/// <summary>Attempts to solve a Sudoku puzzle.</summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state of the puzzle to be solved.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options to use for solving.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the solve attempt.</returns>
        /// <remarks>No changes are made to the parameter state.</remarks>
        public static SolverResults Solve(PuzzleState state, SolverOptions options)
            // Validate parameters
            if (state == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("state");
            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("options");
            options = options.Clone();

            if (options.EliminationTechniques.Count == 0)
                options.EliminationTechniques.Add(new NakedSingleTechnique());

            // Turn off the raising of changed events while solving,
            // though it probably doesn't matter as the first thing
            // SolveInternal does is make a clone, and RaiseStateChangedEvent
            // is not cloned (on purpose).
            bool raiseChangedEvent = state.RaiseStateChangedEvent;

            state.RaiseStateChangedEvent = false;

            // Attempt to solve the puzzle
            SolverResults results = SolveInternal(state, options);

            // Reset whether changed events should be raised
            state.RaiseStateChangedEvent = raiseChangedEvent;

            // Return the solver results
        /// <summary>Uses brute-force search techniques to solve the puzzle.</summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state to be solved.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The options to use in solving.</param>
        /// <param name="possibleNumbers">The possible numbers off of which to base the search.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the solve attempt.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Changes may be made to the parameter state.</remarks>
        private static SolverResults BruteForceSolve(PuzzleState state, SolverOptions options, FastBitArray [][] possibleNumbers)
            // A standard brute-force search would take way, way, way too long to solve a Sudoku puzzle.
            // Luckily, there are ways to significantly trim the search tree to a point where
            // brute-force is not only possible, but also very fast.  The idea is that not every number
            // can be put into every cell.  In fact, using elimination techniques, we can narrow down the list
            // of numbers for each cell, such that only those need be are tried.  Moreover, every time a new number
            // is entered into a cell, other cell's possible numbers decrease.  It's in our best interest
            // to start the search with a cell that has the least possible number of options, thereby increasing
            // our chances of "guessing" the right number sooner.  To this end, I find the cell in the grid
            // that is empty and that has the least number of possible numbers that can go in it.  If there's more
            // than one cell with the same number of possibilities, I choose randomly among them. This random
            // choice allows the solver to be used for puzzle generation.
            List <Point> bestGuessCells            = new List <Point>();
            int          bestNumberOfPossibilities = state.GridSize + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < state.GridSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < state.GridSize; j++)
                    int count = possibleNumbers[i][j].CountSet;
                    if (!state[i, j].HasValue)
                        if (count < bestNumberOfPossibilities)
                            bestNumberOfPossibilities = count;
                            bestGuessCells.Add(new Point(i, j));
                        else if (count == bestNumberOfPossibilities)
                            bestGuessCells.Add(new Point(i, j));

            // If there are no cells available to fill, there's nothing we can do
            // to make forward progress.  If there are cells available, which should
            // always be the case when this method is called, go through each of the possible
            // numbers in the cell and try to solve the puzzle with that number in it.
            SolverResults results = null;

            if (bestGuessCells.Count > 0)
                // Choose a random cell from amongst the possibilities found above
                Point bestGuessCell = bestGuessCells[RandomHelper.GetRandomNumber(bestGuessCells.Count)];

                // Get the possible numbers for that cell.  For each possible number,
                // fill that number into the cell and recursively call to Solve.
                FastBitArray possibleNumbersForBestCell = possibleNumbers[bestGuessCell.X][bestGuessCell.Y];
                for (byte p = 0; p < possibleNumbersForBestCell.Length; p++)
                    if (possibleNumbersForBestCell[p])
                        PuzzleState newState = state;

                        // Fill in the cell and solve the puzzle
                        newState[bestGuessCell] = p;
                        SolverOptions tempOptions = options.Clone();
                        if (results != null)
                            tempOptions.MaximumSolutionsToFind =
                                (uint)(tempOptions.MaximumSolutionsToFind.Value - results.Puzzles.Count);
                        SolverResults tempResults = SolveInternal(newState, tempOptions);

                        // If it could be solved, update information about the solving process
                        // and return the solution.  Only if the user wants to find multiple
                        // solutions will the search continue.
                        if (tempResults.Status == PuzzleStatus.Solved)
                            if (results != null && results.Puzzles.Count > 0)
                                results = tempResults;
                            if (options.MaximumSolutionsToFind.HasValue &&
                                results.Puzzles.Count >= options.MaximumSolutionsToFind.Value)

                        // If we're not cloning, we need to cancel out the change
                        newState[bestGuessCell] = null;

            // We'll get here if the requested number of solutions could not be found, or if no
            // solutions at all could be found.  Either return a solution if we did get at least one,
            // or return that none could be found.
            return(results != null ? results : new SolverResults(PuzzleStatus.CannotBeSolved, state, 0, null));