// Makes sure the row shows the proper visuals for selection, currency, details, etc.
        private void LoadRowVisualsForDisplay(DataGridRow row)
            // If the row has been recycled, reapply the BackgroundBrush
            if (row.IsRecycled)
                row.ApplyCellsState(false /*animate*/);
            else if (row == this.EditingRow)

                row.ApplyCellsState(false /*animate*/);

            // Set the Row's Style if we one's defined at the DataGrid level and the user didn't
            // set one at the row level
            EnsureElementStyle(row, null, this.RowStyle);

            // Check to see if the row contains the CurrentCell, apply its state.
            if (this.CurrentColumnIndex != -1 &&
                this.CurrentSlot != -1 &&
                row.Index == this.CurrentSlot)
                row.Cells[this.CurrentColumnIndex].ApplyCellState(false /*animate*/);

            if (row.IsSelected || row.IsRecycled)

            // Show or hide RowDetails based on DataGrid settings
            EnsureRowDetailsVisibility(row, false /*raiseNotification*/, false /*animate*/);