Inheritance: IComparable, ICloneable
Esempio n. 1
        public PuttyStartInfo(SessionData session)
            string argsToLog = null;

            this.Executable = SuperPuTTY.Settings.PuttyExe;

            if (session.Proto == ConnectionProtocol.Cygterm)
                CygtermStartInfo cyg = new CygtermStartInfo(session);
                this.Args = cyg.Args;
                this.WorkingDir = cyg.StartingDir;
            else if (session.Proto == ConnectionProtocol.Mintty)
                MinttyStartInfo mintty = new MinttyStartInfo(session);
                this.Args = mintty.Args;
                this.WorkingDir = mintty.StartingDir;
                this.Executable = SuperPuTTY.Settings.MinttyExe;
                this.Args = MakeArgs(session, true);
                argsToLog = MakeArgs(session, false);

            // attempt to parse env vars
            this.Args = this.Args.Contains('%') ? TryParseEnvVars(this.Args) : this.Args;

            Log.InfoFormat("Putty Args: '{0}'", argsToLog ?? this.Args);
Esempio n. 2
        public PscpBrowserPanel(SessionData session, PscpOptions options, string localStartingDir) : this()
            this.Name = session.SessionName;
            this.TabText = session.SessionName;

             //set the remote path
            String remotePath = "";            
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.RemotePath)){                
                remotePath = options.PscpHomePrefix + session.Username;
                remotePath = session.RemotePath;

            //set the local path
            String localPath = "";
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(localStartingDir)){
                localPath = String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.LocalPath) ? Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) : session.LocalPath;
                localPath = localStartingDir;

            this.fileTransferPresenter = new FileTransferPresenter(options);
            this.localBrowserPresenter = new BrowserPresenter(
                "Local", new LocalBrowserModel(), session, fileTransferPresenter);
            this.remoteBrowserPresenter = new BrowserPresenter(
                "Remote", new RemoteBrowserModel(options), session, fileTransferPresenter);

            this.browserViewLocal.Initialize(this.localBrowserPresenter, new BrowserFileInfo(new DirectoryInfo(localPath)));
            this.browserViewRemote.Initialize(this.remoteBrowserPresenter, RemoteBrowserModel.NewDirectory(remotePath));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sync call to list directory contents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ListDirectoryResult ListDirectory(SessionData session, BrowserFileInfo path)
            ListDirectoryResult result;

            if (session == null || session.Username == null)
                result = new ListDirectoryResult(path);
                result.ErrorMsg = "Session invalid";
                result.StatusCode = ResultStatusCode.Error;
                string targetPath = path.Path;
                if (targetPath == null || targetPath == ".")
                    targetPath = string.Format("/home/{0}", session.Username);
                    Log.InfoFormat("Defaulting path: {0}->{1}", path.Path, targetPath);
                    path.Path = targetPath;

                PscpClient client = new PscpClient(this.Options, session);
                result = client.ListDirectory(path);

            return result;
Esempio n. 4
        public CygtermStartInfo(SessionData session)
            this.session = session;

            // parse host args and starting dir
            Match m = Regex.Match(session.Host, LocalHost + ":(.*)");
            String dir = m.Success ? m.Groups[1].Value : null;
            bool exists = false;
            if (dir != null)
                exists = Directory.Exists(dir);
                Log.DebugFormat("Parsed dir from host. Host={0}, Dir={1}, Exists={2}", session.Host, dir, exists);
            if (dir != null && exists)
                // start bash...will start in process start dir
                this.Args = "-load \"" + session.PuttySession + "\" -cygterm bash -i ";
                this.StartingDir = dir;
                // login shell
                this.Args = "-load \"" + session.PuttySession + "\" -cygterm -";
Esempio n. 5
        public static List<SessionData> GetAllSessionsFromPuTTY()
            List<SessionData> sessions = new List<SessionData>();

            RegistryKey key = RootAppKey;
            if (key != null)
                string[] savedSessionNames = key.GetSubKeyNames();
                foreach (string keyName in savedSessionNames)
                    RegistryKey sessionKey = key.OpenSubKey(keyName);
                    if (sessionKey != null)
                        SessionData session = new SessionData();
                        session.Host = (string)sessionKey.GetValue("HostName", "");
                        session.Port = (int)sessionKey.GetValue("PortNumber", 22);
                        session.Proto = (ConnectionProtocol)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConnectionProtocol), (string)sessionKey.GetValue("Protocol", "SSH"), true);
                        session.PuttySession = (string)sessionKey.GetValue("PuttySession", HttpUtility.UrlDecode(keyName));
                        session.SessionName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(keyName);
                        session.Username = (string)sessionKey.GetValue("UserName", "");

            return sessions;
Esempio n. 6
        public MinttyStartInfo(SessionData session)
            this.session = session;

            // parse host args and starting dir
            Match m = Regex.Match(session.Host, LocalHost + ":(.*)");
            String dir = m.Success ? m.Groups[1].Value : null;
            bool exists = false;
            if (dir != null)
                exists = Directory.Exists(dir);
                Log.DebugFormat("Parsed dir from host. Host={0}, Dir={1}, Exists={2}", session.Host, dir, exists);
            if (dir != null && exists)
                // start bash...will start in process start dir
                // >mintty.exe /bin/env CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/bash -l
                this.Args = "/bin/env CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/bash -l";
                this.StartingDir = dir;
                // login shell
                this.Args = "-";
Esempio n. 7
        static string MakeArgs(SessionData session, bool includePassword)
            string args = "-" + session.Proto.ToString().ToLower() + " ";
            args += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Password) && session.Password.Length > 0) 
                ? "-pw " + (includePassword ? session.Password : "******") + " " 
                : "";
            args += "-P " + session.Port + " ";
            args += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.PuttySession)) ? "-load \"" + session.PuttySession + "\" " : "";
            args += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.ExtraArgs) ? session.ExtraArgs + " " : "");
            args += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Username) && session.Username.Length > 0) ? " -l " + session.Username + " " : "";
            args += session.Host;

            return args;
Esempio n. 8
        public PscpBrowserPanel(SessionData session, PscpOptions options, string localStartingDir) : this()
            this.Name = session.SessionName;
            this.TabText = session.SessionName;

            this.fileTransferPresenter = new FileTransferPresenter(options);
            this.localBrowserPresenter = new BrowserPresenter(
                "Local", new LocalBrowserModel(), session, fileTransferPresenter);
            this.remoteBrowserPresenter = new BrowserPresenter(
                "Remote", new RemoteBrowserModel(options), session, fileTransferPresenter);

            this.browserViewLocal.Initialize(this.localBrowserPresenter, new BrowserFileInfo(new DirectoryInfo(localStartingDir)));
            this.browserViewRemote.Initialize(this.remoteBrowserPresenter, RemoteBrowserModel.NewDirectory("/"));
Esempio n. 9
        public ListDirectoryResult ListDirectory(SessionData session, BrowserFileInfo path)
            Log.InfoFormat("GetFilesForPath, path={0}", path.Path);

            ListDirectoryResult result = new ListDirectoryResult(path);
                LoadDirectory(path, result);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.SetError(null, ex);
                Log.ErrorFormat("Error loading directory: {0}", ex.Message);

            return result;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Open the filezilla program with the sesion data, for sftp connection. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        public static void openFileZilla(SessionData session)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Password) && !SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg)
                Log.Warn("SuperPuTTY is set to NOT allow the use of the -pw <password> argument, this can be overriden in Tools -> Options -> GUI");

            // open filezilla with the session info (
            String pw = session.Password;
            String user = Uri.EscapeDataString(session.Username);
            String userPw =    !String.IsNullOrEmpty(user) ? (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pw) && SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg ? user + ":" + pw      + "@" : user + "@") : "";
            String userPwLog = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(user) ? (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pw) && SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg ? user + ":" + "XXXXX" + "@" : user + "@") : "";
            String rp = String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.RemotePath) ? "" : session.RemotePath;
            String lp = String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.LocalPath) ? "" : " --local=\"" + session.LocalPath + "\" ";
            String param = "sftp://" + userPw + session.Host + ":" + session.Port + rp + lp;
            Log.Debug("Send to FileZilla:" + SuperPuTTY.Settings.FileZillaExe + " params="+ "sftp://" + userPwLog + session.Host + ":" + session.Port + rp + lp);
            Process.Start(SuperPuTTY.Settings.FileZillaExe, param);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Open the WinSCP program with the sesion data, for sftp connection. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        public static void openWinSCP(SessionData session)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Password) && !SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg)
                Log.Warn("SuperPuTTY is set to NOT allow the use of the -pw <password> argument, this can be overriden in Tools -> Options -> GUI");

            // open WinSCP with the session info (           
            String pw = Uri.EscapeDataString(session.Password);
            String user = Uri.EscapeDataString(session.Username);
            String userPw =    !String.IsNullOrEmpty(user) ? (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pw) && SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg ? user + ":" + pw      + "@" : user + "@") : "";
            String userPwLog = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(user) ? (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pw) && SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg ? user + ":" + "XXXXX" + "@" : user + "@") : "";
            String rp = String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.RemotePath) ? "" : session.RemotePath;
            if (!rp.Substring(rp.Length).Equals("/"))
                rp += "/";
            String lp = String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.LocalPath) ? "" : " -rawsettings localDirectory=\"" + session.LocalPath + "\" ";
            String param = "sftp://" + userPw + session.Host + ":" + session.Port + rp + lp;
            Log.Debug("Send to WinSCP:" + SuperPuTTY.Settings.WinSCPExe + " params="+ "sftp://" + userPwLog + session.Host + ":" + session.Port + rp + lp);
            Process.Start(SuperPuTTY.Settings.WinSCPExe, param);
Esempio n. 12
        public BrowserPresenter(string name, IBrowserModel model, SessionData session, IFileTransferPresenter fileTransferPresenter)
            this.Model = model;
            this.Session = session;

            this.FileTransferPresenter = fileTransferPresenter;
            this.FileTransferPresenter.ViewModel.FileTransfers.ListChanged += (FileTransfers_ListChanged);

            this.BackgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
            this.BackgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            this.BackgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
            this.BackgroundWorker.DoWork += (BackgroundWorker_DoWork);
            this.BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += (BackgroundWorker_ProgressChanged);
            this.BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += (BackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted);

            this.ViewModel = new BrowserViewModel
                Name = name, 
                BrowserState = BrowserState.Ready
Esempio n. 13
        static string MakeArgs(SessionData session, bool includePassword)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Password) && includePassword && !SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg)
                Log.Warn("SuperPuTTY is set to NOT allow the use of the -pw <password> argument, this can be overriden in Tools -> Options -> GUI");

            string args = "-" + session.Proto.ToString().ToLower() + " ";
            args += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Password) && session.Password.Length > 0 && SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg 
                ? "-pw " + (includePassword ? session.Password : "******") + " " 
                : "";
            args += "-P " + session.Port + " ";
            args += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.PuttySession) ? "-load \"" + session.PuttySession + "\" " : "";

            args += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(SuperPuTTY.Settings.PuttyDefaultParameters) ? SuperPuTTY.Settings.PuttyDefaultParameters + " " : "";

            //If extra args contains the password, delete it (it's in session.password)
            string extraArgs = CommandLineOptions.replacePassword(session.ExtraArgs,"");            
            args += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(extraArgs) ? extraArgs + " " : "";
            args += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Username) && session.Username.Length > 0 ? " -l " + session.Username + " " : "";
            args += session.Host;

            return args;
Esempio n. 14
 public object Clone()
     SessionData session = new SessionData();
     foreach (PropertyInfo pi in this.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
         if (pi.CanWrite)
             pi.SetValue(session, pi.GetValue(this, null), null);
     return session;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Read any existing saved sessions from the registry, decode and populate a list containing the data
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A list containing the entries retrieved from the registry</returns>
 public static List<SessionData> LoadSessionsFromRegistry()
     List<SessionData> sessionList = new List<SessionData>();
     RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Jim Radford\SuperPuTTY\Sessions");
     if (key != null)
         string[] sessionKeys = key.GetSubKeyNames();
         foreach (string session in sessionKeys)
             SessionData sessionData = new SessionData();
             RegistryKey itemKey = key.OpenSubKey(session);
             if (itemKey != null)
                 sessionData.Host = (string)itemKey.GetValue("Host", "");
                 sessionData.Port = (int)itemKey.GetValue("Port", 22);
                 sessionData.Proto = (ConnectionProtocol)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConnectionProtocol), (string)itemKey.GetValue("Proto", "SSH"));
                 sessionData.PuttySession = (string)itemKey.GetValue("PuttySession", "Default Session");
                 sessionData.SessionName = session;
                 sessionData.SessionId = (string)itemKey.GetValue("SessionId", session);
                 sessionData.Username = (string)itemKey.GetValue("Login", "");
                 sessionData.LastDockstate = (DockState)itemKey.GetValue("Last Dock", DockState.Document);
                 sessionData.AutoStartSession = bool.Parse((string)itemKey.GetValue("Auto Start", "False"));
     return sessionList;
Esempio n. 16
        public void RunCombinedView()
            Form form = new Form();

            SessionData session = new SessionData
                SessionId = "Test/SessionId",
                SessionName = "Test SessionName",
                Username = ScpConfig.UserName,
                Password = ScpConfig.Password, 
                Host = ScpConfig.KnownHost, 
                Port = 22

            FileTransferPresenter fileTransferPresenter = new FileTransferPresenter(ScpConfig.DefaultOptions);

            FileTransferView fileTransferView = new FileTransferView(fileTransferPresenter) { Dock = DockStyle.Bottom };
            BrowserView localBrowserView = new BrowserView(
                new BrowserPresenter("Local", new LocalBrowserModel(), session, fileTransferPresenter), 
                new BrowserFileInfo(new DirectoryInfo(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop))));
            localBrowserView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            BrowserView remoteBrowserView = new BrowserView(
                new BrowserPresenter("Remote", new RemoteBrowserModel(ScpConfig.DefaultOptions), session, fileTransferPresenter),
                RemoteBrowserModel.NewDirectory("/home/" + ScpConfig.UserName));
            remoteBrowserView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            SplitContainer browserPanel = new SplitContainer() 
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, 
                SplitterDistance = 75, 

            form.Size = new Size(1024, 768);
Esempio n. 17
        public void LocalToRemote()
            SessionData session = new SessionData
                Username = ScpConfig.UserName,
                Password = ScpConfig.Password,
                Host = ScpConfig.KnownHost,
                Port = 22

            List<BrowserFileInfo> sourceFiles = new List<BrowserFileInfo> 
                //new BrowserFileInfo(new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()))
                new BrowserFileInfo(new FileInfo(ScpConfig.PscpLocation))
            BrowserFileInfo target = new BrowserFileInfo
                Path = string.Format("/home/{0}/", session.Username), 
                Source = SourceType.Remote

            PscpOptions options = new PscpOptions { PscpLocation = ScpConfig.PscpLocation, TimeoutMs = 5000 };
            PscpClient client = new PscpClient(options, session);
            PscpResult res = client.CopyFiles(
                (complete, cancelAll, status) => 
                        "complete={0}, cancelAll={1}, fileName={2}, pctComplete={3}", 
                        complete, cancelAll, status.Filename, status.PercentComplete);

            Log.InfoFormat("Result: {0}", res);

            ListDirectoryResult res = client.ListDirectory(new BrowserFileInfo { Path = "." });

            Assert.AreEqual(ResultStatusCode.Success, res.StatusCode);
            Assert.Greater(res.Files.Count, 0);
            foreach (BrowserFileInfo file in res.Files)

            Log.InfoFormat("Result: {0}", res);*/
Esempio n. 18
        public void ListDirBadPath()
            SessionData session = new SessionData
                Username = ScpConfig.UserName,
                Password = ScpConfig.Password,
                Host = ScpConfig.KnownHost,
                Port = 22

            PscpClient client = new PscpClient(ScpConfig.DefaultOptions, session);

            ListDirectoryResult res = client.ListDirectory(new BrowserFileInfo { Path = "some_non_existant_dir" });

            Assert.AreEqual(ResultStatusCode.Error, res.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Files.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(res.ErrorMsg != null && res.ErrorMsg.StartsWith("Unable to open"));
            Log.InfoFormat("Result: {0}", res);
Esempio n. 19
        public void ListDirHostNoKey()
            SessionData session = new SessionData
                Username = ScpConfig.UserName,
                Password = ScpConfig.Password,
                Host = ScpConfig.UnKnownHost,
                Port = 22

            PscpClient client = new PscpClient(ScpConfig.DefaultOptions, session);

            ListDirectoryResult res = client.ListDirectory(new BrowserFileInfo { Path = "." });

            Assert.AreEqual(ResultStatusCode.Error, res.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(res.Files.Count, 0);

            Log.InfoFormat("Result: {0}", res);
Esempio n. 20
 public PscpBrowserPanel(SessionData session, PscpOptions options) :
     this(session, options, Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop))
 { }
Esempio n. 21
        public void RunPscpBrowserPanel()
            SessionData session = new SessionData
                SessionId = "Test/SessionId",
                SessionName = "Test SessionName",
                Username = ScpConfig.UserName,
                Password = ScpConfig.Password,
                Host = ScpConfig.KnownHost,
                Port = 22

            PscpBrowserPanel panel = new PscpBrowserPanel(session, ScpConfig.DefaultOptions);
            panel.Size = new Size(1024, 768);
Esempio n. 22
 public PscpBrowserPanel(SessionData session, PscpOptions options) :
    // default value of localStartingDir moved to localPath in PscpBrowserPanel(SessionData session, PscpOptions options, string localStartingDir)            
    this(session, options, "")
 { }
Esempio n. 23
        public static string ToArgs(SessionData session, string password, string path)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("-ls ");

            if (session.PuttySession != null)
                sb.AppendFormat("-load \"{0}\" ", session.PuttySession);

            //only send the password if AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg is checked
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && !SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg)
                Log.Warn("SuperPuTTY is set to NOT allow the use of the -pw <password> argument, this can be overriden in Tools -> Options -> GUI");
            //fix: use the parameter "password"
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && SuperPuTTY.Settings.AllowPlainTextPuttyPasswordArg)
                sb.AppendFormat("-pw {0} ", password);

            sb.AppendFormat("-P {0} ", session.Port);
            sb.AppendFormat("{0}@{1}:\"{2}\"", session.Username, session.Host, path);

            return sb.ToString();
Esempio n. 24
 public PscpClient(PscpOptions options, SessionData session)
     this.Options = options;
     this.Session = session;
Esempio n. 25
        static string ToArgs(SessionData session, string password, List<BrowserFileInfo> source, BrowserFileInfo target)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("-r -agent ");  // default arguments
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session.PuttySession))
                sb.Append("-load \"").Append(session.PuttySession).Append("\" ");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                sb.Append("-pw ").Append(password).Append(" ");
            sb.AppendFormat("-P {0} ", session.Port);

            if (target.Source == SourceType.Remote)
                // possible to send multiple files remotely at a time
                foreach(BrowserFileInfo file in source)
                    sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" ", file.Path);
                sb.AppendFormat(" {0}@{1}:\"{2}\"", session.Username, session.Host, EscapeForUnix(target.Path));
                if (source.Count > 1)
                    Log.WarnFormat("Not possible to transfer multiple remote files locally at one time.  Tranfering first only!");
                sb.AppendFormat(" {0}@{1}:\"{2}\" ", session.Username, session.Host, EscapeForUnix(source[0].Path));
                sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", target.Path);

            return sb.ToString();
Esempio n. 26
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            SessionData s = obj as SessionData;

            return(s == null ? 1 : this.SessionId.CompareTo(s.SessionId));
Esempio n. 27
        public void TestGUI()
            Form form = new Form();
            form.Size = new Size(600, 800);

            SessionData session = new SessionData
                Username = ScpConfig.UserName,
                Password = ScpConfig.Password, 
                Host = ScpConfig.KnownHost, 
                Port = 22

            BrowserPresenter presenter = new BrowserPresenter(
                new RemoteBrowserModel(ScpConfig.DefaultOptions), 
                new MockFileTransferPresenter());

            BrowserView view = new BrowserView(
                RemoteBrowserModel.NewDirectory("/home/" + ScpConfig.UserName));
            view.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

Esempio n. 28
        public void ListDirSuccess()
            SessionData session = new SessionData
                Username = ScpConfig.UserName, 
                Password = ScpConfig.Password, 
                Host = ScpConfig.KnownHost, 
                Port = 22

            PscpClient client = new PscpClient(ScpConfig.DefaultOptions, session);

            ListDirectoryResult res = client.ListDirectory(new BrowserFileInfo { Path = "." });

            Assert.AreEqual(ResultStatusCode.Success, res.StatusCode);
            Assert.Greater(res.Files.Count, 0);
            foreach (BrowserFileInfo file in res.Files)

            Log.InfoFormat("Result: {0}", res);
Esempio n. 29
        public static string ToArgs(SessionData session, string password, string path)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("-ls ");

            if (session.PuttySession != null)
                sb.AppendFormat("-load \"{0}\" ", session.PuttySession);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.Password))
                sb.AppendFormat("-pw {0} ", password);
            sb.AppendFormat("-P {0} ", session.Port);
            sb.AppendFormat("{0}@{1}:{2}", session.Username, session.Host, path);

            return sb.ToString();
Esempio n. 30
        public static List<SessionData> GetAllSessionsFromPuTTYCM(string fileExport)
            List<SessionData> sessions = new List<SessionData>();

            if (fileExport == null || !File.Exists(fileExport))
                return sessions;

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList connections = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//connection[@type='PuTTY']");
            foreach (XmlElement connection in connections)
                List<string> folders = new List<string>();
                XmlElement node = connection.ParentNode as XmlElement;
                while (node != null && node.Name != "root")
                    if (node.Name == "container" && node.GetAttribute("type") == "folder")
                    node = node.ParentNode as XmlElement;
                string parentPath = string.Join("/", folders.ToArray());

                XmlElement info = (XmlElement)connection.SelectSingleNode("connection_info");
                XmlElement login = (XmlElement)connection.SelectSingleNode("login");

                SessionData session = new SessionData();
                session.SessionName = info.SelectSingleNode("name").InnerText;
                session.Host = info.SelectSingleNode("host").InnerText;
                session.Port = Convert.ToInt32(info.SelectSingleNode("port").InnerText);
                session.Proto = (ConnectionProtocol)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConnectionProtocol), info.SelectSingleNode("protocol").InnerText);
                session.PuttySession = info.SelectSingleNode("session").InnerText;
                session.SessionId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentPath) 
                    ? session.SessionName 
                    : SessionData.CombineSessionIds(parentPath, session.SessionName);
                session.Username = login.SelectSingleNode("login").InnerText;


            return sessions;