DrawIcon() public method

public DrawIcon ( Icon icon, Rectangle targetRect ) : void
icon Icon
targetRect Rectangle
return void
Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Internal method for rendering an individual <paramref name="tab" /> to the screen.</summary>
        /// <param name="graphicsContext">Graphics context to use when rendering the tab.</param>
        /// <param name="tab">Individual tab that we are to render.</param>
        /// <param name="area">Area of the screen that the tab should be rendered to.</param>
        /// <param name="cursor">Current position of the cursor.</param>
        protected virtual void Render(Graphics graphicsContext, TitleBarTab tab, Rectangle area, Point cursor)
            if (_suspendRendering)

            // If we need to redraw the tab image
            if (tab.TabImage == null)
                // We render the tab to an internal property so that we don't necessarily have to redraw it in every rendering pass, only if its width or
                // status have changed
                tab.TabImage = new Bitmap(
                    area.Width, tab.Active
                        ? _activeCenterImage.Height
                        : _inactiveCenterImage.Height);

                using (Graphics tabGraphicsContext = Graphics.FromImage(tab.TabImage))
                    // Draw the left, center, and right portions of the tab
                            ? _activeLeftSideImage
                            : _inactiveLeftSideImage, new Rectangle(
                                0, 0, tab.Active
                                    ? _activeLeftSideImage
                                    : _inactiveLeftSideImage
                                    ? _activeLeftSideImage.
                                    : _inactiveLeftSideImage
                                        .Height), 0, 0,
                            ? _activeLeftSideImage.Width
                            : _inactiveLeftSideImage.Width, tab.Active
                                ? _activeLeftSideImage.Height
                                : _inactiveLeftSideImage.Height,

                            ? _activeCenterImage
                            : _inactiveCenterImage, new Rectangle(
                                    ? _activeLeftSideImage.
                                    : _inactiveLeftSideImage
                                        .Width), 0,
                                _tabContentWidth, tab.Active
                                    ? _activeCenterImage
                                    : _inactiveCenterImage
                        0, 0, _tabContentWidth, tab.Active
                            ? _activeCenterImage.Height
                            : _inactiveCenterImage.Height,

                            ? _activeRightSideImage
                            : _inactiveRightSideImage, new Rectangle(
                                    ? _activeLeftSideImage
                                    : _inactiveLeftSideImage
                                        .Width) +
                                _tabContentWidth, 0,
                                    ? _activeRightSideImage
                                    : _inactiveRightSideImage
                                    ? _activeRightSideImage
                                    : _inactiveRightSideImage
                                        .Height), 0, 0,
                            ? _activeRightSideImage.Width
                            : _inactiveRightSideImage.Width, tab.Active
                                ? _activeRightSideImage.Height
                                : _inactiveRightSideImage.

                    // Draw the close button
                    if (tab.ShowCloseButton)
                        Image closeButtonImage = IsOverCloseButton(tab, cursor)
                            ? _closeButtonHoverImage
                            : _closeButtonImage;

                        tab.CloseButtonArea = new Rectangle(
                            area.Width - (tab.Active
                                ? _activeRightSideImage.Width
                                : _inactiveRightSideImage.Width) -
                            CloseButtonMarginRight - closeButtonImage.Width,
                            CloseButtonMarginTop, closeButtonImage.Width,

                            closeButtonImage, tab.CloseButtonArea, 0, 0,
                            closeButtonImage.Width, closeButtonImage.Height,

                tab.Area = area;

            // Render the tab's saved image to the screen
                tab.TabImage, area, 0, 0, tab.TabImage.Width, tab.TabImage.Height,

            // Render the icon for the tab's content, if it exists and there's room for it in the tab's content area
            if (tab.Content.ShowIcon && _tabContentWidth > 16 + IconMarginLeft + (tab.ShowCloseButton
                ? CloseButtonMarginLeft +
                  tab.CloseButtonArea.Width +
                : 0))
                    new Icon(tab.Content.Icon, 16, 16),
                    new Rectangle(area.X + OverlapWidth + IconMarginLeft, IconMarginTop + area.Y, 16, 16));

            // Render the caption for the tab's content if there's room for it in the tab's content area
            if (_tabContentWidth > (tab.Content.ShowIcon
                ? 16 + IconMarginLeft + IconMarginRight
                : 0) + CaptionMarginLeft + CaptionMarginRight + (tab.ShowCloseButton
                    ? CloseButtonMarginLeft +
                      tab.CloseButtonArea.Width +
                    : 0))
                    tab.Caption, SystemFonts.CaptionFont, Brushes.Black,
                    new Rectangle(
                        area.X + OverlapWidth + CaptionMarginLeft + (tab.Content.ShowIcon
                            ? IconMarginLeft +
                              16 +
                            : 0),
                        CaptionMarginTop + area.Y,
                        _tabContentWidth - (tab.Content.ShowIcon
                            ? IconMarginLeft + 16 + IconMarginRight
                            : 0) - (tab.ShowCloseButton
                                ? _closeButtonImage.Width +
                                  CloseButtonMarginRight +
                                : 0), tab.TabImage.Height),
                    new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.NoWrap)
                        Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter
Esempio n. 2
		internal override void draw(Graphics g)
			RectangleF rcNode = item.getRotatedBounds();
			Rectangle rcDev = Utilities.docToDevice(g, getIconRect(rcNode));

			if (rcDev.Width < 6 || rcDev.Height < 6) return;
GraphicsState state = g.Save();
			if ((item as Node).Expanded)
				g.DrawIcon(imgExpanded, rcDev.X, rcDev.Y);
				g.DrawIcon(imgCollapsed, rcDev.X, rcDev.Y);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the icon to the legend
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 public override void LegendSymbol_Painted(Graphics g, Rectangle box)
     if (_icon != null)
         g.DrawIcon(_icon, box);
Esempio n. 4
        public static System.Drawing.Icon GetIcon(string text)
            //Create bitmap, kind of canvas
            System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(32, 32);

            Icon icon = Resources.Status;

            System.Drawing.Font       drawFont  = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 18, FontStyle.Regular);
            System.Drawing.SolidBrush drawBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White);

            System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel;
            graphics.DrawIcon(icon, 0, 0);
            graphics.DrawString(text, drawFont, drawBrush, 0, 0);

            //To Save icon to disk
            bitmap.Save("icon.ico", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Icon);

            Icon createdIcon = Icon.FromHandle(bitmap.GetHicon());


Esempio n. 5
        public void Draw()
            _size = new Size(_parent.Width, 25);
            _gradient_rect.Size     = new Size(_size.Width / 2, 25);
            _gradient_rect.Location = new Point(_size.Width / 2, 0);
            _back_rect.Size         = new Size(_size.Width / 2, 25);
            PointF text_loc = new PointF(_back_rect.Location.X + 5, _back_rect.Location.Y + 5);

            System.Drawing.Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(_parent.Handle);

            LinearGradientBrush gradient_brush =
                new LinearGradientBrush(_gradient_rect,

            LinearGradientBrush font_brush =
                new LinearGradientBrush(_back_rect,

            g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(_leftcolor), _back_rect);
            g.FillRectangle(gradient_brush, _gradient_rect);
            g.DrawString(_text, _header_font, font_brush, text_loc);

            Icon icon;

            if (_parent.State == TaskBoxStates.Expanded ||
                _parent.State == TaskBoxStates.Expanding)
                if (_state == HeaderStates.Hovered)
                    icon = _chevron_up_hover;
                    icon = _chevron_up_nonhover;
                if (_state == HeaderStates.Hovered)
                    icon = _chevron_down_hover;
                    icon = _chevron_down_nonhover;

            if (icon != null)
                g.DrawIcon(icon, _size.Width - icon.Width - 3, 3);
Esempio n. 6
        private void Detector_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            System.Drawing.Graphics formGraphics = this.CreateGraphics();

            if ((int)animation.Tag < 0)

            System.Drawing.SolidBrush myBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0));
            formGraphics.FillEllipse(myBrush, new Rectangle(this.SizeValue / -2, this.SizeValue / -2, this.SizeValue, this.SizeValue));

            System.Drawing.Pen myBrushB = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon, 3);
            formGraphics.DrawEllipse(myBrushB, new Rectangle(this.SizeValue / -2, this.SizeValue / -2, this.SizeValue, this.SizeValue));

            if (SizeValue == SizeMax)
                var iPos    = new Rectangle(30, 130, 34, 34);
                var dCircle = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(iPos.Width * iPos.Width + iPos.Height * iPos.Height), 0));
                var iCircle = new Rectangle(iPos.X - (dCircle - iPos.Width) / 2, iPos.Y - (dCircle - iPos.Height) / 2, dCircle, dCircle);

                myBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0));
                formGraphics.FillEllipse(myBrush, iCircle);

                formGraphics.DrawIcon(System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle(Properties.Resources.GCBA.GetHicon()), iPos);

                var pen = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon, 2);
                formGraphics.DrawEllipse(pen, iCircle);

                myBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0));
                formGraphics.FillEllipse(myBrush, new Rectangle(75, 100, 32, 32));
                formGraphics.DrawIcon(System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle(Properties.Resources.NACION.GetHicon()), new Rectangle(75, 100, 32, 32));


            this.Opacity = 10;
Esempio n. 7
		public override void Draw(Graphics graphics, RenderMode rm) {
			if (icon != null) {
				graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
				graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
				graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.Default;
				graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
				graphics.DrawIcon(icon, Bounds);
Esempio n. 8
        public void DrawIcon(Icon icon, Rectangle targetRect)
            Bitmap currentBitmap = new Bitmap(icon.Width, icon.Height);

            System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(currentBitmap);

            g.DrawIcon(icon, new Rectangle(0, 0, targetRect.Width, targetRect.Height));
            this.DrawImage(currentBitmap, targetRect);

Esempio n. 9
        public static Icon GetIcon(string text)
            string pat1 = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.ico", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "LogoBaoBao");
            //Create bitmap, kind of canvas
            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(32, 32);
            Icon   icon   = new Icon(pat1);

            System.Drawing.Font       drawFont  = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 16, FontStyle.Bold);
            System.Drawing.SolidBrush drawBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White);
            System.Drawing.Graphics   graphics  = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel;
            graphics.DrawIcon(icon, 0, 0);
            graphics.DrawString(text, drawFont, drawBrush, 1, 2);
            //To Save icon to disk
            bitmap.Save("icon.ico", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Icon);
            Icon createdIcon = Icon.FromHandle(bitmap.GetHicon());

Esempio n. 10
        public static Icon GetIcon(string text)
            Bitmap bitmap   = new Bitmap(32, 32);
            string iconPath = @"xicon.ico";
            Icon   icon     = new Icon(iconPath);

            System.Drawing.Font       drawFont  = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 16, FontStyle.Bold);
            System.Drawing.SolidBrush drawBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White);

            System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel;
            graphics.DrawIcon(icon, 0, 0);
            graphics.DrawString(text, drawFont, drawBrush, 1, 2);
            Icon createdIcon = Icon.FromHandle(bitmap.GetHicon());


        public static void DrawIcon(Graphics g,Icon icon,Rectangle drawRect,bool grayed,bool pushed)
            // If Graphics or Icon isn't valid,
            // just skip this function.
            if(g == null || icon == null){

            // Icon pushed state, update icon location.
                drawRect.Location = new Point(drawRect.X + 1,drawRect.Y + 1);

            //----- Draw Icon ---
                // Draw grayed icon
                Size s = new Size(drawRect.Size.Width-1,drawRect.Size.Height-1);
                ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled(g,new Bitmap(icon.ToBitmap(),s),drawRect.X,drawRect.Y,Color.Transparent);
                // Draw normal icon
Esempio n. 12
		protected virtual void DrawStatusBarPanel (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, int index,
			Brush br_forecolor, StatusBarPanel panel) {
			int border_size = 3; // this is actually const, even if the border style is none
			int icon_width = 16;
			area.Height -= border_size;

			DrawStatusBarPanelBackground (dc, area, panel);

			if (panel.Style == StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw) {
				StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs e = new StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs (
					dc, panel.Parent.Font, area, index, DrawItemState.Default,
					panel, panel.Parent.ForeColor, panel.Parent.BackColor);
				panel.Parent.OnDrawItemInternal (e);

			string text = panel.Text;
			StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat ();
			string_format.Trimming = StringTrimming.Character;
			string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;

			if (text != null && text.Length > 0 && text [0] == '\t') {
				string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
				text = text.Substring (1);
				if (text [0] == '\t') {
					string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
					text = text.Substring (1);

			Rectangle string_rect = Rectangle.Empty;
			int x;
			int len;
			int icon_x = 0;
			int y = (area.Height / 2 - (int) panel.Parent.Font.Size / 2) - 1;

			switch (panel.Alignment) {
			case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
				len = (int) dc.MeasureString (text, panel.Parent.Font).Width;
				x = area.Right - len - 4;
				string_rect = new Rectangle (x, y, 
						area.Right - x - border_size,
						area.Bottom - y - border_size);
				if (panel.Icon != null) {
					icon_x = x - icon_width - 2;
			case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
				len = (int) dc.MeasureString (text, panel.Parent.Font).Width;
				x = area.Left + ((panel.Width - len) / 2);
				string_rect = new Rectangle (x, y, 
						area.Right - x - border_size,
						area.Bottom - y - border_size);

				if (panel.Icon != null) {
					icon_x = x - icon_width - 2;

				int left = area.Left + border_size;;
				if (panel.Icon != null) {
					icon_x = area.Left + 2;
					left = icon_x + icon_width + 2;

				x = left;
				string_rect = new Rectangle (x, y, 
						area.Right - x - border_size,
						area.Bottom - y - border_size);

			RectangleF clip_bounds = dc.ClipBounds;
			dc.SetClip (area);
			dc.DrawString (text, panel.Parent.Font, br_forecolor, string_rect, string_format);			
			dc.SetClip (clip_bounds);

			if (panel.Icon != null) {
				dc.DrawIcon (panel.Icon, new Rectangle (icon_x, y, icon_width, icon_width));
Esempio n. 13
		private void DrawTab_Document( Graphics g, TabVS2003 tab, Rectangle rect ) {
			Rectangle rectText = rect;
			if( DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon ) {
				rectText.X += DocumentIconWidth + DocumentIconGapLeft;
				rectText.Width -= DocumentIconWidth + DocumentIconGapLeft;

			if( DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content ) {
				g.FillRectangle( ActiveBackBrush, rect );
				g.DrawLine( OutlineOuterPen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height );
				g.DrawLine( OutlineOuterPen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y );
				g.DrawLine( OutlineInnerPen,
					rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y,
					rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 );

				if( DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon ) {
					Icon icon = ( tab.Content as Form ).Icon;
					Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
						rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft,
						rect.Y + ( rect.Height - DocumentIconHeight ) / 2,
						DocumentIconWidth, DocumentIconHeight );

					g.DrawIcon( tab.ContentForm.Icon, rectIcon );

				if( DockPane.IsActiveDocumentPane ) {
					using( Font boldFont = new Font( this.Font, FontStyle.Bold ) ) {
						TextRenderer.DrawText( g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, boldFont, rectText, ActiveTextColor, DocumentTextFormat );
				} else
					TextRenderer.DrawText( g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, rectText, InactiveTextColor, DocumentTextFormat );
			} else {
				if( Tabs.IndexOf( DockPane.ActiveContent ) != Tabs.IndexOf( tab ) + 1 )
					g.DrawLine( TabSeperatorPen,
						rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y,
						rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - DocumentTabGapTop );

				if( DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon ) {
					Icon icon = tab.ContentForm.Icon;
					Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
						rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft,
						rect.Y + ( rect.Height - DocumentIconHeight ) / 2,
						DocumentIconWidth, DocumentIconHeight );

					g.DrawIcon( tab.ContentForm.Icon, rectIcon );

				TextRenderer.DrawText( g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, rectText, InactiveTextColor, DocumentTextFormat );
Esempio n. 14
		private void DrawTab_Document(Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab, Rectangle rect)
            if (tab.TabWidth == 0)

            Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
                rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft,
                rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - DocumentIconGapBottom - DocumentIconHeight + 1,
                DocumentIconWidth, DocumentIconHeight);
            Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;
            if (DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + DocumentIconGapRight;
                rectText.Y = rect.Y;
                rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - DocumentIconGapLeft -
                    DocumentIconGapRight - DocumentTextGapRight;
                rectText.Height = rect.Height;
                rectText.Width = rect.Width - DocumentIconGapLeft - DocumentTextGapRight;
            Font fnt = TextFont;
            if (DockPane.IsActiveDocumentPane)
                fnt = BoldFont;
            rectText.Y = rect.Y + Convert.ToInt32((rect.Height - fnt.Height) / 2) - 1;
            rectText.Height = fnt.Height + 1;
            Rectangle rectTab = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            rectText = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectText);
            rectIcon = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectIcon);
            GraphicsPath path = GetTabOutline(tab, true, false);
            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content)
                g.FillPath(BrushDocumentActiveBackground, path);
                g.DrawPath(PenDocumentTabActiveBorder, path);
                if (DockPane.IsActiveDocumentPane)
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, BoldFont, rectText, ColorDocumentActiveText, DocumentTextFormat);
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, ColorDocumentActiveText, DocumentTextFormat);
                g.FillPath(BrushDocumentInactiveBackground, path);
                g.DrawPath(PenDocumentTabInactiveBorder, path);
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, ColorDocumentInactiveText, DocumentTextFormat);

            if (rectTab.Contains(rectIcon) && DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                g.DrawIcon(tab.Content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);
        private void DrawTab_Document(Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab, Rectangle rect)
            if (tab.TabWidth == 0)

            Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
                rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft,
                rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - DocumentIconGapBottom - DocumentIconHeight,
                DocumentIconWidth, DocumentIconHeight);
            Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;

            String tabStyle = PluginCore.PluginBase.MainForm.GetThemeValue("VS2005DockPaneStrip.TabStyle");

            // Adjust text
            double scale = ScaleHelper.GetScale();
            if (scale >= 1.5)
                String tabSize = PluginCore.PluginBase.MainForm.GetThemeValue("VS2005DockPaneStrip.TabSize");
                if (tabSize == "Default") rectText.Y += ScaleHelper.Scale(1);
            else rectText.Y += ScaleHelper.Scale(2);
            if (Font.SizeInPoints <= 8F) rectText.Y -= ScaleHelper.Scale(1);

            if (DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + DocumentIconGapRight;
                rectText.Y = rect.Y;
                rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - DocumentIconGapLeft -
                    DocumentIconGapRight - DocumentTextGapRight;
                rectText.Height = rect.Height;
                rectText.Width = rect.Width - DocumentIconGapLeft - DocumentTextGapRight;

            Rectangle rectTab = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            rectText = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectText);
            rectIcon = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectIcon);
            GraphicsPath path = GetTabOutline(tab, true, false);

            Color stripColor = tab.Content.DockHandler.TabColor;
            if (stripColor != Color.Transparent)
                Color temp = PluginCore.PluginBase.MainForm.GetThemeColor("VS2005DockPaneStrip.TabStripColor");
                if (temp != Color.Empty) stripColor = temp;

            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content)
                if (tabStyle == "Rect") g.FillRectangle(BrushDocumentActiveBackground, rectTab);
                else g.FillPath(BrushDocumentActiveBackground, path);

                // Change by Mika: add color strip to tabs
                SolidBrush stripBrush = new SolidBrush(stripColor);
                Rectangle stripRect = rectTab;
                stripRect.X = stripRect.X + stripRect.Width - 2;
                stripRect.Height -= 1;
                stripRect.Width = 2;
                stripRect.Y += 1;
                g.FillRectangle(stripBrush, stripRect);

                if (tabStyle == "Rect") g.DrawRectangle(PenDocumentTabActiveBorder, rectTab);
                else g.DrawPath(PenDocumentTabActiveBorder, path);

                Color sepColor = PluginCore.PluginBase.MainForm.GetThemeColor("VS2005DockPaneStrip.TabSeparatorColor");

                // CHANGED to eliminate line between selected tab and content - NICK
                RectangleF r = path.GetBounds();
                float right = stripColor == Color.Transparent ? r.Right - 1 : r.Right - 3;

                // Choose color
                if (sepColor == Color.Empty)
                    if (PluginCore.PluginBase.Settings.UseSystemColors)
                        sepColor = SystemColors.ControlLight;
                    else sepColor = Color.FromArgb(240, 239, 243);
                // Draw separator
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(sepColor))
                    if (tabStyle == "Rect") g.DrawLine(pen, rectTab.Left + 2, rectTab.Bottom - 1, right, rectTab.Bottom - 1);
                    else g.DrawLine(pen, r.Left + 2, r.Bottom - 1, right, r.Bottom - 1);

                if (DockPane.IsActiveDocumentPane)
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, BoldFont, rectText, ColorDocumentActiveText, DocumentTextFormat);
                else TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, rectText, ColorDocumentInactiveText, DocumentTextFormat);
                // CHANGE by NICK: emulate VS-style inactive tab gradient
                Brush tabBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(rectTab, SystemColors.ControlLightLight, SystemColors.ControlLight, LinearGradientMode.Vertical);

                // Choose color
                Color color = PluginCore.PluginBase.MainForm.GetThemeColor("VS2005DockPaneStrip.DocInactiveBackColor");
                if (color != Color.Empty)
                    tabBrush = new SolidBrush(color);

                //g.FillPath(BrushDocumentInactiveBackground, path);
                if (tabStyle == "Rect") g.FillRectangle(tabBrush, rectTab);
                else g.FillPath(tabBrush, path);

                // Change by Mika: add color strip to tabs
                SolidBrush stripBrush = new SolidBrush(stripColor);
                Rectangle stripRect = rectTab;
                stripRect.X = stripRect.X + stripRect.Width - 2;
                stripRect.Height -= 2;
                stripRect.Width = 2;
                stripRect.Y += 1;
                g.FillRectangle(stripBrush, stripRect);

                if (tabStyle == "Rect") g.DrawRectangle(PenDocumentTabInactiveBorder, rectTab);
                else g.DrawPath(PenDocumentTabInactiveBorder, path);

                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, rectText, ColorDocumentInactiveText, DocumentTextFormat);

            if (rectTab.Contains(rectIcon) && DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                g.DrawIcon(tab.Content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);
Esempio n. 16
        public static Icon GetIcon(string text, string originalIcon)
            Size      bitmapSize = new Size(32, 32);
            float     fontSize   = 20;
            string    fontFamily = "Arial";
            FontStyle fontStyle  = FontStyle.Bold;
            float     offset     = 0;

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapSize.Width, bitmapSize.Height);

            System.Drawing.Font       drawFont         = new System.Drawing.Font(fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle);
            System.Drawing.SolidBrush drawEllipseBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ffba09"));

            System.Drawing.SolidBrush drawCountBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalIcon))
                graphics.DrawIcon(new Icon(originalIcon), 0, 0);

            float  ratioOfEllipseToBitmap = 0.8f;
            SizeF  ellipseSize            = new SizeF(bitmap.Width * ratioOfEllipseToBitmap, bitmap.Width * ratioOfEllipseToBitmap);
            PointF ellipseLocation        = new PointF(bitmap.Width - ellipseSize.Width, 0);

            RectangleF ellipseRectangle = new RectangleF(ellipseLocation, ellipseSize);

            graphics.FillEllipse(drawEllipseBrush, ellipseRectangle);

            int[,] pixelOne = PixelNumbers.pixelOne;

            int xOffset = (int)ellipseLocation.X + (int)(ellipseSize.Width / 2) - 2;
            int yOffset = (int)ellipseLocation.Y + (int)(ellipseSize.Height / 2) - 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < pixelOne.GetLength(0); i++)
                bitmap.SetPixel(pixelOne[i, 0] + xOffset, pixelOne[i, 1] + yOffset, Color.Black);

            float height = graphics.MeasureString(text, drawFont).Height;

            while (height >= ellipseSize.Height)
                drawFont = new System.Drawing.Font(fontFamily, drawFont.Size - 0.01f, fontStyle);
                height   = graphics.MeasureString(text, drawFont).Height;

            double halfLength = Math.Sqrt(ellipseSize.Width * 0.5 * ellipseSize.Width * 0.5 - height * 0.5 * height * 0.5);

            while (halfLength * 2 < graphics.MeasureString(text, drawFont).Width)
                drawFont   = new System.Drawing.Font(fontFamily, drawFont.Size - 0.01f, fontStyle);
                height     = graphics.MeasureString(text, drawFont).Height;
                halfLength = Math.Sqrt(ellipseSize.Width * 0.5 * ellipseSize.Width * 0.5 - height * height * 0.25);

            StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat();

            stringFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            RectangleF textRectangle = new RectangleF((float)(bitmapSize.Width - ellipseSize.Width * 0.5 - halfLength), (float)(ellipseSize.Height * 0.5 - height * 0.5), (float)(2 * halfLength), height + offset);

            Icon createdIcon = Icon.FromHandle(bitmap.GetHicon());


		private void DrawTab(Graphics g, AutoHideTabFromBase tab)
			Rectangle rectTab = GetTabRectangle(tab);
			if (rectTab.IsEmpty)

			DockState dockState = tab.Content.DockHandler.DockState;
			IDockContent content = tab.Content;

			Pen penTabBorder = PenTabBorder;
			Brush brushTabText = new SolidBrush(ColorMixer.AutoHideTabTextColor);

			if (dockState == DockState.DockTopAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)

//			g.FillRectangle(new LinearGradientBrush(rectTab,ColorMixer.DarkColor,ColorMixer.LightColor,LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
//				, rectTab);
//			g.DrawLine(penTabBorder, rectTab.Left, rectTab.Top, rectTab.Left, rectTab.Bottom);
//			g.DrawLine(penTabBorder, rectTab.Right, rectTab.Top, rectTab.Right, rectTab.Bottom);
//			if (dockState == DockState.DockTopAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
//				g.DrawLine(penTabBorder, rectTab.Left, rectTab.Bottom, rectTab.Right, rectTab.Bottom);
//			else
//				g.DrawLine(penTabBorder, rectTab.Left, rectTab.Top, rectTab.Right, rectTab.Top);

			// Set no rotate for drawing icon and text
			Matrix matrixRotate = g.Transform;
			g.Transform = MatrixIdentity;

			// Draw the icon
			Rectangle rectImage = rectTab;
			rectImage.X += ImageGapLeft;
			rectImage.Y += ImageGapTop;
			int imageHeight = rectTab.Height - ImageGapTop - ImageGapBottom;
			int imageWidth = ImageWidth;
			if (imageHeight > ImageHeight)
				imageWidth = ImageWidth * (imageHeight/ImageHeight);
			rectImage.Height = imageHeight;
			rectImage.Width = imageWidth;
			rectImage = GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectImage);
			g.DrawIcon(content.DockHandler.Icon, rectImage);

			// Draw the text
			if (content == content.DockHandler.Pane.ActiveContent)
				Rectangle rectText = rectTab;
				rectText.X += ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
				rectText.Width -= ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
				rectText = GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectText);
				if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
					g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, brushTabText, rectText, StringFormatTabVertical);
					g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, brushTabText, rectText, StringFormatTabHorizontal);

			// Set rotate back
			g.Transform = matrixRotate;

Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the layers icon to the legend
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 public override void LegendSymbol_Painted(Graphics g, Rectangle box)
     g.DrawIcon(SymbologyImages.Layers, box);
        private void DrawTab_Document(Graphics g, TabVS2012 tab, Rectangle rect)
            if (tab.TabWidth == 0)

            var rectCloseButton = GetCloseButtonRect(rect);
            Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
                rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft,
                rect.Y + rect.Height - DocumentIconGapBottom - DocumentIconHeight,
                DocumentIconWidth, DocumentIconHeight);
            Rectangle rectText = PatchController.EnableHighDpi == true
                ? new Rectangle(
                    rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft,
                    rect.Y + rect.Height - DocumentIconGapBottom - TextFont.Height,
                    DocumentIconWidth, TextFont.Height)
                : rectIcon;
            if (DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + DocumentIconGapRight;
                rectText.Y = rect.Y;
                rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - DocumentIconGapLeft - DocumentIconGapRight - DocumentTextGapRight - rectCloseButton.Width;
                rectText.Height = rect.Height;
                rectText.Width = rect.Width - DocumentIconGapLeft - DocumentTextGapRight - rectCloseButton.Width;

            Rectangle rectTab = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            Rectangle rectBack = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            rectBack.Width += DocumentIconGapLeft;
            rectBack.X -= DocumentIconGapLeft;

            rectText = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectText);
            rectIcon = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectIcon);

            Color activeColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.TabSelectedActive.Background;
            Color lostFocusColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.TabSelectedInactive.Background;
            Color inactiveColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.MainWindowActive.Background;
            Color mouseHoverColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.TabUnselectedHovered.Background;

            Color activeText = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.TabSelectedActive.Text;
            Color lostFocusText = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.TabSelectedInactive.Text;
            Color inactiveText = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.TabUnselected.Text;
            Color mouseHoverText = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.TabUnselectedHovered.Text;

            Color text;
            Image image = null;
            Color paint;
            var imageService = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ImageService;
            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content)
                if (DockPane.IsActiveDocumentPane)
                    paint = activeColor;
                    text = activeText;
                    image = IsMouseDown
                        ? imageService.TabPressActive_Close
                        : rectCloseButton == ActiveClose
                            ? imageService.TabHoverActive_Close
                            : imageService.TabActive_Close;
                    paint = lostFocusColor;
                    text = lostFocusText;
                    image = IsMouseDown
                        ? imageService.TabPressLostFocus_Close
                        : rectCloseButton == ActiveClose
                            ? imageService.TabHoverLostFocus_Close
                            : imageService.TabLostFocus_Close;
                if (tab.Content == DockPane.MouseOverTab)
                    paint = mouseHoverColor;
                    text = mouseHoverText;
                    image = IsMouseDown
                        ? imageService.TabPressInactive_Close
                        : rectCloseButton == ActiveClose
                            ? imageService.TabHoverInactive_Close
                            : imageService.TabInactive_Close;
                    paint = inactiveColor;
                    text = inactiveText;

            g.FillRectangle(DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.PaintingService.GetBrush(paint), rect);
            TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, text, DocumentTextFormat);
            if (image != null)
                g.DrawImage(image, rectCloseButton);

            if (rectTab.Contains(rectIcon) && DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                g.DrawIcon(tab.Content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);
        private void DrawTab_ToolWindow(Graphics g, TabVS2012 tab, Rectangle rect, bool last)
            rect.Y += 1;
            Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
                rect.X + ToolWindowImageGapLeft,
                rect.Y - 1 + rect.Height - ToolWindowImageGapBottom - ToolWindowImageHeight,
                ToolWindowImageWidth, ToolWindowImageHeight);
            Rectangle rectText = PatchController.EnableHighDpi == true
                ? new Rectangle(
                    rect.X + ToolWindowImageGapLeft,
                    rect.Y - 1 + rect.Height - ToolWindowImageGapBottom - TextFont.Height,
                    ToolWindowImageWidth, TextFont.Height)
                : rectIcon;
            rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + ToolWindowImageGapRight;
            rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - ToolWindowImageGapLeft -
                ToolWindowImageGapRight - ToolWindowTextGapRight;

            Rectangle rectTab = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            rectText = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectText);
            rectIcon = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectIcon);
            Color separatorColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.ToolWindowSeparator;
            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content)
                Color textColor;
                Color backgroundColor;
                if (DockPane.IsActiveDocumentPane)
                    textColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.ToolWindowTabSelectedActive.Text;
                    backgroundColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.ToolWindowTabSelectedActive.Background;
                    textColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.ToolWindowTabSelectedInactive.Text;
                    backgroundColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.ToolWindowTabSelectedInactive.Background;

                g.FillRectangle(DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.PaintingService.GetBrush(backgroundColor), rect);
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, textColor, ToolWindowTextFormat);
                // TODO: how to cache Pen?
                g.DrawLine(DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.PaintingService.GetPen(separatorColor), rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Height);
                Color textColor;
                Color backgroundColor;
                if (tab.Content == DockPane.MouseOverTab)
                    textColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.ToolWindowTabUnselectedHovered.Text;
                    backgroundColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.ToolWindowTabUnselectedHovered.Background;
                    textColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.ToolWindowTabUnselected.Text;
                    backgroundColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.ColorPalette.MainWindowActive.Background;

                g.FillRectangle(DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.PaintingService.GetBrush(backgroundColor), rect);
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, textColor, ToolWindowTextFormat);
                if (!last)
                    g.DrawLine(DockPane.DockPanel.Theme.PaintingService.GetPen(separatorColor), rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Height);

            if (rectTab.Contains(rectIcon))
                g.DrawIcon(tab.Content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);
		private void DrawTab(Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab)
			Rectangle rectTabOrigin = GetTabRectangle(tab);
			if (rectTabOrigin.IsEmpty)

			DockState dockState = tab.Content.DockHandler.DockState;
			IDockContent content = tab.Content;

            GraphicsPath path = GetTabOutline(tab, false, true);
            g.FillPath(BrushTabBackground, path);
            g.DrawPath(PenTabBorder, path);

            // Set no rotate for drawing icon and text
			Matrix matrixRotate = g.Transform;
			g.Transform = MatrixIdentity;

			// Draw the icon
			Rectangle rectImage = rectTabOrigin;
			rectImage.X += ImageGapLeft;
			rectImage.Y += ImageGapTop;
			int imageHeight = rectTabOrigin.Height - ImageGapTop - ImageGapBottom;
			int imageWidth = ImageWidth;
			if (imageHeight > ImageHeight)
				imageWidth = ImageWidth * (imageHeight/ImageHeight);
			rectImage.Height = imageHeight;
			rectImage.Width = imageWidth;
			rectImage = GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectImage);
			//g.DrawIcon(((Form)content).Icon, RtlTransform(rectImage, dockState));
            if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
                // The DockState is DockLeftAutoHide or DockRightAutoHide, so rotate the image 90 degrees to the right. 
                Rectangle rectTransform = RtlTransform(rectImage, dockState);
                Point[] rotationPoints = {  
new Point(rectTransform.X + rectTransform.Width, rectTransform.Y), 
new Point(rectTransform.X + rectTransform.Width, rectTransform.Y + rectTransform.Height),  
new Point(rectTransform.X, rectTransform.Y) };
                using (Icon rotatedIcon = new Icon(((Form)content).Icon, 16, 16))
                    g.DrawImage(rotatedIcon.ToBitmap(), rotationPoints);
                // DockState is DockTopAutoHide or DockBottomAutoHide. 
                g.DrawIcon(((Form)content).Icon, RtlTransform(rectImage, dockState));

			// Draw the text
			Rectangle rectText = rectTabOrigin;
			rectText.X += ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
			rectText.Width -= ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
			rectText = RtlTransform(GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectText), dockState);
			if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
				g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, BrushTabText, rectText, StringFormatTabVertical);
				g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, BrushTabText, rectText, StringFormatTabHorizontal);

			// Set rotate back
			g.Transform = matrixRotate;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制窗体图标和文本
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawIconAndText(Graphics g)
            Rectangle iconRect = Rectangle.Empty;
            Rectangle textRect = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (isDrawIcon && this.Icon != null)
                iconRect = new Rectangle(new Point(8, 6), SystemInformation.SmallIconSize);

                if (this.Text.Length > 0)
                    textRect = new Rectangle(iconRect.Right + 2, iconRect.Top - (textFont.Height - iconRect.Height) / 2, Width - (8 + iconRect.Width + 2 + 27 * 2), textFont.Height);
                if (this.Text.Length > 0)
                    textRect = new Rectangle(8, 4, Width - 8, textFont.Height);

            if (isDrawIcon && this.Icon != null)
                g.DrawIcon(this.Icon, iconRect);

            if (this.Text.Length > 0)
                TextFormatFlags.SingleLine | TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis);
Esempio n. 23
		public override void DrawToolTip(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ToolTip.ToolTipWindow control)
			ToolTipDrawBackground (dc, clip_rectangle, control);

			TextFormatFlags flags = TextFormatFlags.HidePrefix;

			Color foreground = control.ForeColor;
			if (control.title.Length > 0) {
				Font bold_font = new Font (control.Font, control.Font.Style | FontStyle.Bold);
				TextRenderer.DrawTextInternal (dc, control.title, bold_font, control.title_rect,
						foreground, flags, false);
				bold_font.Dispose ();

			if (control.icon != null)
				dc.DrawIcon (control.icon, control.icon_rect);

			TextRenderer.DrawTextInternal (dc, control.Text, control.Font, control.text_rect, foreground, flags, false);
Esempio n. 24
		public override void DrawManagedWindowDecorations (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, InternalWindowManager wm)
#if debug
			Console.WriteLine (DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString () + " DrawManagedWindowDecorations");
			dc.FillRectangle (Brushes.Black, clip);
			Rectangle tb = ManagedWindowDrawTitleBarAndBorders (dc, clip, wm);

			Form form = wm.Form;
			if (wm.ShowIcon) {
				Rectangle icon = ManagedWindowGetTitleBarIconArea (wm);
				if (icon.IntersectsWith (clip))
					dc.DrawIcon (form.Icon, icon);
				const int SpacingBetweenIconAndCaption = 2;
				tb.Width -= icon.Right + SpacingBetweenIconAndCaption - tb.X ;
				tb.X = icon.Right + SpacingBetweenIconAndCaption;
			foreach (TitleButton button in wm.TitleButtons.AllButtons) {
				tb.Width -= Math.Max (0, tb.Right - DrawTitleButton (dc, button, clip, form));
			const int SpacingBetweenCaptionAndLeftMostButton = 3;
			tb.Width -= SpacingBetweenCaptionAndLeftMostButton;

			string window_caption = form.Text;
			window_caption = window_caption.Replace (Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);

			if (window_caption != null && window_caption != string.Empty) {
				StringFormat format = new StringFormat ();
				format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
				format.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
				format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

				if (tb.IntersectsWith (clip))
					dc.DrawString (window_caption, WindowBorderFont,
						ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (Color.White),
						tb, format);
Esempio n. 25
        private void DrawTab_ToolWindow(Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab, Rectangle rect)
            Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
                rect.X + ToolWindowImageGapLeft,
                rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowImageGapBottom - ToolWindowImageHeight,
                ToolWindowImageWidth, ToolWindowImageHeight);
            Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;
            rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + ToolWindowImageGapRight;
            rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - ToolWindowImageGapLeft -
                ToolWindowImageGapRight - ToolWindowTextGapRight;

            Rectangle rectTab = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            rectText = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectText);
            rectIcon = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectIcon);
            GraphicsPath path = GetTabOutline(tab, true, false);
            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content)
                Color startColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.ActiveTabGradient.StartColor;
                Color endColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.ActiveTabGradient.EndColor;
                LinearGradientMode gradientMode = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.ActiveTabGradient.LinearGradientMode;
                g.FillPath(new LinearGradientBrush(rectTab, startColor, endColor, gradientMode), path);
                g.DrawPath(PenToolWindowTabBorder, path);

                Color textColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.ActiveTabGradient.TextColor;
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, textColor, ToolWindowTextFormat);
                Color startColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.InactiveTabGradient.StartColor;
                Color endColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.InactiveTabGradient.EndColor;
                LinearGradientMode gradientMode = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.InactiveTabGradient.LinearGradientMode;
                g.FillPath(new LinearGradientBrush(rectTab, startColor, endColor, gradientMode), path);

                if (Tabs.IndexOf(DockPane.ActiveContent) != Tabs.IndexOf(tab) + 1)
                    Point pt1 = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top + ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapTop);
                    Point pt2 = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapBottom);
                    g.DrawLine(PenToolWindowTabBorder, DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, pt1), DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, pt2));

                Color textColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.InactiveTabGradient.TextColor;
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, textColor, ToolWindowTextFormat);

            if (rectTab.Contains(rectIcon))
                g.DrawIcon(new Icon(tab.Content.DockHandler.Icon, new Size(rectIcon.Width, rectIcon.Height)), rectIcon);
Esempio n. 26
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            g = e.Graphics;
            Bmp = ResClass.GetImgRes("login_png_bkg");
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 31), 0, 0, 5, 31, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(5, 0, this.Width - 10, 31), 5, 0, Bmp.Width - 10, 31, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(this.Width - 5, 0, 5, 31), Bmp.Width - 5, 0, 5, 31, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(0, 31, 2, 25), 0, 31, 2, 25, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(2, 31, this.Width - 4, 25), 2, 31, 5, 25, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(this.Width - 2, 31, 2, 25), Bmp.Width - 2, 31, 2, 25, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(0, this.Height - 34, 5, 34), 0, Bmp.Height - 34, 5, 34, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(5, this.Height - 34, this.Width - 10, 34), 5, Bmp.Height - 34, Bmp.Width - 10, 34, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(this.Width - 5, this.Height - 34, 5, 34), Bmp.Width - 5, Bmp.Height - 34, 5, 34, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(0, 56, 5, Height-90), 0, Bmp.Height - 230, 5, 130, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(5, 56, this.Width - 10, Height - 90), 5, Bmp.Height - 230, Bmp.Width - 10, 130, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(this.Width - 5, 56, 5, Height - 90), Bmp.Width - 5, Bmp.Height - 230, 5, 130, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            if (this.ShowIcon)
                g.DrawIcon(icon, new Rectangle(8, 7, 16, 16));
                strX = 10;
            //Bmp = ResClass.GetResObj("MainPanel_TitleBackgroundBluelight_background");
            Font f = null;
            if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
                f = new Font("微软雅黑", 11F, FontStyle.Regular);
                g.DrawString(this.Text, f, titleColor, strX, 4);
                //g.DrawImage(Bmp, new Rectangle(strX, 4, (int)SkinUtil.GetStrWidth(Text, f), 20), 0, 0, Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                f = new Font("宋体", 11F, FontStyle.Regular);
                g.DrawString(this.Text, f, titleColor, strX, 8);
Esempio n. 27
		private void DrawTab_ToolWindow(Graphics g, DockContent content, Rectangle rect)
			Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
				rect.X + ToolWindowImageGapLeft,
				rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowImageGapBottom - ToolWindowImageHeight,
				ToolWindowImageWidth, ToolWindowImageHeight);
			Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;
			rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + ToolWindowImageGapRight;
			rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - ToolWindowImageGapLeft - 
				ToolWindowImageGapRight - ToolWindowTextGapRight;

			if (DockPane.ActiveContent == content)
				g.FillRectangle(ActiveBackBrush, rect);
					rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1);
					rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1);
					rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1);
				g.DrawString(content.TabText, Font, ActiveTextBrush, rectText, ToolWindowTextStringFormat);
				if (Tabs.IndexOf(DockPane.ActiveContent) != Tabs.IndexOf(content) + 1)
						rect.X + rect.Width - 1,
						rect.Y + ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapTop,
						rect.X + rect.Width - 1,
						rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapBottom);
				g.DrawString(content.TabText, Font, InactiveTextBrush, rectText, ToolWindowTextStringFormat);

			if (rect.Contains(rectIcon))
				g.DrawIcon(content.Icon, rectIcon);
        private void DrawTab_ToolWindow(Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab, Rectangle rect)
            Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
                rect.X + ToolWindowImageGapLeft,
                rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowImageGapBottom - ToolWindowImageHeight,
                ToolWindowImageWidth, ToolWindowImageHeight);
            Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;
            rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + ToolWindowImageGapRight;
            rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - ToolWindowImageGapLeft - 
                ToolWindowImageGapRight - ToolWindowTextGapRight;

            Rectangle rectTab = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            rectText = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectText);
            rectIcon = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectIcon);
            GraphicsPath path = GetTabOutline(tab, true, false);
            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content)
                g.FillPath(BrushToolWindowActiveBackground, path);
                g.DrawPath(PenToolWindowTabActiveBorder, path);

                // NICK: eliminate line between tab and content
                RectangleF r = path.GetBounds();
                Color color = PluginCore.PluginBase.MainForm.GetThemeColor("VS2005DockPaneStrip.ToolSeparatorColor");
                if (color == Color.Empty) color = Color.FromArgb(240, 239, 243);
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(color)) g.DrawLine(pen, r.Left + 1, r.Top, r.Right - 1, r.Top);

                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, rectText, ColorToolWindowActiveText, ToolWindowTextFormat);
                // NICK: remove separators, too busy for FD
                /*if (Tabs.IndexOf(DockPane.ActiveContent) != Tabs.IndexOf(tab) + 1)
                    Point pt1 = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top + ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapTop);
                    Point pt2 = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapBottom); 
                    g.DrawLine(PenToolWindowTabBorder, DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, pt1), DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, pt2));
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, rectText, ColorToolWindowInactiveText, ToolWindowTextFormat);

            if (rectTab.Contains(rectIcon))
                g.DrawIcon(tab.Content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);
Esempio n. 29
        void DrawTab(System.Drawing.Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab)
            var rectTabOrigin = GetTabRectangle(tab);

            if (rectTabOrigin.IsEmpty)

            var dockState = tab.Content.DockHandler.DockState;
            var content   = tab.Content;

            var path = GetTabOutline(tab, false, true);

            var startColor   = DockPanel.Skin.AutoHideStripSkin.TabGradient.StartColor;
            var endColor     = DockPanel.Skin.AutoHideStripSkin.TabGradient.EndColor;
            var gradientMode = DockPanel.Skin.AutoHideStripSkin.TabGradient.LinearGradientMode;

            g.FillPath(new LinearGradientBrush(rectTabOrigin, startColor, endColor, gradientMode), path);
            g.DrawPath(PenTabBorder, path);

            // Set no rotate for drawing icon and text
            var matrixRotate = g.Transform;

            g.Transform = MatrixIdentity;

            // Draw the icon
            var rectImage = rectTabOrigin;

            rectImage.X += ImageGapLeft;
            rectImage.Y += ImageGapTop;
            var imageHeight = rectTabOrigin.Height - ImageGapTop - ImageGapBottom;
            var imageWidth  = ImageWidth;

            if (imageHeight > ImageHeight)
                imageWidth = ImageWidth * (imageHeight / ImageHeight);
            rectImage.Height = imageHeight;
            rectImage.Width  = imageWidth;
            rectImage        = GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectImage);
            g.DrawIcon(((Form)content).Icon, RtlTransform(rectImage, dockState));

            // Draw the text
            var rectText = rectTabOrigin;

            rectText.X     += ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
            rectText.Width -= ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
            rectText        = RtlTransform(GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectText), dockState);

            var textColor = DockPanel.Skin.AutoHideStripSkin.TabGradient.TextColor;

            if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
                g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, new SolidBrush(textColor), rectText, StringFormatTabVertical);
                g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, new SolidBrush(textColor), rectText, StringFormatTabHorizontal);

            // Set rotate back
            g.Transform = matrixRotate;
Esempio n. 30
		private void DrawTab_ToolWindow(Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab, Rectangle rect)
			Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
				rect.X + ToolWindowImageGapLeft,
				rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowImageGapBottom - ToolWindowImageHeight,
				ToolWindowImageWidth, ToolWindowImageHeight);
			Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;
			rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + ToolWindowImageGapRight;
			rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - ToolWindowImageGapLeft - 
				ToolWindowImageGapRight - ToolWindowTextGapRight;
            if (TextFont.Height > rectIcon.Height)
                rectText.Y -= TextFont.Height - rectIcon.Height;
                rectText.Height = TextFont.Height;
            //rectText.Y = rect.Y + Convert.ToInt32((rect.Height - TextFont.Height) / 2) - 1;
            //rectText.Height = TextFont.Height;

            Rectangle rectTab = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            rectText = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectText);
            rectIcon = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectIcon);
            GraphicsPath path = GetTabOutline(tab, true, false);
			if (DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content)
				g.FillPath(BrushToolWindowActiveBackground, path);
                g.DrawPath(PenToolWindowTabBorder, path);
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, ColorToolWindowActiveText, ToolWindowTextFormat);
                if (Tabs.IndexOf(DockPane.ActiveContent) != Tabs.IndexOf(tab) + 1)
                    Point pt1 = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top + ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapTop);
                    Point pt2 = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapBottom); 
                    g.DrawLine(PenToolWindowTabBorder, DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, pt1), DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, pt2));
				TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, ColorToolWindowInactiveText, ToolWindowTextFormat);

			if (rectTab.Contains(rectIcon))
				g.DrawIcon(tab.Content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);
Esempio n. 31
        // Draw the checkbox for an item
        private void DrawCheckBoxes(Graphics g, ref PointF topLeft, LegendBox itemBox)
            ILegendItem item = itemBox.Item;
            if (item == null) return;
            if (item.LegendSymbolMode != SymbolModes.Checkbox) return;

            if (item.Checked)
                int top = (int)topLeft.Y + (ItemHeight - _icoChecked.Height) / 2;
                int left = (int)topLeft.X + 6;
                g.DrawIcon(_icoChecked, left, top);
                Rectangle box = new Rectangle(left, top, _icoChecked.Width, _icoChecked.Height);
                itemBox.CheckBox = box;
                int top = (int)topLeft.Y + (ItemHeight - _icoUnchecked.Height) / 2;
                int left = (int)topLeft.X + 6;
                g.DrawIcon(_icoUnchecked, left, top);
                Rectangle box = new Rectangle(left, top, _icoChecked.Width, _icoChecked.Height);
                itemBox.CheckBox = box;
            topLeft.X += 22;
Esempio n. 32
        private void DrawTab_Document(Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab, Rectangle rect)
            if (tab.TabWidth == 0)

            Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(
                rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft,
                rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - DocumentIconGapBottom - DocumentIconHeight,
                DocumentIconWidth, DocumentIconHeight);
            Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;
            rectIcon.Y += 1;
            if (DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + DocumentIconGapRight;
                rectText.Y = rect.Y;
                rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - DocumentIconGapLeft -
                    DocumentIconGapRight - DocumentTextGapRight;
                rectText.Height = rect.Height;
                rectText.Width = rect.Width - DocumentIconGapLeft - DocumentTextGapRight;

            Rectangle rectTab = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            Rectangle rectBack = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rect);
            rectBack.Width += rect.X;
            rectBack.X = 0;

            rectText = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectText);
            rectIcon = DrawHelper.RtlTransform(this, rectIcon);
            GraphicsPath path = GetTabOutline(tab, true, false);
            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == tab.Content)
                Color startColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.DocumentGradient.ActiveTabGradient.StartColor;
                Color endColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.DocumentGradient.ActiveTabGradient.EndColor;
                LinearGradientMode gradientMode = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.DocumentGradient.ActiveTabGradient.LinearGradientMode;
                g.FillPath(new LinearGradientBrush(rectBack, startColor, endColor, gradientMode), path);
                g.DrawPath(PenDocumentTabActiveBorder, path);

                Color textColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.DocumentGradient.ActiveTabGradient.TextColor;
                if (DockPane.IsActiveDocumentPane)
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, BoldFont, rectText, textColor, DocumentTextFormat);
                    TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, textColor, DocumentTextFormat);
                Color startColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.DocumentGradient.InactiveTabGradient.StartColor;
                Color endColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.DocumentGradient.InactiveTabGradient.EndColor;
                LinearGradientMode gradientMode = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.DocumentGradient.InactiveTabGradient.LinearGradientMode;
                g.FillPath(new LinearGradientBrush(rectBack, startColor, endColor, gradientMode), path);
                g.DrawPath(PenDocumentTabInactiveBorder, path);

                Color textColor = DockPane.DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.DocumentGradient.InactiveTabGradient.TextColor;
                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, rectText, textColor, DocumentTextFormat);

            if (rectTab.Contains(rectIcon) && DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                g.DrawIcon(new Icon(tab.Content.DockHandler.Icon, new Size(rectIcon.Width, rectIcon.Height)), rectIcon);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the icon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">The g.</param>
        protected void DrawIcon( System.Drawing.Graphics g )
			if (this._icon == null)
			g.DrawIcon( this._icon, this.Width-this._icon.Width-BoundrySize , (this.Height-this._icon.Height)/2);
        private void DrawTab(Graphics g, TabVS2012Light tab)
            Rectangle rectTabOrigin = GetTabRectangle(tab);
            if (rectTabOrigin.IsEmpty)

            DockState dockState = tab.Content.DockHandler.DockState;
            IDockContent content = tab.Content;

            Color textColor;
            if (tab.Content.DockHandler.IsActivated || tab.IsMouseOver)
                textColor = DockPanel.Skin.AutoHideStripSkin.DockStripGradient.StartColor;
                textColor = DockPanel.Skin.AutoHideStripSkin.DockStripGradient.EndColor;

            Rectangle rectThickLine = rectTabOrigin;
            rectThickLine.X += _TabGapLeft + _TextGapLeft + _ImageGapLeft + _ImageWidth;
            rectThickLine.Width = TextRenderer.MeasureText(tab.Content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont).Width - 8;
            rectThickLine.Height = Measures.AutoHideTabLineWidth;

            if (dockState == DockState.DockBottomAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide)
                rectThickLine.Y += rectTabOrigin.Height - Measures.AutoHideTabLineWidth;
                if (dockState == DockState.DockTopAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
                    rectThickLine.Y += 0;

            g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(textColor), rectThickLine);

            //Set no rotate for drawing icon and text
            Matrix matrixRotate = g.Transform;
            g.Transform = MatrixIdentity;

            // Draw the icon
            Rectangle rectImage = rectTabOrigin;
            rectImage.X += ImageGapLeft;
            rectImage.Y += ImageGapTop;
            int imageHeight = rectTabOrigin.Height - ImageGapTop - ImageGapBottom;
            int imageWidth = ImageWidth;
            if (imageHeight > ImageHeight)
                imageWidth = ImageWidth * (imageHeight / ImageHeight);
            rectImage.Height = imageHeight;
            rectImage.Width = imageWidth;
            rectImage = GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectImage);

            if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
                // The DockState is DockLeftAutoHide or DockRightAutoHide, so rotate the image 90 degrees to the right. 
                Rectangle rectTransform = RtlTransform(rectImage, dockState);
                Point[] rotationPoints =
                    new Point(rectTransform.X + rectTransform.Width, rectTransform.Y), 
                    new Point(rectTransform.X + rectTransform.Width, rectTransform.Y + rectTransform.Height), 
                    new Point(rectTransform.X, rectTransform.Y)

                using (Icon rotatedIcon = new Icon(((Form)content).Icon, 16, 16))
                    g.DrawImage(rotatedIcon.ToBitmap(), rotationPoints);
                // Draw the icon normally without any rotation.
                g.DrawIcon(((Form)content).Icon, RtlTransform(rectImage, dockState));

            // Draw the text
            Rectangle rectText = rectTabOrigin;
            rectText.X += ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
            rectText.Width -= ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
            rectText = RtlTransform(GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectText), dockState);

            if (DockPanel.ActiveContent == content || tab.IsMouseOver)
                textColor = DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.ActiveTabGradient.TextColor;
                textColor = DockPanel.Skin.DockPaneStripSkin.ToolWindowGradient.InactiveTabGradient.TextColor;

            if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
                g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, new SolidBrush(textColor), rectText, StringFormatTabVertical);
                g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, TextFont, new SolidBrush(textColor), rectText, StringFormatTabHorizontal);

            // Set rotate back
            g.Transform = matrixRotate;
        private void DrawTab_Document(Graphics g, IDockContent content, Rectangle rect, int index)
            Rectangle rectText = rect;
            //INSTANT C# NOTE: The VB integer division operator \ was replaced 1 time(s) by the regular division operator /
            rectText.X += (int)System.Math.Floor((double)DocumentTextExtraWidth / 2);
            rectText.Width -= DocumentTextExtraWidth;
            rectText.X += _DocumentTabOverlap;

            if (index == 0)
                rect.Width += _DocumentTabOverlap;
                rect.X += _DocumentTabOverlap;

            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == content)

                if (index == 0)
                    if (DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                        rectText.X += DocumentIconGapLeft;
                        rectText.Width -= DocumentIconGapLeft;
                    rect.X -= _DocumentTabOverlap;
                    rect.Width += _DocumentTabOverlap;
                    if (DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                        rectText.X += DocumentIconGapLeft;
                        rectText.Width -= DocumentIconGapLeft;

                // Draw Tab & Text
                DrawHelper.DrawDocumentTab(g, rect, Color.White, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(127, 157, 185), TabDrawType.Active, true);
                if (DockPane.IsActiveDocumentPane)
                    using (Font boldFont = new Font(this.Font, FontStyle.Bold))
                        g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, boldFont, ActiveTextBrush, rectText, DocumentTextStringFormat);
                    g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, InactiveTextBrush, rectText, DocumentTextStringFormat);

                // Draw Icon
                if (DockPane.DockPanel.ShowDocumentIcon)
                    Icon icon = content.DockHandler.Icon;
                    Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle();
                    if (index == 0)
                        rectIcon = new Rectangle(rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft + _DocumentTabOverlap, System.Convert.ToInt32(rectText.Y + (rect.Height - DocumentIconHeight) / 2), DocumentIconWidth, DocumentIconHeight);
                        rectIcon = new Rectangle(rect.X + DocumentIconGapLeft + _DocumentTabOverlap, System.Convert.ToInt32(rectText.Y + (rect.Height - DocumentIconHeight) / 2), DocumentIconWidth, DocumentIconHeight);
                    g.DrawIcon(content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);
                if (index == 0)
                    DrawHelper.DrawDocumentTab(g, rect, Color.FromArgb(254, 253, 253), Color.FromArgb(241, 239, 226), Color.FromArgb(172, 168, 153), TabDrawType.First, true);
                    DrawHelper.DrawDocumentTab(g, rect, Color.FromArgb(254, 253, 253), Color.FromArgb(241, 239, 226), Color.FromArgb(172, 168, 153), TabDrawType.Inactive, true);
                g.DrawLine(OutlineOuterPen, rect.X, ClientRectangle.Bottom - 1, rect.X + rect.Width, ClientRectangle.Bottom - 1);
                g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, InactiveTextBrush, rectText, DocumentTextStringFormat);
Esempio n. 36
		private void DrawTab(Graphics g, TabVS2005 tab)
			Rectangle rectTabOrigin = GetTabRectangle(tab);
			if (rectTabOrigin.IsEmpty)

			DockState dockState = tab.Content.DockHandler.DockState;
			IDockContent content = tab.Content;

            GraphicsPath path = GetTabOutline(tab, false, true);
            g.FillPath(BrushTabBackground, path);
            g.DrawPath(PenTabBorder, path);

            // Set no rotate for drawing icon and text
			Matrix matrixRotate = g.Transform;
			g.Transform = MatrixIdentity;

			// Draw the icon
			Rectangle rectImage = rectTabOrigin;

            // HACK - This makes the Silk icon set look better (although it is NOT VS 2005 behavior)
            if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
                rectImage.Y -= 1;

			rectImage.X += ImageGapLeft;
			rectImage.Y += ImageGapTop;
			int imageHeight = rectTabOrigin.Height - ImageGapTop - ImageGapBottom;
			int imageWidth = ImageWidth;
			if (imageHeight > ImageHeight)
				imageWidth = ImageWidth * (imageHeight/ImageHeight);
			rectImage.Height = imageHeight;
			rectImage.Width = imageWidth;
			rectImage = GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectImage);
			g.DrawIcon(((Form)content).Icon, RtlTransform(rectImage, dockState));

			// Draw the text
			Rectangle rectText = rectTabOrigin;

            // CHANGED - Mika
            if (Font.SizeInPoints > 8F) rectText.Y += 1;

			rectText.X += ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
			rectText.Width -= ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
			rectText = RtlTransform(GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectText), dockState);
			if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
				g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, BrushTabText, rectText, StringFormatTabVertical);
				g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, BrushTabText, rectText, StringFormatTabHorizontal);

			// Set rotate back
			g.Transform = matrixRotate;
        private void DrawTab_ToolWindow(Graphics g, IDockContent content, Rectangle rect, int index)
            Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(rect.X + ToolWindowImageGapLeft, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowImageGapBottom - ToolWindowImageHeight, ToolWindowImageWidth, ToolWindowImageHeight);
            Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;
            rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + ToolWindowImageGapRight;
            rectText.Width = rect.Width - rectIcon.Width - ToolWindowImageGapLeft - ToolWindowImageGapRight - ToolWindowTextGapRight;

            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            if (DockPane.ActiveContent == content)
                DrawHelper.DrawTab(g, rect, Corners.Bottom, GradientType.Flat, Color.LightBlue, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Gray, false);
                g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, ActiveTextBrush, rectText, ToolWindowTextStringFormat);
                if (Tabs.IndexOf(DockPane.ActiveContent) != Tabs.IndexOf(content) + 1)
                    g.DrawLine(TabSeperatorPen, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapTop, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapBottom);
                g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, InactiveTextBrush, rectText, ToolWindowTextStringFormat);
            if (rect.Contains(rectIcon))
                g.DrawIcon(content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);
        private void DrawTab(Graphics g, TabVS2003 tab)
            Rectangle rectTab = GetTabRectangle(tab);
            if (rectTab.IsEmpty)

            DockState dockState = tab.Content.DockHandler.DockState;
            IDockContent content = tab.Content;


            Brush brushTabBackGround = BrushTabBackground;
            Pen penTabBorder = PenTabBorder;
            Brush brushTabText = BrushTabText;

            g.FillRectangle(brushTabBackGround, rectTab);

            g.DrawLine(penTabBorder, rectTab.Left, rectTab.Top, rectTab.Left, rectTab.Bottom);
            g.DrawLine(penTabBorder, rectTab.Right, rectTab.Top, rectTab.Right, rectTab.Bottom);
            if (dockState == DockState.DockTopAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
                g.DrawLine(penTabBorder, rectTab.Left, rectTab.Bottom, rectTab.Right, rectTab.Bottom);
                g.DrawLine(penTabBorder, rectTab.Left, rectTab.Top, rectTab.Right, rectTab.Top);

            // Set no rotate for drawing icon and text
            Matrix matrixRotate = g.Transform;
            g.Transform = MatrixIdentity;

            // Draw the icon
            Rectangle rectImage = rectTab;
            rectImage.X += ImageGapLeft;
            rectImage.Y += ImageGapTop;
            int imageHeight = rectTab.Height - ImageGapTop - ImageGapBottom;
            int imageWidth = ImageWidth;
            if (imageHeight > ImageHeight)
                imageWidth = ImageWidth * (imageHeight/ImageHeight);
            rectImage.Height = imageHeight;
            rectImage.Width = imageWidth;
            rectImage = GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectImage);
            g.DrawIcon(((Form)content).Icon, rectImage);

            // Draw the text
            if (content == content.DockHandler.Pane.ActiveContent)
                Rectangle rectText = rectTab;
                rectText.X += ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
                rectText.Width -= ImageGapLeft + imageWidth + ImageGapRight + TextGapLeft;
                rectText = GetTransformedRectangle(dockState, rectText);
                if (dockState == DockState.DockLeftAutoHide || dockState == DockState.DockRightAutoHide)
                    g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, brushTabText, rectText, StringFormatTabVertical);
                    g.DrawString(content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, brushTabText, rectText, StringFormatTabHorizontal);

            // Set rotate back
            g.Transform = matrixRotate;

        private void DrawTabStrip_ToolWindow(Graphics g)
            // TODO: Clean up and add properties for colors
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            //INSTANT C# NOTE: The ending condition of VB 'For' loops is tested only on entry to the loop. Instant C# has created a temporary variable in order to use the initial value of Tabs.Count for every iteration:
            int tempFor1 = Tabs.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < tempFor1; i++)
                Rectangle tabrect = GetTabRectangle(i);
                Rectangle rectIcon = new Rectangle(tabrect.X + ToolWindowImageGapLeft, tabrect.Y + tabrect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowImageGapBottom - ToolWindowImageHeight, ToolWindowImageWidth, ToolWindowImageHeight);
                Rectangle rectText = rectIcon;

                rectText.X += rectIcon.Width + ToolWindowImageGapRight;
                rectText.Width = tabrect.Width - rectIcon.Width - ToolWindowImageGapLeft - ToolWindowImageGapRight - ToolWindowTextGapRight;

                if (DockPane.ActiveContent == Tabs[i].Content)

                    // color area as the tab
                    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(252, 252, 254)), ClientRectangle.X, ClientRectangle.Y - 1, ClientRectangle.Width - 1, tabrect.Y + 2);

                    DrawHelper.DrawTab(g, tabrect, Corners.Bottom, GradientType.Flat, Color.FromArgb(252, 252, 254), Color.FromArgb(252, 252, 254), Color.FromArgb(172, 168, 153), false);

                    // line to the left
                    g.DrawLine(TabSeperatorPen, tabrect.X, tabrect.Y + 1, ClientRectangle.X, tabrect.Y + 1);

                    // line to the right
                    g.DrawLine(TabSeperatorPen, tabrect.X + tabrect.Width, tabrect.Y + 1, ClientRectangle.Width, tabrect.Y + 1);

                    // text
                    g.DrawString(Tabs[i].Content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), rectText, ToolWindowTextStringFormat);

                    if (Tabs.IndexOf(DockPane.ActiveContent) != Tabs.IndexOf(Tabs[i].Content) + 1 && Tabs.IndexOf(Tabs[i].Content) != Tabs.Count - 1)
                        g.DrawLine(TabSeperatorPen, tabrect.X + tabrect.Width - 1, tabrect.Y + ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapTop, tabrect.X + tabrect.Width - 1, tabrect.Y + tabrect.Height - 1 - ToolWindowTabSeperatorGapBottom);
                    g.DrawString(Tabs[i].Content.DockHandler.TabText, Font, InactiveTextBrush, rectText, ToolWindowTextStringFormat);

                if (tabrect.Contains(rectIcon))
                    g.DrawIcon(Tabs[i].Content.DockHandler.Icon, rectIcon);