public HostClickPlayerEventArgs(int Header, int PlayerID, int X, int Y) : base() { this.Header = Header; this.PlayerID = PlayerID; this.Tile = new HPoint(X, Y); }
public bool Equals(HPoint other) { return(_point.Equals(other._point) && int.Equals(_x, other._x) && int.Equals(_y, other._y) && string.Equals(_z, other._z)); }
public HFloorItem(HMessage packet) { Id = packet.ReadInteger(); TypeId = packet.ReadInteger(); var tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInteger(), packet.ReadInteger()); Facing = (HDirection)packet.ReadInteger(); tile.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Tile = tile; packet.ReadString(); packet.ReadInteger(); Category = packet.ReadInteger(); Stuff = ReadData(packet, Category); SecondsToExpiration = packet.ReadInteger(); UsagePolicy = packet.ReadInteger(); OwnerId = packet.ReadInteger(); if (TypeId < 0) { packet.ReadString(); } }
public HFloorItem(HPacket packet) { Id = packet.ReadInt32(); TypeId = packet.ReadInt32(); var tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInt32(), packet.ReadInt32()); Facing = (HDirection)packet.ReadInt32(); tile.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Tile = tile; var loc1 = packet.ReadUTF8(); var loc3 = packet.ReadInt32(); Category = packet.ReadInt32(); Stuff = ReadData(packet, Category); var loc4 = packet.ReadInt32(); var loc5 = packet.ReadInt32(); OwnerId = packet.ReadInt32(); if (TypeId < 0) { var loc6 = packet.ReadUTF8(); } }
public HFloorItem(HPacket packet) : base(packet) { Id = packet.ReadInt32(); TypeId = packet.ReadInt32(); var tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInt32(), packet.ReadInt32()); Facing = (HDirection)packet.ReadInt32(); tile.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Tile = tile; Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadUTF8()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); Category = packet.ReadInt32(); Stuff = ReadData(packet, Category); SecondsToExpiration = packet.ReadInt32(); UsagePolicy = packet.ReadInt32(); OwnerId = packet.ReadInt32(); if (TypeId < 0) { Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadUTF8()); } }
public HostMoveFurnitureEventArgs(Func<Task> continuation, int step, HMessage packet) : base(continuation, step, packet) { Id = packet.ReadInteger(); Tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInteger(), packet.ReadInteger()); Direction = (HDirection)packet.ReadInteger(); }
public HFloorObject(HPacket packet) { Id = packet.ReadInt32(); TypeId = packet.ReadInt32(); var tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInt32(), packet.ReadInt32()); Facing = (HDirection)packet.ReadInt32(); tile.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Tile = tile; Height = double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Extra = packet.ReadInt32(); Category = packet.ReadInt32(); Stuff = ReadData(packet, Category); SecondsToExpiration = packet.ReadInt32(); UsagePolicy = (HUsagePolicy)packet.ReadInt32(); OwnerId = packet.ReadInt32(); if (TypeId < 0) { StaticClass = packet.ReadUTF8(); } }
public HSlideObjectBundle(HPacket packet) { HPoint location = new HPoint(packet.ReadInt32(), packet.ReadInt32()); HPoint target = new HPoint(packet.ReadInt32(), packet.ReadInt32()); Objects = new HSlideObject[packet.ReadInt32()]; for (int i = 0; i < Objects.Length; i++) { int objectId = packet.ReadInt32(); location.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); target.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Objects[i] = new HSlideObject(objectId, location, target); } Id = packet.ReadInt32(); if (packet.ReadableBytes > 0) { HMoveType type = (HMoveType)packet.ReadInt32(); int entityIndex = packet.ReadInt32(); location.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); target.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Entity = new HSlideObject(entityIndex, location, target, type); } }
public HEntity(HPacket packet) : base(packet) { Id = packet.ReadInt32(); Name = packet.ReadUTF8(); Motto = packet.ReadUTF8(); FigureId = packet.ReadUTF8(); Index = packet.ReadInt32(); Tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInt32(), packet.ReadInt32(), double.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); EntityType = packet.ReadInt32(); switch (EntityType) { case 1: { Gender = (HGender)packet.ReadUTF8().ToLower()[0]; Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); FavoriteGroup = packet.ReadUTF8(); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadUTF8()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadBoolean()); break; } case 2: { Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadUTF8()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadBoolean()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadBoolean()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadBoolean()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadBoolean()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadBoolean()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadBoolean()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadUTF8()); break; } case 4: { Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadUTF8()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadInt32()); Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadUTF8()); for (int j = packet.ReadInt32(); j > 0; j--) { Remnants.Enqueue(packet.ReadUInt16()); } break; } } }
public HEntity(HMessage packet) { Id = packet.ReadInteger(); Name = packet.ReadString(); Motto = packet.ReadString(); FigureId = packet.ReadString(); Index = packet.ReadInteger(); Tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInteger(), packet.ReadInteger(), double.Parse(packet.ReadString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); packet.ReadInteger(); int type = packet.ReadInteger(); switch (type) { case 1: { Gender = SKore.ToGender(packet.ReadString()); packet.ReadInteger(); packet.ReadInteger(); FavoriteGroup = packet.ReadString(); packet.ReadString(); packet.ReadInteger(); packet.ReadBoolean(); break; } case 2: { packet.ReadInteger(); packet.ReadInteger(); packet.ReadString(); packet.ReadInteger(); packet.ReadBoolean(); packet.ReadBoolean(); packet.ReadBoolean(); packet.ReadBoolean(); packet.ReadBoolean(); packet.ReadBoolean(); packet.ReadInteger(); packet.ReadString(); break; } case 4: { packet.ReadString(); packet.ReadInteger(); packet.ReadString(); for (int j = packet.ReadInteger(); j > 0; j--) { packet.ReadShort(); } break; } } }
public HWallItem(HPacket packet) { Id = int.Parse(packet.ReadUTF8()); TypeId = packet.ReadInt32(); Location = packet.ReadUTF8(); Data = packet.ReadUTF8(); SecondsToExpiration = packet.ReadInt32(); UsagePolicy = (HUsagePolicy)packet.ReadInt32(); OwnerId = packet.ReadInt32(); if (float.TryParse(Data, out _)) { State = int.Parse(Data); } string[] locations = Location.Split(' '); if (Location.IndexOf(":") == 0 && locations.Length >= 3) { Placement = locations[2]; if (locations[0].Length <= 3 || locations[1].Length <= 2) { return; } string firstLoc = locations[0].Substring(3); string secondLoc = locations[1].Substring(2); locations = firstLoc.Split(','); if (locations.Length >= 2) { Global = new HPoint(int.Parse(locations[0]), int.Parse(locations[1])); locations = secondLoc.Split(','); if (locations.Length >= 2) { Local = new HPoint(int.Parse(locations[0]), int.Parse(locations[1])); } } } else if (locations.Length >= 2) { Placement = locations[0]; if (Placement == "rightwall" || Placement == "frontwall") { Placement = "r"; } else { Placement = "l"; } string[] coords = locations[1].Split(','); if (coords.Length >= 3) { Y = float.Parse(coords[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Z = float.Parse(coords[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } }
public HFurniture(int id, int typeId, int ownerId, string ownerName, HPoint tile, HDirection direction) { Id = id; TypeId = typeId; OwnerId = ownerId; OwnerName = ownerName; Tile = tile; Direction = direction; }
public HFurnitureData(int furnitureOwnerId, string furnitureOwnerName, int furnitureId, int furnitureTypeId, HPoint tile, HDirection direction, int state) { FurnitureOwnerId = furnitureOwnerId; FurnitureOwnerName = furnitureOwnerName; FurnitureId = furnitureId; furnitureTypeId = FurnitureTypeId; Tile = tile; Direction = direction; State = state; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HEntity"/> class with the specified information, /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The id of the <see cref="HEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="index">The room index value of the <see cref="HEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the <see cref="HEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="tile">The <see cref="HPoint"/> of the <see cref="HEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="motto">The motto of the <see cref="HEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="gender">The <see cref="HGender"/> of the <see cref="HEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="figureId">The figure id of the <see cref="HEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="favoriteGroup">The favorite group badge of the <see cref="HEntity"/>.</param> public HEntity(int id, int index, string name, HPoint tile, string motto, HGender gender, string figureId, string favoriteGroup) { Id = id; Index = index; Name = name; Tile = tile; Motto = motto; Gender = gender; FigureId = figureId; FavoriteGroup = favoriteGroup; }
public HPlayerData(string playerName, int playerId, int playerIndex, HPoint tile, string figureId, string motto, HGender gender, string groupName) { PlayerName = playerName; PlayerId = playerId; PlayerIndex = playerIndex; Tile = tile; FigureId = figureId; Motto = motto; Gender = gender; FavoriteGroup = groupName; }
public FurnitureMoveEventArgs(Func<Task> continuation, int step, HMessage packet) : base(continuation, step, packet) { Id = packet.ReadInteger(); TypeId = packet.ReadInteger(); int x = packet.ReadInteger(); int y = packet.ReadInteger(); Direction = (HDirection)packet.ReadInteger(); Tile = new HPoint(x, y, double.Parse(packet.ReadString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); // TODO: Find the chunks before OwnerId and read them. OwnerId = packet.ReadInteger(packet.Length - 6); }
public HPlayerAction(bool empowered, int playerIndex, HPoint tile, HPoint movingTo, HSign sign, HStance stance, HDirection headDirection, HDirection bodyDirection, HAction latestAction) { Empowered = empowered; PlayerIndex = playerIndex; Tile = tile; MovingTo = movingTo; Sign = sign; Stance = stance; HeadDirection = headDirection; BodyDirection = bodyDirection; LatestAction = latestAction; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HEntityAction"/> class with the specified information. /// </summary> /// <param name="isEmpowered">The value that determines whether the <see cref="IHEntity"/> has privileges.</param> /// <param name="index">The room index value of the <see cref="IHEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="tile">The <see cref="HPoint"/> of where the <see cref="IHEntity"/> is currently on.</param> /// <param name="movingTo">The <see cref="HPoint"/> of where the <see cref="IHEntity"/> will move to next.</param> /// <param name="sign">The <see cref="HSign"/> that the <see cref="IHEntity"/> has raised.</param> /// <param name="stance">The current <see cref="HStance"/> of the <see cref="IHEntity"/>.</param> /// <param name="headDirection">The <see cref="HDirection"/> of the <see cref="IHEntity"/>'s head.</param> /// <param name="bodyDirection">The <see cref="HDirection"/> of the <see cref="IHEntity"/>'s body.</param> /// <param name="lastAction">The <see cref="HAction"/> that the <see cref="IHEntity"/> has recently done.</param> public HEntityAction(bool isEmpowered, int index, HPoint tile, HPoint movingTo, HSign sign, HStance stance, HDirection headDirection, HDirection bodyDirection, HAction lastAction) { Index = index; IsEmpowered = isEmpowered; Tile = tile; MovingTo = movingTo; Sign = sign; Stance = stance; HeadDirection = headDirection; BodyDirection = bodyDirection; LastAction = lastAction; }
public PlayerActionEventArgs(HMessage packet) { _packet = packet; Header = _packet.Header; int x, y; string z, actionTxt; int position = 0; PlayerCount = _packet.ReadInt(ref position); PlayerIndex = _packet.ReadInt(ref position); x = _packet.ReadInt(ref position); y = _packet.ReadInt(ref position); z = _packet.ReadString(ref position); Tile = new HPoint(x, y, z); HeadDirection = (HDirection)_packet.ReadInt(ref position); BodyDirection = (HDirection)_packet.ReadInt(ref position); actionTxt = _packet.ReadString(ref position); actionTxt = actionTxt.GetChild("//mv ", '/'); }
public FurnitureDropEventArgs(Func<Task> continuation, int step, HMessage packet) : base(continuation, step, packet) { Id = Packet.ReadInteger(); TypeId = Packet.ReadInteger(); int x = Packet.ReadInteger(); int y = Packet.ReadInteger(); Direction = (HDirection)Packet.ReadInteger(); Tile = new HPoint(x, y, double.Parse(Packet.ReadString())); Packet.ReadString(); Packet.ReadInteger(); Packet.ReadInteger(); Packet.ReadString(); IsRental = (Packet.ReadInteger() != 1); Packet.ReadInteger(); OwnerId = Packet.ReadInteger(); OwnerName = Packet.ReadString(); }
public HFurniture(HMessage packet) { Id = packet.ReadInteger(); TypeId = packet.ReadInteger(); Tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInteger(), packet.ReadInteger()); Facing = (HDirection)packet.ReadInteger(); Tile.Z = double.Parse(packet.ReadString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var loc1 = packet.ReadString(); var loc3 = packet.ReadInteger(); Category = packet.ReadInteger(); Stuff = ReadData(packet, Category); var loc4 = packet.ReadInteger(); var loc5 = packet.ReadInteger(); OwnerId = packet.ReadInteger(); if (TypeId < 0) { var loc6 = packet.ReadString(); } }
public bool IsWalkable(HPoint tile) { return(IsWalkable(tile.X, tile.Y)); }
public bool IsWalkable(HPoint tile) { return IsWalkable(tile.X, tile.Y); }
public HEntityUpdate(HMessage packet) { Index = packet.ReadInteger(); Tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInteger(), packet.ReadInteger(), double.Parse(packet.ReadString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); HeadFacing = (HDirection)packet.ReadInteger(); BodyFacing = (HDirection)packet.ReadInteger(); string action = packet.ReadString(); string[] actionData = action.Split( new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string actionInfo in actionData) { string[] actionValues = actionInfo.Split(' '); if (actionValues.Length < 2) { continue; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(actionValues[0])) { continue; } switch (actionValues[0]) { case "flatctrl": { IsController = true; break; } case "mv": { string[] values = actionValues[1].Split(','); if (values.Length >= 3) { MovingTo = new HPoint(int.Parse(values[0]), int.Parse(values[1]), double.Parse(values[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } Action = HAction.Move; break; } case "sit": { Action = HAction.Sit; Stance = HStance.Sit; break; } case "lay": { Action = HAction.Lay; Stance = HStance.Lay; break; } case "sign": { Sign = (HSign)int.Parse(actionValues[1]); Action = HAction.Sign; break; } } } }
public HostWalkEventArgs(Func<Task> continuation, int step, HMessage packet) : base(continuation, step, packet) { Tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInteger(0), packet.ReadInteger(4)); }
public TileEventArgs(HPoint tile, MouseButtons button, int clicks, int x, int y, int delta) : base(button, clicks, x, y, delta) { Tile = tile; }
public HostWalkEventArgs(int Header, int X, int Y) : base() { this.Header = Header; this.Tile = new HPoint(X, Y); }
public bool Equals(HPoint other) { return(_point.Equals(other._point) && _x == other._x && _y == other._y && string.Equals(_z, other._z)); }
static HPoint() { Empty = new HPoint(0, 0, "0.0"); }
public HostClickPlayerEventArgs(Func<Task> continuation, int step, HMessage packet) : base(continuation, step, packet) { Id = packet.ReadInteger(); Tile = new HPoint(packet.ReadInteger(), packet.ReadInteger()); }
public void PaintTile(HPoint tile, Color marker) { PaintTile(tile.X, tile.Y, marker); }