public override ProjectProperties GetProjectData()

            OutputLog.Log("Capturing configuration from VS projects...");

            Project project = EditorUtils.GetActiveProject();

            VCProject prj = project.Object as VCProject;

            if (prj == null)

            VCConfiguration config = prj.ActiveConfiguration;

            if (config == null)

            VCPlatform platform = config.Platform;

            if (platform == null)

            var vctools = config.Tools as IVCCollection;

            if (vctools == null)

            var midl = vctools.Item("VCMidlTool") as VCMidlTool;

            var evaluator = new MacroEvaluatorVisualPlatform(platform);

            ProjectProperties ret = new ProjectProperties();

            ret.Target   = midl != null && midl.TargetEnvironment == midlTargetEnvironment.midlTargetWin32 ? ProjectProperties.TargetType.x86 : ProjectProperties.TargetType.x64;
            ret.Standard = GetStandardVersion(config);

            //Working directory (always local to processed file)
            ret.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullName);

            //Include dirs / files and preprocessor
            AppendMSBuildStringToList(ret.IncludeDirectories, evaluator.Evaluate(platform.IncludeDirectories));
            AppendProjectProperties(ret, vctools.Item("VCCLCompilerTool") as VCCLCompilerTool, vctools.Item("VCNMakeTool") as VCNMakeTool, evaluator);

            //Get settings from the single file (this might fail badly if there are no settings to catpure)
            var applicationObject = EditorUtils.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(DTE)) as EnvDTE80.DTE2;

            ProjectItem         item       = applicationObject.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem;
            VCFile              vcfile     = item != null ? item.Object as VCFile : null;
            IVCCollection       fileCfgs   = vcfile != null ? (IVCCollection)vcfile.FileConfigurations : null;
            VCFileConfiguration fileConfig = fileCfgs != null?fileCfgs.Item(config.Name) as VCFileConfiguration : null;

            VCCLCompilerTool fileToolCL    = null;
            VCNMakeTool      fileToolNMake = null;

                fileToolCL    = fileConfig.Tool as VCCLCompilerTool;
                fileToolNMake = fileConfig.Tool as VCNMakeTool;
            catch (Exception e)
                //If we really need this data we can always parse the vcxproj as an xml
                OutputLog.Log("File specific properties not found, only project properties used (" + e.Message + ")");

            AppendProjectProperties(ret, fileToolCL, fileToolNMake, evaluator);

            CaptureExtraProperties(ret, evaluator);

            AddCustomSettings(ret, evaluator);

            RemoveMSBuildStringFromList(ret.IncludeDirectories, evaluator.Evaluate(platform.ExcludeDirectories)); //Exclude directories

