Esempio n. 1
        public CircularArray <T> Grow(long bottom, long top)
            var grow = new CircularArray <T> (baseSize + 1);

            for (long i = top; i < bottom; i++)
                grow[i] = this[i];

Esempio n. 2
        public CircularArray <T> Grow(int bottom, int top)
            var grow = new CircularArray <T> (baseSize + 1);

            for (int i = top; i < bottom; i++)
                grow.segment[i] = segment[i % size];

Esempio n. 3
        public void PushBottom(T obj)
            int b = bottom;
            var a = array;

            var size = b - top - upperBound;

            if (size > a.Size)
                upperBound = top;
                a          = a.Grow(b, upperBound);
                array      = a;

            a.segment[b % a.size] = obj;
            Interlocked.Increment(ref bottom);
Esempio n. 4
        public void PushBottom(T obj)
            int b = bottom;
            var a = array;

            // Take care of growing
            var size = b - top - upperBound;

            if (size > a.Size)
                upperBound = top;
                a          = a.Grow(b, upperBound);
                array      = a;

            // Register the new value
            a.segment[b % a.size] = obj;
            CustomInterlocked.Increment(ref bottom);