public WearingWithConflictingItemException(Thing item1, Thing item2)
            : base("You can't wear both " + item1.GetSpecificName() + " and " +
			item2.GetSpecificName() + " at the same time. You'll have to " +
			"take off " + item1.GetSpecificName() + " in order to put on " +
			item2.GetSpecificName() + '.')
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a given <see cref="Actor"/> can see a given
        /// <see cref="Thing"/> from their current location(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actor">the <see cref="Actor"/> trying to interact with something</param>
        /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> being interacted with</param>
        /// <returns>true if the <see cref="Actor"/> can see the <see cref="Thing"/>; false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool CanSee(Actor actor, Thing item)
            // if either the item's location or the actor's location is null,
            // return false
            if (item.GetLocation() == null || actor.GetLocation() == null) {
                return false; }

            // if there are no opaque barriers between the item and the actor,
            // return true
            else if (GetTopMostVisibleContainer(actor.GetLocation())
                  == GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation())) {
                return true; }

            // if the item is held in someone's hands,
            else if (typeof(Hands) ==
                GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation()).GetType()) {

                // do an explicit cast for the sake of legibility
                Hands hands = (Hands)GetTopMostVisibleContainer(

                // if the hands belongs to the actor, return true
                if (hands.GetOwner() == actor) {
                    return true; }

                // if the actor can see the owner of the hands, return true
                else if (GetTopMostVisibleContainer(actor.GetLocation())
                        == GetTopMostVisibleContainer(
                    return true; }

                // otherwise, the hands cannot be seen,
                // so the item cannot be seen either
                return false;

            } // end case "item is in someone's hands"

            // if the item is a piece of clothing currently being worn
            // or is inside a piece of clothing currently being worn,
            else if (typeof(Clothes) == GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation()).GetType()) {

                // if the person wearing the clothing is the actor, return true
                if (((Clothes)GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation())).GetOwner() == actor) {
                    return true; }

                // if the item is worn by someone else and it is visible, return true
                else if (((Clothes)item.GetLocation()).GetOwner().GetVisibleRecursiveContents().Contains(item)){
                    return true; }

                // if it's not visible, return false
                else {
                    return false; }

            } // end case "item is being worn"

            // otherwise, return false
            return false;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a given <see cref="Actor"/> can see a given
        /// <see cref="Thing"/> from their current location(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actor">the <see cref="Actor"/> trying to interact with something</param>
        /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> being interacted with</param>
        /// <returns>true if the <see cref="Actor"/> can see the <see cref="Thing"/>; false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool CanSee(Actor actor, Thing item)
            // if either the item's location or the actor's location is null, return false
            if (item.GetLocation() == null || actor.GetLocation() == null) {
                return false; }

            // if there are no opaque barriers between the item and the actor, return true
            else if (GetTopMostVisibleContainer(actor.GetLocation()) == GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation())) {
                return true; }

            // if the item is in an inventory,
            else if (typeof(Inventory) == item.GetLocation().GetType()) {

                // if the inventory belongs to the actor, return true
                if (((Inventory)item.GetLocation()).GetOwner() == actor) {
                    return true; }

                else { // theft is not coded yet
                    throw new Exception("Theft has not been coded for yet."); }

            } // end case "item is in an inventory"

            // if the item is a piece of clothing currently being worn
            // or is inside a piece of clothing currently being worn,
            else if (typeof(Clothes) == GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation()).GetType()) {

                // if the person wearing the clothing is the actor, return true
                if (((Clothes)GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation())).GetOwner() == actor) {
                    return true; }

                // if the item is worn by someone else and it is visible, return true
                else if (((Clothes)item.GetLocation()).GetOwner().GetVisibleRecursiveContents().Contains(item)){
                    return true; }

                // if it's not visible, return false
                else {
                    return false; }

            } // end case "item is being worn"

            // otherwise, return false
            return false;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Prints a generic message reporting a simple action with two parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actor">the <see cref="Actor"/> performing the action</param>
 /// <param name="verb">the action being performed</param>
 /// <param name="item1">the first <see cref="Thing"/> the action is performed on</param>
 /// <param name="separator">word or phrase separating the two parameters</param>
 /// <param name="item2">the second <see cref="Thing"/> the action is performed on</param>
 public static void ReportIfVisible(Actor actor, VerbSet verb, Thing item1, string separator, Thing item2)
         + ' ' + actor.GetConjugatedVerb(verb)
         + ' ' + item1.GetSpecificName()
         + separator + item2.GetSpecificName() + '.');
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// This function checks to see if the <see cref="player"/> can see the
 /// <see cref="Thing"/> trying to print a message. If the
 /// <see cref="player"/> can see the <see cref="Thing"/>, the message
 /// is printed. If not, nothing happens.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> that wants to print a message</param>
 /// <param name="message">the message to be printed</param>
 public static void ReportIfVisible(Thing item, string message)
     if (IsVisible(item)) {
         writeFormatted(message); }
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves a <see cref="Thing"/> into a given <see cref="Container"/>,
 /// regardless of where the <see cref="Thing"/> is before the move.
 /// Can be used to bring a <see cref="Thing"/> into play.
 /// Therefore, the <see cref="Thing"/>'s location may be null.
 /// This function checks for that possibility and handles it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to move</param>
 /// <param name="place">the <see cref="Container"/> to put it in</param>
 public static void Move(Thing item, Container place)
     if (item.GetLocation() != null) {
         item.GetLocation().RemoveThing(item); }
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether or not the given <see cref="Thing"/> is visible
 /// to the <see cref="player"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to check if visible</param>
 /// <returns>true if the <see cref="Thing"/> is visible to the <see cref="player"/>; false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool IsVisible(Thing item)
     return GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation()) == GetTopMostVisibleContainer(player.GetLocation());
Esempio n. 8
 //                            Booleans                               //
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether a given <see cref="Thing"/> is the <see cref="player"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to check</param>
 /// <returns>true if the <see cref="Thing"/> is the <see cref="player"/>; false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool IsPlayer(Thing item)
     return item == player;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Prints a description of the specified <see cref="Thing"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to examine</param>
 public static void Examine(Thing item)
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a <see cref="Thing"/> to the contents of the room. If the
        /// specified item is already in the room, throws an exception instead.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">the thing to be added to the room</param>
        public void AddThing(Thing item)
            // if the room already contains that item, throw an exception
            if (this.contents.Contains(item)) {
                throw new Exception("Error: Attempted to add something to a room that it was already inside of."); }

            else { // just add the item normally
                this.contents.Add(item); }
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a <see cref="Thing"/> from the contents of the room. If the
 /// specified item is not in the room, throws an exception instead.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">the thing to be removed from the room</param>
 public void RemoveThing(Thing item)
     // if the room does not contain the item, throw an exception
     if (!this.contents.Remove(item)) {
         throw new Exception("Error: Attempted to remove something from a room that did not contain it."); }
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the room contains a specified item.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">the item to check for</param>
 /// <returns>true if the room contains the item; false if it does not</returns>
 public bool Contains(Thing item)
     return this.contents.Contains(item);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a name for the <see cref="Thing"/> that does not match any of
        /// the names for the things passed as a parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemSet">the othere things to check against</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a unique name for this thing, if one exists,
        /// or null if it has no unique name
        /// </returns>
        public string GetUniqueName(Thing[] itemSet)
            HashSet<string> nameSet = new HashSet<string>();

            foreach (Thing item in itemSet) {
                nameSet.UnionWith(item.parsedNames); }

            foreach (string name in this.parsedNames) {
                if (!nameSet.Contains(name)) {
                    return name; } }

            return null;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// The idea behind this function is that if there is no way for
        /// the player to tell the difference between two things, the parser
        /// should just randomly pick one when deciding how to parse the command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual bool CannotBeDistinguishedFrom(Thing other)
            if (this.GetType() != other.GetType()) {
                return false; }

            if ( != {
                return false; }

            return true;