/// <summary>コンストラクタ。</summary>
		public VirtualGraphics()
			Layers = new VirtualLayerCollection( this );
			Background = Color.Black;
			AxesLine = null;
			Mirroring = new SizeD( 1, 1 );
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the IDrawable List to the master frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frameSize"></param>
        /// <param name="zoom"></param>
        public void Render(SizeD frameSize, double zoom = 1.0) {
            if (zoom <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("zoom factor must not be negative!");

                Image _oldframe = _frame;
                _frame = new Bitmap(
                    (int)Math.Max(1, frameSize.Width * zoom),
                    (int)Math.Max(1, frameSize.Height * zoom));

                using (var G = Graphics.FromImage(_frame)) {
                    G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                    G.ScaleTransform((float)zoom, (float)zoom);

                    if (OnPostRender != null)
                        OnPostRender(this, new RenderEventArgs(G));

                    if (BackGroundColor.HasValue)

                    lock (_groupsSYNC) {
                        foreach (var group in _groups) {

                    if (OnPastRender != null)
                        OnPastRender(this, new RenderEventArgs(G));

                if (_oldframe != null)

		private void UpdateSize(SizeD newSize)
			Size = newSize;
			BarkerEntityShape parent = (BarkerEntityShape)ParentShape;
			parent.Size = new SizeD(newSize.Width, parent.Size.Height + newSize.Height);
Esempio n. 4
 private Size DiagramToImage(SizeD worldSize)
     if (Enabled)
         var ds = DiagramClientView.WorldToDevice(worldSize);
         return new Size((int)(ds.Width * _imageScale), (int)(ds.Height * _imageScale));
         return Size.Empty;
		/// <summary>
		/// Pulled directly from Reflector disassembly
		/// </summary>
		private static AnchorPoint TestHitAnchor(BinaryLinkShape linkShape, LineSegment segment, SizeD tolerance, PointD hitPoint)
			RectangleD ed1 = new RectangleD(0, 0, tolerance.Width * 2, tolerance.Height * 2);
			NodeShape shape1 = null;
			bool flag1 = false;
			if (linkShape != null)
				PointD td1;
				if (segment.IsStartSegment && segment.IsEndSegment)
					if (ClosestEnd(segment, hitPoint))
						td1 = segment.StartPoint;
						shape1 = linkShape.FromShape;
						flag1 = true;
						td1 = segment.EndPoint;
						shape1 = linkShape.ToShape;
				else if (segment.IsStartSegment)
					td1 = segment.StartPoint;
					shape1 = linkShape.FromShape;
					flag1 = true;
				else if (segment.IsEndSegment)
					td1 = segment.EndPoint;
					shape1 = linkShape.ToShape;
					return null;
				if ((shape1 != null) && !shape1.IsPort)
					ed1.Offset(td1.X - tolerance.Width, td1.Y - tolerance.Height);
					if (ed1.Contains(hitPoint))
						return new AnchorPoint(linkShape, segment, shape1, tolerance, flag1);
			return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Replacement for LinkShapeGeometry.DrawDecorator
		/// </summary>
		protected static new void DrawDecorator(DiagramPaintEventArgs e, IGeometryHost geometryHost, float rotation, PointD centerRight, LinkDecorator decorator, SizeD size)
		private static void ExcludeDecorator(Graphics g, ObliqueBinaryLinkShapeGeometry geometry, LinkDecorator decorator, PointD fromPoint, PointD toPoint, SizeD size)
		/// <summary>全体像の表示をするよう、ビュー座標を変更します。</summary>
		/// <param name="g"></param>
		/// <param name="padding"></param>
		public void MoveViewToPerspective(Graphics g, SizeD padding)
			RectangleD world = GetGraphicsRegion(), view = g.VisibleClipBounds;

			double scaleW = world.Size.W != 0 ? ( view.Size.W - 2 * padding.W ) / world.Size.W : 1;
			double scaleH = world.Size.H != 0 ? ( view.Size.H - 2 * padding.H ) / world.Size.H : 1;
			double scale;
			if( scaleW < scaleH )
				scale = scaleW;
				this.ViewOffset = new PointD( padding.W, ( view.Size.H - scale * world.Size.H ) / 2 );
				scale = scaleH;
				this.ViewOffset = new PointD( ( view.Size.W - scale * world.Size.W ) / 2, padding.H );

			if( Mirroring.W == -1 )
				this.ViewOffset = new PointD( view.RightBottom.X - this.ViewOffset.X, this.ViewOffset.Y );
			if( Mirroring.H == -1 )
				this.ViewOffset = new PointD( this.ViewOffset.X, view.RightBottom.Y - this.ViewOffset.Y );

			this.ViewScale = new SizeD( scale, scale );
			this.GlobalOffset = world.Location;
		public StructureViewer(FormBase parent)
			: base( parent )
			PerspectivePadding = new SizeD( 12, 12 );
		private void UpdateSize(SizeD newSize)
			Size = newSize;
			TableShape parent = (TableShape)ParentShape;
			parent.Size = new SizeD(newSize.Width, parent.Size.Height + newSize.Height);
 /// <summary>
 /// Measure text size. If text contains complex script, we will be using TextRenderer.MeasureText API to calc the size.
 /// </summary>
 internal static SizeD Measure(Graphics graphics, string text, Font font, SizeD maximumSize, StringFormat format)
     if (ScriptIsComplex(text))
         Size proposedSize = new Size((int)((maximumSize.Width * graphics.DpiX) * graphics.PageScale), (int)((maximumSize.Height * graphics.DpiY) * graphics.PageScale));
         using (Font font2 = new Font(font.Name, font.Size * graphics.PageScale, font.Style, GraphicsUnit.Inch, font.GdiCharSet, font.GdiVerticalFont))
             TextFormatFlags textFormatFlagsFromStringFormat = GetTextFormatFlagsFromStringFormat(format);
             TextRenderingHint textRenderingHint = graphics.TextRenderingHint;
             graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
             Size size2 = TextRenderer.MeasureText(graphics, text, font2, proposedSize, textFormatFlagsFromStringFormat);
             graphics.TextRenderingHint = textRenderingHint;
             size2.Width += 5;
             size2.Height += size2.Height / font2.Height;
             size2.Width = Math.Min(size2.Width, proposedSize.Width);
             size2.Height = Math.Min(size2.Height, proposedSize.Height);
             return new SizeD((double)(((float)size2.Width) / graphics.DpiX), (double)(((float)size2.Height) / graphics.DpiY));
     SizeF ef = graphics.MeasureString(text, font, SizeD.ToSizeF(maximumSize), format);
     return new SizeD((double)ef.Width, (double)ef.Height);