private void EnsureScanDefinedEvents()
            // _comTypeDesc.Events is null if we have not yet attempted
            // to scan the object for events.
            if (_comTypeDesc != null && _comTypeDesc.Events != null)

            // check type info in the type descriptions cache
            ComTypes.ITypeInfo typeInfo = ComRuntimeHelpers.GetITypeInfoFromIDispatch(_dispatchObject, true);
            if (typeInfo == null)
                _comTypeDesc = ComTypeDesc.CreateEmptyTypeDesc();

            ComTypes.TYPEATTR typeAttr = ComRuntimeHelpers.GetTypeAttrForTypeInfo(typeInfo);

            if (_comTypeDesc == null)
                lock (_CacheComTypeDesc) {
                    if (_CacheComTypeDesc.TryGetValue(typeAttr.guid, out _comTypeDesc) == true &&
                        _comTypeDesc.Events != null)

            ComTypeDesc typeDesc = ComTypeDesc.FromITypeInfo(typeInfo, typeAttr);

            ComTypes.ITypeInfo classTypeInfo         = null;
            Dictionary <string, ComEventDesc> events = null;

            var cpc = RuntimeCallableWrapper as ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer;

            if (cpc == null)
                // No ICPC - this object does not support events
                events = ComTypeDesc.EmptyEvents;
            else if ((classTypeInfo = GetCoClassTypeInfo(this.RuntimeCallableWrapper, typeInfo)) == null)
                // no class info found - this object may support events
                // but we could not discover those
                events = ComTypeDesc.EmptyEvents;
                events = new Dictionary <string, ComEventDesc>();

                ComTypes.TYPEATTR classTypeAttr = ComRuntimeHelpers.GetTypeAttrForTypeInfo(classTypeInfo);
                for (int i = 0; i < classTypeAttr.cImplTypes; i++)
                    int hRefType;
                    classTypeInfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(i, out hRefType);

                    ComTypes.ITypeInfo interfaceTypeInfo;
                    classTypeInfo.GetRefTypeInfo(hRefType, out interfaceTypeInfo);

                    ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS flags;
                    classTypeInfo.GetImplTypeFlags(i, out flags);
                    if ((flags & ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE) != 0)
                        ScanSourceInterface(interfaceTypeInfo, ref events);

                if (events.Count == 0)
                    events = ComTypeDesc.EmptyEvents;

            lock (_CacheComTypeDesc) {
                ComTypeDesc cachedTypeDesc;
                if (_CacheComTypeDesc.TryGetValue(typeAttr.guid, out cachedTypeDesc))
                    _comTypeDesc = cachedTypeDesc;
                    _comTypeDesc = typeDesc;
                    _CacheComTypeDesc.Add(typeAttr.guid, _comTypeDesc);
                _comTypeDesc.Events = events;