote.Rows[i];

                                    x_pos = pe.MarginBounds.Left;
                                    y_pos += line_height;

                                    if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom - line_height)
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.LightGray), x_pos, y_pos, pe.MarginBounds.Right, y_pos);

                                        pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                        pe.HasMorePages = false;

                                    if (row_num % 2 != 0)
                                        using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Lavender))
                                            pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, x_pos, y_pos, pe.MarginBounds.Right - x_pos, line_height);

                                    using (Font font = new Font("tahoma", 8f))
                                        using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                                            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.DarkGray))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString((string)row.Cells[1].Value, font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, col1 - cell_padding, line_height), str_right);
                                                x_pos += col1;

                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString((string)row.Cells[4].Value, font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, col2, line_height), str_center);
                                                x_pos += col2;

                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString((string)row.Cells[5].Value, font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, col3, line_height), str_center);
                                                x_pos += col3;

                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString((string)row.Cells[6].Value, font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, col4, line_height), str_center);
                                                x_pos += col4;

                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString((string)row.Cells[7].Value, font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos + cell_padding, y_pos, col5 - cell_padding, line_height), str_left);
                                                x_pos += col5;

                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString((string)row.Cells[8].Value, font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos + cell_padding, y_pos, col6 - cell_padding, line_height), str_left);
                                                x_pos += col6;

                                                using (Font wingdings_font = new Font("wingdings", 8f))
                                                    for (int c = 9; c <= 24; c++)
                                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                                        if (((string)row.Cells[c].Value).Length > 0)
                                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), wingdings_font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, col7, line_height), str_center);
                                                        x_pos += col7;

                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString((string)row.Cells[25].Value, font, brush, new RectangleF(x_pos + cell_padding, y_pos, col23 - cell_padding, line_height), str_left);
                                                x_pos += col23;
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 10, x_pos, y_pos + 20);

                                x_pos = pe.MarginBounds.Left;
                                y_pos += line_height;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.LightGray), x_pos, y_pos, pe.MarginBounds.Right, y_pos);
                    #endregion Print data row

                if (print_out.output == PrintOutputSelection.OUTPUT.SCREEN)
                    PrintPreviewDialog preview_dialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                    preview_dialog.SetBounds(this.ClientRectangle.X + 5, this.ClientRectangle.Y + 5, this.ClientRectangle.Width - 10, this.ClientRectangle.Height - 10);
                    preview_dialog.Document = print_doc;
                    preview_dialog.MdiParent = this.main_form;

                if (print_out.output == PrintOutputSelection.OUTPUT.PRINTER)
                    PrintDialog print_dialog = new PrintDialog();
                    print_dialog.Document = print_doc;
                    print_dialog.AllowSelection = false;
                    print_dialog.AllowSomePages = false;
                    print_dialog.AllowPrintToFile = false;
                    print_dialog.AllowCurrentPage = false;
                    print_dialog.UseEXDialog = true;
                    if (print_dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

                print_doc = null;
                page_setup = null;
                print_doc = null;
                page_setup = null;
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 1) student = true;
            PrintPreviewDialog previewDialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
            PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();

            pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.pd_Stampaj);

            previewDialog.Document = pd;
            previewDialog.SetBounds(50, -550, 200, 200);
Esempio n. 10
        private void PrintTokens(List<Token> tokens)
            _tokensToPrint = tokens;
            _pageCounter = 0;

            PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
            PrintDocument pd1 = new PrintDocument();

            if (_tokensToPrint[_pageCounter].ServiceTypeID != 9)
                pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = paperSize;
                pd.PrintPage += printDoc_PrintPage;
                pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = App.AppMainForm.GetTokenPrinter();
                pd1.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = paperSize1;
                pd1.PrintPage += printDoc_PrintPage_1;
                pd1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = App.AppMainForm.GetSlipPrinter();

            //ToDo: can remove preview in the actual production.
            if (App.AppMainForm.IsPrintPreviewEnabled)
                var ppDlg = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                ppDlg.SetBounds(30, 30, 1024, 500);
                ppDlg.PrintPreviewControl.AutoZoom = true;
                ppDlg.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 0.75;

                if (_tokensToPrint[_pageCounter].ServiceTypeID != 9)
                    ppDlg.Document = pd;
                    ppDlg.Document = pd1;
                var dr = ppDlg.ShowDialog(this);
                if (_tokensToPrint[_pageCounter].ServiceTypeID != 9)
Esempio n. 11
        private void toolStripPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Creating a List of print content
            List<object> content = new List<object>();
            foreach (Note n in this.note_list)
                foreach (SupportNoteComment cm in this.supportnotecomment_list.Where(c => c.note_id == && c.type == (int)CommentWindow.COMMENT_TYPE.COMPLAIN).ToList<SupportNoteComment>())
                foreach (SupportNoteComment cm in this.supportnotecomment_list.Where(c => c.note_id == && c.type == (int)CommentWindow.COMMENT_TYPE.COMMENT).ToList<SupportNoteComment>())

            string print_time = "( " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " )";
            PrintDocument print_doc = new PrintDocument();

            PageSetupDialog page_setup = new PageSetupDialog();
            page_setup.Document = print_doc;
            page_setup.PageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("A4", 825, 1165);
            page_setup.PageSettings.Landscape = true;
            page_setup.PageSettings.Margins = new Margins(0, 20, 0, 40);

            PrintOutputSelection wind = new PrintOutputSelection();
            if (wind.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                int row_num = 0;
                int page_no = 0;
                bool is_comment = false;
                bool is_complain = false;
                print_doc.BeginPrint += delegate(object obj_sender, PrintEventArgs pe)
                    row_num = 0;
                    page_no = 0;
                    is_comment = false;
                    is_complain = false;

                print_doc.PrintPage += delegate(object obj_sender, PrintPageEventArgs pe)
                    bool is_new_page = true;

                    using(Font font = new Font("tahoma", 7f)){
                        using(SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black)){
                            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.LightGray))
                                int y_pos = 5;
                                #region declare column width
                                int col0_width = 30; // seq
                                int col1_width = 50; // support#
                                int col2_width = 60; // date
                                int col3_width = 45; // start time
                                int col4_width = 45; // end time
                                int col5_width = 45; // duration
                                int col6_width = 75; // s/n
                                int col7_width = 80; // contact
                                int col8_width = 25; // map drive
                                int col9_width = 25; // install,update
                                int col10_width = 25; // error
                                int col11_width = 25; // install fonts
                                int col12_width = 25; // print
                                int col13_width = 25; // training
                                int col14_width = 25; // stock
                                int col15_width = 25; // edit form
                                int col16_width = 25; // report->excel
                                int col17_width = 25; // statement
                                int col18_width = 25; // asset
                                int col19_width = 25; // secure
                                int col20_width = 25; // year end
                                int col21_width = 25; // period
                                int col22_width = 25; // mail
                                int col23_width = 25; // transfer -> mkt
                                int col24_width = 305; // remark
                                #endregion declare column width
                                StringFormat str_format_left = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_left.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                                str_format_left.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                StringFormat str_format_center = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_center.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                                str_format_center.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                StringFormat str_format_right = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_right.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                                str_format_right.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                Font fontsmall = new Font("tahoma", 5f); // for some column header

                                //for (int i = row_num; i < this.note_list.Count; i++)
                                for (int i = row_num; i < content.Count; i++)
                                    int x_pos = 10;

                                    if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                        pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                        pe.HasMorePages = false;

                                    #region draw column header
                                    if (is_new_page) // column header
                                        using (Pen pen_darkgray = new Pen(Color.DarkGray))
                                            y_pos += 5;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("รายละเอียดการปฏิบัติงาน", new Font("tahoma", 11f, FontStyle.Bold), brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, 300, 20));
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString(print_time, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 1000, y_pos, 130, 13), str_format_right);
                                            y_pos += 20;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("พนักงาน จาก", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 80, 25), str_format_left);
                                            using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.lblUserFrom.Text, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(90, y_pos, 100, 25), str_format_left);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ถึง", font, brush, new Rectangle(190, y_pos, 30, 25), str_format_center);
                                            using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.lblUserTo.Text, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(220, y_pos, 100, 25), str_format_left);
                                            y_pos += 20;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่ จาก", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 80, 25), str_format_left);
                                            using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.lblDateFrom.Text, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(90, y_pos, 100, 25), str_format_left);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ถึง", font, brush, new Rectangle(190, y_pos, 30, 25), str_format_center);
                                            using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.lblDateTo.Text, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(220, y_pos, 100, 25), str_format_left);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("หน้า : " + page_no.ToString(), font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 1000, y_pos, 130, 13), str_format_right); // draw page no.
                                            y_pos += 25;

                                            pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue), new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, 1135, 25));

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + 1135, y_pos); // horizontal line upper

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect0 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col0_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ลำดับ", font, brush, header_rect0, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col0_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect1 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col1_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Support#", font, brush, header_rect1, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col1_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect2 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col2_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่", font, brush, header_rect2, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col2_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect3 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col3_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("รับสาย", font, brush, header_rect3, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col3_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect4 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col4_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("วางสาย", font, brush, header_rect4, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col4_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect5 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col5_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ระยะเวลา", font, brush, header_rect5, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col5_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect6 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col6_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("S/N", font, brush, header_rect6, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col6_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect7 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col7_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ชื่อลูกค้า", font, brush, header_rect7, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col7_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect8 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col8_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Map Drive", fontsmall, brush, header_rect8, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col8_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect9 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col9_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Ins. /Up", fontsmall, brush, header_rect9, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col9_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect10 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col10_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Error", fontsmall, brush, header_rect10, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col10_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect11 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col11_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Ins. Fonts", fontsmall, brush, header_rect11, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col11_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect12 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col12_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Print", fontsmall, brush, header_rect12, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col12_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect13 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col13_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("อบรม", fontsmall, brush, header_rect13, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col13_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect14 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col14_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("สินค้า", fontsmall, brush, header_rect14, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col14_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect15 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col15_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Form Rep.", fontsmall, brush, header_rect15, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col15_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect16 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col16_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Rep>Excel", fontsmall, brush, header_rect16, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col16_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect17 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col17_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("สร้างงบ", fontsmall, brush, header_rect17, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col17_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect18 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col18_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("สินทรัพย์ ค่าเสื่อม", fontsmall, brush, header_rect18, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col18_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect19 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col19_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Secure", fontsmall, brush, header_rect19, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col19_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect20 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col20_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Year End", fontsmall, brush, header_rect20, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col20_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect21 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col21_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่ไม่อยู่ในงวด", fontsmall, brush, header_rect21, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col21_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect22 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col22_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Mail,รอสาย", fontsmall, brush, header_rect22, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col22_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect23 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col23_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("โอนฝ่ายขาย", fontsmall, brush, header_rect23, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col23_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect24 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col24_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ปัญหาอื่น ๆ", font, brush, header_rect24, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col24_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator

                                            x_pos = 10; // set x_pos again after use in header
                                            y_pos += 25;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + 1135, y_pos); // horizontal line below

                                        y_pos += 7;
                                        is_new_page = false;
                                    #endregion draw column header

                                    #region draw row data
                                    if (content[i] is Note)
                                        // Paint odd/even background
                                        if (row_num % 2 != 0 && content[i] is Note)
                                            using (SolidBrush brush_bg = new SolidBrush(Color.Lavender))
                                                pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush_bg, x_pos, y_pos - 6, pe.MarginBounds.Right - x_pos, 21);

                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);
                                        Rectangle rect0 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col0_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).seq, font, brush, rect0, str_format_right);
                                        x_pos += col0_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15); // column separator

                                        Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col1_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).users_name, font, brush, rect1, str_format_center);
                                        x_pos += col1_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                        Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col2_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).date, font, brush, rect2, str_format_center);
                                        x_pos += col2_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                        Rectangle rect3 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col3_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).start_time, font, brush, rect3, str_format_center);
                                        x_pos += col3_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                        Rectangle rect4 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col4_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).end_time, font, brush, rect4, str_format_center);
                                        x_pos += col4_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                        Rectangle rect5 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col5_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).duration, font, brush, rect5, str_format_center);
                                        x_pos += col5_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                        Rectangle rect6 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col6_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).sernum, font, brush, rect6);
                                        x_pos += col6_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                        Rectangle rect7 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col7_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).contact, font, brush, rect7);
                                        x_pos += col7_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                        using (Font font_wingdings = new Font("wingdings", 7f))
                                            Rectangle rect8 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col8_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).map_drive.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect8, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col8_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect9 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col9_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).install.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect9, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col9_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect10 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col10_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).error.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect10, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col10_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect11 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col11_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).fonts.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect11, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col11_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect12 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col12_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).print.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect12, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col12_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect13 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col13_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).training.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect13, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col13_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect14 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col14_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).stock.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect14, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col14_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect15 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col15_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).form.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect15, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col15_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect16 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col16_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).rep_excel.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect16, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col16_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect17 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col17_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).statement.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect17, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col17_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect18 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col18_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).asset.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect18, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col18_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect19 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col19_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).secure.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect19, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col19_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect20 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col20_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).year_end.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect20, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col20_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect21 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col21_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).period.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect21, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col21_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect22 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col22_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).mail_wait.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect22, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col22_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                            Rectangle rect23 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col23_width, 13);
                                            if (((Note)content[i]).transfer_mkt.Length > 0)
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(((char)(byte)0xFC).ToString(), font_wingdings, brush, rect23, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col23_width;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15); // column separator

                                        Rectangle rect24 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col24_width, 13);
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(((Note)content[i]).remark, font, brush, rect24);
                                        x_pos += col24_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                        is_comment = false;
                                        is_complain = false;
                                    if (content[i] is SupportNoteComment)
                                        using (SolidBrush brush_red = new SolidBrush(Color.Red))
                                            using (SolidBrush brush_blue = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15); // open row separator

                                                if (((SupportNoteComment)content[i]).type == (int)CommentWindow.COMMENT_TYPE.COMMENT)
                                                    if (!is_comment)
                                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Comment : ", font, brush_blue, new Rectangle(x_pos + 30, y_pos, 100, 13));

                                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(((SupportNoteComment)content[i]).description, font, brush_blue, new Rectangle(x_pos + 90, y_pos, pe.MarginBounds.Right - (x_pos + 90) - pe.MarginBounds.Left, 13));
                                                    is_comment = true;

                                                if (((SupportNoteComment)content[i]).type == (int)CommentWindow.COMMENT_TYPE.COMPLAIN)
                                                    if (!is_complain)
                                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString("Complain : ", font, brush_red, new Rectangle(x_pos + 30, y_pos, 100, 13));

                                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(((SupportNoteComment)content[i]).description, font, brush_red, new Rectangle(x_pos + 90, y_pos, pe.MarginBounds.Right - (x_pos + 90) - pe.MarginBounds.Left, 13));
                                                    is_complain = true;

                                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, pe.MarginBounds.Right, y_pos - 6, pe.MarginBounds.Right, y_pos + 15);  // close row separator


                                    // Horizontal line
                                    x_pos = 10;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos + 15, x_pos + 1135, y_pos + 15);
                                    #endregion draw row data

                                    y_pos += 20;
                                #region draw summary data
                                // draw separate column line
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 440, y_pos - 12, 440, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 465, y_pos - 12, 465, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 490, y_pos - 12, 490, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 515, y_pos - 12, 515, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 540, y_pos - 12, 540, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 565, y_pos - 12, 565, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 590, y_pos - 12, 590, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 615, y_pos - 12, 615, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 640, y_pos - 12, 640, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 665, y_pos - 12, 665, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 690, y_pos - 12, 690, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 715, y_pos - 12, 715, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 740, y_pos - 12, 740, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 765, y_pos - 12, 765, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 790, y_pos - 12, 790, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 815, y_pos - 12, 815, y_pos + 15);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 840, y_pos - 12, 840, y_pos + 15);
                                // draw double horizontal line
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 440, y_pos + 13, 840, y_pos + 13);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, 440, y_pos + 15, 840, y_pos + 15);

                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("รวม", font, brush, new RectangleF(350, y_pos, 80, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.map_drive.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(440, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.install.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(465, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.error.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(490, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.fonts.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(515, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.print.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(540, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(565, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.stock.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(590, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.form.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(615, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.rep_excel.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(640, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.statement.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(665, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.asset.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(690, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(715, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.year_end.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(740, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.period.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(765, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.mail_wait.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(790, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.note_list.Where(n => n.transfer_mkt.Length > 0).Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new RectangleF(815, y_pos, 25, 15), str_format_right);
                                #endregion draw summary data

                                y_pos += 20;
                                if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                    pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                    pe.HasMorePages = false;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("(เวลารับสาย : " + this.lblWorkTime.Text + ") + (เวลาพักสาย : " + this.lblBreakTime.Text + ") = (เวลารวม : " + this.lblTotalTime.Text + ")" , font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 800, 15));

                                y_pos += 20;
                                if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                    pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                    pe.HasMorePages = false;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("จำนวนวันลา/ออกพบลูกค้า : " + this.lblPeriodAbsent.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 400, 15));

                if (wind.output == PrintOutputSelection.OUTPUT.PRINTER)
                    PrintDialog print_dialog = new PrintDialog();
                    print_dialog.Document = print_doc;
                    print_dialog.AllowSelection = false;
                    print_dialog.AllowSomePages = true;
                    print_dialog.AllowPrintToFile = false;
                    print_dialog.AllowCurrentPage = false;
                    print_dialog.UseEXDialog = true;
                    if (print_dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

                if (wind.output == PrintOutputSelection.OUTPUT.SCREEN)
                    PrintPreviewDialog preview_dialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                    preview_dialog.SetBounds(this.ClientRectangle.X + 5, this.ClientRectangle.Y + 5, this.ClientRectangle.Width - 10, this.ClientRectangle.Height - 10);
                    preview_dialog.Document = print_doc;
                    preview_dialog.MdiParent = this.main_form;

                if (wind.output == PrintOutputSelection.OUTPUT.FILE)

                print_doc = null;
                page_setup = null;
Esempio n. 12
        private void toolStripPrintSummary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string print_time = "( " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " )";

            PrintDocument print_doc = new PrintDocument();

            PageSetupDialog page_setup = new PageSetupDialog();
            page_setup.Document = print_doc;
            page_setup.PageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("A4", 825, 1165);
            page_setup.PageSettings.Landscape = false;
            page_setup.PageSettings.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 40);

            PrintOutputSelection wind = new PrintOutputSelection();
            if (wind.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                int row_num = 0;
                int page_no = 0;
                print_doc.BeginPrint += delegate(object obj_sender, PrintEventArgs pe)
                    row_num = 0;
                    page_no = 0;

                print_doc.PrintPage += delegate(object obj_sender, PrintPageEventArgs pe)
                    bool is_new_page = true;

                    using (Font font = new Font("tahoma", 8f))
                        using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.LightGray))
                                int y_pos = 5;
                                #region declare column width
                                int col0_width = 40; // seq
                                int col1_width = 60; // support#
                                int col2_width = 80; // name
                                int col3_width = 110; // talk_line_count
                                int col4_width = 110; // talk_time
                                int col5_width = 150; // talk_time/line_count
                                int col6_width = 110; // break_time
                                int col7_width = 130; // leave_time
                                //int col10_width = 25; //
                                #endregion declare column width
                                StringFormat str_format_left = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_left.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                                str_format_left.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                StringFormat str_format_center = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_center.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                                str_format_center.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                StringFormat str_format_right = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_right.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                                str_format_right.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                List<Note> note_list = this.JustConvertToNoteList();
                                List<Users> supports = this.list_support_users.Where(s => (s.username.CompareTo(this.current_user_from.username) == 0 || s.username.CompareTo(this.current_user_from.username) > 0) && (s.username.CompareTo(this.current_user_to.username) == 0 || s.username.CompareTo(this.current_user_to.username) < 0)).ToList<Users>();

                                for (int i = row_num; i < supports.Count; i++)
                                    int x_pos = 10;

                                    if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                        pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                        pe.HasMorePages = false;

                                    #region draw column header
                                    if (is_new_page)
                                        using (Pen pen_darkgray = new Pen(Color.DarkGray))
                                            y_pos += 5;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("สรุปการปฏิบัติงาน(Support)", new Font("tahoma", 11f, FontStyle.Bold), brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, 300, 20));
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString(print_time, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 650, y_pos, 130, 13), str_format_right);
                                            y_pos += 20;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("พนักงาน จาก", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 80, 25), str_format_left);
                                            using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.lblUserFrom.Text, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(90, y_pos, 100, 25), str_format_left);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ถึง", font, brush, new Rectangle(190, y_pos, 30, 25), str_format_center);
                                            using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.lblUserTo.Text, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(220, y_pos, 100, 25), str_format_left);
                                            y_pos += 20;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่ จาก", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 80, 25), str_format_left);
                                            using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.lblDateFrom.Text, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(90, y_pos, 100, 25), str_format_left);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ถึง", font, brush, new Rectangle(190, y_pos, 30, 25), str_format_center);
                                            using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.lblDateTo.Text, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(220, y_pos, 100, 25), str_format_left);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("หน้า : " + page_no.ToString(), font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 630, y_pos, 130, 13), str_format_right); // draw page no.
                                            y_pos += 25;

                                            pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue), new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, 790, 25));

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + 790, y_pos); // horizontal line upper

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ลำดับ", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col0_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col0_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("Support#", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col1_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col1_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ชื่อ", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col2_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col2_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("จำนวนสายที่รับ", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col3_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col3_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("รวมเวลารับสาย", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col4_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col4_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("เวลาเฉลี่ย/สาย", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col5_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col5_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("รวมเวลาพักสาย", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col6_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col6_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("รวมวันลา/ออกพบลูกค้า", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col7_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col7_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator

                                            x_pos = 10; // set x_pos again after use in header
                                            y_pos += 25;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + 790, y_pos); // horizontal line below

                                        y_pos += 7;
                                        is_new_page = false;
                                    #endregion draw column header

                                    #region draw row data
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);
                                    using (SolidBrush brush_gray = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray))
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString((i + 1).ToString(), font, brush_gray, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col0_width - 5, 13), str_format_right);
                                    x_pos += col0_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15); // column separator

                                    using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(supports[i].username, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 5, y_pos, col1_width - 5, 13), str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col1_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(supports[i].name, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 5, y_pos, col2_width - 5, 13), str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col2_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username && n.is_break != "Y").Count<Note>().ToString(), font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col3_width - 5, 13), str_format_right);
                                    x_pos += col3_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                    string talk_time = (note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username && n.is_break != "Y").Count<Note>() > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username).ToList<Note>().GetSummaryTalkTime().TotalMinutes).ToString() + " นาที" : "-");
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(talk_time, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col4_width, 13), str_format_center);
                                    x_pos += col4_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                    double min_per_line = Math.Floor(Math.Floor(note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username).ToList<Note>().GetSummaryTalkTime().TotalMinutes) / note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username && n.is_break != "Y").Count<Note>());
                                    double sec_per_line = Math.Floor((Math.Floor(note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username).ToList<Note>().GetSummaryTalkTime().TotalSeconds) - (min_per_line * note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username && n.is_break != "Y").Count<Note>() * 60)) / note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username && n.is_break != "Y").Count<Note>());
                                    string time_per_line = (note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username && n.is_break != "Y").Count<Note>() > 0 ? min_per_line.ToString() + " นาที " + sec_per_line.ToString() + " วินาที / 1 สาย" : "-");
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(time_per_line, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col5_width, 13), str_format_center);
                                    x_pos += col5_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                    string break_time = (note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username && n.is_break != "Y").Count<Note>() > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(note_list.Where(n => n.users_name == supports[i].username).ToList<Note>().GetSummaryBreakTime().TotalMinutes).ToString() + " นาที" : "-");
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(break_time, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col6_width, 13), str_format_center);
                                    x_pos += col6_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.event_calendar.Where(c => c.users_name == supports[i].username).ToList<EventCalendar>().GetSummaryHoursMinutesString(), font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col7_width, 13), str_format_center);
                                    x_pos += col7_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 15);  // column separator

                                    // Horizontal line
                                    x_pos = 10;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos + 15, x_pos + 790, y_pos + 15);
                                    #endregion draw row data

                                    y_pos += 20;

                if (wind.output == PrintOutputSelection.OUTPUT.PRINTER)
                    PrintDialog print_dialog = new PrintDialog();
                    print_dialog.Document = print_doc;
                    print_dialog.AllowSelection = false;
                    print_dialog.AllowSomePages = true;
                    print_dialog.AllowPrintToFile = false;
                    print_dialog.AllowCurrentPage = false;
                    print_dialog.UseEXDialog = true;
                    if (print_dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

                if (wind.output == PrintOutputSelection.OUTPUT.SCREEN)
                    PrintPreviewDialog preview_dialog = new PrintPreviewDialog();
                    preview_dialog.SetBounds(this.ClientRectangle.X + 5, this.ClientRectangle.Y + 5, this.ClientRectangle.Width - 10, this.ClientRectangle.Height - 10);
                    preview_dialog.Document = print_doc;
                    preview_dialog.MdiParent = this.main_form;

                if (wind.output == PrintOutputSelection.OUTPUT.FILE)

                print_doc = null;
                page_setup = null;
Esempio n. 13
        private void toolStripPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PrintDocument print_doc = new PrintDocument();

            PageSetupDialog page_setup = new PageSetupDialog();
            page_setup.Document = print_doc;
            page_setup.PageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("A4", 825, 1165);
            page_setup.PageSettings.Landscape = true;
            page_setup.PageSettings.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 10, 40);

            PrintOutputSelection wind = new PrintOutputSelection();
            if (wind.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                int row_num = 0;
                int page_no = 0;
                print_doc.BeginPrint += delegate(object obj_sender, PrintEventArgs pe)
                    row_num = 0;
                    page_no = 0;

                print_doc.PrintPage += delegate(object obj_sender, PrintPageEventArgs pe)
                    bool is_new_page = true;

                    using (Font font = new Font("tahoma", 8f))
                        using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.LightGray))
                                int y_pos = pe.MarginBounds.Top;
                                #region declare column width
                                int col0_width = 40; // seq
                                int col1_width = 70; // users_name
                                int col2_width = 70; // date
                                int col3_width = 50; // from_time
                                int col4_width = 50; // to_time
                                int col5_width = 110; // duration
                                int col6_width = 155; // event_code
                                int col7_width = 80; // status
                                int col8_width = 270; // customer
                                int col9_width = 100; // med_cert
                                int col10_width = 80; // fine
                                int col11_width = 70; // rec_by
                                #endregion declare column width

                                StringFormat str_format_center = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_center.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                                str_format_center.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                StringFormat str_format_right = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_right.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                                str_format_right.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                StringFormat str_format_left = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_left.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                                str_format_left.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                y_pos += 5;
                                #region Report Header
                                using (Font h_font = new Font("tahoma", 11f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString("รายละเอียดวันลา/ออกพบลูกค้า", h_font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 300, 20));
                                using (Font p_font = new Font("tahoma", 7f))
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString("หน้า : " + page_no.ToString(), p_font, brush, new Rectangle(1000, y_pos, 150, 20), str_format_right);
                                y_pos += 25;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("รหัสพนักงาน จาก ", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 100, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblUserFrom.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(110, y_pos, 100, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" ถึง ", font, brush, new Rectangle(210, y_pos, 30, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblUserTo.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(240, y_pos, 100, 20));

                                y_pos += 20;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่ จาก ", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 100, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblDateFrom.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(110, y_pos, 100, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" ถึง ", font, brush, new Rectangle(210, y_pos, 30, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblDateTo.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(240, y_pos, 100, 20));

                                y_pos += 20;
                                #endregion Report Header

                                for (int i = row_num; i < this.sorted_list.Count; i++)
                                    int x_pos = 10;

                                    if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                        pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                        pe.HasMorePages = false;

                                    #region draw column header
                                    if (is_new_page) // column header
                                        using (Pen pen_darkgray = new Pen(Color.DarkGray))
                                            pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue), new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, /*790*/ 1145, 25));

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + /*790*/ 1145, y_pos); // horizontal line upper

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect0 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col0_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ลำดับ", font, brush, header_rect0, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col0_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("รหัสพนักงาน", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col1_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col1_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect1 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col2_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่", font, brush, header_rect1, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col2_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect2 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col3_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("จาก", font, brush, header_rect2, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col3_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect3 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col4_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ถึง", font, brush, header_rect3, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col4_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect4 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col5_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("รวมเวลา", font, brush, header_rect4, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col5_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect5 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col6_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("เหตุผล", font, brush, header_rect5, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col6_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect6 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col7_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("สถานะ", font, brush, header_rect6, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col7_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect7 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col8_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ชื่อลูกค้า", font, brush, header_rect7, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col8_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ใบรับรองแพทย์", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col9_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col9_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("หักค่าคอมฯ", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col10_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col10_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            Rectangle header_rect8 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col11_width, 25);
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("บันทึกโดย", font, brush, header_rect8, str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col11_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator

                                            x_pos = 10; // set x_pos again after use in header
                                            y_pos += 25;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + /*790*/ 1145, y_pos); // horizontal line below

                                        y_pos += 7;
                                        is_new_page = false;
                                    #endregion draw column header

                                    #region draw row data
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                    Rectangle rect0 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col0_width - 5, 18);
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString((row_num + 1).ToString(), font, brush, rect0, str_format_right);
                                    x_pos += col0_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.sorted_list[i].users_name, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 5, y_pos, col1_width - 5, 18), str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col1_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                    Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col2_width, 18);
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(DateTime.Parse(this.sorted_list[i].date).ToString("dd/MM/yy", cinfo_th), font, brush, rect1, str_format_center);
                                    x_pos += col2_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col3_width, 18);
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.sorted_list[i].from_time.Substring(0, 5), font, brush, rect2, str_format_center);
                                    x_pos += col3_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    Rectangle rect3 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col4_width, 18);
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.sorted_list[i].to_time.Substring(0, 5), font, brush, rect3, str_format_center);
                                    x_pos += col4_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    Rectangle rect4 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col5_width, 18);
                                    string time_duration = this.sorted_list.Where(t => == this.sorted_list[i].id).ToList<EventCalendar>().GetSummaryLeaveDayString();
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(time_duration, font, brush, rect4, str_format_center);
                                    x_pos += col5_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    Rectangle rect5 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col6_width, 18);
                                    string leave_cause = (this.leave_cause.Find(t => t.tabtyp == this.sorted_list[i].event_type && t.typcod == this.sorted_list[i].event_code) != null ? this.leave_cause.Find(t => t.tabtyp == this.sorted_list[i].event_type && t.typcod == this.sorted_list[i].event_code).typdes_th : "");
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(leave_cause, font, brush, rect5, str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col6_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    Rectangle rect6 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col7_width, 18);
                                    string status = (this.sorted_list[i].status == (int)CustomDateEvent.EVENT_STATUS.WAIT_FOR_CONFIRM ? "WAIT" : (this.sorted_list[i].status == (int)CustomDateEvent.EVENT_STATUS.CANCELED ? "CANCELED" : "CONFIRMED"));
                                    using (SolidBrush status_brush = (this.sorted_list[i].status == (int)CustomDateEvent.EVENT_STATUS.WAIT_FOR_CONFIRM ? new SolidBrush(Color.Blue) : (this.sorted_list[i].status == (int)CustomDateEvent.EVENT_STATUS.CANCELED ? new SolidBrush(Color.Red) : new SolidBrush(Color.Black))))
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(status, font, status_brush, rect6, str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col7_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    Rectangle rect7 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col8_width, 18);
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.sorted_list[i].customer, font, brush, rect7, str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col8_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                    string med_cert = (this.sorted_list[i].med_cert == "Y" ? "มีใบรับรองแพทย์" : "");
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(med_cert, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 5, y_pos, col9_width - 5, 18), str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col9_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);
                                    string fine = (this.sorted_list[i].fine > 0 ? this.sorted_list[i].fine.ToString() : "");
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(fine, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 5, y_pos, col10_width - 5, 18), str_format_right);
                                    x_pos += col10_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    Rectangle rect8 = new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col11_width, 18);
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.sorted_list[i].rec_by, font, brush, rect8, str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col11_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    // Horizontal line
                                    x_pos = 10;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos + 20, x_pos + /*790*/ 1145, y_pos + 20);
                                    #endregion draw row data

                                    y_pos += 25;

                                if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                    pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                    pe.HasMorePages = false;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.toolStripInfo.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 400, 15));

                                y_pos += 10;
                                if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                    pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                    pe.HasMorePages = false;
                                using (Font bold_font = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.groupPeriod.Text.Trim(), bold_font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 400, 15));
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.groupTotal.Text.Trim(), bold_font, brush, new Rectangle(420, y_pos, 400, 15));

                                y_pos += 20;
                                if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                    pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                    pe.HasMorePages = false;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("ลางาน", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 80, 15));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblPeriodAbsent.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(90, y_pos, 320, 15));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("ลางาน", font, brush, new Rectangle(420, y_pos, 80, 15));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblTotalAbsent.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(500, y_pos, 320, 15));

                                y_pos += 20;
                                if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                    pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                    pe.HasMorePages = false;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("ออกพบลูกค้า", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 80, 15));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblPeriodServ.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(90, y_pos, 320, 15));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("ออกพบลูกค้า", font, brush, new Rectangle(420, y_pos, 80, 15));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblTotalServ.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(500, y_pos, 320, 15));

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                    print_dialog.Document = print_doc;
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                print_doc = null;
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Esempio n. 14
        private void toolStripPrintSummary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PrintDocument print_doc = new PrintDocument();

            PageSetupDialog page_setup = new PageSetupDialog();
            page_setup.Document = print_doc;
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                print_doc.BeginPrint += delegate(object obj_sender, PrintEventArgs pe)
                    row_num = 0;
                    page_no = 0;

                print_doc.PrintPage += delegate(object obj_sender, PrintPageEventArgs pe)
                    bool is_new_page = true;

                    using (Font font = new Font("tahoma", 8f))
                        using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.LightGray))
                                int y_pos = pe.MarginBounds.Top;
                                #region declare column width
                                int col0_width = 40; // seq
                                int col1_width = 70; // users_name
                                int col2_width = 100; // real_name
                                //int col3_width = 50; // from_time
                                //int col4_width = 50; // to_time
                                int col3_width = 160; // actual leave duration
                                int col4_width = 160; // comm_deduct leave duration
                                //int col6_width = 155; // event_code
                                //int col7_width = 80; // status
                                //int col8_width = 270; // customer
                                //int col4_width = 100; // med_cert
                                int col5_width = 100; // fine
                                int col6_width = 160; // remark
                                #endregion declare column width

                                StringFormat str_format_center = new StringFormat();
                                str_format_center.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                                str_format_center.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                StringFormat str_format_right = new StringFormat();
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                                str_format_left.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                                y_pos += 5;
                                #region Report Header
                                using (Font h_font = new Font("tahoma", 11f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString("สรุปวันลา (สำหรับคิดค่าคอมฯ)", h_font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 300, 20));
                                using (Font p_font = new Font("tahoma", 7f))
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString("หน้า : " + page_no.ToString(), p_font, brush, new Rectangle(640, y_pos, 150, 20), str_format_right);
                                y_pos += 25;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("รหัสพนักงาน จาก ", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 100, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblUserFrom.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(110, y_pos, 100, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" ถึง ", font, brush, new Rectangle(210, y_pos, 30, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblUserTo.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(240, y_pos, 100, 20));

                                y_pos += 20;
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString("วันที่ จาก ", font, brush, new Rectangle(10, y_pos, 100, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblDateFrom.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(110, y_pos, 100, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" ถึง ", font, brush, new Rectangle(210, y_pos, 30, 20));
                                pe.Graphics.DrawString(" : " + this.lblDateTo.Text, font, brush, new Rectangle(240, y_pos, 100, 20));

                                y_pos += 20;
                                #endregion Report Header

                                for (int i = row_num; i < this.users_list.Count; i++)
                                    int x_pos = 10;

                                    if (y_pos > pe.MarginBounds.Bottom)
                                        pe.HasMorePages = true;
                                        pe.HasMorePages = false;

                                    #region draw column header
                                    if (is_new_page) // column header
                                        using (Pen pen_darkgray = new Pen(Color.DarkGray))
                                            pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue), new RectangleF(x_pos, y_pos, 790, 25));

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + 790, y_pos); // horizontal line upper

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ลำดับ", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col0_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col0_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("รหัสพนักงาน", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col1_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col1_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("ชื่อ", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col2_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col2_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("จำนวนวันลา (จริง)", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col3_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col3_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("จำนวนวันลา (คิดค่าคอมฯ)", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col4_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col4_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("หักค่าคอมฯ (บาท)", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col5_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col5_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawString("หมายเหตุ", font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col6_width, 25), str_format_center);
                                            x_pos += col6_width;

                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos, y_pos + 25); // column separator

                                            x_pos = 10; // set x_pos again after use in header
                                            y_pos += 25;
                                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen_darkgray, x_pos, y_pos, x_pos + 790, y_pos); // horizontal line below

                                        y_pos += 7;
                                        is_new_page = false;
                                    #endregion draw column header

                                    #region draw row data
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    using (SolidBrush brush_gray = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray))
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString((row_num + 1).ToString(), font, brush_gray, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col0_width - 5, 18), str_format_right);
                                        x_pos += col0_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.users_list[i].username, font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 5, y_pos, col1_width - 5, 18), str_format_left);
                                        x_pos += col1_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.users_list[i].name, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 5, y_pos, col2_width - 5, 18), str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col2_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20); // column separator

                                    //using (SolidBrush brush_gray = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray))
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.sorted_list.Where(s => s.users_name == this.users_list[i].username).Where(s => s.event_type == EventCalendar.EVENT_TYPE_ABSENT_CAUSE).ToList<EventCalendar>().GetSummaryLeaveDayString(), font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col3_width, 18), str_format_center);
                                        x_pos += col3_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    using (Font font_bold = new Font("tahoma", 8f, FontStyle.Bold))
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.sorted_list.Where(s => s.users_name == this.users_list[i].username).Where(s => s.event_type == EventCalendar.EVENT_TYPE_ABSENT_CAUSE).ToList<EventCalendar>().GetSummaryLeaveDayStringForCommission(), font_bold, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col4_width, 18), str_format_center);
                                        x_pos += col4_width;
                                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    string fine = (this.sorted_list.Where(s => s.users_name == this.users_list[i].username).Where(s => s.event_type == EventCalendar.EVENT_TYPE_ABSENT_CAUSE).ToList<EventCalendar>().GetSummaryFine() == 0 ? "" : this.sorted_list.Where(s => s.users_name == this.users_list[i].username).Where(s => s.event_type == EventCalendar.EVENT_TYPE_ABSENT_CAUSE).ToList<EventCalendar>().GetSummaryFine().ToString());
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(fine, font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, col5_width - 5, 18), str_format_right);
                                    x_pos += col5_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    pe.Graphics.DrawString(this.sorted_list.Where(s => s.users_name == this.users_list[i].username).Where(s => s.event_type == EventCalendar.EVENT_TYPE_ABSENT_CAUSE).ToList<EventCalendar>().GetSummaryMedCertRemark(), font, brush, new Rectangle(x_pos + 5, y_pos, col6_width - 5, 18), str_format_left);
                                    x_pos += col6_width;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos - 6, x_pos, y_pos + 20);  // column separator

                                    // Horizontal line
                                    x_pos = 10;
                                    pe.Graphics.DrawLine(p, x_pos, y_pos + 20, x_pos + 790, y_pos + 20);
                                    #endregion draw row data

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