Esempio n. 1
        protected ActionResult CacheableView(string viewName, Query.Query query, Func<ModelCollection> modelAccessor, Action<OutputCacheParameters> changeSettings)
            if (query.IsCacheable)
                var settings = new OutputCacheParameters
                    Duration = query.CacheDuration,
                    VaryByParam = null,
                    VaryByContentEncoding = null,
                    VaryByControl = null,
                    VaryByCustom = null,
                    VaryByHeader = null


                return new CacheableViewResult
                    ViewName = viewName,
                    ViewData = ViewData,
                    TempData = TempData,
                    ModelAccessor = modelAccessor,
                    CacheSettings = settings
            return View(viewName, modelAccessor());
Esempio n. 2
        public OutputCachedPage(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
            if (cacheSettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cacheSettings");

            ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            m_cacheSettings = cacheSettings;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is trying to solve the problem of downloading files in IE through secure access protocol (https)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cacheSettings"></param>
        protected override void InitOutputCache(System.Web.UI.OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
            if (Request.Browser.Browser.ToLower() == "ie")
                cacheSettings.Location    = System.Web.UI.OutputCacheLocation.Client;
                cacheSettings.Duration    = 0;
                cacheSettings.VaryByParam = "*";

		public void InitialValues () {
			OutputCacheParameters o = new OutputCacheParameters ();
			Assert.IsNull (o.CacheProfile, "CacheProfile");
			Assert.IsTrue (o.Duration == 0, "Duration");
			Assert.IsTrue (o.Enabled, "Enabled");
			Assert.IsTrue (o.Location == OutputCacheLocation.Any, "OutputCacheLocation");
			Assert.IsFalse (o.NoStore, "NoStore");
			Assert.IsNull (o.SqlDependency, "SqlDependency");
			Assert.IsNull (o.VaryByControl, "VaryByControl");
			Assert.IsNull (o.VaryByCustom, "VaryByCustom");
			Assert.IsNull (o.VaryByHeader, "VaryByHeader");
			Assert.IsNull (o.VaryByParam, "VaryByParam");
Esempio n. 5
 public virtual OutputCacheParameters GetOutputCacheParameters()
     OutputCacheParameters parameters = new OutputCacheParameters();
     parameters.CacheProfile = cacheProfile;
     parameters.Duration = duration;
     if (context.CurrentPage != null && context.CurrentPage.Expires.HasValue)
         DateTime expires = context.CurrentPage.Expires.Value;
         if (expires > N2.Utility.CurrentTime() && expires < N2.Utility.CurrentTime().AddSeconds(parameters.Duration))
             parameters.Duration = (int)expires.Subtract(N2.Utility.CurrentTime()).TotalSeconds;
     parameters.Enabled = enabled;
     parameters.Location = OutputCacheLocation.Server;
     //parameters.NoStore = NoStore;
     //parameters.SqlDependency = SqlDependency;
     //parameters.VaryByContentEncoding = VaryByContentEncoding;
     //parameters.VaryByControl = VaryByControl;
     //parameters.VaryByCustom = VaryByCustom;
     //parameters.VaryByHeader = VaryByHeader;
     parameters.VaryByParam = varyByParam;
     return parameters;
 protected internal virtual new void InitOutputCache (OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
   Contract.Requires (cacheSettings != null);
   Contract.Requires (this.Response.Cache != null);
    internal override void ProcessDirective(string directiveName, IDictionary directive) {

        if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(directiveName, "outputcache")) {

            // Ignore the OutputCache directive in design mode (VSWhidbey 470314)
            if (FInDesigner)

            if (_outputCacheSettings == null) {
                _outputCacheSettings = new OutputCacheParameters();

            // Make sure the outputcache directive was not already specified
            if (_outputCacheDirective != null) {
                throw new HttpException(
                    SR.GetString(SR.Only_one_directive_allowed, directiveName));

            ProcessOutputCacheDirective(directiveName, directive);

            _outputCacheDirective = directive;
        else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(directiveName, "reference")) {

            // Ignore the OutputCache directive in design mode (VSWhidbey 517783)
            if (FInDesigner) {

            // Even though this only makes sense for compiled pages, Sharepoint needs us to
            // ignore instead of throw when the page in non-compiled.

            // For historical reasons, the virtual path can be specified by 3 different attributes:
            // virtualpath, page and control.  They all do the same, and virtualpath is the recommended
            // one (the other two are deprecated).

            // Make sure that no more than one is specified.

            VirtualPath virtualPath = Util.GetAndRemoveVirtualPathAttribute(directive, "virtualpath");

            bool enforcePage = false;
            bool enforceControl = false;

            VirtualPath tmp = Util.GetAndRemoveVirtualPathAttribute(directive, "page");
            if (tmp != null) {
                if (virtualPath != null) {
                virtualPath = tmp;
                enforcePage = true;

            tmp = Util.GetAndRemoveVirtualPathAttribute(directive, "control");
            if (tmp != null) {
                if (virtualPath != null) {
                virtualPath = tmp;
                enforceControl = true;

            // If we didn't get a virtual path, fail
            if (virtualPath == null) {

            Type t = GetReferencedType(virtualPath);

            if (t == null) {
                ProcessError(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_reference_directive_attrib, virtualPath));

            // If the 'page' attribute was used, make sure it's indeed a Page
            if (enforcePage && !typeof(Page).IsAssignableFrom(t)) {
                ProcessError(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_reference_directive_attrib, virtualPath));

            // If the 'control' attribute was used, make sure it's indeed a UserControl
            if (enforceControl && !typeof(UserControl).IsAssignableFrom(t)) {
                ProcessError(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_reference_directive_attrib, virtualPath));

            // If there are some attributes left, fail
            Util.CheckUnknownDirectiveAttributes(directiveName, directive);
        else {
            base.ProcessDirective(directiveName, directive);
 protected internal virtual new void InitOutputCache(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
Esempio n. 9
 public OutputCachedPage(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
     this.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
     this._cacheSettings = cacheSettings;
Esempio n. 10
 public CachedPage(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
     ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
     CacheSettings = cacheSettings;
Esempio n. 11
 public IPackageContainer EnableHttpCaching(int cacheDuration)
     var cacheParams = new OutputCacheParameters()
         Duration = cacheDuration,
         VaryByParam = PackageContainer.VersionQueryParam
     return this.EnableHttpCaching(new PageBasedHttpCacheHandler(this.debugState, cacheParams));
Esempio n. 12
 static OutputCacheParameters getCacheParams()
     OutputCacheParameters cacheParams;
     if (cacheProfileExists(CACHE_PROFILE_NAME))
         cacheParams = new OutputCacheParameters
             CacheProfile = CACHE_PROFILE_NAME
     else // default
         cacheParams = new OutputCacheParameters
             Duration = 86400, // 1 day
             Enabled = true,
             Location = OutputCacheLocation.Any,
             VaryByParam = "*"
     return cacheParams;
 protected internal virtual new void InitOutputCache(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
 protected virtual void InitOutputCache(int duration, string varyByContentEncoding, string varyByHeader, string varyByCustom, OutputCacheLocation location, string varyByParam)
     if (!this._isCrossPagePostBack)
         OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings = new OutputCacheParameters {
             Duration = duration,
             VaryByContentEncoding = varyByContentEncoding,
             VaryByHeader = varyByHeader,
             VaryByCustom = varyByCustom,
             Location = location,
             VaryByParam = varyByParam
        protected internal virtual void InitOutputCache(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
            if (!this._isCrossPagePostBack)
                OutputCacheProfile profile = null;
                HttpCachePolicy cache = this.Response.Cache;
                OutputCacheLocation any = ~OutputCacheLocation.Any;
                int seconds = 0;
                string varyByContentEncoding = null;
                string varyByHeader = null;
                string varyByCustom = null;
                string varyByParam = null;
                string sqlDependency = null;
                string varyByControl = null;
                bool noStore = false;
                RuntimeConfig appConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetAppConfig();
                if (appConfig.OutputCache.EnableOutputCache)
                    HttpCacheability @public;
                    if ((cacheSettings.CacheProfile != null) && (cacheSettings.CacheProfile.Length != 0))
                        profile = appConfig.OutputCacheSettings.OutputCacheProfiles[cacheSettings.CacheProfile];
                        if (profile == null)
                            throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("CacheProfile_Not_Found", new object[] { cacheSettings.CacheProfile }));
                        if (!profile.Enabled)
                    if (profile != null)
                        seconds = profile.Duration;
                        varyByContentEncoding = profile.VaryByContentEncoding;
                        varyByHeader = profile.VaryByHeader;
                        varyByCustom = profile.VaryByCustom;
                        varyByParam = profile.VaryByParam;
                        sqlDependency = profile.SqlDependency;
                        noStore = profile.NoStore;
                        varyByControl = profile.VaryByControl;
                        any = profile.Location;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByContentEncoding))
                            varyByContentEncoding = null;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByHeader))
                            varyByHeader = null;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByCustom))
                            varyByCustom = null;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByParam))
                            varyByParam = null;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByControl))
                            varyByControl = null;
                        if (System.Web.Util.StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(varyByParam, "none"))
                            varyByParam = null;
                        if (System.Web.Util.StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(varyByControl, "none"))
                            varyByControl = null;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.Duration))
                        seconds = cacheSettings.Duration;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.VaryByContentEncoding))
                        varyByContentEncoding = cacheSettings.VaryByContentEncoding;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.VaryByHeader))
                        varyByHeader = cacheSettings.VaryByHeader;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.VaryByCustom))
                        varyByCustom = cacheSettings.VaryByCustom;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.VaryByControl))
                        varyByControl = cacheSettings.VaryByControl;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.VaryByParam))
                        varyByParam = cacheSettings.VaryByParam;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.SqlDependency))
                        sqlDependency = cacheSettings.SqlDependency;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.NoStore))
                        noStore = cacheSettings.NoStore;
                    if (cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.Location))
                        any = cacheSettings.Location;
                    if (any == ~OutputCacheLocation.Any)
                        any = OutputCacheLocation.Any;
                    if ((any != OutputCacheLocation.None) && ((profile == null) || profile.Enabled))
                        if (((profile == null) || (profile.Duration == -1)) && !cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.Duration))
                            throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Missing_output_cache_attr", new object[] { "duration" }));
                        if (((profile == null) || ((profile.VaryByParam == null) && (profile.VaryByControl == null))) && (!cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.VaryByParam) && !cacheSettings.IsParameterSet(OutputCacheParameter.VaryByControl)))
                            throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Missing_output_cache_attr", new object[] { "varyByParam" }));
                    if (noStore)
                    switch (any)
                        case OutputCacheLocation.Any:
                            @public = HttpCacheability.Public;

                        case OutputCacheLocation.Client:
                            @public = HttpCacheability.Private;

                        case OutputCacheLocation.Downstream:
                            @public = HttpCacheability.Public;

                        case OutputCacheLocation.Server:
                            @public = HttpCacheability.Server;

                        case OutputCacheLocation.None:
                            @public = HttpCacheability.NoCache;

                        case OutputCacheLocation.ServerAndClient:
                            @public = HttpCacheability.ServerAndPrivate;

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cacheSettings", System.Web.SR.GetString("Invalid_cache_settings_location"));
                    if (any != OutputCacheLocation.None)
                        cache.SetExpires(this.Context.Timestamp.AddSeconds((double) seconds));
                        cache.SetMaxAge(new TimeSpan(0, 0, seconds));
                        if (any != OutputCacheLocation.Client)
                            if (varyByContentEncoding != null)
                                foreach (string str7 in varyByContentEncoding.Split(s_varySeparator))
                                    cache.VaryByContentEncodings[str7.Trim()] = true;
                            if (varyByHeader != null)
                                foreach (string str8 in varyByHeader.Split(s_varySeparator))
                                    cache.VaryByHeaders[str8.Trim()] = true;
                            if (this.PageAdapter != null)
                                StringCollection cacheVaryByHeaders = this.PageAdapter.CacheVaryByHeaders;
                                if (cacheVaryByHeaders != null)
                                    foreach (string str9 in cacheVaryByHeaders)
                                        cache.VaryByHeaders[str9] = true;
                            if (any != OutputCacheLocation.Downstream)
                                if (varyByCustom != null)
                                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByParam) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByControl)) && ((this.PageAdapter == null) || (this.PageAdapter.CacheVaryByParams == null)))
                                    cache.VaryByParams.IgnoreParams = true;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByParam))
                                        foreach (string str10 in varyByParam.Split(s_varySeparator))
                                            cache.VaryByParams[str10.Trim()] = true;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByControl))
                                        foreach (string str11 in varyByControl.Split(s_varySeparator))
                                            cache.VaryByParams[str11.Trim()] = true;
                                    if (this.PageAdapter != null)
                                        IList cacheVaryByParams = this.PageAdapter.CacheVaryByParams;
                                        if (cacheVaryByParams != null)
                                            foreach (string str12 in cacheVaryByParams)
                                                cache.VaryByParams[str12] = true;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlDependency))
                                    this.Response.AddCacheDependency(new CacheDependency[] { SqlCacheDependency.CreateOutputCacheDependency(sqlDependency) });
 public PageBasedHttpCacheHandler(IDebugState debugState, OutputCacheParameters cacheParams)
     this.debugState = debugState;
     this.cacheParams = cacheParams;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OutputCacheAttribute"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public OutputCacheAttribute()
     CacheSettings = new OutputCacheParameters();
     VaryByParam = "none";
Esempio n. 18
    internal BuildResultNoCompilePage(Type baseType, TemplateParser parser)
        : base(baseType, parser) {

        PageParser pageParser = (PageParser) parser;

        // Keep track of relevant info from the parser

        _traceEnabled = pageParser.TraceEnabled;
        _traceMode = pageParser.TraceMode;

        if (pageParser.OutputCacheParameters != null) {
            _outputCacheData = pageParser.OutputCacheParameters;

            // If we're not supposed to cache it, clear out the field
            if (_outputCacheData.Duration == 0 || _outputCacheData.Location == OutputCacheLocation.None) {
                _outputCacheData = null;
            else {
                // Since we're going to be output caching, remember all the dependencies
                _fileDependencies = new string[pageParser.SourceDependencies.Count];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string dependency in pageParser.SourceDependencies) {
                    _fileDependencies[i++] = dependency;
                Debug.Assert(i == pageParser.SourceDependencies.Count);

        _validateRequest = pageParser.ValidateRequest;
        _stylesheetTheme = pageParser.StyleSheetTheme;
 protected internal virtual new void InitOutputCache(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
     Contract.Requires(cacheSettings != null);
     Contract.Requires(this.Response.Cache != null);
Esempio n. 20
		public new void InitOutputCache (OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
			base.InitOutputCache (cacheSettings);
Esempio n. 21
	protected internal virtual void InitOutputCache(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
		if (cacheSettings.Enabled) {

			HttpResponse response = Response;
			HttpCachePolicy cache = response != null ? response.Cache : null;
			if (cache != null && cacheSettings.NoStore)
				cache.SetNoStore ();
Esempio n. 22
        public virtual OutputCacheParameters GetOutputCacheParameters()
            OutputCacheParameters parameters = new OutputCacheParameters();
            parameters.CacheProfile = cacheProfile;
            parameters.Duration = duration;
            if (context.CurrentPage != null && context.CurrentPage.Expires.HasValue)
                DateTime expires = context.CurrentPage.Expires.Value;
                if (expires > N2.Utility.CurrentTime() && expires < N2.Utility.CurrentTime().AddSeconds(parameters.Duration))
                    parameters.Duration = (int)expires.Subtract(N2.Utility.CurrentTime()).TotalSeconds;
            parameters.Enabled = Enabled;
            parameters.Location = OutputCacheLocation.Server;
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByHeader))
				parameters.VaryByHeader = varyByHeader;
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(varyByCustom))
				parameters.VaryByCustom = varyByCustom;
			parameters.VaryByParam = varyByParam;
            return parameters;
 public OutputCachedPage(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings) {
     // Tracing requires Page IDs to be unique.
     ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
     _cacheSettings = cacheSettings;
        internal override void ProcessDirective(string directiveName, IDictionary directive)
            if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(directiveName, "outputcache"))
                // Ignore the OutputCache directive in design mode (VSWhidbey 470314)
                if (FInDesigner)

                if (_outputCacheSettings == null)
                    _outputCacheSettings = new OutputCacheParameters();

                // Make sure the outputcache directive was not already specified
                if (_outputCacheDirective != null)
                    throw new HttpException(
                              SR.GetString(SR.Only_one_directive_allowed, directiveName));

                ProcessOutputCacheDirective(directiveName, directive);

                _outputCacheDirective = directive;
            else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(directiveName, "reference"))
                // Ignore the OutputCache directive in design mode (VSWhidbey 517783)
                if (FInDesigner)

                // Even though this only makes sense for compiled pages, Sharepoint needs us to
                // ignore instead of throw when the page in non-compiled.

                // For historical reasons, the virtual path can be specified by 3 different attributes:
                // virtualpath, page and control.  They all do the same, and virtualpath is the recommended
                // one (the other two are deprecated).

                // Make sure that no more than one is specified.

                VirtualPath virtualPath = Util.GetAndRemoveVirtualPathAttribute(directive, "virtualpath");

                bool enforcePage    = false;
                bool enforceControl = false;

                VirtualPath tmp = Util.GetAndRemoveVirtualPathAttribute(directive, "page");
                if (tmp != null)
                    if (virtualPath != null)
                    virtualPath = tmp;
                    enforcePage = true;

                tmp = Util.GetAndRemoveVirtualPathAttribute(directive, "control");
                if (tmp != null)
                    if (virtualPath != null)
                    virtualPath    = tmp;
                    enforceControl = true;

                // If we didn't get a virtual path, fail
                if (virtualPath == null)

                Type t = GetReferencedType(virtualPath);

                if (t == null)
                    ProcessError(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_reference_directive_attrib, virtualPath));

                // If the 'page' attribute was used, make sure it's indeed a Page
                if (enforcePage && !typeof(Page).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                    ProcessError(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_reference_directive_attrib, virtualPath));

                // If the 'control' attribute was used, make sure it's indeed a UserControl
                if (enforceControl && !typeof(UserControl).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                    ProcessError(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_reference_directive_attrib, virtualPath));

                // If there are some attributes left, fail
                Util.CheckUnknownDirectiveAttributes(directiveName, directive);
                base.ProcessDirective(directiveName, directive);