Esempio n. 1
        private static unsafe int Receive(int fd, int flags, int available, BufferList buffers, byte[] socketAddress, ref int socketAddressLen, out int receivedFlags, out Interop.Error errno)
            // Pin buffers and set up iovecs.
            int maxBuffers = buffers.Count;
            var handles = new GCHandle[maxBuffers];
            var iovecs = new Interop.libc.iovec[maxBuffers];

            var pinnedSocketAddress = default(GCHandle);
            Interop.libc.sockaddr* sockAddr = null;
            uint sockAddrLen = 0;

            int received = 0;
            int toReceive = 0, iovCount = maxBuffers;
                for (int i = 0; i < maxBuffers; i++)
                    ArraySegment<byte> buffer = buffers[i];
                    handles[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer.Array, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    iovecs[i].iov_base = &((byte*)handles[i].AddrOfPinnedObject())[buffer.Offset];

                    int space = buffer.Count;
                    toReceive += space;
                    if (toReceive >= available)
                        iovecs[i].iov_len = (IntPtr)(space - (toReceive - available));
                        toReceive = available;
                        iovCount = i + 1;

                    iovecs[i].iov_len = (IntPtr)space;

                if (socketAddress != null)
                    pinnedSocketAddress = GCHandle.Alloc(socketAddress, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    sockAddr = (Interop.libc.sockaddr*)pinnedSocketAddress.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                    sockAddrLen = (uint)socketAddressLen;

                // Make the call.
                fixed (Interop.libc.iovec* iov = iovecs)
                    var msghdr = new Interop.libc.msghdr(sockAddr, sockAddrLen, iov, iovCount, null, 0, 0);
                    received = (int)Interop.libc.recvmsg(fd, &msghdr, flags);
                    receivedFlags = msghdr.msg_flags;
                    sockAddrLen = msghdr.msg_namelen;
                // Free GC handles.
                for (int i = 0; i < iovCount; i++)
                    if (handles[i].IsAllocated)

                if (pinnedSocketAddress.IsAllocated)

            if (received == -1)
                errno = Interop.Sys.GetLastError();
                return -1;

            socketAddressLen = (int)sockAddrLen;
            errno = Interop.Error.SUCCESS;
            return received;
Esempio n. 2
        private static unsafe int Send(int fd, int flags, BufferList buffers, ref int bufferIndex, ref int offset, byte[] socketAddress, int socketAddressLen, out Interop.Error errno)
            // Pin buffers and set up iovecs.
            int startIndex = bufferIndex, startOffset = offset;

            var pinnedSocketAddress = default(GCHandle);
            Interop.libc.sockaddr* sockAddr = null;
            uint sockAddrLen = 0;

            int maxBuffers = buffers.Count - startIndex;
            var handles = new GCHandle[maxBuffers];
            var iovecs = new Interop.libc.iovec[maxBuffers];

            int sent;
            int toSend = 0, iovCount = maxBuffers;
                for (int i = 0; i < maxBuffers; i++, startOffset = 0)
                    ArraySegment<byte> buffer = buffers[startIndex + i];
                    Debug.Assert(buffer.Offset + startOffset < buffer.Array.Length);

                    handles[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer.Array, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    iovecs[i].iov_base = &((byte*)handles[i].AddrOfPinnedObject())[buffer.Offset + startOffset];

                    toSend += (buffer.Count - startOffset);
                    iovecs[i].iov_len = (IntPtr)(buffer.Count - startOffset);

                if (socketAddress != null)
                    pinnedSocketAddress = GCHandle.Alloc(socketAddress, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    sockAddr = (Interop.libc.sockaddr*)pinnedSocketAddress.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                    sockAddrLen = (uint)socketAddressLen;

                // Make the call
                fixed (Interop.libc.iovec* iov = iovecs)
                    var msghdr = new Interop.libc.msghdr(sockAddr, sockAddrLen, iov, iovCount, null, 0, 0);
                    sent = (int)Interop.libc.sendmsg(fd, &msghdr, flags);
                errno = Interop.Sys.GetLastError();
                // Free GC handles.
                for (int i = 0; i < iovCount; i++)
                    if (handles[i].IsAllocated)

                if (pinnedSocketAddress.IsAllocated)

            if (sent == -1)
                return -1;

            // Update position.
            int endIndex = bufferIndex, endOffset = offset, unconsumed = sent;
            for (; endIndex < buffers.Count && unconsumed > 0; endIndex++, endOffset = 0)
                int space = buffers[endIndex].Count - endOffset;
                if (space > unconsumed)
                    endOffset += unconsumed;
                unconsumed -= space;

            bufferIndex = endIndex;
            offset = endOffset;

            return sent;
Esempio n. 3
        public static SocketError Send(SafeCloseSocket handle, IList<ArraySegment<byte>> buffers, SocketFlags socketFlags, out int bytesTransferred)
            var bufferList = new BufferList(buffers);
            int platformFlags = GetPlatformSocketFlags(socketFlags);

            if (!handle.IsNonBlocking)
                return handle.AsyncContext.Send(bufferList, platformFlags, handle.SendTimeout, out bytesTransferred);

            bytesTransferred = 0;
            int bufferIndex = 0;
            int offset = 0;
            SocketError errorCode;
            bool completed = TryCompleteSendTo(handle.FileDescriptor, bufferList, ref bufferIndex, ref offset, platformFlags, null, 0, ref bytesTransferred, out errorCode);
            return completed ? errorCode : SocketError.WouldBlock;
Esempio n. 4
        public static bool TryCompleteSendTo(int fileDescriptor, byte[] buffer, BufferList buffers, ref int bufferIndex, ref int offset, ref int count, int flags, byte[] socketAddress, int socketAddressLen, ref int bytesSent, out SocketError errorCode)
            for (;;)
                int sent;
                Interop.Error errno;
                if (buffer != null)
                    sent = Send(fileDescriptor, flags, buffer, ref offset, ref count, socketAddress, socketAddressLen, out errno);
                    sent = Send(fileDescriptor, flags, buffers, ref bufferIndex, ref offset, socketAddress, socketAddressLen, out errno);

                if (sent == -1)
                    if (errno != Interop.Error.EAGAIN && errno != Interop.Error.EWOULDBLOCK)
                        errorCode = GetSocketErrorForErrorCode(errno);
                        return true;

                    errorCode = SocketError.Success;
                    return false;

                bytesSent += sent;

                bool isComplete = sent == 0 ||
                    (buffer != null && count == 0) ||
                    (buffers.IsInitialized && bufferIndex == buffers.Count);
                if (isComplete)
                    errorCode = SocketError.Success;
                    return true;
Esempio n. 5
 public static bool TryCompleteSendTo(int fileDescriptor, BufferList buffers, ref int bufferIndex, ref int offset, int flags, byte[] socketAddress, int socketAddressLen, ref int bytesSent, out SocketError errorCode)
     int count = 0;
     return TryCompleteSendTo(fileDescriptor, null, buffers, ref bufferIndex, ref offset, ref count, flags, socketAddress, socketAddressLen, ref bytesSent, out errorCode);
Esempio n. 6
        public static unsafe bool TryCompleteReceiveFrom(int fileDescriptor, byte[] buffer, BufferList buffers, int offset, int count, int flags, byte[] socketAddress, ref int socketAddressLen, out int bytesReceived, out int receivedFlags, out SocketError errorCode)
            int available;
            int err = Interop.libc.ioctl(fileDescriptor, (UIntPtr)Interop.libc.FIONREAD, &available);
            if (err == -1)
                bytesReceived = 0;
                receivedFlags = 0;
                errorCode = GetLastSocketError();
                return true;
            if (available == 0)
                // Always request at least one byte.
                available = 1;

            int received;
            Interop.Error errno;
            if (buffer != null)
                received = Receive(fileDescriptor, flags, available, buffer, offset, count, socketAddress, ref socketAddressLen, out receivedFlags, out errno);
                received = Receive(fileDescriptor, flags, available, buffers, socketAddress, ref socketAddressLen, out receivedFlags, out errno);

            if (received != -1)
                bytesReceived = received;
                errorCode = SocketError.Success;
                return true;

            bytesReceived = 0;

            if (errno != Interop.Error.EAGAIN && errno != Interop.Error.EWOULDBLOCK)
                errorCode = GetSocketErrorForErrorCode(errno);
                return true;

            errorCode = SocketError.Success;
            return false;