Esempio n. 1
        public void editPost_WithEnclosure_AddsNewEnclosure()
            FrameworkEnclosure enclosure = UnitTestHelper.BuildEnclosure("<Digital Photography Explained (for Geeks) with Aaron Hockley/>",
                                              "", "audio/mp3", 123, 26707573, true, true);
            var entry = new Entry(PostType.BlogPost) { Title = "Title 1", Body = "Blah", IsActive = true, Enclosure = enclosure };
            entry.DateCreatedUtc = entry.DatePublishedUtc = entry.DateModifiedUtc = DateTime.ParseExact("1975/01/23", "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var blog = new Blog { Id = 123, Host = "localhost", AllowServiceAccess = true, UserName = "******", Password = "******" };
            var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Repository.GetEntry(It.IsAny<Int32>(), false, true)).Returns(entry);
            var entryPublisher = new Mock<IEntryPublisher>();
            Entry publishedEntry = null;
            entryPublisher.Setup(p => p.Publish(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Callback<Entry>(e => publishedEntry = e);
            var post = new Post { title = "Title 2", description = "Blah", dateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow };
            var postEnclosure = new Enclosure
                url = "",
                type = "audio/mp3",
                length = 123456789
            post.enclosure = postEnclosure;
            var metaWeblog = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);

            // act
            bool result = metaWeblog.editPost("123", "username", "password", post, true);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("", entry.Enclosure.Url);
            Assert.AreEqual("audio/mp3", entry.Enclosure.MimeType);
            Assert.AreEqual(123456789, entry.Enclosure.Size);
Esempio n. 2
        public static Components.Enclosure CopyValuesToEnclosure(this Enclosure source)
            var enclosure = new Components.Enclosure();

Esempio n. 3
        public void editPost_WithEntryHavingEnclosure_UpdatesEntryEnclosureWithNewEnclosure()
            var entry = new Entry(PostType.BlogPost)
                Title = "Title 1", Body = "Blah", IsActive = true

            entry.DateCreatedUtc = entry.DatePublishedUtc = entry.DateModifiedUtc = DateTime.ParseExact("1975/01/23", "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var blog = new Blog {
                Id = 123, Host = "localhost", AllowServiceAccess = true, UserName = "******", Password = "******"
            var subtextContext = new Mock <ISubtextContext>();

            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Repository.GetEntry(It.IsAny <Int32>(), false, true)).Returns(entry);
            var   entryPublisher = new Mock <IEntryPublisher>();
            Entry publishedEntry = null;

            entryPublisher.Setup(p => p.Publish(It.IsAny <Entry>())).Callback <Entry>(e => publishedEntry = e);
            FrameworkEnclosure enclosure = UnitTestHelper.BuildEnclosure("<Digital Photography Explained (for Geeks) with Aaron Hockley/>",
                                                                         "", "audio/mp3", 123, 26707573, true, true);

            entry.Enclosure = enclosure;
            var post = new Post {
                title = "Title 2", description = "Blah", dateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            var postEnclosure = new Enclosure
                url    = "",
                type   = "audio/mp3",
                length = 123456789

            post.enclosure = postEnclosure;
            var metaWeblog = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);

            // act
            bool result = metaWeblog.editPost("123", "username", "password", post, true);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("", entry.Enclosure.Url);
Esempio n. 4
        public void NewPostWithEnclosureCreatesEntryWithEnclosure()
            var blog = new Blog {
                Id = 42, UserName = "******", Password = "******", AllowServiceAccess = true, Host = "localhost"

            var subtextContext = new Mock <ISubtextContext>();

            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            FrameworkEnclosure publishedEnclosure = null;

            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Repository.Create(It.IsAny <FrameworkEnclosure>())).Callback <FrameworkEnclosure>(
                enclosure => publishedEnclosure = enclosure);
            var entryPublisher = new Mock <IEntryPublisher>();

            entryPublisher.Setup(publisher => publisher.Publish(It.IsAny <Entry>())).Returns(42);
            DateTime now    = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime utcNow = now.ToUniversalTime();

            var api  = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);
            var post = new Post();

            post.categories  = null;
            post.description = "A unit test";
            post.title       = "A unit testing title";
            post.dateCreated = utcNow.AddDays(1);

            var postEnclosure = new Enclosure();

            postEnclosure.url    = "";
            postEnclosure.type   = "audio/mp3";
            postEnclosure.length = 123456789;
            post.enclosure       = postEnclosure;

            // act
            string result = api.newPost(blog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post,

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("", publishedEnclosure.Url);
            Assert.AreEqual("audio/mp3", publishedEnclosure.MimeType);
            Assert.AreEqual(123456789, publishedEnclosure.Size);
Esempio n. 5
        public void NewPostWithEnclosureCreatesEntryWithEnclosure()
            var blog = new Blog { Id = 42, UserName = "******", Password = "******", AllowServiceAccess = true, Host = "localhost" };

            var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            FrameworkEnclosure publishedEnclosure = null;
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Repository.Create(It.IsAny<FrameworkEnclosure>())).Callback<FrameworkEnclosure>(
                enclosure => publishedEnclosure = enclosure);
            var entryPublisher = new Mock<IEntryPublisher>();
            entryPublisher.Setup(publisher => publisher.Publish(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Returns(42);
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime utcNow = now.ToUniversalTime();

            var api = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);
            var post = new Post();
            post.categories = null;
            post.description = "A unit test";
            post.title = "A unit testing title";
            post.dateCreated = utcNow.AddDays(1);

            var postEnclosure = new Enclosure();
            postEnclosure.url = "";
            postEnclosure.type = "audio/mp3";
            postEnclosure.length = 123456789;
            post.enclosure = postEnclosure;

            // act
            string result = api.newPost(blog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post,

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("", publishedEnclosure.Url);
            Assert.AreEqual("audio/mp3", publishedEnclosure.MimeType);
            Assert.AreEqual(123456789, publishedEnclosure.Size);
Esempio n. 6
 public static void CopyValuesTo(this Enclosure source, Components.Enclosure enclosure)
     enclosure.Url      = source.url;
     enclosure.MimeType = source.type;
     enclosure.Size     = source.length;
Esempio n. 7
        public void CanUpdatePostWithEnclosure()
            string hostname = UnitTestHelper.GenerateRandomString();
            Assert.IsTrue(Config.CreateBlog("", "username", "password", hostname, ""));
            UnitTestHelper.SetHttpContextWithBlogRequest(hostname, "");
            Config.CurrentBlog.AllowServiceAccess = true;

            Entry entry = new Entry(PostType.BlogPost);
            entry.Title = "Title 1";
            entry.Body = "Blah";
            entry.IsActive = true;
            entry.DateCreated = entry.DateSyndicated = entry.DateModified = DateTime.ParseExact("1975/01/23", "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            int entryId = Entries.Create(entry);

            string enclosureUrl = "";
            string enclosureMimeType = "audio/mp3";
            long enclosureSize = 26707573;

            FrameworkEnclosure enc = UnitTestHelper.BuildEnclosure("<Digital Photography Explained (for Geeks) with Aaron Hockley/>", enclosureUrl, enclosureMimeType, entryId, enclosureSize, true, true);

            entry = Entries.GetEntry(entryId, PostConfig.None, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(entry.Enclosure, "There should be a enclosure here.");

            MetaWeblog api = new MetaWeblog();
            Post post = new Post();
            post.title = "Title 2";
            post.description = "Blah";
            post.dateCreated = DateTime.Now;

            Enclosure postEnclosure = new Enclosure();
            postEnclosure.url = "";
            postEnclosure.type = "audio/mp3";
            postEnclosure.length = 123456789;
            post.enclosure = postEnclosure;

            bool result = api.editPost(entryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post, true);

            entry = Entries.GetEntry(entryId, PostConfig.None, true);

            Assert.IsNotNull(entry.Enclosure, "Should have kept the enclosure.");
            Assert.AreEqual("", entry.Enclosure.Url, "Not the updated enclosure url.");
Esempio n. 8
        public void UpdatingWithEnclosureAddNewEnclosure()
            string hostname = UnitTestHelper.GenerateRandomString();
            Assert.IsTrue(Config.CreateBlog("", "username", "password", hostname, ""));
            UnitTestHelper.SetHttpContextWithBlogRequest(hostname, "");
            Config.CurrentBlog.AllowServiceAccess = true;

            Entry entry = new Entry(PostType.BlogPost);
            entry.Title = "Title 1";
            entry.Body = "Blah";
            entry.IsActive = true;
            entry.DateCreated = entry.DateSyndicated = entry.DateModified = DateTime.ParseExact("1975/01/23", "yyyy/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            int entryId = Entries.Create(entry);

            Assert.IsNull(entry.Enclosure, "There should not be any enclosure here.");

            MetaWeblog api = new MetaWeblog();
            Post post = new Post();
            post.title = "Title 2";
            post.description = "Blah";
            post.dateCreated = DateTime.Now;

            Enclosure postEnclosure = new Enclosure();
            postEnclosure.url = "";
            postEnclosure.type = "audio/mp3";
            postEnclosure.length = 123456789;
            post.enclosure = postEnclosure;

            bool result = api.editPost(entryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post, true);

            entry = Entries.GetEntry(entryId, PostConfig.None, true);

            Assert.IsNotNull(entry.Enclosure, "Should have created the enclosure as well.");
            Assert.AreEqual("", entry.Enclosure.Url, "Not the expected enclosure url.");
            Assert.AreEqual("audio/mp3", entry.Enclosure.MimeType, "Not the expected enclosure mimetype.");
            Assert.AreEqual(123456789, entry.Enclosure.Size, "Not the expected enclosure size.");
Esempio n. 9
        public void NewPostWithEnclosureCreatesEntryWithEnclosure()
            string hostname = UnitTestHelper.GenerateRandomString();
            Assert.IsTrue(Config.CreateBlog("", "username", "password", hostname, ""));
            UnitTestHelper.SetHttpContextWithBlogRequest(hostname, "");
            Config.CurrentBlog.AllowServiceAccess = true;

            MetaWeblog api = new MetaWeblog();
            Post post = new Post();
            post.categories = null;
            post.description = "A unit test";
            post.title = "A unit testing title";
            post.dateCreated = DateTime.Now;

            Enclosure postEnclosure = new Enclosure();
            postEnclosure.url = "";
            postEnclosure.type = "audio/mp3";
            postEnclosure.length = 123456789;
            post.enclosure = postEnclosure;

            string result = api.newPost(Config.CurrentBlog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post, true);
            int entryId = int.Parse(result);

            Entry entry = Entries.GetEntry(entryId, PostConfig.None, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(entry, "Guess the entry did not get created properly.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(entry.Enclosure,"Should have created the enclosure as well.");
            Assert.AreEqual("", entry.Enclosure.Url,"Not the expected enclosure url.");
            Assert.AreEqual("audio/mp3", entry.Enclosure.MimeType, "Not the expected enclosure mimetype.");
            Assert.AreEqual(123456789, entry.Enclosure.Size,"Not the expected enclosure size.");