// Runtime Analysis:
        // A = COUNT(*) in actrec
        // C = COUNT(*) in clnnum
        // J = COUNT(*) in jobtyp
        // E = COUNT(*) in employ
        // N = count of records in initialJobList, or 1 if initialJobList is null
        private void MultiJobSelector_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                using (var con = Connections.GetOLEDBConnection())
                    using (var joblist = con.GetTempDBF())
                        if (initialJobList != null)
                            // Runtime: O(N*Log(N))
                            // specifying that recnum is unique means it is indexed, which gives us better join times
                            con.ExecuteNonQuery("create table {0} (recnum n(10,0) not null unique)", joblist);
                            foreach (var recnum in initialJobList)
                                con.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into {0} (recnum) values ({1})", joblist, recnum);

                        // Runtime: O(A+A*Log(R)+A*Log(J)+A*Log(E))
                        var sql = string.Format(
                            "select actrec.recnum as JobNumber, jobnme as JobName, jobtyp.typnme as JobType, actrec.status as JobStatus"
                            + ", clnnum as ClientNumber, reccln.shtnme as ClientName"
                            + ", alltrim(employ.fullst) as Supervisor, actrec.contct as SiteContact"
                            + " from actrec"
                            + " left join reccln on clnnum = reccln.recnum"
                            + " left join jobtyp on actrec.jobtyp = jobtyp.recnum"
                            + " left join employ on actrec.sprvsr = employ.recnum");

                        // Runtime: O(A*Log(N))
                        sql += initialJobList != null
                            ? string.Format(" join {0} ijoblst on actrec.recnum = ijoblst.recnum", joblist)
                            : "";

                        // Runtime: O(N)
                        datalines_dt = con.GetDataTable("Job List", sql);
                        datalines_dt = datalines_dt.ToList<DataLine>().ToDataTable("datalines");
                        current_dt = datalines_dt;

                        // Total Runtime: O(N*Log(N) + A + A*Log(R) + A*Log(J) + A*Log(E) + A*Log(N) + N)
                        // we know that A > N, so we can drop the N*Log(N) term
                        // O(MAX(A*Log(R)+A*Log(J)+A*Log(E)+A*Log(N))) - simplify to dominate term without constants
                        // O(A*MAX(Log(R),Log(J),Log(E),Log(N))) - simplify to dominate term
                        // O(A*Log(MAX(R,J,E,N))

                    // load the project supervisors
                    var supervisors_dt = con.GetDataTable("Supervisors", "select distinct employ.recnum, employ.fullst from actrec join employ on actrec.sprvsr = employ.recnum order by employ.fullst asc");
                    cmbSupervisors.DataSource = new string [] { "*Any*" }.Concat(
                                                    (from s in supervisors_dt.Rows.ToIEnumerable()
                                                     select s["fullst"].ToString().Trim())).ToArray();

                    cmbSupervisors.SelectedIndex = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Env.Log("{0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                MessageBox.Show("Error Loading Job List Form", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
            #if false
            // Runtime: O(A+A*Log(R)+A*Log(J)+A*Log(E))
            datalines_dt = Connections.Connection.GetDataTable("datalines"
                , "select actrec.recnum as JobNumber, jobnme as JobName, jobtyp.typnme as JobType, actrec.status as JobStatus"
                + ", clnnum as ClientNumber, reccln.shtnme as ClientName"
                + ", alltrim(employ.fstnme) + ' ' + alltrim(employ.lstnme) as Supervisor, actrec.contct as SiteContact"
                + " from actrec"
                + " left join reccln on clnnum = reccln.recnum"
                + " left join jobtyp on actrec.jobtyp = jobtyp.recnum"
                + " left join employ on actrec.sprvsr = employ.recnum");

            var progress = new ProgressDialog(datalines_dt.Rows.Count + 1);
            progress.Text = "Getting Job List";

            if (initial_job_filter != null)

            // Runtime: O(A)
            // get the correct types, and make sure all columns exist
            var datalines = datalines_dt.ToList<DataLine>();
            datalines_dt = datalines.ToDataTable("datalines");

            var jobs = (from j in smbtable.GetAll<actrec>()
                        where initial_job_filter(j)
                        select j.recnum).ToArray();


            if (initial_job_filter != null)
                progress.Text = "Filtering Job List";

                // Runtime: O(AN)
                datalines_dt = datalines_dt.FilterRows(row =>
                    return jobs.Contains(Convert.ToInt64(row["JobNumber"]));
                    // return true;

            current_dt = datalines_dt;


            // Total Runtime: O(A + A*Log(R) + A*Log(J) + A*Log(E) + A + AN)
            // O(A*MAX(Log(R),Log(J),Log(E),N)) - Simplify to dominate term
            // O(AN)


            this.chkStatus1.Checked = Env.GetConfigVar("mjselect_chkStatus1", true, true);
            this.chkStatus2.Checked = Env.GetConfigVar("mjselect_chkStatus2", false, true);
            this.chkStatus3.Checked = Env.GetConfigVar("mjselect_chkStatus3", true, true);
            this.chkStatus4.Checked = Env.GetConfigVar("mjselect_chkStatus4", true, true);
            this.chkStatus5.Checked = Env.GetConfigVar("mjselect_chkStatus5", true, true);
            this.chkStatus6.Checked = Env.GetConfigVar("mjselect_chkStatus6", true, true);


            this.txtFilter.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(txtFilter_KeyPress);
            this.chkStatus1.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chkStatus_CheckedChanged);
            this.chkStatus2.CheckedChanged += chkStatus_CheckedChanged;
            this.chkStatus3.CheckedChanged += chkStatus_CheckedChanged;
            this.chkStatus4.CheckedChanged += chkStatus_CheckedChanged;
            this.chkStatus5.CheckedChanged += chkStatus_CheckedChanged;
            this.chkStatus6.CheckedChanged += chkStatus_CheckedChanged;
Esempio n. 2
        public static IEnumerable<IJob> GetJobs()
            return Cache.CacheResult(() =>
                var count = Connections.GetScalar<int>("select count(*) from actrec");
                var progress = new ProgressDialog(count, "Selecting Job List");
                var result = GetJobs(jobNumber => {
                    return true;

                return result;
            }, "AllJobs");