Esempio n. 1
        private void ReleaseLockInternal(LockArgs lockArgs, LockContext context, CloudBlockBlob blob, string leaseId)
            context.AutoRenew = false;
            var releaseTask = new Task(() =>
                blob.ReleaseLease(new AccessCondition() { LeaseId = leaseId });
                if (LockReleased != null) LockReleased(lockArgs);

            if (LockReleaseMode == AzureStorage.LockReleaseMode.Asyncronous)
            else if (LockReleaseMode == AzureStorage.LockReleaseMode.Syncronous)
            else if (LockReleaseMode == AzureStorage.LockReleaseMode.LetExpire)
                // Do nothing
                throw new NotImplementedException("There should not be a possibility for an else");
Esempio n. 2
        private async Task LockInternal(string lockId, string requestId, Action<LockContext> body, int timeLimitInSeconds, DateTime? timeoutTime)
            var lockArgs = new LockArgs(lockId, requestId, 1);
            if (timeLimitInSeconds > 0 && (timeLimitInSeconds < 16 || timeLimitInSeconds > 59))
                throw new ArgumentException("timeLimitInSeconds must be at least 16 and no greater than 59");

            CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(lockId);
            if (blob.Exists() == false)
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            var lockContext = new LockContext(blob, null);
            bool gotLock = false;
            string leaseId = null;
            while (gotLock == false)
                    TimeSpan? maxLeaseTime = null;
                    if (timeLimitInSeconds > 0) maxLeaseTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeLimitInSeconds);
                    string proposedLeaseId = null;
                    object state = null;
                    leaseId = await Task<string>.Factory.FromAsync(blob.BeginAcquireLease, blob.EndAcquireLease, maxLeaseTime, proposedLeaseId, state, TaskCreationOptions.None);
                    lockContext.LeaseId = leaseId;
                    lockContext.AutoRenew = this.AutoRenew;
                    lockContext.LockRenewed += (context) => { if (LockRenewed != null) LockRenewed(lockArgs); };
                    gotLock = true;

                    if (maxLeaseTime.HasValue)
                        lockContext.LockWarningTimerDuration = maxLeaseTime.Value - ExpiryWarningThreshold;
                        lockContext.LockWarningTimer = new Timer((o) =>
                            if (LeaseNearExpiry != null) LeaseNearExpiry(lockArgs, lockContext);
                        }, null, (int)lockContext.LockWarningTimerDuration.TotalMilliseconds, Timeout.Infinite);

                    if (LockAcquired != null) LockAcquired(lockArgs);
                    body(new LockContext(blob,leaseId));
                    if(lockContext.LockWarningTimer != null) lockContext.LockWarningTimer.Dispose();
                catch (StorageException ex)
                    var innerWeb = ex.InnerException as WebException;
                    if (innerWeb == null) throw;
                    var response = innerWeb.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                    if (response == null) throw;
                    if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Conflict) throw;
                    if (timeoutTime.HasValue && DateTime.UtcNow > timeoutTime.Value)
                        throw GetTimeoutExceptionInternal();
                    if(gotLock) ReleaseLockInternal(lockArgs, lockContext, blob, leaseId);

                if (gotLock == false)
                    if (LockWaiting != null) LockWaiting(lockArgs);
                    await Task.Delay(PollingInterval);