Esempio n. 1
        public async Task SignIn(AuthenticationResult authenticationResult)
            // Use the authentication result to get an access token
            this.CurrentToken = await OneDriveClient.GetAccessToken(authenticationResult).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Create the OneDrive client, set the token refresh callback to save new tokens.
            await this.InitializeClient().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (this.Relationship.Configuration.InitiallyCreatedUtc != DateTime.MinValue)
                Logger.Debug("OneDriveAdapter SignIn successful. Saving relationship configuration.");
                await this.Relationship.SaveAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task InitializeClient()
            this.oneDriveClient = new OneDriveClient(this.CurrentToken);
            this.oneDriveClient.TokenRefreshed += (s, e) =>
                this.CurrentToken = e.NewToken;

            // Get the user profile. This will have side effect fo refreshing the token and throw
            // an exception if the refresh token is expired and the user needs to re-sign-in.
            this.UserProfile = await this.oneDriveClient.GetUserProfileAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            this.IsInitialized = true;
            this.InitializationComplete?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
Esempio n. 3
        public OneDriveFileUploadStream(OneDriveClient client, OneDriveUploadSession uploadSession, int fragmentSize)
            Pre.ThrowIfArgumentNull(client, nameof(client));
            Pre.ThrowIfArgumentNull(uploadSession, nameof(uploadSession));

            if (fragmentSize < fragmentSizeBase)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The fragement size must be at least " + fragmentSizeBase);

            if (fragmentSize % fragmentSizeBase != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The segement size must be a multiple of " + fragmentSizeBase,

            this.client         = client;
            this.UploadSession  = uploadSession;
            this.fragmentSize   = fragmentSize;
            this.bytesRemaining = uploadSession.Length;
Esempio n. 4
 public OneDriveFileUploadStream(OneDriveClient client, OneDriveUploadSession uploadSession)
     : this(client, uploadSession, DefaultFragmentSize)
 public OneDriveFileDownloadStream(OneDriveClient client, Uri downloadUri)
     this.client      = client;
     this.downloadUri = downloadUri;