Esempio n. 1
        // Public Properties

        #region Static methods

        public static FixedSOMElement CreateFixedSOMElement(FixedPage page, UIElement uiElement, FixedNode fixedNode, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            FixedSOMElement element = null;
            if (uiElement is Glyphs)
                Glyphs glyphs = uiElement as Glyphs;
                if (glyphs.UnicodeString.Length > 0)
                    GlyphRun glyphRun = glyphs.ToGlyphRun();
                    Rect alignmentBox = glyphRun.ComputeAlignmentBox();
                    alignmentBox.Offset(glyphs.OriginX, glyphs.OriginY);
                    GeneralTransform transform = glyphs.TransformToAncestor(page);
                    if (startIndex < 0)
                        startIndex = 0;
                    if (endIndex < 0)
                        endIndex = glyphRun.Characters == null ? 0 : glyphRun.Characters.Count;
                    element = FixedSOMTextRun.Create(alignmentBox, transform, glyphs, fixedNode, startIndex, endIndex, false);
            else if (uiElement is Image)
                element = FixedSOMImage.Create(page, uiElement as Image, fixedNode);
            else if (uiElement is Path)
                element = FixedSOMImage.Create(page, uiElement as Path, fixedNode);
            return element;
Esempio n. 2
        // Token: 0x06002DF8 RID: 11768 RVA: 0x000CE9D4 File Offset: 0x000CCBD4
        private void _ProcessImage(DependencyObject obj, FixedNode fixedNode)
            Image image;
            Path  path;

            for (;;)
                image = (obj as Image);
                if (image != null)
                path = (obj as Path);
                if (path != null)
                    goto Block_1;
            FixedSOMImage image2 = FixedSOMImage.Create(this._fixedPage, image, fixedNode);

            goto IL_34;
            image2 = FixedSOMImage.Create(this._fixedPage, path, fixedNode);
            FixedSOMFixedBlock fixedSOMFixedBlock = new FixedSOMFixedBlock(this._fixedSOMPage);

            this._currentFixedBlock = fixedSOMFixedBlock;
Esempio n. 3
        // Private Methods

        #region Private methods

        private void _ProcessImage(DependencyObject obj, FixedNode fixedNode)
            Debug.Assert(obj is Image || obj is Path);
            FixedSOMImage somImage = null;

            while (true)
                Image image = obj as Image;
                if (image != null)
                    somImage = FixedSOMImage.Create(_fixedPage, image, fixedNode);
                Path path = obj as Path;
                if (path != null)
                    somImage = FixedSOMImage.Create(_fixedPage, path, fixedNode);
            //Create a wrapper FixedBlock:

            FixedSOMFixedBlock fixedBlock = new FixedSOMFixedBlock(_fixedSOMPage);

            _currentFixedBlock = fixedBlock;
Esempio n. 4
        private void AddChildofFixedNodeinFlow(int[] childIndex, NamedElement ne)
            // Create a fake FixedNode to help binary search.
            FixedNode fn = FixedNode.Create(((FixedNode)_fixedNodes[0]).Page, childIndex);
            // Launch the binary search to find the matching FixedNode
            int index = _fixedNodes.BinarySearch(fn);

            if (index >= 0)
                int startIndex;
                // Search backward for the first Node in this scope
                for (startIndex = index - 1; startIndex >= 0; startIndex--)
                    fn = (FixedNode)_fixedNodes[startIndex];
                    if (fn.ComparetoIndex(childIndex) != 0)

                // Search forward to add all the nodes in order.
                for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < _fixedNodes.Count; i++)
                    fn = (FixedNode)_fixedNodes[i];
                    if (fn.ComparetoIndex(childIndex) == 0)
                        AddFixedNodeInFlow(i, null);
Esempio n. 5
 // Token: 0x06002D93 RID: 11667 RVA: 0x000CD4F0 File Offset: 0x000CB6F0
 internal FixedPageStructure(int pageIndex)
     this._pageIndex  = pageIndex;
     this._flowStart  = new FlowNode(-1, FlowNodeType.Virtual, pageIndex);
     this._flowEnd    = this._flowStart;
     this._fixedStart = FixedNode.Create(pageIndex, 1, int.MinValue, -1, null);
     this._fixedEnd   = FixedNode.Create(pageIndex, 1, int.MaxValue, -1, null);
Esempio n. 6
 private List <FixedSOMElement> _GetEntry(FixedNode node)
     if (_cachedEntry == null || node != _cachedFixedNode)
         _cachedEntry     = (List <FixedSOMElement>)_mapping[node];
         _cachedFixedNode = node;
Esempio n. 7
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors
        private FixedSOMImage(Rect imageRect, GeneralTransform trans, Uri sourceUri, FixedNode node, DependencyObject o) : base(node, trans)
            _boundingRect = trans.TransformBounds(imageRect);
            _source       = sourceUri;
            _startIndex   = 0;
            _endIndex     = 1;
            _name         = AutomationProperties.GetName(o);
            _helpText     = AutomationProperties.GetHelpText(o);
 // Token: 0x06002D35 RID: 11573 RVA: 0x000CC1D8 File Offset: 0x000CA3D8
 private List <FixedSOMElement> _GetEntry(FixedNode node)
     if (this._cachedEntry == null || node != this._cachedFixedNode)
         this._cachedEntry     = (List <FixedSOMElement>) this._mapping[node];
         this._cachedFixedNode = node;
Esempio n. 9
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors 
        private FixedSOMImage(Rect imageRect, GeneralTransform trans, Uri sourceUri, FixedNode node, DependencyObject o) : base(node, trans) 
            _boundingRect = trans.TransformBounds(imageRect); 
            _source = sourceUri;
            _startIndex = 0;
            _endIndex = 1;
            _name = AutomationProperties.GetName(o); 
            _helpText = AutomationProperties.GetHelpText(o);
Esempio n. 10
        // Token: 0x0600350E RID: 13582 RVA: 0x000F0634 File Offset: 0x000EE834
        private ITextPointer _GetTextPosition(FixedNode node, int charIndex)
            FixedPosition fixedPosition = new FixedPosition(node, charIndex);
            FlowPosition  flowPosition  = this._panel.FixedContainer.FixedTextBuilder.CreateFlowPosition(fixedPosition);

            if (flowPosition != null)
                return(new FixedTextPointer(false, LogicalDirection.Forward, flowPosition));
Esempio n. 11
 // Token: 0x06002D4D RID: 11597 RVA: 0x000CC6BF File Offset: 0x000CA8BF
 internal static FixedNode Create(int pageIndex, int childLevels, int level1Index, int level2Index, int[] childPath)
     if (childLevels == 1)
         return(new FixedNode(pageIndex, level1Index));
     if (childLevels != 2)
         return(FixedNode.Create(pageIndex, childPath));
     return(new FixedNode(pageIndex, level1Index, level2Index));
Esempio n. 12
        // Token: 0x06002DAA RID: 11690 RVA: 0x000CD8F0 File Offset: 0x000CBAF0
        protected FixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedNode, GeneralTransform transform)
            this._fixedNode = fixedNode;
            Transform affineTransform = transform.AffineTransform;

            if (affineTransform != null)
                this._mat = affineTransform.Value;
            this._mat = Transform.Identity.Value;
        // Token: 0x06002EF1 RID: 12017 RVA: 0x000D3FAC File Offset: 0x000D21AC
        private ITextPointer _SnapToText(Point point)
            FixedNode[]  line = this.Container.FixedTextBuilder.GetLine(this.PageIndex, point);
            ITextPointer textPointer;

            if (line != null && line.Length != 0)
                double    num       = double.MaxValue;
                double    xoffset   = 0.0;
                Glyphs    glyphs    = null;
                FixedNode fixedNode = line[0];
                foreach (FixedNode fixedNode2 in line)
                    Glyphs           glyphsElement    = this.FixedPage.GetGlyphsElement(fixedNode2);
                    GeneralTransform generalTransform = this.FixedPage.TransformToDescendant(glyphsElement);
                    Point            inPoint          = point;
                    if (generalTransform != null)
                        generalTransform.TryTransform(inPoint, out inPoint);
                    GlyphRun glyphRun = glyphsElement.ToGlyphRun();
                    Rect     rect     = glyphRun.ComputeAlignmentBox();
                    rect.Offset(glyphsElement.OriginX, glyphsElement.OriginY);
                    double num2 = Math.Max(0.0, (inPoint.X > rect.X) ? (inPoint.X - rect.Right) : (rect.X - inPoint.X));
                    double num3 = Math.Max(0.0, (inPoint.Y > rect.Y) ? (inPoint.Y - rect.Bottom) : (rect.Y - inPoint.Y));
                    double num4 = num2 + num3;
                    if (glyphs == null || num4 < num)
                        num       = num4;
                        glyphs    = glyphsElement;
                        fixedNode = fixedNode2;
                        xoffset   = inPoint.X;
                int offset;
                LogicalDirection edge;
                this._GlyphRunHitTest(glyphs, xoffset, out offset, out edge);
                FixedPosition fixedPosition = new FixedPosition(fixedNode, offset);
                textPointer = this._CreateTextPointer(fixedPosition, edge);
            else if (point.Y < this.FixedPage.Height / 2.0)
                textPointer = ((ITextPointer)this.Start).CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                textPointer = ((ITextPointer)this.End).CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Backward);
Esempio n. 14
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors
        internal FixedPageStructure(int pageIndex)
            Debug.Assert(pageIndex >= 0);
            _pageIndex = pageIndex;

            // Initialize to virtual
            _flowStart = new FlowNode(FixedFlowMap.FlowOrderVirtualScopeId, FlowNodeType.Virtual, pageIndex);
            _flowEnd   = _flowStart;

            _fixedStart = FixedNode.Create(pageIndex, 1, FixedFlowMap.FixedOrderStartVisual, -1, null);
            _fixedEnd   = FixedNode.Create(pageIndex, 1, FixedFlowMap.FixedOrderEndVisual, -1, null);
Esempio n. 15
        // Fixed Order

        // This is only used in our debug fixed node rendering code
        // Get a range of fixednode in fixed order between two fixed nodes, inclusive
        internal FixedNode[] FixedOrderGetRangeNodes(FixedNode start, FixedNode end)
            //Debug.Assert(start <= end);
            if (start == end)
                return(new FixedNode[1] {

            ArrayList range = new ArrayList();

            // will this function be passed boundary nodes??
            FlowNode flowNode = ((List <FixedSOMElement>)_GetEntry(start))[0].FlowNode;

            bool foundEnd = false;

            while (!foundEnd)
                if (flowNode.FixedSOMElements != null)
                    foreach (FixedSOMElement element in flowNode.FixedSOMElements)
                        if (range.Count == 0)
                            if (element.FixedNode == start)
                            if (!element.FixedNode.Equals(range[range.Count - 1]))

                        if (element.FixedNode == end)
                            foundEnd = true;
                flowNode = _flowOrder[flowNode.Fp + 1];

Esempio n. 16
        protected FixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedNode, GeneralTransform transform)
            _fixedNode = fixedNode;

            Transform trans = transform.AffineTransform;
            if (trans != null)
                _mat = trans.Value;
                _mat = Transform.Identity.Value;
Esempio n. 17
        // Token: 0x06002DA9 RID: 11689 RVA: 0x000CD8A0 File Offset: 0x000CBAA0
        protected FixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedNode, int startIndex, int endIndex, GeneralTransform transform)
            this._fixedNode  = fixedNode;
            this._startIndex = startIndex;
            this._endIndex   = endIndex;
            Transform affineTransform = transform.AffineTransform;

            if (affineTransform != null)
                this._mat = affineTransform.Value;
            this._mat = Transform.Identity.Value;
Esempio n. 18
        private ITextPointer _GetTextPosition(FixedNode node, int charIndex)
            FixedPosition fixedPosition = new FixedPosition(node, charIndex);

            // Create a FlowPosition to represent this fixed position
            FlowPosition flowHit = _panel.FixedContainer.FixedTextBuilder.CreateFlowPosition(fixedPosition);

            if (flowHit != null)
                // Create a TextPointer from the flow position
                return(new FixedTextPointer(false, LogicalDirection.Forward, flowHit));
Esempio n. 19
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors
        protected FixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedNode, int startIndex, int endIndex, GeneralTransform transform)
            _fixedNode = fixedNode;
            _startIndex = startIndex;
            _endIndex = endIndex;
            Transform trans = transform.AffineTransform;
            if (trans != null)
                _mat = trans.Value;
                _mat = Transform.Identity.Value;
        // Static Method

        // Factory method to create a fixed node from its path
        // Avoiding create ArrayList if possible
        // Most common case childLevel is either 1, 2  level deep.
        // level 0 is always the page
        internal static FixedNode Create(int pageIndex, int childLevels, int level1Index, int level2Index, int[] childPath)
            Debug.Assert(childLevels >= 1);
            switch (childLevels)
            case 1:
                return(new FixedNode(pageIndex, level1Index));

            case 2:
                return(new FixedNode(pageIndex, level1Index, level2Index));

                return(FixedNode.Create(pageIndex, childPath));
Esempio n. 21
        protected FixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedNode, GeneralTransform transform)
            _fixedNode = fixedNode;

            Transform trans = transform.AffineTransform;

            if (trans != null)
                _mat = trans.Value;
                _mat = Transform.Identity.Value;
        // Token: 0x06002D36 RID: 11574 RVA: 0x000CC224 File Offset: 0x000CA424
        private void _AddEntry(FixedSOMElement element)
            FixedNode fixedNode = element.FixedNode;
            List <FixedSOMElement> list;

            if (this._mapping.ContainsKey(fixedNode))
                list = (List <FixedSOMElement>) this._mapping[fixedNode];
                list = new List <FixedSOMElement>();
                this._mapping.Add(fixedNode, list);
        // Token: 0x06002D2C RID: 11564 RVA: 0x000CC054 File Offset: 0x000CA254
        internal FixedSOMElement MappingGetFixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedp, int offset)
            List <FixedSOMElement> list = this._GetEntry(fixedp);

            if (list != null)
                foreach (FixedSOMElement fixedSOMElement in list)
                    if (offset >= fixedSOMElement.StartIndex && offset <= fixedSOMElement.EndIndex)
        // Public Methods

        #region Public Methods
        // IComparable Override
        public int CompareTo(object o)
            if (o == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("o");

            if (o.GetType() != typeof(FixedNode))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedParameterType, o.GetType(), typeof(FixedNode)), "o");

            FixedNode fixedp = (FixedNode)o;

Esempio n. 25
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors
        protected FixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedNode, int startIndex, int endIndex, GeneralTransform transform)
            _fixedNode  = fixedNode;
            _startIndex = startIndex;
            _endIndex   = endIndex;
            Transform trans = transform.AffineTransform;

            if (trans != null)
                _mat = trans.Value;
                _mat = Transform.Identity.Value;
Esempio n. 26
        internal FixedSOMElement MappingGetFixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedp, int offset)
            List <FixedSOMElement> entry = _GetEntry(fixedp);

            if (entry != null)
                foreach (FixedSOMElement element in entry)
                    if (offset >= element.StartIndex && offset <= element.EndIndex)
Esempio n. 27
        private void _AddEntry(FixedSOMElement element)
            FixedNode fn = element.FixedNode;
            List <FixedSOMElement> entry;

            if (_mapping.ContainsKey(fn))
                entry = (List <FixedSOMElement>)_mapping[fn];
                entry = new List <FixedSOMElement>();
                _mapping.Add(fn, entry);

Esempio n. 28
        // Token: 0x06002D52 RID: 11602 RVA: 0x000CC760 File Offset: 0x000CA960
        public int CompareTo(object o)
            if (o == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("o");
            if (o.GetType() != typeof(FixedNode))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get("UnexpectedParameterType", new object[]
                }), "o");
            FixedNode fixedNode = (FixedNode)o;

Esempio n. 29
        // Public Methods

        #region Public Methods 
        public static FixedSOMImage Create(FixedPage page, Image image, FixedNode fixedNode)
            Uri imageUri = null;
            if (image.Source is BitmapImage)
                BitmapImage imageSource = image.Source as BitmapImage; 
                imageUri = imageSource.UriSource;
            else if (image.Source is BitmapFrame) 
                BitmapFrame imageSource = image.Source as BitmapFrame; 
                imageUri = new Uri(imageSource.ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            Rect sourceRect = new Rect(image.RenderSize);
            GeneralTransform transform = image.TransformToAncestor(page);
            return new FixedSOMImage(sourceRect, transform, imageUri, fixedNode, image); 
        // Token: 0x06002DC6 RID: 11718 RVA: 0x000CDF38 File Offset: 0x000CC138
        public static FixedSOMImage Create(FixedPage page, Image image, FixedNode fixedNode)
            Uri sourceUri = null;

            if (image.Source is BitmapImage)
                BitmapImage bitmapImage = image.Source as BitmapImage;
                sourceUri = bitmapImage.UriSource;
            else if (image.Source is BitmapFrame)
                BitmapFrame bitmapFrame = image.Source as BitmapFrame;
                sourceUri = new Uri(bitmapFrame.ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            Rect             imageRect = new Rect(image.RenderSize);
            GeneralTransform trans     = image.TransformToAncestor(page);

            return(new FixedSOMImage(imageRect, trans, sourceUri, fixedNode, image));
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a TextSegment that spans the line on which position is located.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">
        /// Any oriented text position on the line.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// TextSegment that spans the line on which position is located.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// If IsValid returns false, Validate method must be called before
        /// calling this method.
        /// </exception>
        internal override TextSegment GetLineRange(ITextPointer position)
            DocumentsTrace.FixedTextOM.TextView.Trace(string.Format("GetLineRange {0}, {1}", (FixedTextPointer)position, position.LogicalDirection));
            FixedTextPointer ftp = Container.VerifyPosition(position);
            FixedPosition    fixedp;
            if (!_GetFixedPosition(ftp, out fixedp))
                return(new TextSegment(position, position, true));

            int         count      = 0;
            FixedNode[] fixedNodes = Container.FixedTextBuilder.GetNextLine(fixedp.Node, true, ref count);

            if (fixedNodes == null)
                // This will happen in the case of images
                fixedNodes = new FixedNode[] { fixedp.Node };

            FixedNode        lastNode = fixedNodes[fixedNodes.Length - 1];
            DependencyObject element  = FixedPage.GetElement(lastNode);

            int lastIndex = 1;
            if (element is Glyphs)
                lastIndex = ((Glyphs)element).UnicodeString.Length;

            ITextPointer begin = _CreateTextPointer(new FixedPosition(fixedNodes[0], 0), LogicalDirection.Forward);
            ITextPointer end   = _CreateTextPointer(new FixedPosition(lastNode, lastIndex), LogicalDirection.Backward);

            if (begin.CompareTo(end) > 0)
                ITextPointer temp = begin;
                begin = end;
                end   = temp;

            return(new TextSegment(begin, end, true));
        // Token: 0x06002D19 RID: 11545 RVA: 0x000CB894 File Offset: 0x000C9A94
        private void AddChildofFixedNodeinFlow(int[] childIndex, NamedElement ne)
            FixedNode item = FixedNode.Create(this._fixedNodes[0].Page, childIndex);
            int       num  = this._fixedNodes.BinarySearch(item);

            if (num >= 0)
                int num2 = num - 1;
                while (num2 >= 0 && this._fixedNodes[num2].ComparetoIndex(childIndex) == 0)
                int num3 = num2 + 1;
                while (num3 < this._fixedNodes.Count && this._fixedNodes[num3].ComparetoIndex(childIndex) == 0)
                    this.AddFixedNodeInFlow(num3, null);
Esempio n. 33
        public static FixedSOMImage Create(FixedPage page, Path path, FixedNode fixedNode) 
            Debug.Assert(path.Fill is ImageBrush);
            ImageSource source = ((ImageBrush)(path.Fill)).ImageSource;
            Uri imageUri = null; 
            if (source is BitmapImage)
                BitmapImage imageSource = source as BitmapImage; 
                imageUri = imageSource.UriSource;
            else if (source is BitmapFrame)
                BitmapFrame imageSource = source as BitmapFrame;
                imageUri = new Uri(imageSource.ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); 
            Rect sourceRect = path.Data.Bounds; 
            GeneralTransform trans = path.TransformToAncestor(page);
            return new FixedSOMImage(sourceRect, trans, imageUri, fixedNode, path); 
        // Token: 0x06002DC7 RID: 11719 RVA: 0x000CDFB0 File Offset: 0x000CC1B0
        public static FixedSOMImage Create(FixedPage page, Path path, FixedNode fixedNode)
            ImageSource imageSource = ((ImageBrush)path.Fill).ImageSource;
            Uri         sourceUri   = null;

            if (imageSource is BitmapImage)
                BitmapImage bitmapImage = imageSource as BitmapImage;
                sourceUri = bitmapImage.UriSource;
            else if (imageSource is BitmapFrame)
                BitmapFrame bitmapFrame = imageSource as BitmapFrame;
                sourceUri = new Uri(bitmapFrame.ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            Rect             bounds = path.Data.Bounds;
            GeneralTransform trans  = path.TransformToAncestor(page);

            return(new FixedSOMImage(bounds, trans, sourceUri, fixedNode, path));
        // Token: 0x06002D17 RID: 11543 RVA: 0x000CB760 File Offset: 0x000C9960
        private void AddFixedNodeInFlow(int index, UIElement e)
            if (this._visitedArray[index])
            FixedNode fixedNode = this._fixedNodes[index];

            if (e == null)
                e = (this._fixedPage.GetElement(fixedNode) as UIElement);
            this._visitedArray[index] = true;
            FixedSOMElement fixedSOMElement = FixedSOMElement.CreateFixedSOMElement(this._fixedPage, e, fixedNode, -1, -1);

            if (fixedSOMElement != null)
Esempio n. 36
        // Token: 0x06002D53 RID: 11603 RVA: 0x000CC7D4 File Offset: 0x000CA9D4
        public int CompareTo(FixedNode fixedNode)
            int num = this.Page.CompareTo(fixedNode.Page);

            if (num == 0)
                int num2 = 1;
                while (num2 <= this.ChildLevels && num2 <= fixedNode.ChildLevels)
                    int num3 = this[num2];
                    int num4 = fixedNode[num2];
                    if (num3 != num4)
Esempio n. 37
 private List<FixedSOMElement> _GetEntry(FixedNode node)
     if (_cachedEntry == null || node != _cachedFixedNode)
         _cachedEntry = (List<FixedSOMElement>)_mapping[node]; 
         _cachedFixedNode = node;
     return _cachedEntry;
Esempio n. 38
        // Fixed Order

        // This is only used in our debug fixed node rendering code
        // Get a range of fixednode in fixed order between two fixed nodes, inclusive
        internal FixedNode[] FixedOrderGetRangeNodes(FixedNode start, FixedNode end)
            //Debug.Assert(start <= end);
            if (start == end)
                return new FixedNode[1] { start };

            ArrayList range = new ArrayList();

            // will this function be passed boundary nodes??
            FlowNode flowNode = ((List<FixedSOMElement>) _GetEntry(start))[0].FlowNode;

            bool foundEnd = false;

            while (!foundEnd)
				if (flowNode.FixedSOMElements != null)
					foreach (FixedSOMElement element in flowNode.FixedSOMElements)
						if (range.Count == 0)
							if (element.FixedNode == start)
							if (!element.FixedNode.Equals(range[range.Count - 1]))

						if (element.FixedNode == end)
							foundEnd = true;
                flowNode = _flowOrder[flowNode.Fp + 1];
            return (FixedNode[])range.ToArray(typeof(FixedNode));
Esempio n. 39
        internal FixedSOMElement MappingGetFixedSOMElement(FixedNode fixedp, int offset)
            List<FixedSOMElement> entry = _GetEntry(fixedp);

            if (entry != null)
                foreach (FixedSOMElement element in entry)
                    if (offset >= element.StartIndex && offset <= element.EndIndex)
                        return element;
            return null;
        //Creates a FixedSOMTextRun, and updates containing structures 
        private void _CreateTextRun(Rect boundingRect, GeneralTransform trans, Glyphs glyphs, FixedNode node, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            if (startIndex < endIndex) 
                FixedSOMTextRun textRun = FixedSOMTextRun.Create(boundingRect, 

                FixedSOMFixedBlock fixedBlock = _GetContainingFixedBlock(textRun); 

                if (fixedBlock == null)
                    fixedBlock= new FixedSOMFixedBlock(_fixedSOMPage); 
                _currentFixedBlock = fixedBlock;
        //Processes the Glyphs element, create one or more text runs out of it, add to containing text line and text box
        private void _ProcessGlyphsElement(Glyphs glyphs, FixedNode node) 
            Debug.Assert(glyphs != null); 
            string s = glyphs.UnicodeString; 
            if (s.Length == 0 ||
                glyphs.FontRenderingEmSize <= 0) 
           //Multiple table cells separated by wide spaces should be identified
            GlyphRun glyphRun = glyphs.ToGlyphRun(); 
            if (glyphRun == null)
                //Could not create a GlyphRun out of this Glyphs element
                //Some key properties might be missing/invalid

            Rect alignmentBox = glyphRun.ComputeAlignmentBox(); 
            alignmentBox.Offset(glyphs.OriginX, glyphs.OriginY); 
            GlyphTypeface typeFace = glyphRun.GlyphTypeface;
            GeneralTransform trans = glyphs.TransformToAncestor(_fixedPage); 

            int charIndex= -1;
            double advWidth = 0;
            double cumulativeAdvWidth = 0; 
            int lastAdvWidthIndex = 0;
            int textRunStartIndex = 0; 
            double lastX = alignmentBox.Left; 
            int glyphIndex = charIndex;
                charIndex = s.IndexOf(" ", charIndex+1, s.Length - charIndex -1, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (charIndex >=0 )
                    if (glyphRun.ClusterMap != null && glyphRun.ClusterMap.Count > 0)
                        glyphIndex = glyphRun.ClusterMap[charIndex]; 
                        glyphIndex = charIndex;
                    //Advance width of the space character in the font 
                    double advFont = typeFace.AdvanceWidths[glyphRun.GlyphIndices[glyphIndex]] * glyphRun.FontRenderingEmSize;
                    double advSpecified = glyphRun.AdvanceWidths[glyphIndex]; 
                    if ((advSpecified / advFont) > 2)
                        //Are these seperated by a vertical line?
                        advWidth = 0;
                        for (int i=lastAdvWidthIndex; i<glyphIndex; i++)
                            advWidth += glyphRun.AdvanceWidths[i];
                        cumulativeAdvWidth += advWidth; 
                        lastAdvWidthIndex = glyphIndex + 1;

                        if (_lines.IsVerticallySeparated(glyphRun.BaselineOrigin.X + cumulativeAdvWidth,
                                                     glyphRun.BaselineOrigin.X + cumulativeAdvWidth + advSpecified, 
                            //Create a new FixedTextRun 
                            Rect boundingRect = new Rect(lastX, alignmentBox.Top, advWidth + advFont, alignmentBox.Height);
                            int endIndex = charIndex;

                            if ((charIndex == 0 || s[charIndex-1] == ' ') && (charIndex != s.Length - 1))
                                endIndex = charIndex + 1;

                            lastX = lastX + advWidth + advSpecified; 
                            textRunStartIndex = charIndex+1; 
                        cumulativeAdvWidth += advSpecified; 

            } while (charIndex >= 0 && charIndex < s.Length-1); 

            if (textRunStartIndex < s.Length) 
                //Last text run
                //For non-partitioned elements this will be the whole Glyphs element 
                Rect boundingRect = new Rect(lastX, alignmentBox.Top, alignmentBox.Right-lastX, alignmentBox.Height);

                _CreateTextRun( boundingRect,
        // Private Methods
        #region Private methods
        private void _ProcessImage(DependencyObject obj, FixedNode fixedNode)
            Debug.Assert(obj is Image || obj is Path);
            FixedSOMImage somImage = null; 

            while (true) 
                Image image = obj as Image;
                if (image != null) 
                    somImage = FixedSOMImage.Create(_fixedPage, image, fixedNode);
                Path path = obj as Path;
                if (path != null) 
                    somImage = FixedSOMImage.Create(_fixedPage, path, fixedNode);
            //Create a wrapper FixedBlock:
            FixedSOMFixedBlock fixedBlock = new FixedSOMFixedBlock(_fixedSOMPage);
            _currentFixedBlock = fixedBlock;
Esempio n. 43
        // FixedNode represents a leaf node. It contains a path 
        // from root to the leaf in the form of child index.
        //  [Level1 ChildIndex] [Level2 ChildIndex] [Level3 ChildIndex]...
        internal DependencyObject GetElement(FixedNode node)
            int currentLevelIndex = node[1];
            if (!(currentLevelIndex >= 0 && currentLevelIndex <= this.Children.Count))
                return null;

            if (node.ChildLevels > 1)
                DocumentsTrace.FixedFormat.FixedDocument.Trace(string.Format("FixedPage.GetUIElement {0} is nested element", node));

            DependencyObject element = this.Children[currentLevelIndex];
            for (int level = 2; level <= node.ChildLevels; level++)
                // Follow the path if necessary
                currentLevelIndex = node[level];
                if (element is Canvas)
                    // Canvas is a known S0 grouping element.
                    // Boundary Node only would appear in first level!
                    Debug.Assert(currentLevelIndex >= 0 && currentLevelIndex <= ((Canvas)element).Children.Count);
                    element = ((Canvas)element).Children[currentLevelIndex];
                    DocumentsTrace.FixedFormat.FixedDocument.Trace(string.Format("FixedPage.GeElement {0} is non S0 grouping element in L[{1}]!", node, level));
                    IEnumerable currentChildrens = LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren((DependencyObject)element);
                    if (currentChildrens == null)
                        DocumentsTrace.FixedFormat.FixedDocument.Trace(string.Format("FixedPage.GetElement {0} is NOT a grouping element in L[{1}]!!!", node, level));
                        return null;

                    // We have no uniform way to do random access for this element. 
                    // This should never happen for S0 conforming document. 
                    int childIndex = -1;
                    IEnumerator itor = currentChildrens.GetEnumerator();
                    while (itor.MoveNext())
                        if (childIndex == currentLevelIndex)
                            element = (DependencyObject)itor.Current;

            if (!(element is Glyphs))
                DocumentsTrace.FixedFormat.FixedDocument.Trace(string.Format("FixedPage.GetElement{0} is non-Glyphs", node));
            return element;
Esempio n. 44
        // Connstructors

        #region Constructors
        internal FixedPosition(FixedNode fixedNode, int offset)
            _fixedNode  = fixedNode;
            _offset     = offset;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a TextSegment that spans the line on which position is located.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">
        /// Any oriented text position on the line.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// TextSegment that spans the line on which position is located.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if IsValid is false.
        /// If IsValid returns false, Validate method must be called before 
        /// calling this method.
        /// </exception>
        internal override TextSegment GetLineRange(ITextPointer position)
            DocumentsTrace.FixedTextOM.TextView.Trace(string.Format("GetLineRange {0}, {1}", (FixedTextPointer)position, position.LogicalDirection));
            FixedTextPointer ftp = Container.VerifyPosition(position);
            FixedPosition fixedp;
            if (!_GetFixedPosition(ftp, out fixedp))
				return new TextSegment(position, position, true);

            int count = 0;
            FixedNode[] fixedNodes = Container.FixedTextBuilder.GetNextLine(fixedp.Node, true, ref count);

            if (fixedNodes == null)
                // This will happen in the case of images
                fixedNodes = new FixedNode[] { fixedp.Node };

            FixedNode lastNode = fixedNodes[fixedNodes.Length - 1];
            DependencyObject element = FixedPage.GetElement(lastNode);

            int lastIndex = 1;
            if (element is Glyphs)
                lastIndex = ((Glyphs)element).UnicodeString.Length;

            ITextPointer begin = _CreateTextPointer(new FixedPosition(fixedNodes[0], 0), LogicalDirection.Forward);
            ITextPointer end = _CreateTextPointer(new FixedPosition(lastNode, lastIndex), LogicalDirection.Backward);

            if (begin.CompareTo(end) > 0)
                ITextPointer temp = begin;
                begin = end;
                end = temp;

            return new TextSegment(begin, end, true);
Esempio n. 46
 // Strongly typed compare function to avoid boxing
 // This function wil return 0 if two nodes are parent 
 // and child relationship.
 // Positive means this node is before the input node.
 // Negative means this node is after the input node.
 public int CompareTo(FixedNode fixedNode)
     int comp = this.Page.CompareTo(fixedNode.Page);
     if (comp == 0)
         // compare index when two FixedNodes are in the same page
         int level = 1;
         while (level <= this.ChildLevels && level <= fixedNode.ChildLevels)
             int thisIndex   = this[level];
             int fixedNodeIndex = fixedNode[level];
             if (thisIndex == fixedNodeIndex)
             return thisIndex.CompareTo(fixedNodeIndex);
     return comp;
Esempio n. 47
 // Strongly typed version of Equals to avoid boxing
 public bool Equals(FixedNode fixedp)
     return (this.CompareTo(fixedp) == 0);
Esempio n. 48
        // Connstructors

        #region Constructors
        internal FixedLineResult(FixedNode[] nodes, Rect layoutBox)
            _nodes = nodes;
            _layoutBox = layoutBox;
Esempio n. 49
        // Public Methods

        #region public Methods

        public static FixedSOMTextRun Create(Rect boundingRect, GeneralTransform transform, Glyphs glyphs, FixedNode fixedNode, int startIndex, int endIndex, bool allowReverseGlyphs)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(glyphs.UnicodeString) ||
                glyphs.FontRenderingEmSize <= 0)
                return null;
            FixedSOMTextRun run = new FixedSOMTextRun(boundingRect, transform, fixedNode, startIndex, endIndex);
            run._fontUri = glyphs.FontUri;
            run._cultureInfo = glyphs.Language.GetCompatibleCulture();
            run._bidiLevel = glyphs.BidiLevel;
            run._isSideways = glyphs.IsSideways;
            run._fontSize = glyphs.FontRenderingEmSize;

            GlyphRun glyphRun = glyphs.ToGlyphRun();

            GlyphTypeface gtf = glyphRun.GlyphTypeface;
            // Find font family
            // glyphs.FontUri, glyphRun.glyphTypeface

            gtf.FamilyNames.TryGetValue(run._cultureInfo, out run._fontFamily);
            if (run._fontFamily == null)
                //Try getting the English name
                gtf.FamilyNames.TryGetValue(System.Windows.Markup.TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS, out run._fontFamily);
            // Find font style (normal, italics, Oblique)
            // need to open Font file.
            run._fontStyle = gtf.Style;

            // Find font weight (bold, semibold, ExtraLight)
            run._fontWeight = gtf.Weight;

            // Find font stretch (UltraCondensed, SemiExpanded, etc)
            run._fontStretch = gtf.Stretch;

            //Height and width should be the same for x character
            run._defaultCharWidth = gtf.XHeight > 0 ? gtf.XHeight * glyphs.FontRenderingEmSize : glyphRun.AdvanceWidths[startIndex];

            Transform trans = transform.AffineTransform;
            if (trans != null &&
                Matrix mat = trans.Value;
                double yScale = Math.Sqrt(mat.M12*mat.M12 + mat.M22*mat.M22);
                double xScale = Math.Sqrt(mat.M11 * mat.M11 + mat.M21 * mat.M21);
                run._fontSize *= yScale;
                run._defaultCharWidth *= xScale;

            run._foreground = glyphs.Fill;
            String s = glyphs.UnicodeString;
            run.Text = s.Substring(startIndex, endIndex-startIndex);

            if (allowReverseGlyphs && run._bidiLevel == 0 && !run._isSideways && 
                startIndex == 0 && endIndex == s.Length
                && String.IsNullOrEmpty(glyphs.CaretStops)
                && FixedTextBuilder.MostlyRTL(s))
                char[] chars = new char[run.Text.Length];
                for (int i=0; i<run.Text.Length; i++)
                    chars[i] = run.Text[run.Text.Length - 1 - i];
                run._isReversed = true;
                run.Text = new string(chars);

            if (s == "" && glyphs.Indices != null && glyphs.Indices.Length > 0)
                run._isWhiteSpace = false;
                run._isWhiteSpace = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                    if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(s[i]))
                        run._isWhiteSpace = false;
            return run;
Esempio n. 50
        // Constructors
        #region Constructors

        private FixedSOMTextRun(Rect boundingRect, GeneralTransform trans, FixedNode fixedNode, int startIndex, int endIndex) : base(fixedNode, startIndex, endIndex, trans)
            _boundingRect = trans.TransformBounds(boundingRect);
Esempio n. 51
        private ITextPointer _GetTextPosition(FixedNode node, int charIndex) 
            FixedPosition fixedPosition = new FixedPosition(node, charIndex); 
            // Create a FlowPosition to represent this fixed position
            FlowPosition flowHit = _panel.FixedContainer.FixedTextBuilder.CreateFlowPosition(fixedPosition); 
            if (flowHit != null)
                // Create a TextPointer from the flow position
                return new FixedTextPointer(false, LogicalDirection.Forward, flowHit); 
            return null; 
Esempio n. 52
 internal Glyphs GetGlyphsElement(FixedNode node)
     return GetElement(node) as Glyphs;