public override void InitForConfiguration(ref string locationSubPath, out string configPath, out string locationConfigPath,
                                                  IInternalConfigRoot root, params object[] hostInitConfigurationParams)
            WebLevel webLevel = (WebLevel)hostInitConfigurationParams[0];
            // ConfigurationFileMap    fileMap = (ConfigurationFileMap)    hostInitConfigurationParams[1];
            string path = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[2];
            string site = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[3];

            if (locationSubPath == null)
                locationSubPath = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[4];

            string server      = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[5];
            string userName    = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[6];
            string password    = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[7];
            IntPtr tokenHandle = (IntPtr)hostInitConfigurationParams[8];

            configPath         = null;
            locationConfigPath = null;

            _Server   = server;
            _Username = GetUserNameFromFullName(userName);
            _Domain   = GetDomainFromFullName(userName);
            _Password = password;
            _Identity = (tokenHandle == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new WindowsIdentity(tokenHandle); //CreateWindowsIdentity(username, domain, password, tokenHandle);

            _PathMap = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

#if !FEATURE_PAL // FEATURE_PAL does not have WindowsImpersonationContext, COM objects
            // Send the path arguments to the server for parsing,
            // and retreive the normalized paths and path mapping
            // from config paths to file paths.
            string filePaths;
            try {
                WindowsImpersonationContext wiContext = (_Identity != null) ? _Identity.Impersonate() : null;
                try {
                    IRemoteWebConfigurationHostServer remoteSrv = RemoteWebConfigurationHost.CreateRemoteObject(server, _Username, _Domain, password); //(IRemoteWebConfigurationHostServer) Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                    try {
                        filePaths = remoteSrv.GetFilePaths((int)webLevel, path, site, locationSubPath);
                    } finally {
                        // Release COM objects
                        while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(remoteSrv) > 0)
                } finally {
                    if (wiContext != null)
            catch {
                // Wrap finally clause with a try to avoid exception clauses being run
                // while the thread is impersonated.

            if (filePaths == null)
                throw ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError("RemoteWebConfigurationHost::InitForConfiguration");

            // Format of filePaths:
            //      appPath < appSiteName < appSiteID < configPath < locationConfigPath [< configPath < fileName]+
            string[] parts = filePaths.Split(RemoteWebConfigurationHostServer.FilePathsSeparatorParams);

            if (parts.Length < 7 || (parts.Length - 5) % 2 != 0)
                throw ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError("RemoteWebConfigurationHost::InitForConfiguration");

            // convert empty strings to nulls
            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                if (parts[i].Length == 0)
                    parts[i] = null;

            // get config paths
            string appPath     = parts[0];
            string appSiteName = parts[1];
            string appSiteID   = parts[2];
            configPath         = parts[3];
            locationConfigPath = parts[4];
            _ConfigPath        = configPath;

            // Create a WebConfigurationFileMap to be used when we later initialize our delegating WebConfigurationHost
            WebConfigurationFileMap configFileMap      = new WebConfigurationFileMap();
            VirtualPath             appPathVirtualPath = VirtualPath.CreateAbsoluteAllowNull(appPath);

            configFileMap.Site = appSiteID;

            // populate the configpath->physical path mapping
            for (int i = 5; i < parts.Length; i += 2)
                string configPathTemp   = parts[i];
                string physicalFilePath = parts[i + 1];

                _PathMap.Add(configPathTemp, physicalFilePath);

                // Update the WebConfigurationFileMap
                if (WebConfigurationHost.IsMachineConfigPath(configPathTemp))
                    configFileMap.MachineConfigFilename = physicalFilePath;
                    string vPathString;
                    bool   isRootApp;

                    if (WebConfigurationHost.IsRootWebConfigPath(configPathTemp))
                        vPathString = null;
                        isRootApp   = false;
                        VirtualPath vPath;
                        string      dummy;

                        WebConfigurationHost.GetSiteIDAndVPathFromConfigPath(configPathTemp, out dummy, out vPath);
                        vPathString = VirtualPath.GetVirtualPathString(vPath);
                        isRootApp   = (vPath == appPathVirtualPath);

                                                         new VirtualDirectoryMapping(Path.GetDirectoryName(physicalFilePath), isRootApp));
#else // !FEATURE_PAL: set dummy config path
            string appPath = null;
            _ConfigPath = configPath;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL

            // Delegate to a WebConfigurationHost for unhandled methods.
            WebConfigurationHost webConfigurationHost = new WebConfigurationHost();
            webConfigurationHost.Init(root, true, new UserMapPath(configFileMap, /*pathsAreLocal*/ false), null, appPath, appSiteName, appSiteID);
            Host = webConfigurationHost;
Esempio n. 2
        public override void InitForConfiguration(ref string locationSubPath, out string configPath, out string locationConfigPath, IInternalConfigRoot root, params object[] hostInitConfigurationParams)
            string   str6;
            WebLevel level = (WebLevel)hostInitConfigurationParams[0];
            string   str   = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[2];
            string   site  = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[3];

            if (locationSubPath == null)
                locationSubPath = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[4];
            string str3         = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[5];
            string fullUserName = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[6];
            string password     = (string)hostInitConfigurationParams[7];
            IntPtr userToken    = (IntPtr)hostInitConfigurationParams[8];

            configPath         = null;
            locationConfigPath = null;
            this._Server       = str3;
            this._Username     = GetUserNameFromFullName(fullUserName);
            this._Domain       = GetDomainFromFullName(fullUserName);
            this._Password     = password;
            this._Identity     = (userToken == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new WindowsIdentity(userToken);
            this._PathMap      = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                WindowsImpersonationContext context = (this._Identity != null) ? this._Identity.Impersonate() : null;
                    IRemoteWebConfigurationHostServer o = CreateRemoteObject(str3, this._Username, this._Domain, password);
                        str6 = o.GetFilePaths((int)level, str, site, locationSubPath);
                        while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(o) > 0)
                    if (context != null)
            if (str6 == null)
                throw System.Web.Util.ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError("RemoteWebConfigurationHost::InitForConfiguration");
            string[] strArray = str6.Split(RemoteWebConfigurationHostServer.FilePathsSeparatorParams);
            if ((strArray.Length < 7) || (((strArray.Length - 5) % 2) != 0))
                throw System.Web.Util.ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError("RemoteWebConfigurationHost::InitForConfiguration");
            for (int i = 0; i < strArray.Length; i++)
                if (strArray[i].Length == 0)
                    strArray[i] = null;
            string virtualPath = strArray[0];
            string str8        = strArray[1];
            string str9        = strArray[2];

            configPath         = strArray[3];
            locationConfigPath = strArray[4];
            this._ConfigPath   = configPath;
            WebConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new WebConfigurationFileMap();
            VirtualPath             path    = VirtualPath.CreateAbsoluteAllowNull(virtualPath);

            fileMap.Site = str9;
            for (int j = 5; j < strArray.Length; j += 2)
                string key   = strArray[j];
                string str11 = strArray[j + 1];
                this._PathMap.Add(key, str11);
                if (WebConfigurationHost.IsMachineConfigPath(key))
                    fileMap.MachineConfigFilename = str11;
                    string virtualPathString;
                    bool   flag;
                    if (WebConfigurationHost.IsRootWebConfigPath(key))
                        virtualPathString = null;
                        flag = false;
                        VirtualPath path2;
                        string      str13;
                        WebConfigurationHost.GetSiteIDAndVPathFromConfigPath(key, out str13, out path2);
                        virtualPathString = VirtualPath.GetVirtualPathString(path2);
                        flag = path2 == path;
                    fileMap.VirtualDirectories.Add(virtualPathString, new VirtualDirectoryMapping(Path.GetDirectoryName(str11), flag));
            WebConfigurationHost host = new WebConfigurationHost();

            object[] hostInitParams = new object[6];
            hostInitParams[0] = true;
            hostInitParams[1] = new UserMapPath(fileMap, false);
            hostInitParams[3] = virtualPath;
            hostInitParams[4] = str8;
            hostInitParams[5] = str9;
            host.Init(root, hostInitParams);
            base.Host = host;