Esempio n. 1
            /// <summary>Allocates memory for a <see cref="Guid"/> value and initializes it.</summary>
            /// <returns>A pointer to memory holding the <see cref="Guid"/> value for the current type.</returns>
            private static Guid *CreateRIID()
                var p = (Guid *)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(T), sizeof(Guid));

                *p = typeof(T).GUID;
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the custom method table pointer for <see cref="ID3DIncludeForD2DHelpers"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The method table pointer for <see cref="ID3DIncludeForD2DHelpers"/>.</returns>
        private static void **InitVtbl()
            void **lpVtbl = (void **)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(ID3DIncludeForD2DHelpers), sizeof(void *) * 2);

            lpVtbl[0] = (delegate * unmanaged <ID3DIncludeForD2DHelpers *, D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE, sbyte *, void *, void **, uint *, int>) & Open;
            lpVtbl[1] = (delegate * unmanaged <ID3DIncludeForD2DHelpers *, void *, int>) & Close;
            lpVtbl[0] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(OpenWrapper);
            lpVtbl[1] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(CloseWrapper);

Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the shared state for <see cref="PixelShaderEffect"/>.
    /// </summary>
    static PixelShaderEffect()
        void **lpVtbl = (void **)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(PixelShaderEffect), sizeof(void *) * 14);

        // ID2D1EffectImpl
        lpVtbl[0] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, Guid *, void **, int>) & ID2D1EffectImplMethods.QueryInterface;
        lpVtbl[1] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, uint>) & ID2D1EffectImplMethods.AddRef;
        lpVtbl[2] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, uint>) & ID2D1EffectImplMethods.Release;
        lpVtbl[3] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, ID2D1EffectContext *, ID2D1TransformGraph *, int>) & ID2D1EffectImplMethods.Initialize;
        lpVtbl[4] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE, int>) & ID2D1EffectImplMethods.PrepareForRender;
        lpVtbl[5] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, ID2D1TransformGraph *, int>) & ID2D1EffectImplMethods.SetGraph;
        lpVtbl[0] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1EffectImplMethods.QueryInterfaceWrapper);
        lpVtbl[1] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1EffectImplMethods.AddRefWrapper);
        lpVtbl[2] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1EffectImplMethods.ReleaseWrapper);
        lpVtbl[3] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1EffectImplMethods.InitializeWrapper);
        lpVtbl[4] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1EffectImplMethods.PrepareForRenderWrapper);
        lpVtbl[5] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1EffectImplMethods.SetGraphWrapper);

        // ID2D1DrawTransform
        lpVtbl[6 + 0] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, Guid *, void **, int>) & ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.QueryInterface;
        lpVtbl[6 + 1] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, uint>) & ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.AddRef;
        lpVtbl[6 + 2] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, uint>) & ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.Release;
        lpVtbl[6 + 3] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, uint>) & ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.GetInputCount;
        lpVtbl[6 + 4] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, RECT *, RECT *, uint, int>) & ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.MapOutputRectToInputRects;
        lpVtbl[6 + 5] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, RECT *, RECT *, uint, RECT *, RECT *, int>) & ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.MapInputRectsToOutputRect;
        lpVtbl[6 + 6] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, uint, RECT, RECT *, int>) & ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.MapInvalidRect;
        lpVtbl[6 + 7] = (delegate * unmanaged <PixelShaderEffect *, ID2D1DrawInfo *, int>) & ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.SetDrawInfo;
        lpVtbl[6 + 0] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.QueryInterfaceWrapper);
        lpVtbl[6 + 1] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.AddRefWrapper);
        lpVtbl[6 + 2] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.ReleaseWrapper);
        lpVtbl[6 + 3] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.GetInputCountWrapper);
        lpVtbl[6 + 4] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.MapOutputRectToInputRectsWrapper);
        lpVtbl[6 + 5] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.MapInputRectsToOutputRectWrapper);
        lpVtbl[6 + 6] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.MapInvalidRectWrapper);
        lpVtbl[6 + 7] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ID2D1DrawTransformMethods.SetDrawInfoWrapper);

        VtblForID2D1EffectImpl    = lpVtbl;
        VtblForID2D1DrawTransform = &lpVtbl[6];
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the custom method table pointer for <see cref="IDXGIFactory4As6Backcompat"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The method table pointer for <see cref="IDXGIFactory4As6Backcompat"/>.</returns>
        private static void **InitVtbl()
            void **lpVtbl = (void **)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(IDXGIFactory4As6Backcompat), sizeof(void *) * 30);

            new Span <IntPtr>(lpVtbl, 30).Clear();

            lpVtbl[2]  = (delegate * unmanaged <IDXGIFactory4As6Backcompat *, uint>) & Release;
            lpVtbl[27] = (delegate * unmanaged <IDXGIFactory4As6Backcompat *, Guid *, void **, int>) & EnumWarpAdapter;
            lpVtbl[29] = (delegate * unmanaged <IDXGIFactory4As6Backcompat *, uint, DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE, Guid *, void **, int>) & EnumAdapterByGpuPreference;
            lpVtbl[2]  = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(ReleaseWrapper);
            lpVtbl[27] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(EnumWarpAdapterWrapper);
            lpVtbl[29] = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(EnumAdapterByGpuPreferenceWrapper);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the <see cref="For{T}"/> shared state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factory">The factory of <see cref="ID2D1TransformMapper{T}"/> instances to use for each created effect.</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if initialization is attempted with a mismatched transform factory.</exception>
        public static void Initialize(Func <ID2D1TransformMapper <T> >?factory)
            // This conceptually acts as a static constructor, and this type is
            // internal, so in this very specific case locking on the type is fine.
            lock (typeof(For <T>))
                if (isInitialized)
                    // If the factory is already initialized, ensure the draw transform mapper is the same
                    if (d2D1DrawTransformMapperFactory != factory)
                            "Cannot initialize an ID2D1Effect factory for the same shader type with two different transform mappings. " +
                            "Make sure to only ever register a pixel shader effect with either no transform, or the same transform type.");
                    // Load all shader properties
                    Guid guid       = typeof(T).GUID;
                    int  inputCount = (int)D2D1InteropServices.GetPixelShaderInputCount <T>();
                    ReadOnlyMemory <byte> buffer = D2D1InteropServices.LoadPixelShaderBytecode <T>();
                    byte *typeAssociatedMemory   = (byte *)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(For <T>), buffer.Length);

                    // Copy the bytecode to the target buffer
                    buffer.Span.CopyTo(new Span <byte>(typeAssociatedMemory, buffer.Length));

                    // Set the shared state and mark the type as initialized
                    shaderId       = guid;
                    numberOfInputs = inputCount;
                    bytecode       = typeAssociatedMemory;
                    bytecodeSize   = buffer.Length;
                    d2D1DrawTransformMapperFactory = factory;

                    isInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the <see cref="For{T}"/> shared state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d2D1DrawTransformMapperFactory">The factory of <see cref="ID2D1TransformMapper{T}"/> instances to use for each created effect.</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if initialization is attempted with a mismatched transform factory.</exception>
        public static void Initialize(Func <ID2D1TransformMapper <T> >?d2D1DrawTransformMapperFactory)
            // This conceptually acts as a static constructor, and this type is
            // internal, so in this very specific case locking on the type is fine.
            lock (typeof(For <T>))
                if (isInitialized)
                    // If the factory is already initialized, ensure the draw transform mapper is the same
                    if (For <T> .d2D1DrawTransformMapperFactory != d2D1DrawTransformMapperFactory)
                            "Cannot initialize an ID2D1Effect factory for the same shader type with two different transform mappings. " +
                            "Make sure to only ever register a pixel shader effect with either no transform, or the same transform type.");
                    // Load all shader properties
                    Guid shaderId = typeof(T).GUID;
                    ReadOnlyMemory <byte> bytecodeInfo = D2D1PixelShader.LoadBytecode <T>();
                    int   bytecodeSize = bytecodeInfo.Length;
                    byte *bytecode     = (byte *)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(For <T>), bytecodeSize);
                    D2D1BufferPrecision bufferPrecision = D2D1PixelShader.GetOutputBufferPrecision <T>();
                    D2D1ChannelDepth    channelDepth    = D2D1PixelShader.GetOutputBufferChannelDepth <T>();
                    D2D1PixelOptions    pixelOptions    = D2D1PixelShader.GetPixelOptions <T>();

                    // Prepare the inputs info
                    int inputCount = D2D1PixelShader.GetInputCount <T>();
                    D2D1PixelShaderInputType *inputTypes = (D2D1PixelShaderInputType *)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(For <T>), sizeof(D2D1PixelShaderInputType) * inputCount);

                    for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                        inputTypes[i] = D2D1PixelShader.GetInputType <T>(i);

                    // Prepare the input descriptions
                    ReadOnlyMemory <D2D1InputDescription> inputDescriptionsInfo = D2D1PixelShader.GetInputDescriptions <T>();
                    int inputDescriptionCount = inputDescriptionsInfo.Length;
                    D2D1InputDescription *inputDescriptions = (D2D1InputDescription *)RuntimeHelpers.AllocateTypeAssociatedMemory(typeof(For <T>), sizeof(D2D1InputDescription) * inputDescriptionCount);

                    inputDescriptionsInfo.Span.CopyTo(new Span <D2D1InputDescription>(inputDescriptions, inputDescriptionCount));

                    // Copy the bytecode to the target buffer
                    bytecodeInfo.Span.CopyTo(new Span <byte>(bytecode, bytecodeSize));

                    // Set the shared state and mark the type as initialized
                    For <T> .shaderId                       = shaderId;
                    For <T> .inputCount                     = inputCount;
                    For <T> .inputTypes                     = inputTypes;
                    For <T> .inputDescriptionCount          = inputDescriptionCount;
                    For <T> .inputDescriptions              = inputDescriptions;
                    For <T> .pixelOptions                   = pixelOptions;
                    For <T> .bytecode                       = bytecode;
                    For <T> .bytecodeSize                   = bytecodeSize;
                    For <T> .bufferPrecision                = bufferPrecision;
                    For <T> .channelDepth                   = channelDepth;
                    For <T> .d2D1DrawTransformMapperFactory = d2D1DrawTransformMapperFactory;

                    isInitialized = true;