Esempio n. 1
        public CsProjFile csprojFor(string name)
            var files = new FileSystem().FindFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory, FileSet.Deep(name + ".csproj"));

            if (files.Count() == 0)
                Assert.Fail("Project {0} could not be found".ToFormat(name));

            return CsProjFile.LoadFrom(files.Single());
Esempio n. 2
        public static Project ReadFrom(string file)
            var project = new Project(file);

            var files = new FileSystem().FindFiles(file.ParentDirectory(), new FileSet(){
                Include = "*.csproj"

            var csProjFile = files.FirstOrDefault();
            if (files.Count() > 1)
                csProjFile = files.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StartsWith(project.ProjectName));

            project.ProjectFile = csProjFile;

            return project;
Esempio n. 3
        public static string FindSolutionFile()
            var currentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToFullPath();
             var files = new FileSystem().FindFiles(currentDirectory, FileSet.Deep("*.sln"));
             if (files.Count() == 1)
                 return Path.GetFileName(files.Single());

             if (files.Any())
                 ConsoleWriter.Write(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Found more than one *.sln file:");
                 files.Each(x => ConsoleWriter.Write(ConsoleColor.Yellow, x));
                 ConsoleWriter.Write(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "You need to specify the solution with the --solution flag");
                 ConsoleWriter.Write(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Could not find any *.sln files");

             return null;