public SessionData(SessionData recoveryData) {
            _initialDatabase = recoveryData._initialDatabase;
            _initialCollation = recoveryData._initialCollation;
            _initialLanguage = recoveryData._initialLanguage;
            _resolvedAliases = recoveryData._resolvedAliases;

            for (int i = 0; i < _maxNumberOfSessionStates; i++) {
                if (recoveryData._initialState[i] != null) {
                    _initialState[i] = (byte[])recoveryData._initialState[i].Clone();
Esempio n. 2
 public DashBoard(SessionData ob)
     x = ob;
Esempio n. 3
        internal void TdsLogin(SqlLogin rec, TdsEnums.FeatureExtension requestedFeatures, SessionData recoverySessionData)

            Debug.Assert(recoverySessionData == null || (requestedFeatures | TdsEnums.FeatureExtension.SessionRecovery) != 0, "Recovery session data without session recovery feature request");
            Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.MAXLEN_HOSTNAME >= rec.hostName.Length, "_workstationId.Length exceeds the max length for this value");

            Debug.Assert(rec.userName == null || (rec.userName != null && TdsEnums.MAXLEN_USERNAME >= rec.userName.Length), "_userID.Length exceeds the max length for this value");

            Debug.Assert(rec.password == null || (rec.password != null && TdsEnums.MAXLEN_PASSWORD >= rec.password.Length), "_password.Length exceeds the max length for this value");
            Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.MAXLEN_APPNAME >= rec.applicationName.Length, "_applicationName.Length exceeds the max length for this value");
            Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.MAXLEN_SERVERNAME >= rec.serverName.Length, "_dataSource.Length exceeds the max length for this value");
            Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.MAXLEN_LANGUAGE >= rec.language.Length, "_currentLanguage .Length exceeds the max length for this value");
            Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.MAXLEN_DATABASE >= rec.database.Length, "_initialCatalog.Length exceeds the max length for this value");
            Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.MAXLEN_ATTACHDBFILE >= rec.attachDBFilename.Length, "_attachDBFileName.Length exceeds the max length for this value");

            Debug.Assert(_connHandler != null, "SqlConnectionInternalTds handler can not be null at this point.");

            // get the password up front to use in sspi logic below
            byte[] encryptedPassword = null;
            int encryptedPasswordLengthInBytes;
            bool useFeatureExt = (requestedFeatures != TdsEnums.FeatureExtension.None);

            string userName;

                userName = rec.userName;
                encryptedPassword = TdsParserStaticMethods.EncryptPassword(rec.password);
                encryptedPasswordLengthInBytes = encryptedPassword.Length;  // password in clear text is already encrypted and its length is in byte

            // set the message type
            _physicalStateObj._outputMessageType = TdsEnums.MT_LOGIN7;

            // length in bytes
            int length = TdsEnums.YUKON_LOG_REC_FIXED_LEN;

            string clientInterfaceName = TdsEnums.SQL_PROVIDER_NAME;
            Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.MAXLEN_CLIENTINTERFACE >= clientInterfaceName.Length, "cchCltIntName can specify at most 128 unicode characters. See Tds spec");

            // add up variable-len portions (multiply by 2 for byte len of char strings)
                length += (rec.hostName.Length + rec.applicationName.Length +
                            rec.serverName.Length + clientInterfaceName.Length +
                            rec.language.Length + rec.database.Length +
                            rec.attachDBFilename.Length) * 2;
                if (useFeatureExt)
                    length += 4;

            // allocate memory for SSPI variables
            byte[] outSSPIBuff = null;
            UInt32 outSSPILength = 0;

            // only add lengths of password and username if not using SSPI
            if (!rec.useSSPI)
                    length += (userName.Length * 2) + encryptedPasswordLengthInBytes
                if (rec.useSSPI)
                    // now allocate proper length of buffer, and set length
                    outSSPIBuff = new byte[s_maxSSPILength];
                    outSSPILength = s_maxSSPILength;

                    // Call helper function for SSPI data and actual length.
                    // Since we don't have SSPI data from the server, send null for the
                    // byte[] buffer and 0 for the int length.
                    Debug.Assert(SniContext.Snix_Login == _physicalStateObj.SniContext, String.Format((IFormatProvider)null, "Unexpected SniContext. Expecting Snix_Login, actual value is '{0}'", _physicalStateObj.SniContext));
                    _physicalStateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_LoginSspi;
                    SSPIData(null, 0, outSSPIBuff, ref outSSPILength);
                    if (outSSPILength > Int32.MaxValue)
                        throw SQL.InvalidSSPIPacketSize();  // SqlBu 332503
                    _physicalStateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Login;

                        length += (Int32)outSSPILength;

            int feOffset = length;

            if (useFeatureExt)
                if ((requestedFeatures & TdsEnums.FeatureExtension.SessionRecovery) != 0)
                    length += WriteSessionRecoveryFeatureRequest(recoverySessionData, false);
                length++; // for terminator

                WriteInt(length, _physicalStateObj);
                if (recoverySessionData == null)
                    WriteInt((TdsEnums.DENALI_MAJOR << 24) | (TdsEnums.DENALI_INCREMENT << 16) | TdsEnums.DENALI_MINOR, _physicalStateObj);
                    WriteUnsignedInt(recoverySessionData._tdsVersion, _physicalStateObj);
                WriteInt(rec.packetSize, _physicalStateObj);
                WriteInt(TdsEnums.CLIENT_PROG_VER, _physicalStateObj);
                WriteInt(TdsParserStaticMethods.GetCurrentProcessIdForTdsLoginOnly(), _physicalStateObj);
                WriteInt(0, _physicalStateObj); // connectionID is unused

                // Log7Flags (DWORD)
                int log7Flags = 0;

                 Current snapshot from TDS spec with the offsets added:
                    0) fByteOrder:1,                // byte order of numeric data types on client
                    1) fCharSet:1,                  // character set on client
                    2) fFloat:2,                    // Type of floating point on client
                    4) fDumpLoad:1,                 // Dump/Load and BCP enable
                    5) fUseDb:1,                    // USE notification
                    6) fDatabase:1,                 // Initial database fatal flag
                    7) fSetLang:1,                  // SET LANGUAGE notification
                    8) fLanguage:1,                 // Initial language fatal flag
                    9) fODBC:1,                     // Set if client is ODBC driver
                   10) fTranBoundary:1,             // Transaction boundary notification
                   11) fDelegatedSec:1,             // Security with delegation is available
                   12) fUserType:3,                 // Type of user
                   15) fIntegratedSecurity:1,       // Set if client is using integrated security
                   16) fSQLType:4,                  // Type of SQL sent from client
                   20) fOLEDB:1,                    // Set if client is OLEDB driver
                   21) fSpare1:3,                   // first bit used for read-only intent, rest unused
                   24) fResetPassword:1,            // set if client wants to reset password
                   25) fNoNBCAndSparse:1,           // set if client does not support NBC and Sparse column
                   26) fUserInstance:1,             // This connection wants to connect to a SQL "user instance"
                   27) fUnknownCollationHandling:1, // This connection can handle unknown collation correctly.
                   28) fExtension:1                 // Extensions are used                 
                   32 - total

                // first byte
                log7Flags |= TdsEnums.USE_DB_ON << 5;
                log7Flags |= TdsEnums.INIT_DB_FATAL << 6;
                log7Flags |= TdsEnums.SET_LANG_ON << 7;

                // second byte
                log7Flags |= TdsEnums.INIT_LANG_FATAL << 8;
                log7Flags |= TdsEnums.ODBC_ON << 9;
                if (rec.useReplication)
                    log7Flags |= TdsEnums.REPL_ON << 12;
                if (rec.useSSPI)
                    log7Flags |= TdsEnums.SSPI_ON << 15;

                // third byte
                if (rec.readOnlyIntent)
                    log7Flags |= TdsEnums.READONLY_INTENT_ON << 21; // read-only intent flag is a first bit of fSpare1

                // 4th one
                if (rec.userInstance)
                    log7Flags |= 1 << 26;
                if (useFeatureExt)
                    log7Flags |= 1 << 28;

                WriteInt(log7Flags, _physicalStateObj);

                WriteInt(0, _physicalStateObj);  // ClientTimeZone is not used
                WriteInt(0, _physicalStateObj);  // LCID is unused by server

                // Start writing offset and length of variable length portions
                int offset = TdsEnums.YUKON_LOG_REC_FIXED_LEN;

                // write offset/length pairs

                // note that you must always set ibHostName since it indicaters the beginning of the variable length section of the login record
                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // host name offset
                WriteShort(rec.hostName.Length, _physicalStateObj);
                offset += rec.hostName.Length * 2;

                // Only send user/password over if not fSSPI...  If both user/password and SSPI are in login
                // rec, only SSPI is used.  Confirmed same bahavior as in luxor.
                if (rec.useSSPI == false)
                    WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj);  // userName offset
                    WriteShort(userName.Length, _physicalStateObj);
                    offset += userName.Length * 2;

                    // the encrypted password is a byte array - so length computations different than strings
                    WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // password offset
                    WriteShort(encryptedPasswordLengthInBytes / 2, _physicalStateObj);
                    offset += encryptedPasswordLengthInBytes;
                    // case where user/password data is not used, send over zeros
                    WriteShort(0, _physicalStateObj);  // userName offset
                    WriteShort(0, _physicalStateObj);
                    WriteShort(0, _physicalStateObj);  // password offset
                    WriteShort(0, _physicalStateObj);

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // app name offset
                WriteShort(rec.applicationName.Length, _physicalStateObj);
                offset += rec.applicationName.Length * 2;

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // server name offset
                WriteShort(rec.serverName.Length, _physicalStateObj);
                offset += rec.serverName.Length * 2;

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj);
                if (useFeatureExt)
                    WriteShort(4, _physicalStateObj); // length of ibFeatgureExtLong (which is a DWORD)
                    offset += 4;
                    WriteShort(0, _physicalStateObj); // ununsed (was remote password ?)

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // client interface name offset
                WriteShort(clientInterfaceName.Length, _physicalStateObj);
                offset += clientInterfaceName.Length * 2;

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // language name offset
                WriteShort(rec.language.Length, _physicalStateObj);
                offset += rec.language.Length * 2;

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // database name offset
                WriteShort(rec.database.Length, _physicalStateObj);
                offset += rec.database.Length * 2;

                if (null == s_nicAddress)
                    s_nicAddress = TdsParserStaticMethods.GetNetworkPhysicalAddressForTdsLoginOnly();

                _physicalStateObj.WriteByteArray(s_nicAddress, s_nicAddress.Length, 0);

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // ibSSPI offset
                if (rec.useSSPI)
                    WriteShort((int)outSSPILength, _physicalStateObj);
                    offset += (int)outSSPILength;
                    WriteShort(0, _physicalStateObj);

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // DB filename offset
                WriteShort(rec.attachDBFilename.Length, _physicalStateObj);
                offset += rec.attachDBFilename.Length * 2;

                WriteShort(offset, _physicalStateObj); // reset password offset
                WriteShort(0, _physicalStateObj);

                WriteInt(0, _physicalStateObj);        // reserved for chSSPI

                // write variable length portion
                WriteString(rec.hostName, _physicalStateObj);

                // if we are using SSPI, do not send over username/password, since we will use SSPI instead
                // same behavior as Luxor
                if (!rec.useSSPI)
                    WriteString(userName, _physicalStateObj);

                        _physicalStateObj.WriteByteArray(encryptedPassword, encryptedPasswordLengthInBytes, 0);

                WriteString(rec.applicationName, _physicalStateObj);
                WriteString(rec.serverName, _physicalStateObj);

                // write ibFeatureExtLong
                if (useFeatureExt)
                    WriteInt(feOffset, _physicalStateObj);

                WriteString(clientInterfaceName, _physicalStateObj);
                WriteString(rec.language, _physicalStateObj);
                WriteString(rec.database, _physicalStateObj);

                // send over SSPI data if we are using SSPI
                if (rec.useSSPI)
                    _physicalStateObj.WriteByteArray(outSSPIBuff, (int)outSSPILength, 0);

                WriteString(rec.attachDBFilename, _physicalStateObj);
                if (useFeatureExt)
                    if ((requestedFeatures & TdsEnums.FeatureExtension.SessionRecovery) != 0)
                        length += WriteSessionRecoveryFeatureRequest(recoverySessionData, true);
                    _physicalStateObj.WriteByte(0xFF); // terminator
            catch (Exception e)
                if (ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
                    // be sure to wipe out our buffer if we started sending stuff
                    _physicalStateObj._outputPacketNumber = 1;  // end of message - reset to 1 - per ramas


            _physicalStateObj._pendingData = true;
            _physicalStateObj._messageStatus = 0;
        }// tdsLogin
Esempio n. 4
 internal int WriteSessionRecoveryFeatureRequest(SessionData reconnectData, bool write /* if false just calculates the length */)
     int len = 1;
     if (write)
     if (reconnectData == null)
         if (write)
             WriteInt(0, _physicalStateObj);
         len += 4;
         Debug.Assert(reconnectData._unrecoverableStatesCount == 0, "Unrecoverable state count should be 0");
         int initialLength = 0; // sizeof(DWORD) - length itself
         initialLength += 1 + 2 * TdsParserStaticMethods.NullAwareStringLength(reconnectData._initialDatabase);
         initialLength += 1 + 2 * TdsParserStaticMethods.NullAwareStringLength(reconnectData._initialLanguage);
         initialLength += (reconnectData._initialCollation == null) ? 1 : 6;
         for (int i = 0; i < SessionData._maxNumberOfSessionStates; i++)
             if (reconnectData._initialState[i] != null)
                 initialLength += 1 /* StateId*/ + StateValueLength(reconnectData._initialState[i].Length);
         int currentLength = 0; // sizeof(DWORD) - length itself                
         currentLength += 1 + 2 * (reconnectData._initialDatabase == reconnectData._database ? 0 : TdsParserStaticMethods.NullAwareStringLength(reconnectData._database));
         currentLength += 1 + 2 * (reconnectData._initialLanguage == reconnectData._language ? 0 : TdsParserStaticMethods.NullAwareStringLength(reconnectData._language));
         currentLength += (reconnectData._collation != null && !SqlCollation.AreSame(reconnectData._collation, reconnectData._initialCollation)) ? 6 : 1;
         bool[] writeState = new bool[SessionData._maxNumberOfSessionStates];
         for (int i = 0; i < SessionData._maxNumberOfSessionStates; i++)
             if (reconnectData._delta[i] != null)
                 Debug.Assert(reconnectData._delta[i]._recoverable, "State should be recoverable");
                 writeState[i] = true;
                 if (reconnectData._initialState[i] != null && reconnectData._initialState[i].Length == reconnectData._delta[i]._dataLength)
                     writeState[i] = false;
                     for (int j = 0; j < reconnectData._delta[i]._dataLength; j++)
                         if (reconnectData._initialState[i][j] != reconnectData._delta[i]._data[j])
                             writeState[i] = true;
                 if (writeState[i])
                     currentLength += 1 /* StateId*/ + StateValueLength(reconnectData._delta[i]._dataLength);
         if (write)
             WriteInt(8 + initialLength + currentLength, _physicalStateObj); // length of data w/o total length (initil+current+2*sizeof(DWORD))
             WriteInt(initialLength, _physicalStateObj);
             WriteIdentifier(reconnectData._initialDatabase, _physicalStateObj);
             WriteCollation(reconnectData._initialCollation, _physicalStateObj);
             WriteIdentifier(reconnectData._initialLanguage, _physicalStateObj);
             for (int i = 0; i < SessionData._maxNumberOfSessionStates; i++)
                 if (reconnectData._initialState[i] != null)
                     if (reconnectData._initialState[i].Length < 0xFF)
                         WriteInt(reconnectData._initialState[i].Length, _physicalStateObj);
                     _physicalStateObj.WriteByteArray(reconnectData._initialState[i], reconnectData._initialState[i].Length, 0);
             WriteInt(currentLength, _physicalStateObj);
             WriteIdentifier(reconnectData._database != reconnectData._initialDatabase ? reconnectData._database : null, _physicalStateObj);
             WriteCollation(SqlCollation.AreSame(reconnectData._initialCollation, reconnectData._collation) ? null : reconnectData._collation, _physicalStateObj);
             WriteIdentifier(reconnectData._language != reconnectData._initialLanguage ? reconnectData._language : null, _physicalStateObj);
             for (int i = 0; i < SessionData._maxNumberOfSessionStates; i++)
                 if (writeState[i])
                     if (reconnectData._delta[i]._dataLength < 0xFF)
                         WriteInt(reconnectData._delta[i]._dataLength, _physicalStateObj);
                     _physicalStateObj.WriteByteArray(reconnectData._delta[i]._data, reconnectData._delta[i]._dataLength, 0);
         len += initialLength + currentLength + 12 /* length fields (initial, current, total) */;
     return len;
Esempio n. 5
        private bool TryProcessSessionState(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, int length, SessionData sdata)
            if (length < 5)
                throw SQL.ParsingError();
            UInt32 seqNum;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt32(out seqNum))
                return false;
            if (seqNum == UInt32.MaxValue)
            byte status;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out status))
                return false;
            if (status > 1)
                throw SQL.ParsingError();
            bool recoverable = status != 0;
            length -= 5;
            while (length > 0)
                byte stateId;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out stateId))
                    return false;
                int stateLen;
                byte stateLenByte;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out stateLenByte))
                    return false;
                if (stateLenByte < 0xFF)
                    stateLen = stateLenByte;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out stateLen))
                        return false;
                byte[] buffer = null;
                lock (sdata._delta)
                    if (sdata._delta[stateId] == null)
                        buffer = new byte[stateLen];
                        sdata._delta[stateId] = new SessionStateRecord { _version = seqNum, _dataLength = stateLen, _data = buffer, _recoverable = recoverable };
                        sdata._deltaDirty = true;
                        if (!recoverable)
                            checked { sdata._unrecoverableStatesCount++; }
                        if (sdata._delta[stateId]._version <= seqNum)
                            SessionStateRecord sv = sdata._delta[stateId];
                            sv._version = seqNum;
                            sv._dataLength = stateLen;
                            if (sv._recoverable != recoverable)
                                if (recoverable)
                                    Debug.Assert(sdata._unrecoverableStatesCount > 0, "Unrecoverable states count >0");
                                    checked { sdata._unrecoverableStatesCount++; }
                                sv._recoverable = recoverable;
                            buffer = sv._data;
                            if (buffer.Length < stateLen)
                                buffer = new byte[stateLen];
                                sv._data = buffer;
                if (buffer != null)
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByteArray(buffer, 0, stateLen))
                        return false;
                    if (!stateObj.TrySkipBytes(stateLen))
                        return false;

                if (stateLenByte < 0xFF)
                    length -= 2 + stateLen;
                    length -= 6 + stateLen;

            return true;
        // although the new password is generally not used it must be passed to the c'tor
        // the new Login7 packet will always write out the new password (or a length of zero and no bytes if not present)
        internal SqlInternalConnectionTds(
                DbConnectionPoolIdentity    identity, 
                SqlConnectionString         connectionOptions,
                SqlCredential               credential,
                object                      providerInfo, 
                string                      newPassword,
                SecureString                newSecurePassword,
                bool                        redirectedUserInstance,
                SqlConnectionString         userConnectionOptions = null, // NOTE: userConnectionOptions may be different to connectionOptions if the connection string has been expanded (see SqlConnectionString.Expand)
                SessionData                 reconnectSessionData = null,
                DbConnectionPool            pool = null,
                string                      accessToken = null,
                bool applyTransientFaultHandling = false
                ) : base(connectionOptions) {

            if (reconnectSessionData != null) {
                reconnectSessionData._debugReconnectDataApplied = true;
            try { // use this to help validate this object is only created after the following permission has been previously demanded in the current codepath
                if (userConnectionOptions != null) {
                    // As mentioned above, userConnectionOptions may be different to connectionOptions, so we need to demand on the correct connection string
                else {
            catch(System.Security.SecurityException) {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "unexpected SecurityException for current codepath");
            Debug.Assert(reconnectSessionData == null || connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount > 0, "Reconnect data supplied with CR turned off");

            _dbConnectionPool = pool;
            if (connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount > 0) {
                _recoverySessionData = reconnectSessionData;          
                if (reconnectSessionData == null) {
                    _currentSessionData = new SessionData();
                else {
                    _currentSessionData = new SessionData(_recoverySessionData);
                    _originalDatabase = _recoverySessionData._initialDatabase;
                    _originalLanguage = _recoverySessionData._initialLanguage;
            if (connectionOptions.UserInstance && InOutOfProcHelper.InProc) {
                throw SQL.UserInstanceNotAvailableInProc();

            if (accessToken != null) {
                _accessTokenInBytes = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(accessToken);

            _identity = identity;
            Debug.Assert(newSecurePassword != null || newPassword != null, "cannot have both new secure change password and string based change password to be null");
            Debug.Assert(credential == null || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionOptions.UserID) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionOptions.Password)), "cannot mix the new secure password system and the connection string based password");

            Debug.Assert(credential == null || !connectionOptions.IntegratedSecurity, "Cannot use SqlCredential and Integrated Security");
            Debug.Assert(credential == null || !connectionOptions.ContextConnection, "Cannot use SqlCredential with context connection");

            _poolGroupProviderInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo)providerInfo;
            _fResetConnection = connectionOptions.ConnectionReset;
            if (_fResetConnection && _recoverySessionData == null) {
                _originalDatabase = connectionOptions.InitialCatalog;
                _originalLanguage = connectionOptions.CurrentLanguage;

            timeoutErrorInternal = new SqlConnectionTimeoutErrorInternal();
            _credential = credential;

            ThreadHasParserLockForClose = true;   // In case of error, let ourselves know that we already own the parser lock
            try {
                TdsParser.ReliabilitySection tdsReliabilitySection = new TdsParser.ReliabilitySection();

                try {
#endif //DEBUG
                    _timeout = TimeoutTimer.StartSecondsTimeout(connectionOptions.ConnectTimeout);

                    // If transient fault handling is enabled then we can retry the login upto the ConnectRetryCount.
                    int connectionEstablishCount = applyTransientFaultHandling ? connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount + 1 : 1;
                    int transientRetryIntervalInMilliSeconds = connectionOptions.ConnectRetryInterval * 1000; // Max value of transientRetryInterval is 60*1000 ms. The max value allowed for ConnectRetryInterval is 60
                    for (int i = 0; i < connectionEstablishCount; i++)
                            OpenLoginEnlist(_timeout, connectionOptions, credential, newPassword, newSecurePassword, redirectedUserInstance);
                        catch (SqlException sqlex)
                            if (i + 1 == connectionEstablishCount 
                                || !applyTransientFaultHandling
                                || _timeout.IsExpired
                                || _timeout.MillisecondsRemaining < transientRetryIntervalInMilliSeconds
                                || !IsTransientError(sqlex))
                                throw sqlex;
                finally {
#endif //DEBUG
            catch (System.OutOfMemoryException) {
            catch (System.StackOverflowException) {
            catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) {
            finally {
                ThreadHasParserLockForClose = false;
            if (Bid.AdvancedOn) {
                Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionTds.ctor|ADV> %d#, constructed new TDS internal connection\n", ObjectID);

        private void CompleteLogin(bool enlistOK) {
            _parser.Run(RunBehavior.UntilDone, null, null, null, _parser._physicalStateObj);

            if (_routingInfo == null) { // ROR should not affect state of connection recovery
                if (_federatedAuthenticationRequested && !_federatedAuthenticationAcknowledged) {
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin|ERR> %d#, Server did not acknowledge the federated authentication request\n", ObjectID);
                    throw SQL.ParsingError(ParsingErrorState.FedAuthNotAcknowledged);
                if (_federatedAuthenticationInfoRequested && !_federatedAuthenticationInfoReceived) {
                    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin|ERR> %d#, Server never sent the requested federated authentication info\n", ObjectID);
                    throw SQL.ParsingError(ParsingErrorState.FedAuthInfoNotReceived);

                if (!_sessionRecoveryAcknowledged) {
                    _currentSessionData = null;
                    if (_recoverySessionData != null) {
                        throw SQL.CR_NoCRAckAtReconnection(this);
                if (_currentSessionData != null && _recoverySessionData==null) {
                        _currentSessionData._initialDatabase = CurrentDatabase;
                        _currentSessionData._initialCollation = _currentSessionData._collation;
                        _currentSessionData._initialLanguage = _currentLanguage;                        
                bool isEncrypted = _parser.EncryptionOptions == EncryptionOptions.ON;
                if (_recoverySessionData != null) {
                    if (_recoverySessionData._encrypted != isEncrypted) {
                        throw SQL.CR_EncryptionChanged(this);
                if (_currentSessionData != null) {
                    _currentSessionData._encrypted = isEncrypted;
                _recoverySessionData = null;

            Debug.Assert(SniContext.Snix_Login == Parser._physicalStateObj.SniContext, String.Format((IFormatProvider)null, "SniContext should be Snix_Login; actual Value: {0}", Parser._physicalStateObj.SniContext));
            _parser._physicalStateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_EnableMars;

            _fConnectionOpen = true; // mark connection as open

            if (Bid.AdvancedOn) {
                Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin|ADV> Post-Login Phase: Server connection obtained.\n");

            // for non-pooled connections, enlist in a distributed transaction
            // if present - and user specified to enlist
            if(enlistOK && ConnectionOptions.Enlist) {
                _parser._physicalStateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_AutoEnlist;
                SysTx.Transaction tx = ADP.GetCurrentTransaction();
Esempio n. 8
        //DataPassing x = new DataPassing();
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String Error = " "; ;
            if (IsValidEmail(EmailTB.Text) != true)
                Error += "Please Enter correct Email!!\n ";
            if (EmailTB.Text == "")
                Error += "Please Enter Email Address !!\n";
            if (PasswordTB.Text == "")
                Error += " Please Enter Password !!";
            if (Error != " ")
                LoadingLabel.Visible = false;

                //LoadingLabel.Visible = true;
                SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AzureString"].ConnectionString);

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from College where Email=@username and Password=@password", con);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", EmailTB.Text);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", PasswordTB.Text);
                    SqlDataAdapter adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    int count = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
                    //If count is equal to 1, than show frmMain form
                    if (count == 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Login Successful!");
                        SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("Select * from Senpai_Organization where Email=@username", con);
                        cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", EmailTB.Text);
                        SqlDataAdapter adapt1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1);
                        DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
                        count = ds1.Tables[0].Columns.Count;

                        MessageBox.Show(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Email"].ToString() + count);
                        SessionData sv = new SessionData();
                        sv.SenpaiId = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["College_Id"].ToString(); ;
                        sv.Email = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Email"].ToString();
                        sv.Name = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["InstituteName"].ToString();
                        sv.PhoneNumber = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PhoneNumber"].ToString();
                        sv.HeadPersonName = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["HeadPersonName"].ToString();
                        sv.City = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString();
                        sv.AboutUs = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AboutUs"].ToString();
                        sv.StaffroomListId = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["StaffRoomListTable"].ToString();
                        DashBoard d = new DashBoard(sv);
                        this.Visible = false;
                        MessageBox.Show("Name = "+sv.Name);
                        MessageBox.Show("Login Failed.");
                        LoadingLabel.Visible = false;

                    MessageBox.Show("We are experiencing some technical difficulty. Kindly try again after some time.");



        private void CompleteLogin(bool enlistOK)
            _parser.Run(RunBehavior.UntilDone, null, null, null, _parser._physicalStateObj);

            if (_routingInfo == null)
            { // ROR should not affect state of connection recovery
                if (!_sessionRecoveryAcknowledged)
                    _currentSessionData = null;
                    if (_recoverySessionData != null)
                        throw SQL.CR_NoCRAckAtReconnection(this);
                if (_currentSessionData != null && _recoverySessionData == null)
                    _currentSessionData._initialDatabase = CurrentDatabase;
                    _currentSessionData._initialCollation = _currentSessionData._collation;
                    _currentSessionData._initialLanguage = _currentLanguage;
                bool isEncrypted = _parser.EncryptionOptions == EncryptionOptions.ON;
                if (_recoverySessionData != null)
                    if (_recoverySessionData._encrypted != isEncrypted)
                        throw SQL.CR_EncryptionChanged(this);
                if (_currentSessionData != null)
                    _currentSessionData._encrypted = isEncrypted;
                _recoverySessionData = null;

            Debug.Assert(SniContext.Snix_Login == Parser._physicalStateObj.SniContext, String.Format((IFormatProvider)null, "SniContext should be Snix_Login; actual Value: {0}", Parser._physicalStateObj.SniContext));
            _parser._physicalStateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_EnableMars;

            _fConnectionOpen = true; // mark connection as open

            _parser._physicalStateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Login;
        // although the new password is generally not used it must be passed to the c'tor
        // the new Login7 packet will always write out the new password (or a length of zero and no bytes if not present)
        internal SqlInternalConnectionTds(
                DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity,
                SqlConnectionString connectionOptions,
                object providerInfo,
                bool redirectedUserInstance,
                SqlConnectionString userConnectionOptions = null, // NOTE: userConnectionOptions may be different to connectionOptions if the connection string has been expanded (see SqlConnectionString.Expand)
                SessionData reconnectSessionData = null,
                bool applyTransientFaultHandling = false) : base(connectionOptions)
            if (reconnectSessionData != null)
                reconnectSessionData._debugReconnectDataApplied = true;
            Debug.Assert(reconnectSessionData == null || connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount > 0, "Reconnect data supplied with CR turned off");

            if (connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount > 0)
                _recoverySessionData = reconnectSessionData;
                if (reconnectSessionData == null)
                    _currentSessionData = new SessionData();
                    _currentSessionData = new SessionData(_recoverySessionData);
                    _originalDatabase = _recoverySessionData._initialDatabase;
                    _originalLanguage = _recoverySessionData._initialLanguage;

            _identity = identity;

            _poolGroupProviderInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo)providerInfo;
            _fResetConnection = connectionOptions.ConnectionReset;
            if (_fResetConnection && _recoverySessionData == null)
                _originalDatabase = connectionOptions.InitialCatalog;
                _originalLanguage = connectionOptions.CurrentLanguage;

            _timeoutErrorInternal = new SqlConnectionTimeoutErrorInternal();

            _parserLock.Wait(canReleaseFromAnyThread: false);
            ThreadHasParserLockForClose = true;   // In case of error, let ourselves know that we already own the parser lock
                var timeout = TimeoutTimer.StartSecondsTimeout(connectionOptions.ConnectTimeout);

                // If transient fault handling is enabled then we can retry the login upto the ConnectRetryCount.
                int connectionEstablishCount = applyTransientFaultHandling ? connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount + 1 : 1;
                int transientRetryIntervalInMilliSeconds = connectionOptions.ConnectRetryInterval * 1000; // Max value of transientRetryInterval is 60*1000 ms. The max value allowed for ConnectRetryInterval is 60
                for (int i = 0; i < connectionEstablishCount; i++)
                        OpenLoginEnlist(timeout, connectionOptions, redirectedUserInstance);
                    catch (SqlException sqlex)
                        if (i + 1 == connectionEstablishCount
                            || !applyTransientFaultHandling
                            || timeout.IsExpired
                            || timeout.MillisecondsRemaining < transientRetryIntervalInMilliSeconds
                            || !IsTransientError(sqlex))
                            throw sqlex;
                ThreadHasParserLockForClose = false;
        // although the new password is generally not used it must be passed to the c'tor
        // the new Login7 packet will always write out the new password (or a length of zero and no bytes if not present)
        internal SqlInternalConnectionTds(
                DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity,
                SqlConnectionString connectionOptions,
                object providerInfo,
                bool redirectedUserInstance,
                SqlConnectionString userConnectionOptions = null, // NOTE: userConnectionOptions may be different to connectionOptions if the connection string has been expanded (see SqlConnectionString.Expand)
                SessionData reconnectSessionData = null) : base(connectionOptions)
            if (reconnectSessionData != null)
                reconnectSessionData._debugReconnectDataApplied = true;
            Debug.Assert(reconnectSessionData == null || connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount > 0, "Reconnect data supplied with CR turned off");

            if (connectionOptions.ConnectRetryCount > 0)
                _recoverySessionData = reconnectSessionData;
                if (reconnectSessionData == null)
                    _currentSessionData = new SessionData();
                    _currentSessionData = new SessionData(_recoverySessionData);
                    _originalDatabase = _recoverySessionData._initialDatabase;
                    _originalLanguage = _recoverySessionData._initialLanguage;

            _identity = identity;

            _poolGroupProviderInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo)providerInfo;
            _fResetConnection = connectionOptions.ConnectionReset;
            if (_fResetConnection && _recoverySessionData == null)
                _originalDatabase = connectionOptions.InitialCatalog;
                _originalLanguage = connectionOptions.CurrentLanguage;

            _timeoutErrorInternal = new SqlConnectionTimeoutErrorInternal();

            _parserLock.Wait(canReleaseFromAnyThread: false);
            ThreadHasParserLockForClose = true;   // In case of error, let ourselves know that we already own the parser lock
                var timeout = TimeoutTimer.StartSecondsTimeout(connectionOptions.ConnectTimeout);
                OpenLoginEnlist(timeout, connectionOptions, redirectedUserInstance);
                ThreadHasParserLockForClose = false;