public void Register_HuhTest1 ()
			DependencyPropertyInfo info = new DependencyPropertyInfo ("Custom", typeof (InkPresenter), typeof (int), true);
			DependencyProperty property = info.Property;
			Canvas canvas = new Canvas ();

			canvas.GetValue (property); // This should throw, the property doesn't exist on the canvas.

			Assert.Throws (delegate { canvas.GetValue (InkPresenter.StrokesProperty); }, typeof (Exception)); // And this throws a catastrophic error.
		public void Register_Canvas_Custom_Canvas ()
			Canvas canvas = new Canvas ();
			CustomCanvasType custom_canvas = new CustomCanvasType ();
			DependencyProperty property;
			DependencyPropertyInfo info;
			DependencyPropertyInfo.ChangedInfo changed_info;
			InkPresenter ink = new InkPresenter (); // The only builtin type derived from Canvas
			object actual_value;
			object previous_expected_value = null;
			int iterations = 0;
			int changes = 0;

			Canvas_Custom_Canvas = new DependencyPropertyInfo ("Custom", typeof (Canvas), typeof (Canvas), true);
			info = Canvas_Custom_Canvas;

			property = info.Property;

			Assert.IsNull (canvas.GetValue (property));
			Assert.IsNull (ink.GetValue (property));

			Assert.Throws (delegate { canvas.SetValue (property, 1); }, typeof (ArgumentException));
			Assert.Throws (delegate { canvas.SetValue (property, ""); }, typeof (ArgumentException));
			Assert.Throws (delegate { canvas.SetValue (property, new CustomClass ()); }, typeof (ArgumentException));

			foreach (object expected_value in new object [] { null, new Canvas (), null, canvas, canvas, null, new CustomCanvasType (), custom_canvas, custom_canvas, ink }) {

				canvas.SetValue (property, expected_value);
				actual_value = canvas.GetValue (property);

				if (expected_value != previous_expected_value) {
					changed_info = info.Changes [info.Changes.Count - 1];
					DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args = changed_info.args;
					Assert.AreSame (args.OldValue, previous_expected_value);
					Assert.AreSame (args.NewValue, expected_value);
					Assert.AreSame (changed_info.obj, canvas);

				previous_expected_value = expected_value;

				Assert.AreSame (expected_value, actual_value, "Iteration #{0}", iterations);
				Assert.AreEqual (changes, info.Changes.Count, "Iteration #{0} there should be {1} changes, but there were {2} changes", iterations, changes, info.Changes.Count);
Esempio n. 3
		public void ComplexTarget12 ()
			bool complete = false;
			Storyboard sb = (Storyboard) XamlReader.Load (
@"<Storyboard xmlns=""""
	<DoubleAnimation Duration=""0:0:0.05"" Storyboard.TargetName=""target"" Storyboard.TargetProperty=""Top"" To=""50"" />
			sb.Completed += delegate { complete = true; };
			Canvas c = new Canvas ();
			Storyboard.SetTarget (sb, c);
			Enqueue (() => { TestPanel.Children.Add (c); TestPanel.Resources.Add ("a", sb); });
			Enqueue (() => sb.Begin ());
			EnqueueConditional (() => complete);
			Enqueue (() => Assert.AreEqual (50.0, c.GetValue (Canvas.TopProperty)));
			Enqueue (() => { TestPanel.Children.Clear (); TestPanel.Resources.Clear (); });
			EnqueueTestComplete ();