Esempio n. 1
        public string[] Parse(SyslogMessage message)
            Trace.WriteLine("Parsing message");

              lock (typeRegex)
            if (message == null || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Message))
                Trace.WriteLine("Empty message");
              return null;

            // Is this an interesting message?
            if (!typeRegex.IsMatch(message.Message) || !subtypeRegex.IsMatch(message.Message))
                Trace.WriteLine("Message rejected - no regex match");
              return null;

            // Get the bits we want
            string[] result = new string[5];
            result[0] = message.Timestamp.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            result[1] = srcRegex.Match(message.Message).Groups[1].Value;
            result[2] = dstRegex.Match(message.Message).Groups[1].Value;
            result[3] = sentRegex.Match(message.Message).Groups[1].Value;
            result[4] = rcvdRegex.Match(message.Message).Groups[1].Value;

            Trace.WriteLine("Message parsed");

            return result;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> into its individual data fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> to process.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a string array of the parsed fields.  Returns <see cref="null"/> if there is an error processing the messages.</returns>
        string[] IParser.Parse(SyslogMessage message)
            if (message == null || message.Message == null)
                return null;

            string[] msgParts = message.Message.Split(' ');
            string[] msg = null;

            if (msgParts.Length >= 26)
                msg = new string[18];

                msg[0] = message.Timestamp.ToString();  //MsgDateTime
                msg[1] = msgParts[3];   //SourceIP
                msg[2] = msgParts[4];   //DestIP
                msg[3] = msgParts[5];   //ContentType
                msg[4] = msgParts[7];   //URL
                msg[5] = msgParts[10];  //Action
                msg[6] = msgParts[11];  //Reason
                msg[7] = msgParts[13];  //FormatVersion
                msg[8] = msgParts[14];  //MatchFlag
                msg[9] = msgParts[15];  //TQFlag
                msg[10] = msgParts[16]; //ActionType
                msg[11] = msgParts[17]; //SrcType

                int srcDetailPartsCount;
                if (msgParts[18].Contains("(") && msgParts[18].Contains(")"))
                    srcDetailPartsCount = 0;
                    msg[12] = msgParts[18].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
                    srcDetailPartsCount = -1;
                        msg[12] += msgParts[18 + srcDetailPartsCount] + " ";
                    } while (!msgParts[18 + srcDetailPartsCount].Contains(")"));

                    msg[12] = msg[12].TrimEnd(' ');
                    msg[12] = msg[12].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
                    msg[12] = msg[12].Substring(msg[12].IndexOf(':') + 1,
                        msg[12].Length - 1 - msg[12].IndexOf(':'));

                msg[13] = msgParts[19 + srcDetailPartsCount];   //DestType
                msg[14] = msgParts[21 + srcDetailPartsCount];   //SpyType
                msg[15] = msgParts[24 + srcDetailPartsCount];   //MatchedPart
                msg[16] = msgParts[25 + srcDetailPartsCount];   //MatchedCategory
                msg[17] = msgParts[26 + srcDetailPartsCount].Substring(msgParts[26 + srcDetailPartsCount].IndexOf(':') + 1,
                    msgParts[26 + srcDetailPartsCount].Length - 1 - msgParts[26 + srcDetailPartsCount].IndexOf(':') - 1);

            return msg;
 protected override void OnMessageReceived(SyslogMessage message)
     if (OnServerMessageReceived != null)
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> into its individual data fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> to process.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a string array of the parsed fields.  Returns <see cref="null"/> if there is an error processing the messages.</returns>
        string[] IParser.Parse(SyslogMessage message)
            string[] msgParts = new string[13];

            if (message == null || message.Message == null)
                return null;

            Match headerMatches = headerRegex.Match(message.Message);

            if (headerMatches.Groups.Count > 0)
                msgParts[0] = message.Timestamp.ToString();  //MsgDateTime

                switch (headerMatches.Groups["NAME"].Value)
                    case "SCAN":
                        Match scanMatches = scanRegex.Match(headerMatches.Groups["INFO"].Value);

                        //Header info
                        msgParts[1] = headerMatches.Groups["IP"].Value;
                        msgParts[2] = headerMatches.Groups["ID"].Value;
                        msgParts[3] = headerMatches.Groups["START_TIME"].Value;
                        msgParts[4] = headerMatches.Groups["END_TIME"].Value;

                        //Scan info
                        msgParts[5] = scanMatches.Groups["ENCRYPTION"].Value;
                        msgParts[6] = scanMatches.Groups["SENDER"].Value;
                        msgParts[7] = scanMatches.Groups["RECIPIENT"].Value;

                        if (scanMatches.Groups["SCORE"].Value != "-")
                            msgParts[8] = scanMatches.Groups["SCORE"].Value;
                            msgParts[8] = "0";

                        msgParts[9] = scanMatches.Groups["ACTION"].Value;
                        msgParts[10] = scanMatches.Groups["REASON"].Value;
                        msgParts[11] = scanMatches.Groups["REASON_EXTRA"].Value;
                        msgParts[12] = scanMatches.Groups["SUBJECT"].Value;


                    case "SEND":
                    case "RECV":
                        msgParts = null;
            return msgParts;
Esempio n. 5
 private void ListenerMessageReceived(SyslogMessage e)
     if (e != null)
         // Add syslog message to the top of the grid.
Esempio n. 6
 void MessageReceivedSink_OnServerMessageReceived(SyslogMessage message)
     if (!IsDisposed)
         if (!Disposing)
             // Use Invoke to ensure that the event is fired on the forms thread.
             Invoke(new HandleMessageReceived(Listener_MessageReceived), message);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a message received event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The result of a receive event.</param>
		private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
			// get a reference to the socket on which the message was received
			Socket sock = (Socket)result.AsyncState;

			EndPoint ep = null;
            IPEndPoint remoteEP = null;

            // variable to store received data length
            int inlen;

			remoteEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

            // Gather information about the message and the sender
				ep = (EndPoint)remoteEndpoint;
				inlen = sock.EndReceiveFrom(result, ref ep);
				remoteEP = (IPEndPoint)ep;
			catch (Exception ex)
				// only post messages if class socket reference is not null
				// in all other cases, the socket has been terminated
				if (this.socket != null)
					EventLogger.LogEvent("Receive operation failed with message: " + ex.Message,
				inlen = -1;

			// if socket has been closed, ignore received data and return
            if (this.socket == null) { return; }

			// check that received data is long enough
			if (inlen <= 0)
				// request next packet

            // If an IP forward is defined for the source of this message, forward the message to the specified IP's
			if (ipForwards.ContainsKey(remoteEP.Address.ToString()))
				if (this.socket != null)
					foreach (string ipAddress in ipForwards[remoteEP.Address.ToString()])
						byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[this.receiveBuffer.Length];
						this.receiveBuffer.CopyTo(sendBuffer, 0);

						this.sendSocket.BeginSendTo(sendBuffer, 0, inlen, SocketFlags.None,
						   new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress), 514), new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), sendSocket);

			string packet = null;

            // Get the human readable text of the message to process
				packet = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveBuffer, 0, inlen);
			catch (Exception ex)
				EventLogger.LogEvent("Could not parse packet to string because: " + ex.Message,

            // Run the regular expression against the message text to extract the groups
			Match m = msgRegex.Match(packet);

			//If a match is not found the message is not valid
			if (m != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet))
				//parse PRI section into a priority value
				int pri;
				int priority = int.TryParse(m.Groups["PRI"].Value, out pri) ? pri : 0;

				//parse the HEADER section - contains TIMESTAMP and HOSTNAME
				string hostname = null;
				Nullable<DateTime> timestamp = null;

                // Get the timestamp and hostname from the header of the message
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["HDR"].Value))
					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["TIMESTAMP"].Value))
							timestamp = new DateTime(
						catch (ArgumentException)
							//Ignore bad timestamp args.

					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["HOSTNAME"].Value))
						hostname = m.Groups["HOSTNAME"].Value;

				if (!timestamp.HasValue)
					//add timestamp as per RFC3164
					timestamp = DateTime.Now;

				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostname))
					hostname = ep.ToString();

				string message = null;

                // Get the message text part of the message if it was found
				if ((m.Groups["MSG"].Value) != null)
					message = m.Groups["MSG"].Value;

						SyslogMessage sm = new SyslogMessage(priority, timestamp.Value, hostname, message);

                        // Ensure that a handler is defined for the MessageReceived event
						if (MessageReceived != null)
							MessageReceived(new MessageReceivedEventArgs(sm));

						//If the message is from an IP not listed in any filter do not process it
						if (!ipFilters.ContainsKey(remoteEP.Address.ToString()))

						string[] parsedMsg = null;
						if (ipFilters[remoteEP.Address.ToString()].ParserClassName != null)
                                // Parse the message using the parser defined for IP from where the message came
								parsedMsg = ipFilters[remoteEP.Address.ToString()].GetParser().Parse(sm);
							catch (Exception ex)
								EventLogger.LogEvent("Could not get parser or parse message for ip " + remoteEP.Address.ToString()
									+ " because: " + ex.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);

                        // Add the message to the LogBuffer if a storage Class is defined and message was parsed successfully.
						if (parsedMsg != null && buffer != null && ipFilters[remoteEP.Address.ToString()].StorerClassName != null)
							buffer.AddEntry(ipFilters[remoteEP.Address.ToString()].AssemblyName, parsedMsg);
					catch (Exception ex)
						EventLogger.LogEvent("Could not create new SyslogMessage because: " + ex.Message,


            // Return the socket to the listen state
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the MessageReceivedEventArgs class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sm">The <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> of the event.</param>
 public MessageReceivedEventArgs(SyslogMessage sm)
     : base()
     this.syslogMessage = sm;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the MessageReceivedEventArgs class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sm">The <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> of the event.</param>
 public MessageReceivedEventArgs(SyslogMessage sm)
     : base()
     this.syslogMessage = sm;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the MessageReceivedEventArgs class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sm">The <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> of the event.</param>
 public MessageReceivedEventArgs(SyslogMessage sm)
     _syslogMessage = sm;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the MessageReceivedEventArgs class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sm">The <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> of the event.</param>
 public MessageReceivedEventArgs(SyslogMessage sm)
     _syslogMessage = sm;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a message received event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The result of a receive event.</param>
        private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
            Trace.WriteLine("Receive callback");

            // get a reference to the socket on which the message was received
            Socket sock = (Socket)result.AsyncState;

            EndPoint   ep       = null;
            IPEndPoint remoteEp = null;

            // variable to store received data length
            int inlen;

            _remoteEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

            // Gather information about the message and the sender
                ep       = _remoteEndpoint;
                inlen    = sock.EndReceiveFrom(result, ref ep);
                remoteEp = (IPEndPoint)ep;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // only post messages if class socket reference is not null
                // in all other cases, the socket has been terminated
                if (_socket != null)
                    EventLogger.LogEvent("Receive operation failed with message: " + ex.Message,
                inlen = -1;

            // if socket has been closed, ignore received data and return
            if (_socket == null)

            // check that received data is long enough
            if (inlen <= 0)
                // request next packet

            // If an IP forward is defined for the source of this message, forward the message to the specified IP's
            if (_ipForwards.ContainsKey(remoteEp.Address.ToString()))
                if (_socket != null)
                    foreach (string ipAddress in _ipForwards[remoteEp.Address.ToString()])
                        var sendBuffer = new byte[_receiveBuffer.Length];
                        _receiveBuffer.CopyTo(sendBuffer, 0);

                        _sendSocket.BeginSendTo(sendBuffer, 0, inlen, SocketFlags.None,
                                                new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress), 514), new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), _sendSocket);

            string packet = null;

            // Get the human readable text of the message to process
                packet = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_receiveBuffer, 0, inlen);
            catch (Exception ex)
                EventLogger.LogEvent("Could not parse packet to string because: " + ex.Message,

            // Run the regular expression against the message text to extract the groups
            var m = _msgRegex.Match(packet);

            //If a match is not found the message is not valid
            if (m != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet))
                //parse PRI section into a priority value
                int pri;
                var priority = int.TryParse(m.Groups["PRI"].Value, out pri) ? pri : 0;

                //parse the HEADER section - contains TIMESTAMP and HOSTNAME
                string   hostname  = null;
                DateTime?timestamp = null;

                // Get the timestamp and hostname from the header of the message
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["HDR"].Value))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["TIMESTAMP"].Value))
                            timestamp = new DateTime(
                        catch (ArgumentException)
                            //Ignore bad timestamp args.

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["HOSTNAME"].Value))
                        hostname = m.Groups["HOSTNAME"].Value;

                if (!timestamp.HasValue)
                    //add timestamp as per RFC3164
                    timestamp = DateTime.Now;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostname))
                    hostname = ep.ToString();

                // Get the message text part of the message if it was found
                if ((m.Groups["MSG"].Value) != null)
                    var message = m.Groups["MSG"].Value;

                        var sm = new SyslogMessage(priority, timestamp.Value, hostname, message);

                        // Ensure that a handler is defined for the MessageReceived event
                        if (MessageReceived != null)
                            Trace.WriteLine("Calling MessageReceived event");
                            MessageReceived(new MessageReceivedEventArgs(sm));

                        //If the message is from an IP not listed in any filter do not process it
                        if (!_ipFilters.ContainsKey(remoteEp.Address.ToString()))
                            Trace.WriteLine("Remote IP not listed in filter");

                        string[] parsedMsg = null;
                        if (_ipFilters[remoteEp.Address.ToString()].ParserClassName != null)
                                // Parse the message using the parser defined for IP from where the message came
                                parsedMsg = _ipFilters[remoteEp.Address.ToString()].GetParser().Parse(sm);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                EventLogger.LogEvent("Could not get parser or parse message for ip " + remoteEp.Address.ToString()
                                                     + " because: " + ex.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);

                        // Add the message to the LogBuffer if a storage Class is defined and message was parsed successfully.
                        if (parsedMsg != null && _buffer != null && _ipFilters[remoteEp.Address.ToString()].StorerClassName != null)
                            Trace.WriteLine("Adding message to buffer");
                            _buffer.AddEntry(_ipFilters[remoteEp.Address.ToString()].AssemblyName, parsedMsg);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        EventLogger.LogEvent("Could not create new SyslogMessage because: " + ex.Message,

            // Return the socket to the listen state
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> into its individual data fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The <see cref="SyslogMessage"/> to process.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a string array of the parsed fields.  Returns <see cref="null"/> if there is an error processing the messages.</returns>
        public string[] Parse(SyslogMessage message)
            if (message == null || message.Message == null)
                return null;

            var msgParts = message.Message.Split(' ');
            string[] msg;


            return msgParts;

            //if (msgParts.Length >= 26)
            //	msg = new string[18];

            //	msg[0] = message.Timestamp.ToString();  //MsgDateTime
            //	msg[1] = msgParts[3];   //SourceIP
            //	msg[2] = msgParts[4];   //DestIP
            //	msg[3] = msgParts[5];   //ContentType
            //	msg[4] = msgParts[7];   //URL
            //	msg[5] = msgParts[10];  //Action
            //	msg[6] = msgParts[11];  //Reason
            //	msg[7] = msgParts[13];  //FormatVersion
            //	msg[8] = msgParts[14];  //MatchFlag
            //	msg[9] = msgParts[15];  //TQFlag
            //	msg[10] = msgParts[16]; //ActionType
            //	msg[11] = msgParts[17]; //SrcType

            //	//SrcDetail
            //	int srcDetailPartsCount;
            //	if (msgParts[18].Contains("(") && msgParts[18].Contains(")"))
            //	{
            //		srcDetailPartsCount = 0;
            //		msg[12] = msgParts[18].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
            //	}
            //	else
            //	{
            //		srcDetailPartsCount = -1;
            //		do
            //		{
            //			srcDetailPartsCount++;
            //			msg[12] += msgParts[18 + srcDetailPartsCount] + " ";
            //		} while (!msgParts[18 + srcDetailPartsCount].Contains(")"));

            //		msg[12] = msg[12].TrimEnd(' ');
            //		msg[12] = msg[12].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
            //		msg[12] = msg[12].Substring(msg[12].IndexOf(':') + 1,
            //			msg[12].Length - 1 - msg[12].IndexOf(':'));
            //	}

            //	msg[13] = msgParts[19 + srcDetailPartsCount];   //DestType
            //	msg[14] = msgParts[21 + srcDetailPartsCount];   //SpyType
            //	msg[15] = msgParts[24 + srcDetailPartsCount];   //MatchedPart
            //	msg[16] = msgParts[25 + srcDetailPartsCount];   //MatchedCategory
            //	//UserInfo
            //	msg[17] = msgParts[26 + srcDetailPartsCount].Substring(msgParts[26 + srcDetailPartsCount].IndexOf(':') + 1,
            //		msgParts[26 + srcDetailPartsCount].Length - 1 - msgParts[26 + srcDetailPartsCount].IndexOf(':') - 1);

            return msg;