Esempio n. 1
        ** Waits for signal from all the objects.
        ** timeout indicates how long to wait before the method returns.
        ** This method will return either when all the object have been pulsed
        ** or timeout milliseonds have elapsed.
        ** ========================================================================*/
        private static int WaitMultiple(
            RuntimeThread currentThread,
            SafeWaitHandle[] safeWaitHandles,
            int count,
            int millisecondsTimeout,
            bool waitAll)
            Debug.Assert(currentThread == RuntimeThread.CurrentThread);
            Debug.Assert(safeWaitHandles != null);
            Debug.Assert(safeWaitHandles.Length >= count);

            IntPtr[] rentedHandles = currentThread.RentWaitedHandleArray(count);
            IntPtr[] handles       = rentedHandles ?? new IntPtr[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    handles[i] = safeWaitHandles[i].DangerousGetHandle();

                return(WaitForMultipleObjects(handles, count, waitAll, millisecondsTimeout));
                if (rentedHandles != null)
Esempio n. 2
        ** Waits for signal from all the objects.
        ** timeout indicates how long to wait before the method returns.
        ** This method will return either when all the object have been pulsed
        ** or timeout milliseonds have elapsed.
        ** ========================================================================*/
        private static int WaitMultiple(
            RuntimeThread currentThread,
            SafeWaitHandle[] safeWaitHandles,
            int count,
            int millisecondsTimeout,
            bool waitAll)
            Debug.Assert(currentThread == RuntimeThread.CurrentThread);
            Debug.Assert(safeWaitHandles != null);
            Debug.Assert(safeWaitHandles.Length >= count);

            // If we need to call SynchronizationContext.Wait method, always allocate a new IntPtr[]
            SynchronizationContext context = currentThread.SynchronizationContext;
            bool useSyncContextWait        = (context != null) && context.IsWaitNotificationRequired();

            IntPtr[] rentedHandles = useSyncContextWait ? null : currentThread.RentWaitedHandleArray(count);
            IntPtr[] handles       = rentedHandles ?? new IntPtr[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    handles[i] = safeWaitHandles[i].DangerousGetHandle();

                if (useSyncContextWait)
                    return(context.Wait(handles, waitAll, millisecondsTimeout));

                    fixed(IntPtr *pHandles = handles)
                        return(WaitForMultipleObjectsIgnoringSyncContext(pHandles, count, waitAll, millisecondsTimeout, true));
                if (rentedHandles != null)