public override IEnumerable <StatDrawEntry> SpecialDisplayStats()
             * public StatDrawEntry(StatCategoryDef category,
             * string label,
             * string valueString,
             * string reportText,
             * int displayPriorityWithinCategory,
             * string overrideReportTitle = null,
             * IEnumerable<Dialog_InfoCard.Hyperlink> hyperlinks = null,
             * bool forceUnfinalizedMode = false)
            foreach (StatModifier modifier in WorkStatFactors)
                yield return(new
                             StatDrawEntry(ST_StatCategoryDefOf.SurvivalTool,                                                               //calling StatDraw Entry and Category
                                           modifier.stat.LabelCap,                                                                          //Capatalize the Label?
                                           modifier.value.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.PercentZero, ToStringNumberSense.Factor),           //Dunno what this does, I think show the value?
                                           reportText: modifier.stat.description,                                                           // Desc of the stat?
                                           displayPriorityWithinCategory: 99999,                                                            // Priority of the display?
                                           overrideReportTitle: SurvivalToolUtility.GetSurvivalToolOverrideReportText(this, modifier.stat), //show me somethin.
                                           hyperlinks: null,                                                                                // ingame hyperlinks in description
                                           forceUnfinalizedMode: false                                                                      //Dunno what this is, so lets set it to false and find out if it breaks shit.

Esempio n. 2
        //public override string LabelNoCount
        //    get
        //    {
        //        string label = base.LabelNoCount;
        //        if (HoldingPawn != null && HoldingPawn.TryGetComp<Pawn_SurvivalToolAssignmentTracker>() is Pawn_SurvivalToolAssignmentTracker tracker &&
        //            tracker.forcedHandler.IsForced(this))
        //            label += $", {"ApparelForcedLower".Translate()}";
        //        if (InUse)
        //            label += $", {"ToolInUse".Translate()}";
        //        return label;
        //    }

        #region Methods
        public override IEnumerable <StatDrawEntry> SpecialDisplayStats()
            foreach (StatModifier modifier in WorkStatFactors)
                yield return(new StatDrawEntry(ST_StatCategoryDefOf.SurvivalTool,
                                               modifier.value.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.PercentZero, ToStringNumberSense.Factor),
                                               overrideReportText: SurvivalToolUtility.GetSurvivalToolOverrideReportText(this, modifier.stat)));