Esempio n. 1
        /// <include file='IWebClient.xml' path='/IWebClient/SendRequest_WebRequest/*'/>
        public WebResponse SendRequest( WebRequest webRequest )
            var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create( webRequest.Destination );

            httpWebRequest.Method = webRequest.Type.ToString().ToUpperInvariant();

            // We shall handle redirects by hand so that we may capture cookies and properly
            // handle login forms.
            // Automating Web Login With HttpWebRequest
            #if !NETSTANDARD1_5
            httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = false;

            // Default headers.
            httpWebRequest.Accept = "*/*";
            httpWebRequest.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent] = UserAgent;

            // Set and/or override any provided headers.
            foreach ( var headerName in webRequest.Headers.AllKeys ) {
                ConfigureHeader( httpWebRequest, headerName, webRequest.Headers[headerName] );

            httpWebRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            httpWebRequest.CookieContainer.Add( webRequest.Destination, cookieJar.GetCookies( webRequest.Destination ) );

            if ( webRequest.Type == WebRequestType.Post ) {
                var postRequest = (PostWebRequest)webRequest;

                var requestDataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( postRequest.RequestData );
                Stream requestStream = null;

                httpWebRequest.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLength] = requestDataBytes.Length.ToString();
                httpWebRequest.ContentType = postRequest.ContentType;
            #if !NETSTANDARD1_5
                httpWebRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;

                try {
                    requestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStreamAsync().Result;
                    requestStream.Write( requestDataBytes, 0, requestDataBytes.Length );
                finally {
                    if ( requestStream != null ) {

            OnSendingRequest( new SendingRequestEventArgs( webRequest ) );

            WebResponse response;
            HttpWebResponse webResponse = null;

            try {
                webResponse = ( HttpWebResponse )httpWebRequest.GetResponseAsync().Result;

                OnProcessingResponse( new ProcessingResponseEventArgs( webResponse ) );

                if ( httpWebRequest.HaveResponse ) {
                    // Process cookies that the .NET client 'forgot' to include,
                    // see
                    // for more details;
                    // an example cookie which is not parsed is this one:
                    // Set-Cookie:ADCDownloadAuth=[long token];Version=1;Comment=;;Path=/;Max-Age=108000;HttpOnly;Expires=Tue, 03 May 2016 13:30:57 GMT

                    // Handle cookies that are offered
                    CookieCollection cookies = new CookieCollection();

                    if (webResponse.Headers.AllKeys.Contains("Set-Cookie"))
                        cookies.Parse(webResponse.Headers["Set-Cookie"], httpWebRequest.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Host]);

                    foreach ( Cookie responseCookie in cookies ) {
                        var cookieFound = false;

                        foreach ( Cookie existingCookie in cookieJar.GetCookies( webRequest.Destination ) ) {
                            if ( responseCookie.Name.Equals( existingCookie.Name ) ) {
                                existingCookie.Value = responseCookie.Value;
                                cookieFound = true;

                        if ( !cookieFound ) {
                            var args = new AddingCookieEventArgs( responseCookie );

                            OnAddingCookie( args );

                            if ( !args.Cancel ) {
                                cookieJar.Add( new Uri(responseCookie.Domain), responseCookie );

                    if ( redirectionStatusCodes.Contains( webResponse.StatusCode ) ) {
                        // We have a redirected response, so get the new location.
                        var location = webResponse.Headers[CommonHeaders.Location];

                        // Locations should always be absolute, per the RFC (, but
                        // that won't always be the case.
                        Uri redirectUri;
                        if ( Uri.IsWellFormedUriString( location, UriKind.Absolute ) ) {
                            redirectUri = new Uri( location );
                        else {
                            redirectUri = new Uri( webRequest.Destination, new Uri( location, UriKind.Relative ) );

                        if ( webRequest.AutoRedirect ) {
                            // We are auto redirecting, so make a recursive call to perform the redirect by hand.
                            response = SendRequest( new GetWebRequest( redirectUri ) );
                        else {
                            // We are not auto redirecting, so send the caller a redirect response.
                            response = new RedirectedWebResponse( webResponse.ResponseUri, webRequest, redirectUri );

                    else {
                        // We have a non-redirected response.
                        response = WebResponseFactory.CreateResponse( webResponse );

                        if ( response.ResponseType == WebResponseType.Html ) {
                            // We have an HTML response, so check for an old school Meta refresh tag
                            var metaRefreshUrl = GetMetaRefreshUrl( ( ( HtmlWebResponse )response ).Html );

                            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( metaRefreshUrl ) ) {
                                // The page has a Meta refresh tag, so build the redirect Url
                                var redirectUri = new Uri( response.ResponseUrl, metaRefreshUrl );

                                if ( webRequest.AutoRedirect ) {

                                    // We are auto redirecting, so make a recursive call to perform the redirect
            #if !NETSTANDARD1_5
                                    response = SendRequest( new GetWebRequest( redirectUri, httpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect ) );
                                    response = SendRequest( new GetWebRequest( redirectUri ) );
                                else {
                                    var responseUrl = response.ResponseUrl;


                                    // We are not auto redirecting, so send the caller a redirect response
                                    response = new RedirectedWebResponse( responseUrl, webRequest, redirectUri );
                else {
                    response = new ExceptionWebResponse( webRequest.Destination, new WebException( NScrapeResources.NoResponse ) );

            catch ( WebException ex ) {
                response = new ExceptionWebResponse( webRequest.Destination, ex );

                if ( webResponse != null ) {

            return response;