Inheritance: IMembershipCondition, IConstantMembershipCondition
		public void Copy ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			AllMembershipCondition copy = (AllMembershipCondition)all.Copy ();
			Assert.AreEqual (all, copy, "Equals");
			Assert.IsFalse (Object.ReferenceEquals (all, copy), "ReferenceEquals");
		public void Equals ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			Assert.IsFalse (all.Equals (null), "Equals(null)");
			AllMembershipCondition g2 = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			Assert.IsTrue (all.Equals (g2), "Equals(g2)");
			Assert.IsTrue (g2.Equals (all), "Equals(all)");
			Assert.IsFalse (all.Equals (new object ()), "Equals (object)");
Esempio n. 3
 public static void AllMembershipConditionCallMethods()
     AllMembershipCondition amc = new AllMembershipCondition();
     bool check = amc.Check(new Evidence());
     IMembershipCondition imc = amc.Copy();
     check = amc.Equals(new object());
     int hash = amc.GetHashCode();
     string str = amc.ToString();
     SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement("");
     PolicyLevel pl = (PolicyLevel)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(PolicyLevel), true);
     amc.FromXml(se, pl);
     se = amc.ToXml();
     se = amc.ToXml(pl);
		public void Check ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			Evidence e = null;
			Assert.IsTrue (all.Check (e), "Check (null)");
			e = new Evidence ();
			Assert.IsTrue (all.Check (e), "Check (empty)");
			e.AddHost (new Zone (SecurityZone.MyComputer));
			Assert.IsTrue (all.Check (e), "Check (zone)");
			Url u = new Url ("");
			e.AddAssembly (u);
			Assert.IsTrue (all.Check (e), "Check (all-assembly)");
			Site s = new Site ("");
			e.AddHost (s);
			Assert.IsTrue (all.Check (e), "Check (all-host)");
		public void Constructor ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			Assert.IsNotNull (all);
		public void ToXml ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();
			Assert.AreEqual ("IMembershipCondition", se.Tag, "Tag");
			Assert.IsTrue (se.Attribute ("class").StartsWith ("System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition"), "class");
			Assert.AreEqual ("1", se.Attribute ("version"), "version");
			Assert.AreEqual (se.ToString (), all.ToXml (null).ToString (), "ToXml(null)");
			Assert.AreEqual (se.ToString (), all.ToXml (PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel ()).ToString (), "ToXml(PolicyLevel)");
		public void ToString_ ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			Assert.AreEqual ("All code", all.ToString ());
Esempio n. 8
        // private methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Written by Abhishek Kumar on March 05, 2007
        /// purpose: to initiate the central Application Domain that
        /// all Grid Threads will be run on.
        /// Police and permissions will also be set.
        /// ADV: a crash in this App Domain(because of poor code in GThread)
        /// does not affect eduGRID's Framework i.e. the Alchemi executor is maintained steady even in error
        /// initially Alchemi created separate app domains for each Gthread it received.
        /// now, instead, we create 1 appdomain and run all gthreads on it
        /// the Bot Logic resides in this app domain.
        /// (this saves the overhead of initializing bot logic for every Gthread (or every query))
        /// </summary>
        private void initialize_GridThreadExecutor()
            if (GridThreadExecutor == null)
                string appDir = GetApplicationDirectory(_CurTi.ApplicationId);
                AppDomainSetup info = new AppDomainSetup();
                info.PrivateBinPath = appDir;
                GridThreadApplicationDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Central_AppDomain", null, info);

                // ***
                PolicyLevel domainPolicy = PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel();
                AllMembershipCondition allCodeMC = new AllMembershipCondition();
                // TODO: 'FullTrust' in the following line needs to be replaced with something like 'AlchemiGridThread'
                //        This permission set needs to be defined and set automatically as part of the installation.
                PermissionSet internetPermissionSet = domainPolicy.GetNamedPermissionSet("FullTrust");
                PolicyStatement internetPolicyStatement = new PolicyStatement(internetPermissionSet);
                CodeGroup allCodeInternetCG = new UnionCodeGroup(allCodeMC, internetPolicyStatement);
                domainPolicy.RootCodeGroup = allCodeInternetCG;

                GridThreadExecutor = (AppDomainExecutor) GridThreadApplicationDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Alchemi.Executor.dll"), "Alchemi.Executor.AppDomainExecutor");

            if (!GridThreadExecutor.Initialized)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Error during initialization of GridThreadExecutor");
		public void FromXml ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();
			all.FromXml (se);
		public void FromXml_SecurityElementNull ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			all.FromXml (null, PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel ());
		public void FromXml_NoVersion ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();

			SecurityElement w = new SecurityElement (se.Tag);
			w.AddAttribute ("class", se.Attribute ("class"));
			all.FromXml (w);
		public void FromXml_InvalidVersion ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();

			SecurityElement w = new SecurityElement (se.Tag);
			w.AddAttribute ("class", se.Attribute ("class"));
			w.AddAttribute ("version", "2");
			all.FromXml (w);
			// doesn't seems to care about the version number!
		public void FromXml_NoClass ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();

			SecurityElement w = new SecurityElement (se.Tag);
			w.AddAttribute ("version", se.Attribute ("version"));
			all.FromXml (w);
			// doesn't even care of the class attribute presence
		public void FromXml_InvalidClass ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();
			se.Attributes ["class"] = "Hello world";
			all.FromXml (se);
		public void FromXml_WrongTagCase ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();
			se.Tag = "IMEMBERSHIPCONDITION"; // instead of IMembershipCondition
			all.FromXml (se);
		public void FromXml_InvalidTag ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();
			se.Tag = "IMonoship";
			all.FromXml (se);
		public void FromXml_Null ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			all.FromXml (null);
		public void FromXml_PolicyLevelNull ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			SecurityElement se = all.ToXml ();
			all.FromXml (se, null);
Esempio n. 19
        private void SetSandBoxPolicy()
            if (!this.SandBox)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("SandBox property is not set to true");

            // Now we need to set the appdomain policy, 
            // and to do that we will need to create a Policy Level. 
            // A Policy Level is a tree-like structure that has Code Groups as its nodes. 
            // Each code group consists of a Membership Condition (something that 
            // defines if an assembly in question belongs to the code group) and 
            // a Permission Set that is granted to the assembly if it does. 
            PolicyLevel domainPolicy = PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel();

            // Let's create a code group that gives Internet permission set 
            // to all code. 
            // First, let's create a membership condition that accepts all code. 
            AllMembershipCondition allCodeMC = new AllMembershipCondition();

            // If you were to build a more complex policy (giving different permissions 
            // to different assemblies) you could use other membership conditions, 
            // such as ZoneMembershipCondition, StrongNameMembershipCondition, etc. 

            // Now let's create a policy statement that represents Internet permissions. 
            // Here we just grab named permission set called "Internet" from the default policy, 
            // but you could also create your own permission set with whatever permissions 
            // you want in there. 
            PermissionSet internetPermissionSet = domainPolicy.GetNamedPermissionSet("Internet");
            PolicyStatement internetPolicyStatement = new PolicyStatement(internetPermissionSet);

            // We are ready to create a code group that maps all code to Internet permissions 
            CodeGroup allCodeInternetCG = new UnionCodeGroup(allCodeMC, internetPolicyStatement);

            // We have used a UnionCodeGroup here. It does not make much difference for 
            // a simple policy like ours here, but if you were to set up a more complex one 
            // you would probably add some child code groups and then the type of the parent 
            // code group would matter. UnionCodeGroup unions all permissions granted by its 
            // child code groups (as opposed to FirstMatchCodeGroup that only takes one child 
            // code group into effect). 
            // Once we have the CodeGroup set up we can add it to our Policy Level. 
            domainPolicy.RootCodeGroup = allCodeInternetCG;

            // If our root code group had any children the whole tree would be added 
            // to the appdomain security policy now. 
            // Imagine you wanted to modify our policy so that your strongname signed 
            // assemblies would get FullTrust and all other assemblies would get Internet 
            // permissions. Do accomplish that you would create a new UnionCodeGroup, 
            // whose membership condition would be a StrongNameMembershipCondition 
            // specifying your public key, and its permission set would be a "FullTrust" 
            // or just a "new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted)". 
            // Then you would add that code group as a child to our allCodeInternetCG by 
            // calling its AddChild method. Whenever you then loaded a correct strong 
            // name signed assembly into your appdomain it would get Internet from the 
            // root code group and FullTrust from the child code group, and the effective 
            // permissions would be a union of the two, which is FullTrust. 
            // and our final policy related step is setting the AppDomain policy 
		public void GetHashCode_ ()
			AllMembershipCondition all = new AllMembershipCondition ();
			AllMembershipCondition copy = (AllMembershipCondition)all.Copy ();
			Assert.AreEqual (all.GetHashCode (), copy.GetHashCode ());