public void should_be_able_to_resolve_from_the_generic_family_expression()
            var widget = new AWidget();
            var container = new Container(x => x.For(typeof (IWidget)).Use(widget).Named("mine"));

        public void add_an_instance_by_literal_object()
            var aWidget = new AWidget();

            var container = new Container(x => { x.For<IWidget>().Use(aWidget); });

Esempio n. 3
        public void get_uses_the_family_to_return()
            var widget = new AWidget();

            family.Stub(x => x.Build(instance)).Return(widget);

        public void get_for_uncached_instance_returns_passed_instance()
            var aWidget = new AWidget();
            var instance = new ObjectInstance(aWidget);

            var cachedWidget = cache.Get(typeof (IWidget), instance, new StubBuildSession());

        public void get_for_cached_instance_returns_cached_instance()
            var aWidget = new AWidget();
            var instance = new ObjectInstance(aWidget);
            cache.Get(typeof(IWidget), instance, new StubBuildSession());
            var cachedWidget = cache.Get(typeof(IWidget), instance, new StubBuildSession());

            Assert.AreEqual(aWidget, cachedWidget);
        public void eject_a_non_disposable_object()
            var widget = new AWidget();
            var instance = new ObjectInstance(widget);

            cache.Set(typeof (IWidget), instance, widget);

            cache.Eject(typeof (IWidget), instance);

            cache.Has(typeof (IWidget), instance).ShouldBeFalse();
        public void Add_default_instance_with_literal()
            var registry  = new Registry();
            var theWidget = new AWidget();

            var theProfileName = "something";

            registry.Profile(theProfileName, p => { p.For <IWidget>().Use(theWidget); });

            var graph = registry.Build();

            .ShouldBeOfType <ObjectInstance <AWidget, IWidget> >()
        public void use_all_instances_of_an_enumerable_element_type()
            var widget1 = new AWidget();
            var widget2 = new AWidget();
            var widget3 = new AWidget();

            var container = new Container(x => {
                x.For<IWidget>().AddInstances(o => {

            container.GetInstance<ClassWithWidgets>().Widgets.ShouldHaveTheSameElementsAs(widget1, widget2, widget3);
        public void get_for_cached_instance_created_on_different_thread_returns_cached_instance()
            var aWidget = new AWidget();
            var instance = new ObjectInstance(aWidget);
            cache.Get(typeof (IWidget), instance, new StubBuildSession());

            object cachedWidget = null;
            var thread =
                new Thread(() => { cachedWidget = cache.Get(typeof (IWidget), instance, new StubBuildSession()); });

            // Allow 10ms for the thread to start and for Get call to complete

        public void has()
            var widget = new AWidget();
            var instance = new ObjectInstance(widget);

            cache.Has(typeof (IWidget), instance).ShouldBeFalse();

            cache.Set(typeof (Rule), instance, widget);

            cache.Has(typeof (IWidget), instance).ShouldBeFalse();

            cache.Set(typeof (IWidget), new ObjectInstance(new AWidget()), widget);

            cache.Has(typeof (IWidget), instance).ShouldBeFalse();

            cache.Set(typeof (IWidget), instance, widget);

            cache.Has(typeof (IWidget), instance).ShouldBeTrue();
        public void get_for_cached_instance_created_on_different_thread_returns_cached_instance()
            var aWidget = new AWidget();
            var instance = new ObjectInstance(aWidget);
            cache.Get(typeof(IWidget), instance, new StubBuildSession());
            object cachedWidget = null;
            var thread = new Thread(() =>
                cachedWidget = cache.Get(typeof(IWidget), instance, new StubBuildSession());

            // Allow 10ms for the thread to start and for Get call to complete

            Assert.NotNull(cachedWidget, "Get did not return cachedWidget within allowed time. Is your thread being blocked?");
            Assert.AreEqual(aWidget, cachedWidget);
        public void Set_the_default_to_a_built_object()
            var aWidget = new AWidget();

            var manager =
                new Container(
                    registry => registry.ForRequestedType<IWidget>().TheDefault.Is.Object(aWidget));

            Assert.AreSame(aWidget, manager.GetInstance<IWidget>());
        public void Set_the_default_to_a_built_object()
            var aWidget = new AWidget();

            var manager =
                new Container(
                    registry => registry.For<IWidget>().Use(aWidget));

        public void get_and_set_a_non_primitive_type_that_is_not_enumerable()
            ConstructorInstance instance = ConstructorInstance.For<ClassWithNonPrimitive>();

            var widget = new AWidget();

            instance.As<IConfiguredInstance>().SetValue("widget", widget);

            instance.Get("widget", typeof (IWidget), new StubBuildSession()).ShouldEqual(widget);
        public void Add_default_instance_with_literal()
            var registry = new Registry();
            var theWidget = new AWidget();

            string theProfileName = "something";
            registry.Profile(theProfileName, p => {

            PluginGraph graph = registry.Build();
            graph.Profile("something").Families[typeof (IWidget)].GetDefaultInstance()
        public void Add_default_instance_with_literal()
            var registry = new Registry();
            var theWidget = new AWidget();

            string theProfileName = "something";

            PluginGraph graph = registry.Build();
            var instance = (ObjectInstance) graph.ProfileManager.GetDefault(typeof (IWidget), "something");

            Assert.AreSame(theWidget, instance.Object);