private static List<string> GetSingleAstRequiredModules(Ast ast, Token[] tokens)
            List<string> modules = new List<string>();
            List<string> resources = new List<string>();
            var imports = tokens.Where(token =>
                    String.Compare(token.Text, "Import-DscResource", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);

            // Create a function with the same name as Import-DscResource keyword and use powershell
            // argument function binding to emulate Import-DscResource argument binding.
            InitialSessionState initialSessionState = InitialSessionState.Create();
            SessionStateFunctionEntry importDscResourcefunctionEntry = new SessionStateFunctionEntry(
                "Import-DscResource", @"param($Name, $ModuleName)
                if ($ModuleName) 
                    foreach ($m in $ModuleName) { $global:modules.Add($m) }
                } else {
                    foreach ($n in $Name) { $global:resources.Add($n) }
            initialSessionState.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.RestrictedLanguage;
            var moduleVarEntry = new SessionStateVariableEntry("modules", modules, "");
            var resourcesVarEntry = new SessionStateVariableEntry("resources", resources, "");

            using (System.Management.Automation.PowerShell powerShell = System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create(initialSessionState))
                foreach (var import in imports)
                    int startOffset = import.Extent.StartOffset;
                    var asts = ast.FindAll(a => IsCandidateForImportDscResourceAst(a, startOffset), true);
                    int longestLen = -1;
                    Ast longestCandidate = null;
                    foreach (var candidatAst in asts)
                        int curLen = candidatAst.Extent.EndOffset - candidatAst.Extent.StartOffset;
                        if (curLen > longestLen)
                            longestCandidate = candidatAst;
                            longestLen = curLen;
                    // longestCandidate should contain AST for import-dscresource, like "Import-DSCResource -Module x -Name y".
                    if (longestCandidate != null)
                        string importText = longestCandidate.Extent.Text;
                        // We invoke-command "importText" here. Script injection is prevented:
                        // We checked that file represents a valid AST without errors.
            return modules;