Esempio n. 1
    public Message(sbyte command, byte[] data) {

        this.command = command;
        ms = new MemoryStream(data);
        iss = new BinaryReaderEx(ms);
        dis = new DataInputStream(iss);
Esempio n. 2
        public static List<Properties> ReadSampleBlock(Stream source)
            BinaryReader sourceReader = new BinaryReader(source);
            byte[] sourceData = sourceReader.ReadBytes(0x2000);
            int count = 256;
            List<Properties> result = new List<Properties>();

            // load sample block
            using (MemoryStream tempMem = new MemoryStream(sourceData))
                BinaryReaderEx dataReader = new BinaryReaderEx(tempMem);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    Properties props = new Properties();
                    props.Channel = dataReader.ReadByte();
                    props.Flag01 = dataReader.ReadByte();
                    props.Frequency = dataReader.ReadUInt16S();
                    props.Volume = dataReader.ReadByte();
                    props.Panning = dataReader.ReadByte();
                    props.SampleOffset = dataReader.ReadInt24S() * 2;
                    props.SampleLength = ((dataReader.ReadInt24S() * 2) - props.SampleOffset);
                    props.Value0C = dataReader.ReadInt16S();
                    props.Flag0E = dataReader.ReadByte();
                    props.Flag0F = dataReader.ReadByte();
                    props.SizeInBlocks = dataReader.ReadInt16S();

            return result;
Esempio n. 3
        public static Sound Read(Stream source)
            BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
            Sound result = new Sound();

            int id = reader.ReadInt32();
            if (id == 0x00394453)
                int headerLength = reader.ReadInt32();
                int sampleLength = reader.ReadInt32();

                headerLength -= 12;
                if (headerLength > 0)

                byte[] wavData = reader.ReadBytes(sampleLength);
                using (MemoryStream wavDataMem = new MemoryStream(wavData))
                    using (WaveStream wavStream = new WaveFileReader(wavDataMem))
                        byte[] rawWaveData = new byte[wavStream.Length];
                        wavStream.Read(rawWaveData, 0, (int)wavStream.Length);
                        result.SetSound(rawWaveData, wavStream.WaveFormat);

            return result;
Esempio n. 4
        static public void Decompress(Stream source, Stream target)
            BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);

            // unsure what this is- probably decompressed size
            int decompressedSize = reader.ReadInt32S();

            // read length
            int length = reader.ReadInt32S();

            // decompress
            BemaniLZSS2.DecompressGCZ(source, target, length, decompressedSize);
Esempio n. 5
        public static BemaniSSQ Read(Stream source, int measureUnit)
            BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
            BemaniSSQ result = new BemaniSSQ();
            Chunk tempoChunk = new Chunk();
            List<Chunk> chartChunks = new List<Chunk>();

            // parse all chunks in the file
            while (true)
                int length = reader.ReadInt32();

                if (length <= 0)

                Chunk chunk = Chunk.Read(source, length);

                switch (chunk.Type)
                    case 0x0001: // tempo info
                        tempoChunk = chunk;
                    case 0x0003: // chart

            // assemble tempo information
            result.TempoEntries.AddRange(DecodeTempoChunk(tempoChunk, measureUnit));

            // convert charts
            foreach (Chunk chartChunk in chartChunks)
                Chart chart = new Chart();
                chart.Entries.AddRange(DecodeStepChunk(chartChunk, measureUnit));
                chart.Tags["Panels"] = (chartChunk.Parameter & 0xF).ToString();
                chart.Tags["Difficulty"] = ((chartChunk.Parameter & 0xFF00) >> 8).ToString();

            return result;
Esempio n. 6
        public static bool DetectBemaniImage2DXAC(byte[] data)
            if (data.Length < 8)
                return false;

            using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(data))
                BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(mem);

                mem.Position = 4;

                int compressedSize = reader.ReadInt32S();
                if (compressedSize != (mem.Length - 8))
                    return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 7
        static public bool DetectBemani1(byte[] data)
            if (data.Length < 0x68)
                return false;

            using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(data))
                BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(mem);
                mem.Position = mem.Length - 8;

                int endMarkerOffset = reader.ReadInt32();
                int endMarkerData = reader.ReadInt32();

                if (endMarkerData != 0x00000000 || endMarkerOffset != 0x7FFFFFFF)
                    return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 8
        public static Sound Read(Stream source, Properties properties)
            BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
            Sound result = new Sound();
            bool stereo = (properties.Flag0F & 0x80) != 0;
            byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes(properties.SampleLength);
            int dataLength = data.Length;
            byte[] newData = new byte[dataLength * (stereo ? 1 : 2)];

            // translate the "signed" data
            int newDataPtr = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i += 2)
                int sample = ((int)data[i] << 8) | data[i + 1];
                if (sample >= 0x8000)
                    sample = -(sample & 0x7FFF);
                newData[newDataPtr] = (byte)(sample & 0xFF);
                newData[newDataPtr + 1] = (byte)((sample >> 8) & 0xFF);
                if (!stereo)
                    newData[newDataPtr + 2] = newData[newDataPtr];
                    newData[newDataPtr + 3] = newData[newDataPtr + 1];
                    newDataPtr += 2;
                newDataPtr += 2;

            // 16-bit stereo format
            result.Format = WaveFormat.CreateCustomFormat(WaveFormatEncoding.Pcm, properties.Frequency, 2, properties.Frequency * 4, 4, 16);
            result.Data = newData;

            // determine volume
            result.Volume = VolumeTable[properties.Volume];

            // determine panning
            result.Panning = (float)(properties.Panning - 1) / (float)0x7E;

            // return the final result
            return result;
Esempio n. 9
        static public bool DetectBemani2DXArchive(byte[] data)
            if (data.Length < 0x4C)
                return false;

            using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(data))
                BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(mem);
                mem.Position = 0x48;

                int offset = reader.ReadInt32();
                if ((offset < 0) || ((offset + 4) > data.Length))
                    return false;

                mem.Position = offset;
                if (new string(reader.ReadChars(4)) != "2DX9")
                    return false;

                return true;
Esempio n. 10
        public static BemaniSSP Read(Stream source)
            BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
            BemaniSSP result = new BemaniSSP();

            reader.ReadBytes(16); // name of archive

            int length = reader.ReadInt32();
            int count = (length - 18) / 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                int offset = reader.ReadInt32();
                if (offset >= length && offset < reader.BaseStream.Length)
                    long currentOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                    reader.BaseStream.Position = offset;
                    reader.BaseStream.Position = currentOffset;

            return result;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Load LabelFeatureData file - static function for both CLabelFeatureData and CLabelFeatureDataCoded
        /// load in the file and output a LabelFeatureData object that has the specified Type (type = {LabelFeatureData, LabelFeatureDataCode}
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inFileName">the name of the file: xxx.tsv == tsv file formation; xxx.bin == binary uncoded data format; xxx.dp == binary coded data format</param>
        /// <param name="featureParser">parser that understand the feature values</param>
        /// <param name="labelParser">parser that understand the label values</param>
        /// <param name="dataGroupBoundary">data group boundaries</param>
        /// <param name="outDatatype">the output data type LabelFeatureData or LabelFeatureDataCoded</param>
        /// <param name="activeFeatureNames">only these feature values are loaded</param>
        /// <param name="cThreads">number of threads used to code the original data</param>
        /// <returns>the desired LabelFeatureData if no errors in loading; otherwise, null</returns>
        static public LabelFeatureData Load(string inFileName, IParser<float> featureParser, IParser<float> labelParser, IGroupBoundary dataGroupBoundary,
                                            Type outDataType, string[] activeFeatureNames, int cThreads, bool fCacheCodedFeature, bool fSparseCoded)
            if (inFileName == null)
                return null;

            string[] fields = inFileName.Split('.');
            if (fields.Length <= 0)
                return null;

            CLabelFeatureData labelFeatureData = null;

            string sufix = fields[fields.Length-1];
            if (string.Compare(sufix, "bin", true) == 0 || string.Compare(sufix, "dp", true) == 0)
                BinaryReaderEx binReaderEx = new BinaryReaderEx(inFileName);
                Type t = binReaderEx.Read<Type>();
                labelFeatureData = (CLabelFeatureData)binReaderEx.Read(t);
            else // "tsv" or null
                TsvFileLoader tsvFileLoader = new TsvFileLoader(inFileName, null, labelParser, featureParser, dataGroupBoundary);

                labelFeatureData = new CLabelFeatureData(tsvFileLoader.FeatureName, tsvFileLoader.Labels, tsvFileLoader.GroupId, tsvFileLoader.Feature);

            if (outDataType.Equals(typeof(CLabelFeatureDataCoded)))
                if (labelFeatureData.GetType().Equals(typeof(CLabelFeatureDataCoded)))
                    if (fCacheCodedFeature)
                        ((CLabelFeatureDataCoded)labelFeatureData).EncodeFeatureValues(cThreads, fSparseCoded);
                    //need to upgrade to coded                    
                    labelFeatureData = new CLabelFeatureDataCoded(labelFeatureData, cThreads, fCacheCodedFeature, fSparseCoded);

            return labelFeatureData;
Esempio n. 12
        //deserialize the object
        public CLabelFeatureCore(BinaryReaderEx binReaderEx)
            this.labels = binReaderEx.ReadSingleArray();// Read<float>();                                   
            this.groupId = binReaderEx.ReadInt32Array();
            this.featureNames = binReaderEx.ReadStringArray();

            bool factiveFeatureNamesExist = binReaderEx.ReadBoolean();
            if (factiveFeatureNamesExist)
                this.activeFeatureNames = binReaderEx.ReadStringArray();

            bool factiveFeatureIdxExist = binReaderEx.ReadBoolean();
            if (factiveFeatureIdxExist)
                this.activeFeatureIdx = binReaderEx.ReadInt32Array();
Esempio n. 13
        public static void Decompress(Stream source, Stream target, int length, int decompLength, BemaniLZSS2Properties props)
            byte[] ring = new byte[props.ringBufferSize];
            int ring_pos = props.ringBufferOffset;
            int chunk_offset;
            int chunk_length;
            int control_word = 1;
            int controlBitsLeft = 0;
            int controlBitMask = 0x1;
            byte cmd1;
            byte cmd2;
            byte data;

            if (decompLength <= 0)
                decompLength = int.MaxValue;

            BinaryReaderEx sourceReader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
            BinaryWriterEx writer = new BinaryWriterEx(target);

            using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(sourceReader.ReadBytes(length)))
                BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(mem);

                while (decompLength > 0 && length > 0)
                    if (controlBitsLeft == 0)
                        /* Read a control byte */
                        control_word = reader.ReadByte();
                        controlBitsLeft = 8;

                    /* Decode a byte according to the current control byte bit */
                    if ((control_word & controlBitMask) != 0)
                        /* Straight copy, store into history ring */
                        data = reader.ReadByte();

                        ring[ring_pos] = data;

                        ring_pos = (ring_pos + 1) % props.ringBufferSize;
                        /* Reference to data in ring buffer */

                        switch (props.type)
                            case BemaniLZSS2Type.Firebeat:
                                cmd1 = reader.ReadByte();
                                cmd2 = reader.ReadByte();
                                length -= 2;
                                chunk_length = (cmd1 & 0x0F) + 3;
                                chunk_offset = (((int)cmd1 & 0xF0) << 4) + (int)cmd2;
                                chunk_offset = ring_pos - chunk_offset;
                                while (chunk_offset < 0)
                                    chunk_offset += props.ringBufferSize;
                            case BemaniLZSS2Type.GCZ:
                                cmd1 = reader.ReadByte();
                                cmd2 = reader.ReadByte();
                                length -= 2;
                                chunk_length = (cmd2 & 0x0F) + 3;
                                chunk_offset = (((int)cmd2 & 0xF0) << 4) | cmd1;

                        for ( ; chunk_length > 0 && length > 0 ; chunk_length--)
                            /* Copy historical data to output AND current ring pos */
                            ring[ring_pos] = ring[chunk_offset];

                            /* Update counters */
                            chunk_offset = (chunk_offset + 1) % props.ringBufferSize;
                            ring_pos = (ring_pos + 1) % props.ringBufferSize;

                    /* Get next control bit */
                    control_word >>= 1;
Esempio n. 14
            public static Chunk Read(Stream source, int length)
                Chunk result = new Chunk();
                BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);

                length -= 8;
                result.Type = reader.ReadInt16();
                result.Parameter = reader.ReadInt16();
                result.Data = reader.ReadBytes(length);

                return result;
Esempio n. 15
        private static Entry[] DecodeStepChunk(Chunk source, int measureUnit)
            using (BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(new MemoryStream(source.Data)))
                int count = reader.ReadInt32();
                int[] metric = new int[count];
                List<Entry> result = new List<Entry>();

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    metric[i] = reader.ReadInt32();

                byte[] step = reader.ReadBytes(count);
                byte[] freeze = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BaseStream.Length - (4 + (5 * count)));
                int freezeIndex = 0;
                int freezeCount = 0;

                while (freezeIndex < freeze.Length && freeze[freezeIndex] == 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    if (step[i] == 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    bool isShock = false;
                    bool isFreeze = false;
                    byte stepData = step[i];
                    int column = 0;

                    if (stepData == 0)
                        isFreeze = true;
                        stepData = freeze[freezeIndex];
                        freezeIndex++; // freeze type, ignored for now
                    else if ((stepData & 0xF) == 0xF)
                        isShock = true;

                    while (stepData > 0)
                        if ((stepData & 1) != 0)
                            Entry entry = new Entry();
                            entry.MetricMeasure = metric[i] / measureUnit;
                            entry.MetricOffset = new Fraction(metric[i] % measureUnit, measureUnit);
                            entry.Column = column;
                            if (isFreeze)
                                entry.Freeze = true;
                            if (isShock)
                                entry.Type = EntryType.Mine;
                                entry.Type = EntryType.Marker;
                        stepData >>= 1;

                return result.ToArray();
Esempio n. 16
 public virtual void Decompress(BinaryReaderEx reader, BinaryWriter writer, StreamElement element)
     int count = Math.Min(this.NumValues, element.NumElements);
     FloatStreamDecompressor decompressor = StreamDecompressors.GetFloatDecompressor(element.CompressionType);
     for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
         float val = decompressor(reader);
Esempio n. 17
 public DataInputStream(BinaryReaderEx _clientInput) {
     ClientInput = _clientInput;
Esempio n. 18
        public static Chart Read(Stream source)
            BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);

            Chart result = new Chart();
            result.TickRate = new Fraction(1, 58);

            int[] lastSample = new int[16];
            int eventParameter = 0;
            int eventValue = 0;
            int eventType = 0;
            int eventOffset = 0;
            bool notecountMode = true;
            bool defaultBPMSet = false;

            while (true)
                eventOffset = reader.ReadUInt16();
                eventType = reader.ReadByte();
                eventParameter = (eventType >> 4);
                eventType &= 0xF;
                eventValue = reader.ReadByte();

                // end of chart?
                if (eventOffset == 0x7FFF)

                // ignore events in note count mode
                if (notecountMode)
                    if (eventType != 0 || eventOffset > 0)
                        notecountMode = false;

                // process events
                if (!notecountMode)
                    Entry entry = new Entry();

                    entry.LinearOffset = new Fraction(eventOffset, 1);

                    switch (eventType)
                        case 0x0: // marker
                            switch (eventParameter)
                                case 0x0: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 0; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x0], 1); break; //key0
                                case 0x1: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 0; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x1], 1); break;
                                case 0x2: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 1; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x2], 1); break; //key1
                                case 0x3: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 1; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x3], 1); break;
                                case 0x4: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 2; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x4], 1); break; //key2
                                case 0x5: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 2; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x5], 1); break;
                                case 0x6: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 3; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x6], 1); break; //key3
                                case 0x7: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 3; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x7], 1); break;
                                case 0x8: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 4; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x8], 1); break; //key4
                                case 0x9: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 4; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0x9], 1); break;
                                case 0xA: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 7; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0xA], 1); break; //scratch
                                case 0xB: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 7; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0xB], 1); break;
                                case 0xC: entry.Type = EntryType.Measure; entry.Player = 1; break;
                                case 0xD: entry.Type = EntryType.Measure; entry.Player = 2; break;
                                case 0xE: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 8; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0xA], 1); break; //freescratch
                                case 0xF: entry.Type = EntryType.Marker; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 8; entry.Value = new Fraction(lastSample[0xB], 1); break;
                        case 0x1: // sample
                            switch (eventParameter)
                                case 0x0: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 0; lastSample[0x0] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x1: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 0; lastSample[0x1] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x2: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 1; lastSample[0x2] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x3: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 1; lastSample[0x3] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x4: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 2; lastSample[0x4] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x5: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 2; lastSample[0x5] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x6: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 3; lastSample[0x6] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x7: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 3; lastSample[0x7] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x8: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 4; lastSample[0x8] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0x9: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 4; lastSample[0x9] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0xA: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 7; lastSample[0xA] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0xB: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 7; lastSample[0xB] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0xE: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 1; entry.Column = 8; lastSample[0xA] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                                case 0xF: entry.Type = EntryType.Sample; entry.Player = 2; entry.Column = 8; lastSample[0xB] = eventValue; entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1); break;
                        case 0x2: // tempo
                            entry.Type = EntryType.Tempo;
                            entry.Value = new Fraction((eventParameter * 256) + eventValue, 1);
                            if (!defaultBPMSet)
                                defaultBPMSet = true;
                                result.DefaultBPM = entry.Value;
                        case 0x4: // end of song
                            entry.Type = EntryType.EndOfSong;
                        case 0x5: // bgm
                            entry.Type = EntryType.Marker;
                            entry.Player = 0;
                            entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1);
                        case 0x6: // judgement
                            entry.Type = EntryType.Judgement;
                            entry.Value = new Fraction(eventValue, 1);
                            entry.Parameter = eventParameter;

                    if (entry.Type != EntryType.Invalid)

            if (result.Entries.Count > 0)
                result = null;

            return result;
Esempio n. 19
 public static Stat Read(Stream source)
     BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
     Stat result = new Stat();
     result.Offset = reader.ReadInt32S();
     result.Length = reader.ReadInt32S();
     result.TimeStamp = reader.ReadInt32S();
     return result;
Esempio n. 20
File: PE.cs Progetto: s0rg/
		/// <summary>
		/// Create new PE Object from strean
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="stream"></param>
		public PE(Stream stream, bool load_full = false)
			pe = new BinaryReaderEx(stream);
			try {
				pe.ReadStruct<IMAGE_DOS_HEADER>(out this.dosHeader);

				if (dosHeader.e_magic != 0x5A4D) // MZ
					throw new Exception("Invalid DOS header");


				UInt32 nt_sign = pe.ReadUInt32();

				if (nt_sign != 0x4550) // PE
					throw new Exception("Invalid PE signature");

				pe.ReadStruct<IMAGE_FILE_HEADER>(out fileHeader);

				ushort magic = pe.ReadUInt16();
				pe.Seek(-2, SeekOrigin.Current);
				switch (magic) {
					case (ushort)PeType.PE32:
						this.peType = PeType.PE32;
						pe.ReadStruct<IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32>(out this.optionalHeader32);

					case (ushort)PeType.PE64:
						this.peType = PeType.PE64;
						pe.ReadStruct<IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64>(out this.optionalHeader64);

					case (ushort)PeType.ROM:
						this.peType = PeType.ROM;

						throw new Exception("Invalid IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.Magic value");
				if (this.peType != PeType.ROM) {
					this.imageSectionHeaders = pe.ReadStructArray<IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER>(fileHeader.NumberOfSections);
					if (load_full)
			} catch (Exception e) {
				pe = null;
				throw e;
Esempio n. 21
        public override void Decompress(BinaryReaderEx reader, BinaryWriter writer, StreamElement element)
            FloatStreamDecompressor decompressor = StreamDecompressors.GetFloatDecompressor(element.CompressionType);
            float x = decompressor(reader);
            float y = decompressor(reader);
            float z = decompressor(reader);

Esempio n. 22
 public override void Decompress(BinaryReaderEx reader, BinaryWriter writer, StreamElement element)
     var decompressor = StreamDecompressors.GetUShortDecompressor(element.CompressionType);
     var val = decompressor(reader);
Esempio n. 23
 public override void Decompress(BinaryReaderEx reader, BinaryWriter writer, StreamElement element)
     var decompressor = StreamDecompressors.GetIntDecompressor(element.CompressionType);
     int count = Math.Min(StreamDataType.MaxBonesPerVert, element.NumElements);
     for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
         var val = decompressor(reader);
Esempio n. 24
 //deserialize the object
 public CLabelFeatureData(BinaryReaderEx binReaderEx)
     : base(binReaderEx)
     this.feature = binReaderEx.Read<DataMatrixSerialized<float>>();
Esempio n. 25
        //deserialize the object
        public CLabelFeatureDataCoded(BinaryReaderEx binReaderEx)
            : base(binReaderEx)
            this.codeBook = binReaderEx.Read<CodeBook>();

            bool featureCodedExist = binReaderEx.ReadBoolean();
            if (featureCodedExist)
                this.featureCoded = binReaderEx.Read<DataMatrixSerialized<ushort>>();
Esempio n. 26
        private static Entry[] DecodeTempoChunk(Chunk source, int measureUnit)
            using (BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(new MemoryStream(source.Data)))
                int count = reader.ReadInt32();
                int[] metric = new int[count];
                int[] linear = new int[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    metric[i] = reader.ReadInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    linear[i] = reader.ReadInt32();

                Entry[] result = new Entry[count - 1];

                for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                    Entry entry = new Entry();
                    int metricDiff = metric[i] - metric[i - 1];
                    int linearDiff = linear[i] - linear[i - 1];
                    Fraction metricValue = new Fraction(metricDiff * 60, measureUnit / 4);
                    Fraction linearValue = new Fraction(linearDiff, source.Parameter);
                    Fraction bpmValue = metricValue / linearValue;
                    entry.MetricMeasure = metric[i - 1] / measureUnit;
                    entry.MetricOffset = new Fraction(metric[i - 1] % measureUnit, measureUnit);
                    entry.LinearOffset = new Fraction(linear[i - 1], source.Parameter);
                    entry.Type = EntryType.Tempo;
                    entry.Value = bpmValue;
                    result[i - 1] = entry;

                return result;
Esempio n. 27
 public CHD(Stream baseFile)
     baseStream = baseFile;
     reader = new BinaryReaderEx(baseStream);
Esempio n. 28
        public static byte[] ReadRaw(Stream source, Properties prop)
            BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
            byte[] tailMarker = { };
            int bytesPerSample = 1;

            switch (prop.SampleType & 0xC)
                case 0x0:
                    tailMarker = tailMarker8Bit;
                case 0x4:
                    tailMarker = tailMarker16Bit;
                    bytesPerSample = 2;
                case 0x8:
                    tailMarker = tailMarker4Bit;
                    throw new Exception("Unable to determine sample type.");

            using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream())
                int tailMarkerLength = tailMarker.Length;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[tailMarkerLength];
                bool finished = false;
                int bufferPad = tailMarkerLength;

                while (!finished)
                    // read in the next sample
                    for (int j = 0; j < bytesPerSample; j++)
                        if (bufferPad > 0)

                        for (int i = 1; i < tailMarkerLength; i++)
                            buffer[i - 1] = buffer[i];

                        int inByte = source.ReadByte();
                        if (inByte < 0 || inByte > 255)
                            return new byte[] { };

                        buffer[tailMarkerLength - 1] = (byte)inByte;

                    // check the buffer against the tail marker
                    for (int i = 0; i <= tailMarkerLength; i++)
                        if (i == tailMarkerLength)
                            finished = true;
                        if (buffer[i] != tailMarker[i])

                return mem.ToArray();
Esempio n. 29
            public static bool operator ==(Properties a, Properties b)
                return (a.Channel == b.Channel &&
                    a.Flags == b.Flags &&
                    a.Frequency == b.Frequency &&
                    a.Offset == b.Offset &&
                    a.Panning == b.Panning &&
                    a.ReverbVolume == b.ReverbVolume &&
                    a.SampleType == b.SampleType &&
                    a.Volume == b.Volume

            public static bool operator !=(Properties a, Properties b)
                return (a.Channel != b.Channel ||
                    a.Flags != b.Flags ||
                    a.Frequency != b.Frequency ||
                    a.Offset != b.Offset ||
                    a.Panning != b.Panning ||
                    a.ReverbVolume != b.ReverbVolume ||
                    a.SampleType != b.SampleType ||
                    a.Volume != b.Volume
            public static Properties Read(Stream source)
                BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
                Properties result = new Properties();

                result.Channel = reader.ReadByte();
                result.Frequency = reader.ReadUInt16();
                result.ReverbVolume = reader.ReadByte();
                result.Volume = reader.ReadByte();
                result.Panning = reader.ReadByte();
                result.Offset = reader.ReadUInt24();
                result.SampleType = reader.ReadByte();
                result.Flags = reader.ReadByte();

                return result;
Esempio n. 30
        public static BemaniIFS Read(Stream source)
            BemaniIFS result = new BemaniIFS();

            // read header
            Header header = Header.Read(source);
            byte[] propertyPageData = new byte[header.BodyStart - Header.Size];
            source.Read(propertyPageData, 0, propertyPageData.Length);

            // read property page

            #if (false)
            List<byte[]> dataList = new List<byte[]>();
            BinaryReaderEx reader = new BinaryReaderEx(source);
            BemaniIFS result = new BemaniIFS();

            // header length is 0x28 bytes
            reader.ReadInt32S(); // identifier
            Int16 headerMetaLength = reader.ReadInt16S(); // header meta amount?
            reader.ReadInt16S(); // bitwise xor 0xFFFF of previously read value
            Int32 headerLength = reader.ReadInt32S();

            for (int i = 1; i < headerMetaLength; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("Header length: " + headerLength.ToString());

            // read table A
            Int32 tableALength = reader.ReadInt32S();
            Console.WriteLine("Table A length: " + tableALength.ToString());
            MemoryStream tableAMem = new MemoryStream(reader.ReadBytes(tableALength));

            // read table B
            Int32 tableBLength = reader.ReadInt32S();
            Console.WriteLine("Table B length: " + tableBLength.ToString());
            MemoryStream tableBMem = new MemoryStream(reader.ReadBytes(tableBLength));

            // read padding
            int headerPadding = headerLength - (0x10 + (headerMetaLength * 8) + 4 + tableALength + 4 + tableBLength);
            if (headerPadding > 0)

            // a bit of a hack to get the info we need (it's probably not accurate)
            BinaryReaderEx tableAReader = new BinaryReaderEx(tableAMem);
            BinaryReaderEx tableBReader = new BinaryReaderEx(tableBMem);

            tableAReader.BaseStream.Position = 0x18;
            tableBReader.BaseStream.Position = 0x14;
            int dataLength = tableBReader.ReadInt32S();
            MemoryStream dataChunk = new MemoryStream(reader.ReadBytes(dataLength));
            BinaryReaderEx dataReader = new BinaryReaderEx(dataChunk);

            // process tables
            int chunkIndex = 0;
            bool processTable = true;
            while (processTable)
                Console.Write("A:" + Util.ConvertToHexString((int)tableAReader.BaseStream.Position, 8) + " B:" + Util.ConvertToHexString((int)tableBReader.BaseStream.Position, 8) + " ");
                byte chunkType = tableAReader.ReadByte();
                Console.Write("Op:" + Util.ConvertToHexString(chunkType, 2) + "  ");
                switch (chunkType)
                    case 0x06: // directory
                            byte subType = tableAReader.ReadByte();
                            switch (subType)
                                case 0x03:
                                case 0x06:
                            Int32 fileModified = tableBReader.ReadInt32S(); // modified date?
                            Console.WriteLine("*" + Util.ConvertToHexString(fileModified, 8));
                    case 0x1E: // file
                            Int32 fileOffset = tableBReader.ReadInt32S(); // offset
                            Int32 fileLength = tableBReader.ReadInt32S(); // length
                            Int32 fileModified = tableBReader.ReadInt32S(); // modified date?
                            Console.WriteLine(Util.ConvertToHexString(fileOffset, 8) + ":" + Util.ConvertToHexString(fileLength, 8) + ", *" + Util.ConvertToHexString(fileModified, 8));
                            dataReader.BaseStream.Position = fileOffset;
                    case 0x94: // filename
                        Console.WriteLine("FileID: " + Util.ConvertToHexString(tableAReader.ReadInt32S(), 8));
                    case 0xFE: // end of entry
                        Console.WriteLine("End of entry.");
                    case 0xFF: // end of list
                        processTable = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("End of list.");
                        // for types we don't know, skip the whole line for now
                while (chunkType != 0xFE)
                    chunkType = tableAReader.ReadByte();

            result.files = dataList;

            return result;