public FileContentResult MyChart1(string coinid, string userId) { int coinid1 = Convert.ToInt32(coinid); IEnumerable <GetTotalBalance_Result> TotalbalanceResult = from result in db.GetTotalBalance(userId, coinid1).ToList() select new GetTotalBalance_Result { Transtype = result.Transtype, balance = result.balance }; List <GetTotalBalance_Result> asList = TotalbalanceResult.ToList(); ArrayList transtype = new ArrayList(); ArrayList balance = new ArrayList(); foreach (GetTotalBalance_Result obj in asList) { transtype.Add(obj.Transtype); balance.Add(obj.balance); } var bytes = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 350, height: 350, theme: ChartTheme.Blue) .AddSeries( chartType: "pie", xValue: transtype, yValues: balance) .GetBytes("png"); return(File(bytes, "image/png")); }
public ActionResult DadosColuna() { var chart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 300, height: 220).AddTitle("Test"); var xValues = new List <String>(); var yValues = new List <String>(); var lista = (from n in db.Naufragos select new { n.Nome, n.Estado }); foreach (var item in lista) { xValues.Add(item.Nome); yValues.Add(item.Estado); } chart.AddSeries(chartType: "Doughnut", xValue: xValues, yValues: yValues).Write("png"); return(null); }
public ActionResult CreateChart(string nameLv) { const string Blue = "<Chart BackColor=\"#D3DFF0\" BackGradientStyle=\"TopBottom\" BackSecondaryColor=\"White\" BorderColor=\"26, 59, 105\" BorderlineDashStyle=\"Solid\" BorderWidth=\"15\" Palette=\"BrightPastel\">\r\n <ChartAreas>\r\n <ChartArea Name=\"Default\" _Template_=\"All\" BackColor=\"64, 165, 191, 228\" BackGradientStyle=\"TopBottom\" BackSecondaryColor=\"White\" BorderColor=\"64, 64, 64, 64\" BorderDashStyle=\"Solid\" ShadowColor=\"Transparent\" /> \r\n </ChartAreas>\r\n <Legends>\r\n <Legend _Template_=\"All\" BackColor=\"Transparent\" Font=\"Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold\" IsTextAutoFit=\"False\" /> \r\n </Legends>\r\n <BorderSkin SkinStyle=\"Emboss\" /> \r\n </Chart>"; var chart = new SimpleChart.Chart(width: 800, height: 300, theme: Blue).AddTitle(("Membership function: " + nameLv)).AddLegend(); for (int i = 0; i < FKB.ListVar.Count; i++) { if (FKB.ListVar[i].Name == nameLv) { chart.AddSeries( name: FKB.ListVar[i].terms[0].Name, chartType: "Line", xValue: new[] { FKB.ListVar[i].terms[0].a, FKB.ListVar[i].terms[0].b, FKB.ListVar[i].terms[0].c }, yValues: new[] { 1, 1, 0 }); for (int j = 1; j < FKB.ListVar[i].terms.Count - 1; j++) { chart.AddSeries( name: FKB.ListVar[i].terms[j].Name, chartType: "Line", xValue: new[] { FKB.ListVar[i].terms[j].a, FKB.ListVar[i].terms[j].b, FKB.ListVar[i].terms[j].c }, yValues: new[] { 0, 1, 0 }); } chart.AddSeries( name: FKB.ListVar[i].terms[FKB.ListVar[i].terms.Count - 1].Name, chartType: "Line", xValue: new[] { FKB.ListVar[i].terms[FKB.ListVar[i].terms.Count - 1].a, FKB.ListVar[i].terms[FKB.ListVar[i].terms.Count - 1].b, FKB.ListVar[i].terms[FKB.ListVar[i].terms.Count - 1].c }, yValues: new[] { 0, 1, 1 }) .Write(); break; } } return(null); }
public ActionResult BoxPlot() { CultureInfo cultureinfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-IE"); List <UINode> nodeActivities = db.SampleNodes.ToList(); List <DateTime> dateVals = nodeActivities.Select(s => (DateTime)s.FromDate) .OrderBy(o => o.ToOADate()).ToList(); if (dateVals.Count() < 1) { return(null); } DateTime first = dateVals.Min(); DateTime last = dateVals.Max(); int noOfDays = Math.Abs((last - first).Days); int noOfHours = Math.Abs((last - first).Hours); List <double> tickDiff = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < dateVals.Count; i++) { tickDiff.Add(Math.Abs(dateVals[i].ToOADate())); } // Create a list of vlues to plot List <int> HitVals = new List <int>(); HitVals.AddRange(nodeActivities.Select(d => d.NumberOfHits).ToList()); var chart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 800, height: 600, theme: GetTheme(noOfDays, noOfHours)) .SetXAxis("Time between Hit sample", min: dateVals.Min().ToOADate(), max: dateVals.Max().ToOADate()) .AddLegend("Legend") .AddSeries("No of Hits", chartType: "Point", xValue: dateVals, yValues: HitVals) .AddSeries("No of Hits over time", chartType: "FastLine", xValue: dateVals, yValues: HitVals) .Write("bmp"); return(null); }
public ActionResult CreateODAChart() { Service service = new Service(); var orders = service.GetOrders().ToList(); IList <int> orderdates = new List <int>(); IDictionary <int, double> amounts = new Dictionary <int, double>(); int i = 0; foreach (var o in orders) { if (orderdates.Contains(o.OrderDate.Day)) { int bb = orderdates.IndexOf(o.OrderDate.Day) + 1; amounts[orderdates.IndexOf(o.OrderDate.Day)] = amounts.Values.ElementAt((orderdates.IndexOf(o.OrderDate.Day))) + o.Amount; } else { orderdates.Add(o.OrderDate.Day); amounts.Add(i++, o.Amount); } } var chart = new SimpleChart.Chart(width: 700, height: 300) .AddTitle("Sales per day") .AddSeries( chartType: "Line", xValue: orderdates, xField: "Day", yValues: amounts.Values, yFields: "Sales") .Write(); return(null); }
public ActionResult CreateSAAChart() { Service service = new Service(); int i = 0; var orders = service.GetOrders().ToList(); IList <string> sanames = new List <string>(); IDictionary <int, double> amounts = new Dictionary <int, double>(); foreach (var o in orders) { if (sanames.Contains(o.ShopAssistant)) { amounts[sanames.IndexOf(o.ShopAssistant)] = amounts.Values.ElementAt((sanames.IndexOf(o.ShopAssistant))) + Convert.ToDouble(o.Amount); } else { amounts.Add(i++, Convert.ToDouble(o.Amount)); sanames.Add(o.ShopAssistant); } } var chart = new SimpleChart.Chart(width: 700, height: 300) .AddTitle("Product sales of each shop assistant") .AddSeries("Default", xValue: sanames, xField: "Name", yValues: amounts.Values, yFields: "Amount") .Write(); return(null); }
public ActionResult CreateSAPChart() { Service service = new Service(); var orders = service.GetOrders().ToList(); IList <string> sanames = new List <string>(); IDictionary <int, double> revenues = new Dictionary <int, double>(); int i = 0; foreach (var o in orders) { if (sanames.Contains(o.ShopAssistant)) { int bb = sanames.IndexOf(o.ShopAssistant) + 1; revenues[sanames.IndexOf(o.ShopAssistant)] = revenues.Values.ElementAt((sanames.IndexOf(o.ShopAssistant))) + o.Price; } else { revenues.Add(i++, o.Price); sanames.Add(o.ShopAssistant); } } var chart = new SimpleChart.Chart(width: 700, height: 300) .AddTitle("Effectiveness of each shop assistant") .AddSeries("Default", xValue: sanames, xField: "Name", yValues: revenues.Values, yFields: "Revenue") .Write(); return(null); }
public ActionResult MyChart() { var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); int coinid1 = 104; IEnumerable <GetTotalBalance_Result> TotalbalanceResult = from result in db.GetTotalBalance(userId, coinid1).ToList() select new GetTotalBalance_Result { Transtype = result.Transtype, balance = result.balance }; List <GetTotalBalance_Result> asList = TotalbalanceResult.ToList(); ArrayList transtype = new ArrayList(); ArrayList balance = new ArrayList(); foreach (GetTotalBalance_Result obj in asList) { transtype.Add(obj.Transtype); balance.Add(obj.balance); } var bytes = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 350, height: 350, theme: ChartTheme.Blue) .AddSeries( chartType: "pie", xValue: transtype, yValues: balance) .GetBytes("png"); return(File(bytes, "image/png")); }
public byte[] GetChart() { int Width = 0, Height = 0; string chartTitle = "", xTitle = "", yTitle = "", chartType = "Column"; List <string> xValues = new List <string>(); List <string> yValues = new List <string>(); if (_ChartParameters.ContainsKey("width")) { Width = Convert.ToInt32(_ChartParameters["width"]); } if (_ChartParameters.ContainsKey("height")) { Height = Convert.ToInt32(_ChartParameters["height"]); } if (_ChartParameters.ContainsKey("chartTitle")) { chartTitle = Convert.ToString(_ChartParameters["chartTitle"]); } if (_ChartParameters.ContainsKey("xTitle")) { xTitle = Convert.ToString(_ChartParameters["xTitle"]); } if (_ChartParameters.ContainsKey("yTitle")) { yTitle = Convert.ToString(_ChartParameters["yTitle"]); } if (_ChartParameters.ContainsKey("chartType")) { chartType = Convert.ToString(_ChartParameters["chartType"]); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> data in _Data) { xValues.Add(data.Key); yValues.Add(data.Value.ToString()); } var myChart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: Width, height: Height, theme: CHARTS_THEME) .SetXAxis(title: xTitle) .SetYAxis(title: yTitle) .AddTitle(chartTitle) .AddSeries( chartType: chartType, xValue: xValues, xField: xTitle, yValues: yValues, yFields: yTitle ); return(myChart.GetBytes()); }
public ActionResult RateChart() { Dictionary<string, float> d = new Dictionary<string, float>(); d.Keys.ToArray(); var them1 = "<Chart BackColor=\"#FADA5E\" BackGradientStyle=\"TopBottom\" BorderColor=\"#B8860B\" BorderWidth=\"2\" BorderlineDashStyle=\"Solid\" Palette=\"EarthTones\">\r\n <ChartAreas>\r\n <ChartArea Name=\"Default\" _Template_=\"All\" BackColor=\"Transparent\" BackSecondaryColor=\"White\" BorderColor=\"64, 64, 64, 64\" BorderDashStyle=\"Solid\" ShadowColor=\"Transparent\">\r\n <AxisY Enabled=\"False\">\r\n <LabelStyle Font=\"Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold\" />\r\n </AxisY>\r\n <AxisX LineColor=\"64, 64, 64, 64\">\r\n<MajorGrid Enabled=\"false\" />\r\n<LabelStyle Font=\"Trebuchet MS, 6.25pt, style=Bold\" />\r\n </AxisX>\r\n </ChartArea>\r\n </ChartAreas>\r\n <Legends>\r\n <Legend _Template_=\"All\" BackColor=\"Transparent\" Docking=\"Bottom\" Font=\"Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold\" LegendStyle=\"Row\">\r\n </Legend>\r\n </Legends>\r\n <BorderSkin SkinStyle=\"Emboss\" />\r\n</Chart>"; var key = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 100, height: 120, theme: them1) .AddSeries( chartType: "bar", xValue: new[] { "1 star: ", "2 star: ", "3 star: ", "4 star: ", "5 star: " }, yValues: new[] { "20", "20", "40", "10", "10" } ).Write(); return null; }
public ActionResult ShowThemeChart(int id) { BizInfo p = BizInfoRepository.GetBizInfoById(id); var myChart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 200, height: 160, theme: ChartTheme.Green) .AddTitle(p.AverageRating.ToString() + " out of 5 stars") .AddSeries( name: "Reviews", xValue: new[] { "5 Star(" + p.FiveStarVotes.ToString() + "):", "4 Star(" + p.FourStarVotes.ToString() + "):", "3 Star(" + p.ThreeStarVotes.ToString() + "):", "2 Star(" + p.TwoStarVotes.ToString() + "):", "1 Star(" + p.OneStarVotes.ToString() + "):" }, yValues: new[] { (p.FiveStarVotes * 5).ToString(), (p.FourStarVotes * 4).ToString(), (p.ThreeStarVotes * 3).ToString(), (p.TwoStarVotes * 2).ToString(), p.OneStarVotes.ToString() }) .GetBytes("png"); return(File(myChart, "image/png")); }
private Chart GetChart(string[] xValues, string[] yValues, string url) { var myChart = new Chart(width: 600, height: 400, theme: ChartTheme.Green) .AddTitle(url) .AddSeries( name: "ChartTitle", xValue: xValues, yValues: yValues ) .SetXAxis("Seconds") .SetYAxis("Page Hits"); return(myChart); }
public string SavePersonCompanyTicketChart(string userName, int reportId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { AccountController ac = new AccountController(); string realName = ac.GetRealName(userName); //读取两周的数据,自己客户的票量,按照日期展示曲线图 OtaCrmModel db = new OtaCrmModel(); var companyNames = from c in db.OtaCompany where c.SalesUserName == realName select c.CompanyName; var q = from p in db.AgentGradeOperation where p.statDate.Value >= startDate && p.statDate.Value <= endDate && companyNames.Contains(p.agentName) group p by p.statDate into g orderby g.Key select new { ticketSum = g.Sum(b => b.CurDateTicketCount.Value), ticketDay = g.Key }; List <string> dateList = new List <string>(); List <int> ticketSumList = new List <int>(); foreach (var item in q) { dateList.Add(item.ticketDay.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); ticketSumList.Add(item.ticketSum); } System.Web.Helpers.Chart chart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 500, height: 300, theme: ChartTheme.Blue, themePath: null); chart.AddTitle(text: userName + "客户票量统计", name: userName + "_CompanyTicketSum"); chart.AddSeries(name: "票量" , chartType: "Column" , chartArea: "" , axisLabel: "张" , legend: "票量合计" , markerStep: 1 , xValue: dateList , xField: "日期" , yValues: ticketSumList , yFields: "票量"); string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/CompanyImages/Reports/" + reportId.ToString()); CompanyBusinessDailyPhotoesController cbd = new CompanyBusinessDailyPhotoesController(); cbd.CreateFolderIfNeeded(filePath); string fileName = userName + "_CompanyTicketSum_" + startDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + endDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".jpg"; chart.Save(path: Path.Combine(filePath, fileName), format: "jpeg"); return(fileName); }
public ActionResult BudgetChart() { string Yellow1 = @"<Chart BackColor=""darkorange"" BackGradientStyle=""TopBottom"" BorderColor=""black"" BorderWidth=""0"" BorderlineDashStyle=""Solid"" Palette=""BrightPastel""> <ChartAreas> <ChartArea Name=""Default"" _Template_=""All"" BackColor=""Transparent"" BackSecondaryColor=""Black"" BorderColor=""64, 64, 64, 64"" BorderDashStyle=""Solid"" ShadowColor=""Transparent""> <AxisY> <LabelStyle Font=""Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold"" /> </AxisY> <AxisX LineColor=""64, 64, 64, 64"" Interval=""1"" > <LabelStyle Font=""Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold"" /> </AxisX> </ChartArea> </ChartAreas> <Legends> <Legend _Template_=""All"" BackColor=""Transparent"" Docking=""Bottom"" Font=""Trebuchet MS, 8.25pt, style=Bold"" LegendStyle=""Row""> </Legend> </Legends> </Chart>"; double?[] profit = new double?[12]; for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) { var netProfit = db.Budgets.Where(p => p.MonthId == i && p.UserName == User.Identity.Name).Select(p => p.NetProfit).SingleOrDefault(); if (netProfit == default(double)) { profit[i - 1] = 0; } else { profit[i - 1] = netProfit; } } var chart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 800, height: 400, theme: Yellow1) .AddTitle("Monthly Profits") .SetXAxis("Months") .SetYAxis("Money") .AddSeries( chartType: "Line", name: "Employee", xValue: new[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }, xField: "Months", yValues: profit, yFields: "$").Write(); return(null); }
public ActionResult ShowChart(int id) { BizInfo b = BizInfoRepository.GetBizInfoById(id); string myTheme = @"<Chart BackColor=""#e6e5e5"" > <ChartAreas> <ChartArea Name=""Default"" BackColor=""Transparent""></ChartArea> </ChartAreas> </Chart>"; var myChart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 220, height: 170, theme: myTheme) .AddTitle(b.AverageRating.ToString() + " out of 5 stars") .AddSeries( chartType: "bar", name: "Reviews", xValue: new[] { "5 Star(" + b.FiveStarVotes.ToString() + "):", "4 Star(" + b.FourStarVotes.ToString() + "):", "3 Star(" + b.ThreeStarVotes.ToString() + "):", "2 Star(" + b.TwoStarVotes.ToString() + "):", "1 Star(" + b.OneStarVotes.ToString() + "):" }, yValues: new[] { (b.FiveStarVotes * 5).ToString(), (b.FourStarVotes * 4).ToString(), (b.ThreeStarVotes * 3).ToString(), (b.TwoStarVotes * 2).ToString(), b.OneStarVotes.ToString() }) .GetBytes("png"); return(File(myChart, "image/png")); }
private string generateSchoolChart(string[] sources, int[] sourceCounts) { string uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var filePath = getChartPath(uuid); //Theme to hide slice labels string chartTheme = @"<Chart> <Series> <Series Name=""Programs"" ChartType=""Pie"" LegendText=""#VALX (#PERCENT{P2})"" CustomProperties=""PieLabelStyle=Disabled""> </Series> </Series> <Legends> <Legend _Template_=""All"" Docking=""Bottom""> </Legend> </Legends> </Chart>"; var myChart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 250, height: 400, theme: chartTheme); myChart.AddTitle("Candidates Selected"); myChart.AddSeries( "Programs", chartType: SeriesChartType.Pie.ToString(), xValue: sources, yValues: sourceCounts ); myChart.AddLegend("Programs"); myChart.Save(filePath, "jpg"); return uuid; }
private Chart GetChart(string[] xValues, string[] yValues, string url) { var myChart = new Chart(width: 600, height: 400, theme: ChartTheme.Green) .AddTitle(url) .AddSeries( name: "ChartTitle", xValue: xValues, yValues: yValues ) .SetXAxis("Seconds") .SetYAxis("Page Hits"); return myChart; }
public ActionResult Chart() { //essayons de retourner tous les etudiants EtudiantContext db = new EtudiantContext(); List <Etudiant> list = db.etudiants.ToList(); //initialisation des compteurs des filieres int info = 0, indus = 0, gtr = 0, gpmc = 0; //variable pour les nombre totale et le reste qui n'a pas choisi les filieres int nbrTotal = list.Count, nbrReste = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nbrTotal; i++) { if (list[i].Choix == null) { //un etudiant avec null dans choix alors on va l'es ajouter dans le reste nbrReste++; } //sinon on va traiter les choix comme ca else { if (list[i].Validated) { char[] chiffr = (list[i].Choix).ToCharArray(); if (chiffr[0] == 'F') { info++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'P') { gpmc++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'T') { gtr++; } if (chiffr[0] == 'D') { indus++; } } } } //les pourcentages //double nbrTotalP = Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; //double nbrResteP = Convert.ToDouble(nbrReste) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; double infoP = Convert.ToDouble(info) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; double gtrP = Convert.ToDouble(gtr) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; double gpmcP = Convert.ToDouble(gpmc) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; double indusP = Convert.ToDouble(indus) / Convert.ToDouble(nbrTotal) * 100; string[] vx = { "info", "indus", "gtr", "gpmc" }; double[] vy = { infoP, indusP, gtrP, gpmcP }; System.Web.Helpers.Chart chart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 900, height: 400, theme: ChartTheme.Blue); chart.AddSeries(chartType: "Column", xValue: vx, yValues: vy); chart.Write("png"); return(null); }
private string generateFYChart(int[,] sourceCounts, string[] sources, bool byFY) { string uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Generate unique ID for file name var filePath = getChartPath(uuid); string chartTheme = @"<Chart> <ChartAreas> <ChartArea Name=""Default"" _Template_=""All""> <AxisX> <LabelStyle Interval=""1""/> </AxisX> </ChartArea> </ChartAreas> <Legends> <Legend _Template_=""All"" Docking=""Top"" LegendStyle=""Column"" DockedToChartArea=""Default"" IsDockedInsideChartArea=""true"" BackColor=""Transparent"" Font=""Times New Roman, 6pt""> </Legend> </Legends>"; chartTheme += "<Series>"; for (var i = 0; i < sources.Length; i++) { chartTheme += "" + "<Series Name='" + sources[i] + "' ChartType='StackedColumn' Label='#VALY{#}' CustomProperties='SmartLabelStyle=Enabled'>" + "</Series>"; } chartTheme += "</Series></Chart>"; var myChart = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 900, height: 130, theme: chartTheme); string[] months; if (byFY) { months = new[] { "Prior", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept" }; } else { months = new[] { "Prior", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; } for (var i = 0; i < sources.Length; i++) { int[] temp = new int[13]; for (var j = 0; j < 13; j++) { temp[j] = sourceCounts[i, j]; } myChart.AddSeries(sources[i], chartType: SeriesChartType.StackedColumn.ToString(), xValue: months, yValues: temp); } myChart.AddLegend(); myChart.Save(filePath, "jpg"); return uuid; }
public ActionResult GetRainfallChart() { var key = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 600, height: 400) .AddSeries( chartType: "area", legend: "Rainfall", xValue: new[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May" }, yValues: new[] { "20", "20", "40", "10", "10" }) .Write(); return null; }
public ActionResult GetMonths() { var d = new DateTimeFormatInfo(); var key = new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(width: 600, height: 400) .AddSeries(chartType: "column") .DataBindTable(d.MonthNames) .Write(format: "gif"); return null; }