public new void Initialize()
     _stepExecutionDao = new DbStepExecutionDao
         DbOperator = DbOperator,
         PlaceholderGetter = new PlaceholderGetter(name => "@" + name, true),
         StepIncrementer = new SqlServerIncrementer
             ConnectionStringSettings = ConnectionStringSettings,
             IncrementerName = "BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION_SEQ",
             ColumnName = "ID"
     _jobExecution = new JobExecution(1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the step execution DAO.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="DbStepExecutionDao"/>.</returns>
 protected override IStepExecutionDao CreateStepExecutionDao()
     var dao = new DbStepExecutionDao
         DbOperator = DbOperator,
         StepIncrementer = _incrementer,
         TablePrefix = TablePrefix,
     return dao;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an IStepExecutionDao.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>IStepExecutionDao</returns>
 protected override IStepExecutionDao CreateStepExecutionDao()
     DbStepExecutionDao dao = new DbStepExecutionDao
         DbOperator = DbOperator,
         StepIncrementer = GetIncrementer(TablePrefix + "STEP_EXECUTION_SEQ"),
         TablePrefix = TablePrefix,
         ExitMessageLength = MaxVarCharLength
     return dao;